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外研版八年级下册期末一 附答案.docx

1、外研版八年级下册期末一 附答案2015年第二学期期末检测试卷(一)八年级英语 注意:请将答案填写在答题卷上,将第二卷的答案写在相应的横线上。在试题卷上答题无效。第二部分 笔试. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分。)从各小题所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案。26. There are five in my family.A. child B. children C. boy D. girl27. Molly said to her parents before she went to school.A. hello B. OK C. goodbye D. yes28. The winner of t

2、he English speech competition was an boy for Beijing.A. seven-year old B. seven-years old C. eight-year-old D. eight-years-old29. I learned English by because nobody taught me.A. themselves B. herself C. himself D. myself30. We the supper with coffee.A. ended up B. put up C. woke up D. came up31. Ho

3、w long have you Canada? For about two years.A. been to B. gone to C. been in D. come to 32. He some newspapers before breakfast.A. looked after B. looked through C. looked up D. looked down33. I dont like to dishonest (不诚实的) people.A. make friends with B. make a living C. make progress D. make the b

4、ed34. This TV set is too loud. Could you please ?A. to turn it down B. to turn down it C. turn it down D. turn down it35. How do you with your classmates?A. get along B. come along C. go on D. get in36. I want to fly rockets to the moon. I hope your dream will one day.A. take off B. take place C. co

5、me out D. come true 37. Ive never been to a water park. .A. Me neither B. Me both C. Me also D. Me, too38. My father the newspaper when I arrived home. A. reads B. is reading C. was reading D. have read 39. I have heard of the story many times.A. listen to B. heard about C. look up D. look like40. I

6、 think the old man will be back soon. A. right away B. far away C. go away D. give away. 完形填空(每空1分,共10分。)阅读下面的短文,从各空所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案。One day I went to take a bus. There were many people 41 in line. Among them were two young men. 42 they stood behind, smoking and talking loudly. When the bus came and

7、the 43 opened, they 44 their bags and cut in line and jumped onto the bus right away. They didnt 45 of others at all.On the bus they didnt 46 their voice down and went on 47 . This made others uncomfortable. The conductor said, “Smoking isnt 48 in public. Would you mind putting out your cigarettes?

8、”“ Oh, its on the bus, not in public,” the two men answered. Everyone 49 .I think teenagers should behave 50 . They should never break the rule of etiquette.41. A. cutting B. waiting C. cut D. wait 42. A. At night B. At least C. At the same time D. At first43. A. door B. bag C. box D. window44. A. p

9、ut up B. call sb. up C. right away D. picked up 45. A. take place B. take care C. take off D. take away46. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep47. A. smoke B. smokes C. smoking D. smoked48. A. allow B. allowing C. to allow D. allowed 49. A. get annoyed B. got annoyed C. getting annoyed D. get annoy

10、50. A. quickly B. polite C. politely D. probably . 阅读理解 (5160题每小题1分,6170题每小题2分,共30分。) A阅读短文,判断短文后句子的意思是否与短文内容相符。用“T”表示相符,“F”表示不相符。(每小题1分)Tim was a student. It was going to be his mothers birthday. He wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not expensive.He went shopping after a

11、 quick and simple lunch. After he looked for half an hour, he found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas, and he decided to take a black one.He thought, “Mom can carry it when she is wearing clothes of any color.” So he bought a lovely black umbrella and took it to school with him until his class

12、 finished.On his way home on the train he felt hungry because he had so little for lunch. So he went to buy some food. He left the umbrella on his seat. But when he got back, it was gone! Tim began to cry. The other passengers felt very sorry for him and asked what the matter was. He told them the b

13、lack umbrella he bought for his mother had gone, and he had to get off at the next station. After the three passengers heard this, they asked him for his mothers address so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone took it by mistake and brought it back.And now a week passed. Tim got a let

14、ter from his mother. It said “Thank you very much for your lovely gifts, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?”51. Tim wanted to buy an expensive present for his mother.52. At last Tim decided to buy his mother an umbrella.53. Tim couldnt find his umbrella when he got back to his seat.54. A

15、fter he went back to school Tim bought three more black umbrellas for his mother.55. From the story we know the three passengers were all very kind. B阅读短文,根据短文内容,从下面各小题所给的四个备选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题1分)Mr. Allen teaches in a middle school. Hes friendly to his students. And he is always strict with himself. He

16、 often tells his students to be polite and to do their best to help the persons who are in trouble.One Monday morning Mr. Allen didnt go to work and went to see Mr. White who was ill in hospital. As there was something wrong with his car, he had to take a bus. When he got on the bus, he easily found

