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1、8A知识点归纳8A Unit 2课堂笔记 一.单词重点1.British 英国的 (形); 英国人 (名) Britain 英国 (名)England 英国 (泛指);英格兰(专指 )The United Kingdom英国,联合王国 (简称the UK)2.myself 我自己 总结: 反身代词 ourselves 我们自己 oneself 某人自己yourselves 你们自己 themselves 他们自己yourself 你自己 himself 他自己 herself 她自己 itself 它自己 常见短语:enjoy oneself (某人自己)玩得开心 look after one

2、self = take care of oneself 照顾某人自己 hurt oneself 弄伤某人自己 help oneself to 随便吃 teach oneself 自学 = learn sth by oneself say to oneself 自言自语 for oneself 为某人自己; 亲自 by oneself 独自地; 单独地3.tasty 味道好的 (形) e.g. tasty meals 可口的饭 taste a) 味道 (名) e.g. a pleasant taste 一种令人愉快的味道 b) 品尝 (动,行为动词) c) 尝起来 (动,系动词) e.g. ta

3、ste like 尝起来像4.even 甚至;更加 (副,后常跟比较级) much 很(副,后常跟比较级) 5.practice 练习,操练 (动/名,) practise练习,操练 (动,)- practice 练习,操练 (名,) practise/ practice sth 练习某事 practise/ practice doing sth 练习做某事 总结:只跟doing不跟to do 的动词有 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 finish doing sth 完成做某事 keep doing sth 不停地做某事, 继续不断做某事 spend doing sth 花费.做

4、某事6.hero 英雄;被崇拜的对象-(复数) heroes (加es)总结:以o结尾的可数名词变(复数)a)有生命加-es e.g. heroes potatoes 土豆 tomatoe 西红柿 mangoes芒果 b)无生命加-s e.g. zoos动物园 radios收音机 photos照片pianos 钢琴词尾为两个元音字母的词只加-s e.g. bamboos竹子 kangaroos 袋鼠 7.close a) 关 (动) close the door 关门 b) 亲密的, 靠近的(形) e.g. close friends.密友 be close to靠近 closed 关着的(表

5、示状态) e.g. The door is closed. 门关着 科学(做学科时,大写S) scientist 科学家9.useful 有用的,有益的(形)= use 用途+-ful 总结: 名词+ful = 形容词 help+ ful = helpful 有帮助的,乐于助人的(形) beauty+ful = beautiful 美丽的(形) care + ful = careful 小心的;仔细的(形) useless 无用的(形,-less为否定的形容词后缀) use 使用(动);用途(名)10.unimportant 不重要的(形) important重要的(形,-

6、un 为否定前缀) unpopular 不流行的;不受欢迎的(形) popular流行的;受欢迎的(形)11.least最少, (形/副) (little的最高级,后跟不可数) most 最多(可数/不可数) less较少 (形/副) (little的比较级,后跟不可数) more较多(可数/不可数) little 很少, (形/副) (原级,后跟不可数) much许多(不可数)12.health健康(名) e.g. be good (bad) for your health 对你的健康有好(坏)处 healthy 健康的(形) e.g. keep healthy / be healthy 保

7、持健康 healthily 健康地(副) healthily 健康地吃 (做主语时.用eating) unhealthy 不健康的(形) a)在线的,联网的(形) e.g. an online friend 一个网友b)在线(副) e.g. chat online in English 在网上用英语聊天14.length 长,长度(名) long 长的(形) 能够的(形) e.g. be able to do sth = can do sth 能够做某事16.monkey 猴子 (复) monkeys (元音字母+y结尾的直接加-s) e.g.

8、boyscity城市cities (辅音字母+y结尾的变“y”为“i”再加-es) e.g. countries 国家 元音字母: a,e,i,o,u 17.finish 完成;结束(vi/vt) ( 注意:三单加-es, 三单动词以s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾的加-es)finish sth 完成某事 finish doing sth 做完某事 baseball 打棒球 play table tennis 打乒乓球 play tennis 打网球 play chess 下国际象棋 ( 球类或者棋类运动前不加冠词)19.pop 流行的,通俗的(形) e.g. pop music

9、流行音乐 a pop singer 一位通俗歌手二.语法重点(P28-P31)1. morethan 比多 (more后加可数或不可数,因为原级是many 或much) fewerthan 比少 (fewer后只加可数因为原级是few ) lessthan 比少 (less后只加不可数因为原级是little) more than = over 超过,多于 less than = under 少于,未满2.the most 最多 (most后加可数或不可数,因为原级是many 或much) the fewest 最少 (the fewest 后只加可数因为原级是few ) the least 最

