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1、八年级英语上册第二单元讲义和练习学科教师辅导讲义学生签字: 日期: 讲义编号: 年 级: 课时数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课日期及时段1、上节课知识2、U2重点词汇与语法复习3、相关习题的完成与讲评重点难点:1、掌握U2重点词汇与语法掌握习题中所涵盖知识点一、导入1.上节课知识复习2.作业检查23.more than 多于;超过 24.less than 少于 least 至少 26.have dance and piano lessons 上舞蹈课和钢琴课用法集萃 sb. with sth.=help sb (to)do sth 帮助某人做某事 2.H

2、ow about?=What about .怎么样?/ 好不好?3.want sb. to do sth.=would like sb to do sth 想让某人做某事 4.How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句? 有多少?5.Its+ adj.+ to do sth. 做某事是的。 doing sth. 通过做某事 7.the best way to do sth. 做某事的最好方式二、知识梳理+经典例题第一部分:词汇精讲1. 次数的表达. once, twice, three times等次数的表达法。 1) 这三个词都表示_,once是_,twice是_,除了一次,两次,其

3、他的次数都表达 _。 如:三次是_,五次是_。2. 【辨析】 maybe与may be maybe是副词,在句子做状语。may be 是情态动词may与动词原形be一起构成句子的谓语动词意为“可能是”,它们有时也可互换。e.g. 或许它们在你的书包里。 _ they are in your schoolbag. They _ _ in your schoolbag.3. percent 名词,意为“百分之” 数字+ percent (单数) + of + 名词 e.g. Eighty percent of the students in our class exercise every day

4、. 我们班里80%的学生每天都锻炼。【注意】percent做主语时,谓语动词的数要根据其后面的名词来确定。e.g. Fifty percent of the apples are bad. 50%的苹果都坏了。 Twenty percent of the meat is in the fridge. 20%的肉都在冰箱。4. although “尽管,虽然,即使” 注意:although引导的从句不能与but连用。(同样:because 与so 也不能同时用)e.g. 尽管他离家很早,但是他还是迟到了。Although he left home early, but he was late.

5、()Although he left home early, he was late. ()5. its too late与before共同组成从句,表示“不要等到为时已晚;不要等到来不及的时候;趁着还来得及 ”。 e.g.You should work harder before its too late to catch up.你应当更加用功,别等到为时过晚而赶不上了。(你现在用功还赶得上。) 6. 频度副词:(1).分类:不确定的频度副词:表示动作发生间隔(既频率)的副词。它们有:always ; usually ; often ; sometimes ; seldom ; hardly

6、 ever ; never 等。always(100%) usually(约80%90%) often(约60%) sometimes(约30%) seldom(约20%) hardly ever(约10%) never(0%)(2).用法:在句中位置:频度副词在句中通常放在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,在实义动词之前。She is often late for school./I can never be sure./He always helps me.第二部分: Grammar focus 一般现在时定义:表示经常发生的习惯性的动作或目前所处的状态1.结构:主语+be/V原形/V三单(

7、注意此时be为am, is 或are, 用法? )2.动词三单构成规则: 一般情况下,动词后面直接加 -s. 例如: works, gets, say, reads 以ch,sh,s,x 或 o 结尾的动词,在后面加 -es。 例如: goes, teaches, washes以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把 y变为 i 再加 -es. 例如: studies, tries ,carries3. 动词三单条件:he、 she、 it 或单数名词4. 标志性的词: often, usually, always, sometimes , seldom, every day(week, year,

8、night), twice a month ,on Sundays,never e.g : I usually go to school by bike.She has piano lesson once a week. 5. 疑问句改写:有be时,把be提前;无be时借助于do/does,且动词还原e.g. 1). Do you usually go to school by bike ?2). He hardly ever watches TV.3). She sometimes goes shopping.4). I always exercise.【拓展】一般疑问句改写秘诀:1确定时态

9、,再确定助动词2助动词提前,动词还原,其他照抄(注意人称、不定代词等变化: 第一人称-第二人称,some- any )。3句号改问好6. 否定句改写:有be时 ,在be后加not. 无be时,借助于dont 或doesnt , 且动词还原。e.g. 1). I am a teacher.2). There are some books on the desk,3). I usually go to school by bus.4). He likes playing football.随堂检测一、单选从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. Who can tell me

10、the answer _ this question?A. on B. to C. for D. in2. _ it is snowing, it isnt very cold.A. Although B. If C. When D. Because 3. You must eat _ meat if you dont want to be fat. A. few B. much C. more D. less4. Im so tired that I can _ walk. A. always B. hardly C. usually D. sometimes 5. _ Susan _ a

11、healthy breakfast every day? A. Do; eats B. Do; eat C. Does; eats D. Does; eat6. _ does your brother use the Internet?Once a week. A. How often B. Why C. Where D. How long 7. Vegetables are _. They are good for our _. A. health; healthy B. healthy; healthC. healthy; healthy D. health; health 8. Its