17、 a seat. Soon plenty of people got on the bus and it was very crowded. Some of them had to stand. Mr. Allen looked around and saw a woman standing behind. He stood up and made room for her. The woman said nothing and sat down. Her behavior made Mr. Allen unhappy.“Its necessary for her to be taught h

18、ow to be polite,” he said to himself. Then he asked, “What did you say, madam?”“I didnt say anything,” answered the woman.“I thought you said, Thank you!”When the woman heard this, her face turned red.56. What does Mr. Allen do? A. He is a driver. B. He is a teacher. C. He is a worker. D. He is a do

19、ctor. 57. What was wrong with Mr. White?A. He was ill. B. He missed the class.C. He took the wrong bus. D. His car didnt work.58. Why was Mr. Allen unhappy? A. Because it was too crowded. B. Because the bus was late.C. Because the woman took his seat. D. Because the woman was impolite.59. Why did th

20、e womans face turn red?A. Because she was a very shy woman. B. Because she was angry. C. Because she forgot what she had said.D. Because she realized (认识到) she was not polite.60. What do you think the woman would say at last?A. Never mind. B. You are wrong. C. Im sorry. D. Excuse me.C阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从

21、下面各小题所给的四个备选项中,选出最佳选项。(每小题2分)Name: Edward ScottSchool: Kelvin Grove State High School, LondonGrade: 8Term ending: May 6thSubjectsRemarks (评语)MathHe is a little weak in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others.Science He can work out many difficult problems. Well done!EnglishHe is the

22、best in the class. Keep it up!FrenchHis reading is very good, and he can remember many words.HistoryHe is not so good at this, but he has done better than before.GeographyHe is familiar with the names of many places in the world.MusicHe does like pop songs, and he sings very well.Principal M.L. Mart

23、in61. After reading the passage, we know it is probably .A. a school report of Edward Scott B. a working plan of M.L. Martin C. a teaching plan of Edward Scott D. a studying plan of M.L. Martin62. Which subject is not mentioned in the diagram (图表)?A. Math. B. History. C. P.E. D. Music.63. Edwards be

24、st subject is .A. French B. English C. Geography D. Science64. How many subjects are mentioned in the diagram? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.65. is not so good at math and history.A. Edward B. Edwards brother C. Edwards classmate D. Martin D阅读下面短文,短文中有五处空白,文后方框内有五个句子,请根据短文内容把它们分别放回到文中原来的位置上,以恢

25、复文章的原貌。(每小题2分)We all have friends, but few are our true friends. Jay is my true friend. 66 We live in the same neighborhood and we are in the same class.Jay is very tall and healthy. 67 We both like sports. Jay is good at basketball and Im good at table tennis. After school, we always play basketbal

26、l or table tennis together. 68 He is hard-working and always listens to the teachers carefully in class. He is friendly to everyone, so we all like him.Jay is always ready (准备好) to help me. When I have difficulty in studies, I often ask him for help. 69 He often explains the problems that I am havin

27、g trouble (困难) with. Once when my brother was in hospital, he stood by me and looked after him with me. 70 My parents like him very much. They treat him like a member (成员) of my family . His parents treat me the same way. I am lucky to have such a friend.A. He is the tallest boy in our class. B. He

28、is good at math, but I am weak at it.C. We often visit each others houses. D. He is the same age as me. E. Jay is a good student. . 情景交际A(每小题1分,共5分。)根据上下文意思,从方框中选择5个句子补全对话,使其意思完整。A: You look tired. 71 B: Well. I cant stand my neighbor.A: What happened?B: 72 And I cant sleep well.A: Oh, did he sing l

29、oudly last night?B: Yes. He sang with his friends until 11 oclock. A: 73 B: But I dont know what to say.A: Its easy. Just say like this, “Please dont sing loudly at night.”B: I think he will get annoyed if I say like that. A: Maybe you should try to be polite. You could say like this, “ 74 ” B: Soun

30、ds great. Ill talk with him this evening. 75 A: Youre welcome.A. Whats the time?B. Would you mind not singing loudly at night? C. Whats wrong? D. You should talk with him about it.E. How are you?F. Thanks a lot.G. He often sings loudly at night. 第卷 (30分). 综合填空(每空1分,共10分。)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择单词,根据实际情况用其适当形式

31、填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词,每词只能用一次。whenever, know, season, especially, quarter, natural, fear, round, everything, wonderfulHello, everyone!All I ever wanted was to build a Disneyland in Kunming, China.We 76 Disneyland is an amusement park. Everyone is interested in its characters, 77 Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Spending your holiday there is 78 but many people

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