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1、精编食品企业有限空间作业审核检查表This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing the compliance part of the audit of an operation. The auditor will determine whether or not the Operation is complying with the specifications and requirements of The Coca-Cola Company by completing this audit module. Plant:

2、 Date: Auditor(s): 1) Questionnaire:YesNo 是否对限制空间进行了识别和评估?是否受控进入限制空间?进入限制空间的规定是否得到遵守?是否提供合适的通风?是否具有空气检测流程?高温作业是否按照要求进行?是否有突发事件回应机制?员工是否培训过?2) Reference Standards List:Confined Space Entry RequirementsTCCQS updates are captured till June 30, 20053) Specifications and Requirements Summary:Specificatio

3、ns / Requirements12Are confined spaces identified and assessed?是否对限制空间进行了识别和评估? Develop a current list of all confined spaces and potential hazards associated 有清单列出所有限制空间及其相关的危害。 Assessments to be reviewed and amended as necessary whenever processes, equipment or facilities are added or modified 当过程

4、、设备、或设施经过调整之后,对以前的评估结果要进行必要的重新评估并做好适当的修改。 Post permanent signs in all languages used by the workers at or near entrances that includes at least the following text (or similar language) “Danger (or Warning ) / Confined (or Restricted) Space / Permit Required for Entry 在进入限制区域的进口附近张贴永久性标识,注明“危险”/“限制空间

5、”/或“经允许才能入内”等文字,语言应覆盖所有工人使用的语言。 Signs to be maintained in good condition and legible. Adequately sized and colored to be readily distinguishable. 标识应该清晰易读、色彩分明,并维护好。3Is the access controlled? 是否受控进入限制空间? Provide access controls, such as locks, seals, or bolts as appropriate and applicable to the spa

6、ce. 通过使用门锁、封条、或门栓等适当方法控制限制空间的进入。 Establish a permit program to control, monitor and document the entry into and work conducted in a confined space. 建立进入限制空间工作的监控文件。 The minimum information to be documented includes: 文件至少包括: Date, time, exact location and duration of the entry; 日期、时间、地点和持续时间; Descrip

7、tion of the work to be done; 工作内容; Safety checks required and completed (e.g., energy sources isolated, lines blocked, safety equipment provided, etc) 需要的安全检查和实际完成情况;(例如:切断电源、停止生产、使用必要的安全设备等) Verification of the absence of potential hazardous conditions recognized for the space including, as appropr

8、iate, baseline levels of oxygen, flammable vapors, and hazardous gases; 确认限制空间内没有潜在的危险状态,如:氧气、易燃气体、有害气体等含量没有超过警戒限; Special considerations to be addressed or followed during the work, including Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment required; 在限制空间工作时,应配备必要的安全措施:如安全服和安全设备。 Means of communication

9、between the entrant and attendant; 工作期间,限制空间内的人员要与外部辅助人员保持沟通; Rescue services and equipment required and provided; 现场应该有必要的急救措施和设备; Signed verification by the Entrants, Attendants, and the Entry Supervisor that the above have been completed and verified. 现场的人员(进入限制空间的人员、辅助人员、及其领班或主管)应该签字确认上述要求均已达到。

10、Duration of the permit (not to exceed 1 shift). 在限制空间内工作的人员其持续工作时间最多不能超过8小时。 Entry permit to be completed before the entry and the requirements of the permit communicated to all involved. 在进入限制空间之前,必须做好所有准备工作,所有相关人员均知道限制区域工作的要求。 Post a copy of the permit at the entrance or in the immediate work area

11、 at the space for the duration of the work. 在进口张贴限制进入和允许持续工作时间。 Issue a new permit whenever: 当有以下情况发生时,应该及时更新限制空间清单: Work activity to be conducted in the space is not identified on the original permit. 原来没有列在清单中的活动; Personnel involved in the entry are not included on the original permit. 原来没有列在清单中的人

12、员; Work lapses or is delayed for more than 30 minutes. 工作持续时间超过30分钟的; Work extends into the next shift. 需要持续到下一班的; Conditions in the space change or can be influenced by activities or conditions near the space. 限制空间的状态变化、或因限制空间附近的状态或活动的变化影响到限制空间。4Are rules for entering confined spaces determined and

13、 followed? 进入限制空间的规定是否得到遵守?Entrant : a person trained and authorized by facility management to enter a confined space 进入限制空间的人员得到培训和授权Attendant: a person positioned outside the confined space who is trained and authorized by facility management to monitor entrants in a confined space, as well as the

14、 surrounding area. 限制空间外面的辅助人员得到培训和授权,以便监控进入限制空间的人员和周围环境的变化。Entry Supervisor: a person trained and authorized by facility management to approve entry into a confined space and ensure that entries into confined spaces are conducted in accordance with all applicable requirements. 主管(或领班)得到培训和授权,以批准进入限

15、制空间的人员确保其符合所有要求Rescuer: a person trained and authorized by facility management to conduct rescue operations within a confined space.急救员得到培训和授权,以便在限制空间内实施急救。 Empty and clean confined spaces prior to entry, to the extent possible without entering. 进入之前应有足够时间清空和清洁限制空间内的各种废气,使内部有足够的氧气等。 Isolate all ener

16、gy sources according to the procedures for the control of hazardous energy (lockout or tagging of equipment). 切断所有电源。 Block and drain lines carrying potential hazards into the space, such as gas, water, steam, or CIP chemicals, as necessary to protect entrants from inadvertent exposure. 阻止排水沟等将潜在的危险