12、good to learn English by _ English programs. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched9. Bill wants me _ him to play the piano.A. teach B. teaches C. teaching D. to teach 10. Thirty percent of the students in the class _ watching game shows. They think theyre interesting.A. likes B. like C. dislike

13、s D. dislike 11. _? She usually shops. A. What does Lisa do on weekendsB. What does Lisa want to do todayC. When does Lisa usually shopD. Why does Lisa want to shop12. What sports do you play after school, Jim? _. A. I play sports three times a weekB. I usually play sports on Tuesday C. I think play

14、ing sports is interestingD. I play basketball and volleyball二、用所给词适当形式填空 1 I can take Li Ming there when he _ ( come) to visit. 2 _your sister_(know)English? 3 Her home_ _ _(远离 )her school. 4 The pot_(not look) like yours very much. 5 Where _you_(have)lunch every day? 6 Who_(想要 )to go swimming? 7 _s

15、he_(do) the housework every day? 8 Jenny and Danny usually_(play) games in the afternoon .四、课后练习一、复习笔记二、背会所要求单词三、完成下列习题 . 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。易读度Gary is a 17-year-old high school student. He has lots of 36 habits. He likes to use the Internet for fun at nigh

16、t, and he usually 37 late. When he feels sleepy (瞌睡的), he drinks some coffee. 38 he goes to bed late, he usually gets up late the next morning and arrives at school late. For breakfast, he always eats junk food 39 hamburgers. And he 40 exercises. He doesnt like to exercise at all. These of his habit

17、s are not good for his body or his mind. He often feels 41 and sometimes he cant think quickly. He is worried about his health and decides to do 42 . “Ill try not to spend too much time on the 43 ,” he says. “Ill get up early and 44 in the park at least three times a week. And Ill 45 to eat healthy

18、food. People say old habits die hard, but I must make my old habits die.”( )36. A. big B. small C. good D. bad( )37. A. stays up B. goes out C. puts up D. eats out( )38. A. Although B. Because C. When D. After( )39. A. with B. about C. for D. like( )40. A. always B. often C. never D. usually ( )41.

19、A. tired B. healthy C. lucky D. full( )42. A. something B. nothing C. them D. it( )43. A. homework B. television C. computer D. housework( )44. A. sit B. exercise C. read D. talk( )45. A. leave B. seem C. forget D. try. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A易读度Betty: Hi, Eric. What do you do in your free time? Whats yo

20、ur hobby (爱好)?Eric: Well, I have a lot of hobbies. I like to play the piano, I like to listen to music, and I like to go to the movies. But my two favorite hobbies are going to the gym (健身房) and reading books. Betty: And what do you enjoy about each activity?Eric: Well, I usually go to the gym in th

21、e morning. When I exercise there, I feel relaxed. And I also have a lot of friends at the gym. I enjoy being with them. Reading books is relaxing, too. It makes me feel good. I usually do it in the evening.Betty: How long do you spend on each activity?Eric: I usually exercise for an hour and a half

22、or two hours at the gym. I try to go four times a week. And I try to read books every day. I usually spend half an hour reading.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )46. One of Erics favorite hobbies is _.A. playing the piano B. going to the gymC. listening to musicD. going to the movies ( )47. Eric likes to be with his

23、_ at the gym.A. teachers B. classmates C. parents D. friends( )48. When does Eric usually read books?A. In the morning. B. On rainy days.C. In the evening. D. On the weekend.( )49. How often does Eric go to the gym?A. Every day. B. Twice a week.C. Four times a week. D. Five times a month.( )50. Eric

24、 usually spends _ reading books.A. half an hour B. an hour C. an hour and a half D. two hoursB易读度My name is Svetlana. I am from Ukraine. Its a beautiful country. I enjoy sports. One of the most popular sports in my country is football. I like playing football a lot. I often play football with my fri

25、ends after school. We like to watch football games on TV on the weekend. There is a football club at our school. Im in the football club.I also like dancing very much. I think it is a wonderful sport. When I dance, I feel relaxed. I started dancing six years ago. Im in a dancing club in the center o

26、f our city. I go to the dancing club twice a week, on Wednesday and Saturday. I often get there by bus. I dance with a boy. His name is Dima. We usually do well in different dancing competitions (比赛). I think dancing is good exercise for people of different ages. It can help us to keep healthy. Danc

27、ing is fun!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )51. How does Svetlana feel when she dances?A. Bored. B. Tired. C. Relaxed. D. Interested.( )52. When does Svetlana go to the dancing club?A. On Wednesday and Friday.B. On Wednesday and Saturday. C. On Friday and Sunday.D. On Saturday and Sunday. ( )53. Why does Svetlana think dancing is good exercise?A. Because it helps her to keep busy.B. Because she can learn a lot from it.C. Because it helps her to keep healthy.D. Because she can have fun with Dima. ( )54. What clubs is Svetlana in?A. The danci

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