10、少 (the least后只加不可数因为原级是little)e.g. score the most points 得最多(高)的分数(可数) have the most money 有最多的钱(不可数) score the fewest points 得最少(低)的分数(可数) hove the least money 有最少的钱(不可数)注意:形容词最高级前要加the,如形容词最高级前有形容词性物主代词(如my)或名词所有格(如:Jacks)时,不用 the same as 和.一样 (same 前有the) be different from 和.不同 = be not t

11、he same as different 不同的(形) difference 不同,区别(可数) e.g. My uniform is the same as Simons (uniform). (后面的uniform可省)Simons uniform is the same as my uniform=Simons uniform is the same as mine . (mine 用名词性物主代词)Simons uniform is the same as my. (错误用法)二.课文重点C,W (P22-P23) like watching TV 像看电视 ( like 介词

12、,后跟动词要加-ing) like 像(介) e.g. Jack is like Tom alike 相似的(形,做表语) =Jack and Tom are alike.2.fewer adertisements 更少的广告 (fewer 更少的,较少的,后加可数名复)3 .British English 英式英语 American English 美式英语 a British school 一所英国学校 an American school 一所美国学校 R,V(P24-P27)4.everybody = everyone 每人,大家 (作主语时跟单数动词) Year 8= in

13、Grade 8= in 8th grade 在8年级(注意大小写,和数词形式)6.a mixed school 一所男女混合的学校7.have lessons together 一起上课8.learn how to cook and sew 学习如何烹饪和做针线活learn用法总结 (learn的过去式:learned/learnt)learn sth 学习某事 e.g. learn English 学习英语learn to do sth 学习做某事 e.g. learn to swim 学游泳learn how to do sth 学习如何做某事 e.g. learn how to cook

14、 and sewlearn sth from sb 跟某人学习某事learn sth by oneself 自学某事learn about sth 了解关于某事9.dont know how to do things for yourself 不知道如何为自己做事情10. how to cook healthy and tasty meals 如何烹饪健康而又可口的饭 wh-疑问词+to do 在句中常做宾语 (why除外,不能+to do)11.Reading Week 读书周 any book 读任何一本书(any 用于肯定句表示任何或任何一个,后跟单数) e.g. any

15、other student 任何其他学生(单数) any student 任何学生13.tell our English teacher what we are reading 告诉我们英语老师我们正读的内容 what we are reading 是宾语从句 (用陈述句语序)14. near the end of sth 临近结束的时候at the end of sth 在结束时;在的末端in the end 在最后 = at last = finally15. as well 也 (肯定句尾) too 也 (肯定句尾,前常有逗号) also 也 (肯定句中) either 也 (否定句尾)

16、16.have driving lessons 上驾驶课My brother drives me to school 我的哥哥开车送我去上学=I go to school in my brothers car drive sb to 开车送某人去某地17.It takes less time than taking the bus .它花的时间比乘公交车少. spend a lot of time practicing 花许多时间练习 花费用法总结:spend 主语是人 常用 spend doing sth / on sth 花费做某事pay 主语是人 常用 pay some money fo

17、r sth 为付.钱take 主语是It或事 常用 It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花某人一段时间cost 主语是物 常用 sth cost (sb) some money 某物花某人一些钱18. twice a week 一周两次 once a week 一周一次three times a week 一周三次(对整个短语划线提问用 How often .但如仅对once, twice, three times提问则用How many times .另外, How often还可用于对频度副词always ,usually,often,sometimes,

18、seldom,never等划线提问) How long 多长(用于问一段时间或物体长度) How far 多远(用于问距离) How soon 多快,多久( 常用于对将来时中的 in + 一段时间提问) to new students about school life 与新学生谈论关于学校生活 talk to sb about sth 与某人谈论关于某事 talk to sb = talk with sb 与某人交谈 me learn all about 帮助我全面了解概括:help sb do sth = help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事(此结

19、构中to 可省) help me with my homework 在我的家庭作业方面帮助我概括:help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人21.during lunchtime = at lunchtime 在午餐期间22.have a great time talking to each other 彼此交谈得很愉快概括:have a great time doing sth 做某事很愉快 =enjoy oneself doing sth = have fun doing sth23.a pleasant taste 一种令人愉快的味道 pleasant (事物) 令人愉快的 (形

20、) pleased (人感到) 高兴的, 满意的 (形) e.g. be pleased with 对感到满意 please 请; 使满足,取悦(动) article by sb 一篇由某人所写的文章25.Students in 12th grade are called seniors.十二年级的学生被叫做毕业生. be called 被叫做 (被动语态,谓语动词结构:be +过去分词) The boy is called Jack. 那个男孩名叫Jack .(句子, called前有be 动词) the boy called Jack 那个名叫Jack的男孩 (短语, calle