17、带入限制空间,例如:危害气体、水、蒸汽、或CIP化学品,以保护进入人员。 If valves cannot be locked out, piping carrying materials to or from a space must be disconnected and drained or have blank flanges inserted. 如果阀门不能关闭,进出限制空间的物料管路必须切断,排空限制空间内的残余物。 Electrical tools and lighting sources used inside metal spaces or taken into a wet

18、or damp spaces must be positively grounded, utilize low voltage, battery power or ground-fault interrupters to minimize shock hazards. 在金属空间或潮湿空间,使用的电器工具和灯源必须接地、低压电、或电池、或地面绝缘以最小程度地降低电击危害。 Keep cords clear of working spaces and walkways. Whenever possible, place electrical cords through a separate op

19、ening other than the one used by Entrants. 保持工作区域和通道内的电线清洁,如可能,电线通道与人员通道分开。 The Entry Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the required equipment and clothing is worn by all Entrants while in the space. 领班(或主管)负责确保限制区域内的所有人员都穿上保护服和配置保护设备。 Provide means for the Entrants to instantly communicat

20、e with the Attendants and for the Attendants to communicate with the Rescuers and emergency personnel without leaving the entry site. 采用有效手段,保证限制空间内的工作人员与外部辅助人员、急救员可持续沟通。 Communication methods could include audible alarms, two-way radios, telephones, or other appropriate effective methods. Test such

21、 devices to ensure they are operating prior to entering the space. 沟通方式可以是报警器、对讲机、电话等。进入之前必须检查这些装置处在正常工作状态。 A mechanical lifting device is recommended to retrieve Entrants from vertical confined spaces greater than 3.66 meters (12 feet) in depth. 对于进入深度超过3.66米的限制空间人员,建议配置垂直起吊设备。 Never permit workers

22、 to enter a confined space without a completed permit, Entry Attendant, and rescue plan in place. 没有得到许可、或没有辅助人员、或没有应急计划,任何人员不得擅自进入。 Position at least one Attendant with the following duties: 辅助人员的职责: Maintain effective and continuous contact with Entrants during entry and maintain an accurate count

23、 of Entrants in the space.控制进入限制空间人员数目、保持与其的有效和持续联系。 Remain at the entrance of the confined space until the confined space entry has been completed, or until relieved by another trained attendant. 看护好限制空间的入口直至完成任务、或由其他辅助人员接替。 Monitor activities inside and outside the space to determine if it is safe

24、 for Entrants to remain in the space. This may include atmospheric monitoring when necessary. 看护好限制空间的内外部活动,确认限制空间内的人员是否安全,如必要,可以安装气体检测器。 Prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the space and prevent activities near the entrance which could endanger the Entrants. 预防未授权人员进入限制空间和限制空间附近的危险活动。 Dire

25、ct Entrants to exit the space when the attendant: 1) detects a condition violating permit requirements; 2) detects the behavioral effects of hazard exposure in an entrant; 3) detects a situation outside the confined space that could endanger the authorized entrants; or 4) cannot effectively and safe

26、ly perform all the duties required. 当辅助者1)发现限制空间内的状态不能满足要求;2)发现曝露危害;3)发现外部情况的变化可能危害限制空间内的工作人员;或4)发现不能有效和安全地完成限制空间内的所有任务时;应该引导操作人员离开该限制空间。 Initiate rescue and emergency procedures as soon as the Attendant determines that Entrants need to escape from the space. 一旦辅助人员确定操作人员需要逃离限制空间时,应该立即启动急救和应急程序。 Beg

27、in retrieval procedures from outside the space when possible. 如必要,开始外部的恢复工作。 Attendant is not to enter the confined space. 辅助者不能进入限制空间。5Is the ventilation provided as appropriate?是否提供合适的通风?The objective is 20 ACH, if feasible. Flow rates in excess of 60 ACH usually do not provide significant additio

28、nal benefit.如果可行,目标是20ACH。流动率如果超过60ACH通常不会产生重大额外效益 The Entry Supervisor determines the most effective strategy for confined space ventilation 进入主管决定最有效的限制空间通风策略 Natural ventilation may be acceptable if the following conditions are met:如果具有以下情况可以进行自然通风 There are no potential atmospheric hazards.没有潜在大

29、气危害 Pre-entry atmospheric testing indicates acceptable air quality prior to any mechanical ventilation.在进行机械通风之前,测试空气质量是可以接受的 Work operations within the space do not have the potential to cause a change in air quality conditions.在范围内的工作不会对空气质量产生潜在影响 When natural ventilation is not effective or not p

30、ossible, the Entry Supervisor will determine alternate protective measures or methods to remove air contaminants and protect entrants.如果自然通风没有效果或者做不到,进入主任将决定可供选择的保护措施或方法来去处空气污染和保护进入者 Observe the following precautions when using mechanical air movers:使用机械鼓风机时,遵守以下预防措施 Maintain a minimum of 10 Air Cha

31、nges Per Hour (ACH) up to 60 ACH for supply ventilation and exhaust ventilation. Ventilate for a minimum of 10 minutes before any entry.未供给和排气通风保证至少10到60ACH。在任何人进入之前,至少通风10分钟 Do not block an entry/exit opening of a confined space with air movers and ductwork unless a second open and immediately acce

32、ssible portal is available for rescue.除非有第二个和立即可到达的救援出入口,不得堵塞有鼓风机和管道系统的限制空间的进出口 Protect intakes on air movers used for supplying fresh air from the introduction of chemical, vehicle emissions, etc.对于提供新鲜空气的鼓风机,保护其通风口与化学药品,车辆尾气接触 Use compressed air supplied by oil-lubricated compressors for ventilation purposes only if monitoring for carbon monoxide (CO), in additio

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