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大学英语新视野视听说教程2 口语考试英文对话.docx

1、大学英语新视野视听说教程2 口语考试英文对话Unit 1 music苑 Y 徐X 苏S 郝HY ,s,and x meet hY,s,x,: hi, hH:hi,where are you going?S: we are going to a concert,could you go with us? H :sorry,i don*t like classical musicY: what kinds of music do you like ? H: I like music that has a fast beat and is lively, like dance music. You

2、know, I go to a disco almost every week. Sometimes its too loud though. You prefer classical music, dont you?Y: yes, I do. I find it very relaxing. I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day at study.H: I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music. Its certainly m

3、ore sophisticated that modern dance music.Y: classical music is supposed to be good for you brain. Research suggest that it makes your brain more active. Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better.X: really? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often. I heard that lis

4、tening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress.S: yes. Thats why I like listen to concerts. I love classical music,I usually play it as background music while Im reading or doing housework.H:Ive got a few classical music CDs. I should follow your lead and increase my brian power.S: you can

5、find plenty of recording on the internet too. You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them.Y; thats a good idea. You should do the same with some music. You might find something you like. Classical music might make you clever, but dance might make you livelier and happie

6、r.X: thats true. Theres clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people. Music can influence a persons feeling and character.H:er.would you tell me something about the concert ?S:Its a solo concert by Pavarotti. He put on the performance in the Forbidden City in Beijing. H:it

7、,s sounds great .could i jion ?Y:of course ,let,s go .Unit 2 movie 徐思凝,邀请郝与她们一起看电影H:i feel so tired today ! X :Are you going to the movie theater with us tonight? 晚上一块去看电影吗?H:Is anything good playing? 有什么好片子吗?X:King Kong 2 is playing tonight. Its a blockbuster. 金刚今晚上映。这可是大片啊。H:Really? I want to go,

8、too. 是吗?我也要去看看。X :Ok, lets meet at the movie theater entrance tonight. Dont be late. 好,咱们晚上电影院门口见吧。不要迟到啊。H :No problem. 知道了。 苑与苏质问郝Y:Why did you get here so late? 你怎么才来啊?H :Sorry. After I left, I realized I forgot my glasses, so I had to go back. 对不起,刚出门发现忘带眼镜又回去拿了眼镜。 S :Hurry! The movie is just abo

9、ut to begin. 快点儿!电影都快开演了。H :WaitI cant find the tickets. 等一下,我找一下电影票。:What? You forgot to bring them? 怎么了?不会忘带了吧?H :God! I forgot! I must have put them on the desk when I was getting my glasses. 糟糕!我忘了!好像是拿眼镜的时候,随手把电影票放桌子上了,忘拿了。Y:You have such a terrible memory! Well, lets get two more then. 你这记性啊!那

10、咱们再去买两张吧。 S :do you like this movie?Y:Yes, i do ,it,s intreseing ,I dont want to blink of an eye :i love science fiction filmS:science fiction film?So, have you seen all three The Lord of the Rings movies?Y :Yes, but I didnt really like the third one at all. 都看过,不过我一点儿也不喜欢第三部.X :Thats the Return of

11、the King, right? 是国王归来,对吗?Y:Yeah. Even though the customs were brilliant, I didnt think it was as good as the first two. What did you think? 对.尽管服装做得很精致,但我还是觉得不如前两部拍的好你呢.X :I thought the special effects were amazing, but I got a bit confused. The plot was too complicated for me. 我觉得特技做得棒极了,不过我有点儿没看明

12、白.情节对我来说太复杂了.Y:Did you read the books before you watched the movies? 你看电影之前读过原著吗?X:No. did you? 没有.你看过吗?Y:Yes, Ive read them many times. I think its much easier to follow for people who were already familiar with all the characters. 看过,而且看过很多遍.我觉得对书中的人物角色熟悉了之后,再去理解电影里的人物就能容易得多.X:Yes, trying to keep

13、track of all the characters was quite confusing for me. 是啊, 我总想把复杂的人物关系理清楚,结果越弄越糊涂.H:I also think that it was much better in the theatre than at home.而且我还觉得,去电影院比在家的观影效果要好得多.S:Most movies are. 大多数片子是这样的H:Another problem for me was the film was dubbed in English with chinese subtitles. 还有个问题,就是这部电影是英

14、语配音,中文字幕.:That happens a lot in non-English speaking countries. 这种情况在非英语国家很常见.H:Ive heard The Hitchhiker would be on next week. I want to see it. 我听说搭车人将会在下周上映。我想去看。S :Is it horror movie? 这是部恐怖电影吗?H:Yeah, I love horror movies the most. Would you like to go with me next weekend? S:No way. I will be s

15、cared out of my wits. 决不。我会被吓得半死。H:Well, how about you , Y?Y: sorry , i,m scared too.H: x?X:sorry,i don,t have time .H:,What kind of movies do you like? 那喜欢什么电影?:Er, let me see. Romance, comedy, documentary, action, science fiction, cartoon and so on. H:In a word, you like all the movies except for

