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1、天津首字母填空真题天津2000年综合填空At different times in a mans life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f (1) is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young mans food is spent on growing t (2) ; we grow upwards only d (3) the first twenty years of ourl (4) ,

2、 not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h (5), they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s (6) down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when still quite young. Many older p (7) try to work much and walk often. Perhaps the most difficult time is when a ma

3、n r (8) sixty years of age. His body and mind b (9) restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f (10) .2001天津综合填空Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained (训练)to do a number of simple jobs i(1) of people. They

4、say that at a circus(杂技场), for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q(2) skillful (熟练的)things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer (驯兽员)always g(3) the animal some sugar o_(4) a piece of fruit

5、as a reward (报酬), The scientists say that many d (5)animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f (6)doing that.Of course, as we know, dogs can be trained to look after a house, and soldiers in both old and modem t(7) have u(8) geese to give warning(警报)by

6、m(9) a lot of noise when an enemy comes near. And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f_(10)2002天津市综合填空When Martin was a small boy ,he lived in the little town of Holtham . Then , he thought the town was a big p (1) . Well , Martin went back to Holtham last week . “ Its a

7、 small town !” he thought .Holtham has changed little during the p (2) forty years . B (3) Martin has changed a lot . He has g (4) into a man . He is now in m (5) life . His thoughts are a mans thoughts , and he sees things a m (6) eyes .Martin s (7) in Holtham for five hours . He walked from street

8、 t (8) street . He could see no friends . Was Holtham , then , a town of strangers ? No . Martin suddenly u (9) it all . Only he h (10) was a stranger in the town .2003 天津市中考首字母While traveling in Russia , Ed Jackson ran short(缺少) money. So he wrote t (1) his brother, asking for $ 500. “Send the m (2

9、) by telegram(电报) to the bank(银行) here ,”he wrote. After a week Ed began v (3) the bank. He s (4) his passport(护照) to the bank clerk(职员). “Nothing has come for you ,Mr Jackson ,”he was told.Theis went o (5) for three weeks , and Mr Jackson got very w (6).He then phoned his brother , asking w (7) the

10、 money was. The brother said it had been sent three weeks b (8). That evening Ed Jackson was arrested(被捕)for failing to p (9) his hotel bill (账单). He tried to tell the police what his problem was , but no one would believe him. At last he was s (10) to the police station for fifteen days.2004综合填空Are

11、 you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone anywhere in the world without putting a stamp on it? W 1 e-mail you can just do that. Using a c 2 you can send e-mail quickly and easily. The post is much s 3 than e-mail. E-mail can send i 4 message to the other side of the world in sec

12、onds. E-mail is easy to use and its5 time and money. The differences in time in different parts of the world do not mater w 6 sending e-mail. It is twenty-four-hour service(服务)that you can send e-mail at any time of the day or n 7 . No one has to be t8 to receive e-mail. It d9 matter if your friends

13、 are in bed when you send e-mail to them, or you are seeing a f 10 at the cinema when they send e-mail back. 2005综合填空Only Mother Love is true love . It gives everybody everything all h (1) life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as p (2).In your w (3) hours she always holds yo

14、u in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night a (4) forgets about herself. When you are growing up day b (5)day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always t

15、ells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind w (6) for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w (7) about you at home. She usually

16、 knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face.Mother is always ready to give everything she h (8) to her children, n (9) to receive. What true love that is in the w (10)! We will remember Mother Love for

17、ever!2006综合填空Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast? A short time ago,a test w(1) given in the United States. People of different a (2),from 12 to 83,were asked to have a test. During the test,these people were given all kinds of breakfasts and s (3)they got no breakfast at all. Scientists w

18、anted to see how well t (4)bodies worked when they had had different kinds of breakfasts.The results show that if a person e (5)a right breakfast,he or she will work better than if he or she has no breakfast. If a student has fruit,eggs,bread and milk b(6) going to school,he will learn more quickly

19、a (7)listen more carefully in class.The results a(8) show that having no breakfast will not h (9) you lose weight. This is because people become so h(10) at noon that they eat too much for lunch. So they will gain weight instead of losing weight. 2007综合填空Knowing how to use a computer is an essential

20、 skill for everyone w (1) wants to succeed in todays world . One basic computer program that everyone should learn to use is the word processing program . Most types of writing are e (2) produced with a word processing program . For e (3) , everyone must sometimes write a business letter . Using a c

21、omputer allows you to arrange(整理、排列)and rearrange information easily , making your writing more c (4) and exactly correct . Word processing programs can help you check your s (5) and grammar . A computer makes it easy to correct m (6) .Computers can be u (7) for much more than word processing , howe

22、ver . Other areas are picture design , programming , and creating new g (8). Jobs i(9) the computer field are growing , and strong computer skills can s (10) you well now and into the future .2008综合填空There are two main kinds of sports. These two kinds of sports are team sports and individual(个人的) sp

23、orts. Team sports are such as baseball, basketball and v (1). Team sports r (2) two separate(独立的) teams. The teams play against each other. They compete against each other in order to get high s (3). For example, in a football game, if team A get 7 points and team B get 3 points, team A wins the gam

24、e. Team sports are sometimes c (4) competitive sports.Besides team sports, there is a (5) main type, or kind, of sporting activities. This is individual sports. In individual sports, there is n (6) teams. There isnt any competition. People play individual sports in order to get exercise. They dont p

25、lay individual sports for competition. G (7), they want to get some exercise, not to win a game. Individual sports are such sports as swimming, skiing, and r (8).Of course it is possible to compete in individual sports. It is possible to keep a score in individual sports. The main difference, howeve

26、r, b (9) teams sports and individual sports is that individual sports can be performed alone. Team sports need more than o (10) person. 2009综合填空Think about two people you know. How would you describe their personalities? Are they the s_(1)? Of course not! Everyone is different. Even identical twins

27、have different personalities.Some people are very outgoing (外向的) and friendly. They like to be w_(2) other people all the time. Maybe they like to be the centre of attention. And some people are quietmaybe even s_(3). They can be friendly, too. But they like to be alone or with just a f_(4) friends.

28、Some people worry a lot. They may worry about many things, such as their jobs, their families and anything that may happen in the future. H_5), some people dont worry about anything! They n_(6) mind what is going on next. These people are very relaxed.Some people are hard-working. They always do the

29、ir b_(7). Butsome people are lazy. They dont care about d_(8) things right or getting things done on time. Hard-working people always get more chances than those lazy o_(9) in life.And dont f_(10) this: Everyone is different. That means you are special!2010综合填空Eleven-year-old Antonin Careme could no

30、t believe that his father had ordered a lot of delicious food. It was an unexpected (意料不到的) dinner b (1) the Careme family was poor. As he was eating thankfully, his father e (82) to him in a sad voice that this would be a farewell meal. His father could no 1 (3) support all his children, so Antonin

31、 would have to leave home to make money h (4).After the meal, Antonin walked a (5) the streets, wondering who would take him in. He knocked on the door of a restaurant where the o (6) happened to need an assistant. In the restaurant, young Antonin g (7) his first lesson in cooking. He was hardworkin

32、g and his employer (雇主) decided to teach him a (8) the skills and secrets of French cooking. When he was fifteen years old, Antonin trained under the famous cook, Baily.One of Bailys customers was s (9) impressed with Antonins style of cooking that he asked him to be his p (10) cook, working at his home. Antonin later went on to work for a diplomat, a banker and even the king.2011综合填空Bill and Simon were good friends. One summer they were on h1 . They wanted to

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