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1、外交部长杨洁篪在首届蓝厅论坛上的讲话外交部长杨洁篪在首届“蓝厅论坛”上的讲话用信心与合作共筑亚太未来外交部长杨洁篪在首届“蓝厅论坛”上的讲话2010年12月1日Shape the Future of Asia Pacific with Confidence and Cooperation-Address by Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi At the First Lanting Forum1 December 2010尊敬的各位使节,尊敬的企业家代表,各位专家、学者和媒体朋友们:Excellencies,Business representatives,Frien

2、ds from the academia and the press,很高兴参加首届“蓝厅论坛”活动。我想,之所以把论坛取名为“蓝厅论坛”,是因为蓝色让人联想到大海和天空,既包容万象又蕴含热情与活力, 契合了和谐共存、开放共赢的理念。它寓意着我们将以海纳百川的包容精神,汲取各界智慧,深化对话交流;以纵论天下的开阔视野,把握时代脉搏,共谋发展大 计。相信“蓝厅论坛”将架起一座外交与民众、国内与国际相互交流沟通的桥梁,使中国外交更好地走近民众,走向世界。I am delighted to attend the first Lanting Forum. Lanting, as you may kno

3、w, means the blue hall in Chinese. This Forum is called Lanting Forum because people naturally associate the blue color with the sea and the sky. It symbolizes inclusiveness, passion and vitality, and it accords to the philosophy of harmonious coexistence, openness and win-win progress. It shows tha

4、t we will adopt an inclusive approach, pool together the wisdom of various sectors and deepen dialogue and exchanges. It also means that we will take a global perspective, keep pace with the times and work together for development. I believe that with the interactions taking place here, the Lanting

5、Forum will serve as a bridge connecting diplomats with the general public, and China with the world. The general public and the whole world will therefore gain a better understanding of Chinas diplomacy.本次论坛选择“亚太地区形势和中国的政策”为主题,很有意义。当前,亚太的发展为各方普遍关注,中国又是亚太地区的一员,加强对有关问题的探讨,有利于我们增进互信,凝聚共识。我愿就此与大家沟通交流。Th

6、e theme for todays Forum, Situation in the Asia Pacific and Chinas Policy, is a highly significant one. The development in the Asia Pacific has attracted worldwide attention and China is a member of this region. We should intensify discussions on the relevant issues concerning the region, as this wi

7、ll help us enhance mutual trust and build consensus. I look forward to exchanging views with you on this important topic.对于21世纪的亚太,人们曾经有不同的看法。有人认为亚太人文荟萃,潜力巨大,前景光明。也有人认为亚太问题丛生,麻烦不断,不容乐观。如 今,当21世纪第一个10年即将结束的时候,回顾亚太发展进程,我们不难发现,尽管亚太地区由于历史和现实的原因,还存在这样那样的问题和挑战,但谋和 平、维稳定、求合作、促发展是人心所向、大势所趋,亚太正在成为一个充满活力、生机与希

8、望的地区。There were different views about the Asia Pacific in the 21st century. Some believed that rich human resources and cultural diversity held out great potential and bright prospects for the Asia-Pacific region, while others thought this region was beset with problems and troubles and could hardly

9、 offer any reason for optimism. Now the first decade of the 21st century is coming to an end. When we look back on the journey that the region has travelled, I believe we can come to the following conclusions: Despite the various problems and challenges due to reasons both of the past and present, p

10、eace, stability, cooperation and development represent the shared aspiration of the people and the trend of the times. What has happened shows that the Asia Pacific is transforming into a dynamic, vibrant and promising region.亚太战略地位从未象今天这样重要。The Asia Pacifics strategic status has never been more imp