16、the horror movies.总而言之,除了恐怖片,其他你都喜欢。:Yeah, It seems like we dont talk the same language as far as movies are concerned. 是的。看起来在电影方面我们达不成共识。Unit3 romanticA:郝泽楠B:苏叶蕾C:苑彤D:徐思凝A: Its none of your business! Its me who is choosing my boyfriend. OK? (HANG UP THE PHONE) B: What happened to you, Winnie? Who

17、are you so annoyed with? A: Its my mom. You know, I have fallen in love with Ashley for four years, he is my soulmate with no doubt in my heart. C: At a guess, you mom want you two to get separated, right? A: Yes. D: Why? He is so handsome, and full of a sense of responsibility, whats more, you two

18、are getting along well with each other. B: And he loves you so much. A: You are right, but my mom doesnt think highly of him. C: Thats unimaginable, what on earth does you mom think? A: She holds the view that his family is not rich enough to bring me a better life. D: Happiness in love does not dep

19、end on material wealth. B: Even if he has a rich family, the fortune belongs to his parents, not his. C: How did you response to your mom? A: You have heared that, I was so angry that i hang up her phone. D: Dont you think thats a little excessive? B: Yeah, she is your mom, and she has the right to

20、give you some suggestions. The reason why she did it is out of love for you. A: I admit I lost my temper at that moment. Its because I wish everybody can accept Ashley as my boyfriend, particularly my parents. C: We understand that, he deserves that treatment. D: What should you do now? Its impossib

21、le to cope with the problem if you reject to talk to your mom. B: In western countries, children enjoy more freedom to choose their parter, parents believe and support their kids choices. C: What you spoke is of no use, we are in China, parents play a vital role through our lives. And I insist that

22、parents are filled with experiences, so that they can give us a rational suggestion. D: I think so. A: Do you means I am supposed to break up with my boyfriend? C: Of course not. We all know he is the right person for you. I just hope you can make your mom understood. B: It can not be more happy if

23、your mom can respect and support your decision. D: I believe your effort will pay off, for you, and your love. A: Thats sounds a little terrific, however, I will spare every effort. B: You can do it, in my impression, your mom is a very sympathetic woman. A: Maybe she is. C: Have you noticed that, n

24、o matter when it is, parents always make decision for us, ignoring our thoughts. D: You are telling me! And no matter what it is.B:Asamatteroffact,flocksofchildrenaresufferingthisphonomenon,theycannotmaketheirmindtopersist. C:Yeah,itcomestomethatmybrotherbrokeupwithhisgirlfriendwiththe interf-erence

25、sofhisparents.A:Howcome? C:Thegirldoesntgetahighereducation,thetthinkshecantmatchtheirkid.Andthelongertheygetalongwitheachother,themoresetbackstheymustencount-er.D:Howunmerciful!Thatgirlissopathetic,andsoisyourbrother. B:Butnoonecanaffirmthereisnotsomethinggoodatall.Recentlyisawamovie, theyoungcoupl

26、egotmarriedoncetheygraduatedfromuniversity.A:Areyoumentioningthemovienamedtherulebeforedivorce? B:Youareright.Thedirectorwantstotellusthatwhenyouaremakingadecision,lookbeforeyouleap.Takeintoaccountofyourfriendsandparentsopinions.Onlyinthiswaycanyoumeetlessobstaclesandpreventyourselfagainsttremendous

27、difficultiesD:Wow,whatyouanalysismakeagreatsense,althoughwedontlookforwadbeingmadedecisionunderthepressureofourparents,tosomeextent,theyareprotectingus. C:Yes,sowhatarewesupposedtodo?Howtobalence? A:Ononehand,sticktoourthoughsinthedepthofourheart,meanwhile,dontbesostubborn.Ontheotherhand,learnalesso

28、nfromtheexperiencesofourmomanddad. C:Nevertheless,notalltheviewsfromourparentsareright.Theyalsocanmakeamistakefromtimetotime. B:Tosumup,theparentsareatextbook,whenweareundergoing,itsuswhoaregivingaanswer,butwiththehelpofthetextbooks,wecanimprovetherateofright.A:Thatsoundsawesome!Itseemslikeihaveknow

29、nhowtotacklemyproblem.D:Really?Sodoitnow. A:(watchherwatch)Imightaswellnotdoitnow.B:Whatsupagain? A:Itstimeforustohavedinner.C:Howtimeflies,ihavenottakennoticeofthetime.Ifeelalittlehungrynowasyoumentionedthat. D:Anyway,welearnalotfromthistalk.Thatisworthy!Unit4 advertisementA郝泽楠 B苏叶蕾 C徐思凝 D 苑彤A:when

30、 i walk in the street ,i usually see a lot of advertisement ,i think it is a world that full of advertisements.B;Yeah,It is inevitable for us to live without advertisements because it exist all over the place . Look around and you can see different kinds of advertisements. C:right,there are many media section for advertisements. Such as television,newspapers,radio,internet and so on. D:i agree ,in our school,we can find advertisements in the bulletin board,classroom ,dormitory ,and even in the washroom. Some advertisements are from government or other o

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