21、d前无be 动词)the city called Nanjing 那个叫南京的城市(短语, called前无be 动词)26.What does the word hero mean? 单词“英雄”意指什么? (主+谓+宾) = What is the meaning of the the word hero? (主+系+表)mean 意指,意思是(动) meaning 意思, 意义(名)27.someone you admire very much 你非常钦佩的某个人 (定语从句) choose any food you like 选择你喜欢的任何食物 (定语从句)28. at the ag

22、e of 16 = at 16 在16岁时(年龄前用at) 时间介词(at , on , in) 小结: at.1)用在具体时间前(在几点或在几点几分) e.g. at 7 oclock 在七点钟 2)用在无Day的节日前 e.g. at Christmas ; at Spring Festival 3)用在三餐饭时间前 e.g. at lunchtime 4)用在年龄前 e.g. at 165)用在一些固定短语中 e.g. at once立刻 at the moment此刻at night 在晚上 at nights 每夜 at noon 在中午 at the weekend 在周末 at

23、that time在那时 at a time每次 at last 终于,在最后at the beginning of 在的开始 at the end of在.结束时 on.1)在某一天前(星期,有Day的节日, 日期) 星期 e.g. on Sunday 有Day的节日 e.g. on Childrens Day 日期 e.g. on October 1st (读:on October the first) on 1st October (读:on the first of October) 2)在具体某天上下午,晚上 e.g. on that evening 在那天晚上 对比 (in the

24、 evening 在晚上; in the mornig 在早上) on a cold morning 在一个寒冷的早上in.1)大于周的时间前(月,季节,年) e.g. in July; in Autumn; in 2009 2)在上下午,晚上的固定短语中 e.g. in the morning /afternoon / evening 3) in +一段时间 (一般表“在内”,但用在将来时中表“在之后”) 4)在一些固定短语中 class在课堂上 in the end最后, 终于= at lastG,I,P(P28-P34)29.the funniest girl 最有趣的女孩

25、 one of the funniest girls最有趣的女孩之一 (one of .后跟复数名词)30.tell funny jokes 讲有趣的笑话 跟说相关的几个词的用法小结 tell 讲;告诉 1)讲(jokes,stories) 2) tell sb to do sth ; tell sb about sth speak讲;演讲 1)讲(English,Chinese 2)speak to sb 对某人讲(演讲) talk 交谈 1)talk to sb /talk with sb 2) talk about sth (强调交谈)say 说 1) (sb) says, “Good

26、morning.” ; say it in English (强调说具体内容)31.plant trees 植树32.of the three of us 我们三个人中 = of us three 33.(sb) spend on sth (某人)花费.在某事(物)上 (spend 的主语是人) (sb) spend doing sth (某人)花费.做某事34.the number of students 学生数量 (单数) a number of students 许多学生 (复数) a number of许多(只跟可数名复) a lot of 许多(跟可数名复或不可数)35.the le

27、ngth of . 的长度 (物体或时间) e.g. The length of summer holiday is about two months =Summer holiday is about two months long.36.haveoff 休假 e.g. have eight days off 休八天假37.And you? = How about you? 你呢? hospital (生病)住院 in a hospital / in the hospital 在医院(工作等)39.wont be able to do sth 将不能做某事 =will not be

28、able to do sth (注意not 在will 后,不在be后) am (/is/are) able to do sth = can do sth was/ were able to do sth = could do sth 但will be able to do sth 将能做某事 will can do sth 表示将能做某事仍然用 can do sth40.look out of the window 向窗户外面看 look out of 向外面看 look out at 向外看 e.g. look out of the bus 向外看那辆公交车 look out 向外看;小心

29、41.Mr Wu is going to be on TV tonight. (前面的is为助动词,后面的be为系动词) 吴先生今晚将上电视 There is going to be a football game tomorrw night.明晚将有一场足球赛=There will be a football game tomorrw night. be on TV 上电视42.have cakes for dinner 晚饭吃蛋糕43.move to Canada 搬到加拿大 move to .搬到M,C(P35-P37)44.too early or too late 太早还是太迟45.

30、my ideal school 我的理想学校46.get up late 迟起 get up early 早起 47.have lots of time for after-school activities 有许多时间做课外活动 = have lots of time to do after-school activities 概括:have time for sth = have time to do sth 有时间做某事48.listen to pop music 听流行音乐49.wear school uniforms 穿校服 wear ties 打领带50.quite small 相当小 (quite ,very后用原级; much ,even 后常用比较级)51.on one side of our school 在我们学校的一边 on the other side of our school在我们学校的另一边 one,the other.一个,另一个.(共两个)other, the other, another, others小结1)other作形容词(不单独出现) e.g. other people2)“the other”,表示两个人或物中的“另一个”。e.g.“one,the other.”一个,另一个.(共两个)3)anot

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