11、ortant.过去10年,亚太地区在世界格局中的地位持续上升,已成为国际影响不断扩大、新兴经济体成长十分显著、区域合作机制建设积极活跃的地区。亚 太经合组织21个成员拥有世界40%的人口、54%的经济总量和44%的贸易总量,建立起全方位、多层次、宽领域的合作机制,为促进共同繁荣发挥了积极作 用。亚太各种区域合作机制蓬勃发展,新倡议、新设想不断涌现,体现了各方合作应对挑战的强烈愿望。尽管当前国际金融危机对亚太经济的深层次影响不断显现, 地区热点时有升温,全球性问题更加突出,给亚太的发展带来严峻挑战。但总的看,亚太国家经济总体向好,围绕后危机时期发展方式的变革竞相展开,国际地位继 续提升,将为促进

12、世界和平与发展发挥越来越重要的作用。In the past ten years, the status of the Asia Pacific in the global architecture has continued to rise. The region has seen expanding international influence, notable growth of emerging economies and active development of regional cooperation mechanisms. APECs 21 member economies t

13、ake up 40% of the world population, 54% of the economy and 44% of the trade. They have developed all-dimensional, multi-tiered and wide-ranging cooperation mechanisms, which have played a positive role in promoting common prosperity. Various regional cooperation mechanisms have flourished and new in

14、itiatives and ideas have mushroomed, giving full expression to the strong desire of all parties to meet challenges through cooperation. As the underlying impact of the international financial crisis on the economy in the Asia Pacific persists, regional hotspots flare up from time to time, and global

15、 issues become more pronounced, the Asia Pacific faces daunting challenges in its development. However, the economy of the Asia-Pacific countries as a whole is on an upward trajectory. One after another, countries in the region have begun to transform development patterns in the post-crisis era. Wit

16、h their rising international status, they will play an increasingly important role in promoting world peace and development.亚洲发展势头从未象今天这样强劲。Asias growth momentum has never been stronger.过去10年,亚洲作为亚太地区的重要组成部分取得快速发展,成为增长最快、最富活力的地区之一,引领世界经济增长的引擎作用日益突出。亚洲 国家面对两场金融危机,团结自强、通力合作,主要依靠自身力量,不仅维护了经济稳定,也为未来发展打下

17、了更加坚实的基础。在应对危机的过程中,亚洲国家总 结出的一条宝贵经验就是立足自身国情,探索适合自己的发展道路,着力提升经济增长的内生动力。与此同时,亚洲秉承开放精神,积极扩大与欧洲、非洲、北美、 拉美等地区的务实合作,加快自贸区建设步伐,迎来了新的发展和跨越。In the past ten years, Asia, an important part of the Asia-Pacific region, has achieved fast growth. It has become one of the fastest growing and most dynamic regions and

18、 played a bigger role in powering world economic growth. During the two financial crises, Asian countries united as one for greater strength. Relying mainly on their own efforts, they have not only maintained economic stability, but also laid a more solid foundation for future development. Asian cou

19、ntries have learned one valuable thing from tackling the crises: we need to explore development paths suited to ourselves and enhance domestic sources of economic growth in light of our own national circumstances. At the same time, Asia has adopted an open approach. It has actively expanded practica

20、l cooperation with Europe, Africa, North America and Latin America and speeded up the building of free trade areas. As a result, it has achieved fresh progress and leapfrog development.对于亚洲的发展,我想用三个“50%”来说明:一是亚洲整体经济实力明显增强。19世纪,亚洲GDP曾占全球的一半,此后一度衰落。20世 纪以来,亚洲国家励精图治、奋起直追,重返经济发展的快车道。2009年亚洲国家经济总量已占世界的近1

21、/3 ,据一些国际权威经济组织预测,到本世纪中叶,亚洲将重新占据世界经济的50%。二是东亚经济一体化进程不断加快。早在五年前,东亚区内贸易总额就已接近 3万亿美元,占其外贸总额的比重超过50%。东亚区域合作更是取得长足进展,东盟、10+1、10+3、中日韩、东亚峰会等各种机制日益完善,形成了优势 互补、协调并进的良好局面。三是亚洲国家人文科技等领域潜力巨大,软实力不断增强,为亚洲可持续发展提供了有力支撑。据联合国教科文组织最新公布的数字, 亚洲科研人员数量在全球所占比例已由2002年的35.7%增加到2007年的41.4%,这一数字很可能在未来数年里提高到50%。一个生机勃勃、和平 发展的亚洲

22、日益呈现在世人面前。I wish to illustrate Asias development with three fifty-percents. First, Asias overall economic strength has grown remarkably. Asias GDP accounted for 50% of the worlds total in the 19th century and had since gone downhill. Starting from the 20th century, Asian countries have made unyieldi

23、ng efforts to catch up and return to the fast track of economic development. In 2009, Asias overall economy accounted for nearly one third of the world economy. Some authoritative international economic organizations have made the forecast that by the middle of this century, Asia will once again tak

24、e up 50% of the world economy. Second, economic integration of East Asia is moving faster. Five years ago, intra-regional trade in East Asia already totaled almost three trillion US dollars, making up more than 50% of the regions total foreign trade. East Asia regional cooperation has made tremendou

25、s achievements. ASEAN, 10+1, 10+3, China, Japan and the ROK, East Asia Summit and other mechanisms have continued to improve. It is gratifying to note that these mechanisms are drawing on each others strengths and moving forward in parallel. Third, Asian countries have great potential in human resou

26、rces, culture, science and technology and their soft power continues to strengthen. This has offered strong backing for Asias sustainable development. According to the latest figures of UNESCO, Asia had 41.4% of the worlds scientific researchers in 2007, up from 35.7% in 2002. And the figure is very

27、 likely to further increase to 50% in the coming years. In short, we are seeing before us a thriving Asia enjoying peaceful development.中国与亚太关系从未象今天这样紧密。Chinas relationship with the Asia Pacific has never been closer.过去10年,中国与亚太的发展相伴相随、相互促进,共同开启了亚太发展的新时期。中国作为亚太大家庭的一员,与各国共同肩负着维护本地区繁 荣稳定的重要使命。我们深知,没有良

28、好的地区环境,中国就难以实现可持续发展;同时中国的发展也为亚太地区的发展注入强大动力。中国坚持和平发展道路和互 利共赢的开放战略,奉行“与邻为善、以邻为伴”的睦邻友好政策,愿在和平共处五项原则的基础上与所有国家开展友好合作,共同营造一个和平稳定、平等互信、 合作共赢的地区环境。中国与周边国家不仅有源远流长的传统友好的基础,更有日益增长的共同利益。经过十年的不懈努力,中国与亚太国家的互信在共度危机中更 加深入人心,互利合作在借重互鉴中持续全面发展,各领域合作取得新的重要进展:In the past ten years, China and the rest of the Asia Pacific

29、 have grown together and supported each others development. Together, we have opened a new era of development in this part of the world. As a member of the Asia-Pacific community, China and other countries in the region shoulder the important mission of promoting regional prosperity and stability. W

30、e are keenly aware that without a sound regional environment, China can hardly achieve sustainable development. At the same time, Chinas development is a strong boost to the development of the Asia Pacific. China is committed to the path of peaceful development and the mutually beneficial strategy o

31、f opening up. China pursues a policy of developing good-neighborly ties and partnerships with its neighbors. China wants to engage in friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, in a joint endeavor to build a regional environment featuring pea

32、ce and stability, equality and mutual trust, cooperation and win-win outcomes. Relations between China and its neighboring countries are anchored not only in time-honored traditional friendship, but also growing common interests. By countering crises together, China and other Asia-Pacific countries

33、have fostered deeper mutual trust in the last ten years. By drawing on each others strengths, we have enhanced mutually beneficial cooperation in a comprehensive way. Indeed, we have made fresh and important headway in our cooperation across the board.中国同亚太各国政治交往日益密切,建立了不同形式的伙伴关系,政治对话成果丰富。今年我们同几乎所有亚洲国

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