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1、酒店建设工程FFE说明 FF&E-说明书4. Specification FF&E4.1 DEFINITIONS定义As used herein the following definitions of terms shall apply:以下均为专业名词的定义Contractor - Furniture Contractor承包商-家具承包商Owner - The person or organization issuing the Interior Contract业主-发布该项室内合同的人或组织Designer - HASSELL or their appointed represent

2、ative.设计师-HASSELL或其指定代表4.2 SCOPE OF WORK 工作范围The work covered by the Furniture Specification Consists of: 家具说明书之工作内容包括:1 The fabrication of the furniture items indicated in the Furniture Specification,家具说明书中家私物件之制作2 Delivery and installation of furnishings in accord with pre-established schedules.根据

3、已创建进度表来发运和安装装饰品 3 Coordinating delivery, installation and final placement of furnishings with work being done by General Contractor and other contractors as required.使发货、安装和饰物最终布置与总包商和其他分包商之工作相协调。4 Cutting and fitting of furnishing items as may be required to allow installation by others of specifie

4、d outlets, drains, or utility fittings.装饰品之切割大小必须符合指定之风口、排水或其他配置的安装要求。5 Repair of all damage to the premises as a result of this installation, and periodic removal of all debris left by those engaged in this installation.修补安装造成的损坏,定期去除在安装过程中遗留的所有碎片。6 Thorough cleaning of all furnishings, after place

5、ment, in readiness for use and operation at the time the building is turned over to the owner.装饰品全部布置完后必须进行全面清洁工作,以保证移交业主时即能立刻投入使用。 4.3 DETAIL DRAWINGS 详图The specifications hereunder are of a general nature only and must be used in conjunction with the detail drawings of specific furniture items. Th

6、e finished item must fully accord with the detail drawing as well as with this specification.以下说明具有普遍性,必须与具体家私之详图联系在一起使用。 成品必须与详图和说明书一致。4.4 CONTRACTOR DRAWINGS 承包商图纸4.4.1 Contractors Shop Drawings承包商厂家安装图Approved full size shop drawings will be required for all the fabricated items of a quantity les

7、s than (5) in total. These drawings will be submitted to the Designer for the approval prior to commencing fabrication and shall be related to any pertinent job site conditions and dimensions. Shop Drawings shall show all the dimensions, details of construction, installation and relation to adjoinin

8、g work as well as any reinforcements, anchorage or mounting and any work required for complete installation of each item.获批之实际大小厂家安装图要求所有制作物件数量不超过5。这些图纸会在制作开始前,根据现场实际情况和尺寸大小先提交设计师审批。厂家安装图应标明所有尺寸、施工细节、安装和焊接工作以及其他加强、加固、或悬挂亦或是任何完成各物件安装要求的工作。4.4.2 Prototype Samples 模型样品The Contractor shall be required t

9、o make a prototype sample for each item of loose furniture, which has a total quantity of six (6) or more. This prototype shall be made according to the detail drawing in order to determine the suitability of local materials and workmanship to the design intent. The Designer shall make periodic insp

10、ections during construction of the prototypes to review methods of workmanship, jointing and fixing so as to ensure that all workmanship, materials and construction are adequate for the items final usage. Once completed and approved in writing by the Designer, this prototype shall become the basic s

11、tandard to which all others similar in design should conform.承包商必须根据活动家具制作相应的模型样品,总共为6个或更多。模型应根据详图来制作,以决定设计过程中本地材质及工艺的舒适性。建模过程中设计师应定期审核工艺流程、焊接和修理,以决定哪种工艺、材质和施工方法最适合物件之最终使用。一旦完成并获设计师批准,该模型即可作为今后相似设计物件之参照物。a) For items having a total order quantity of more than 25 pieces, the prototype shall be made a

12、s an additional piece, and shall be retained by the Designer or Owner for final comparison purchases - although the Contractor shall at all times have access to the prototype for maintaining the necessary standards of workmanship.此物品之总共订购量超过25件,模型还不算在内,而且设计师和业主必须保留该模型以作最终之对比采购。即使承包商一直使用该模型作为检测工艺之标准。

13、b) For items having a total order quantity of less than 25 pieces, the prototype may be included in the contracted quantity.如果物品之总共订购量少于25件,模型可以包括在内。c) For banquettes, booths and large furniture items, the designer shall have access to the Contractors workshops in order to inspect and approve constr

14、uction, materials and workmanship on a step-by-step basis.对于卡座、包厢和大件家私,设计师应去承包商车间按步骤监督和审批施工、材料和工艺。d) Approval shall be on a step-by-step basis and no completed unit will be accepted without prior step-by-step inspection and approval given.审批需按步骤进行,事先未做检品和审批的物件是无法接受的。4.5 TIMBER 木材Timber is to be of t

15、he species indicated on detail drawings or specified on the Materials and Finishes Specification Chart. It is to be the best of its kind, well seasoned and kiln dried with a moisture content not less than 10% and not exceeding 15%, depending on the climatic conditions prevailing at the site. It is t

16、o be matched for colour and braining, be free from worm holes, large loose or dead knots or other defects and sawn die square.木材必须是详图或材料/饰面说明表里指定的那类。必须是该类别中的优质品、风干和窑干,含水量不少于10%也不能超过15%,这些都要视现场气候条件而定。必须保持颜色一致,不能有虫洞、大片松动或黑腐节或其他瑕疵和机切错误。Timbers, which are completely hidden, that is, covered by upholster

17、y materials, can be of local hardwood, except where this interferes with the strength of the product, or in the case of a leg or arm, which is part covered and part finished.有饰面作覆盖的木材,可以采用本地硬木,除了那些影响产品力度的地方,或是一条腿或扶手,可部分隐藏部分暴露。4.6 PLYWOOD 基层板Plywood is to be a premium quality, close-grained plywood s

18、uitable for veneering, painting or bonding plastic laminate as required by detail drawings and specification. It is to be a resin bonded, weatherproof brand. For outdoor furniture is to be a-standard specification Marine brand. Exposed edges will be finished with a strip of solid wood, tongue and gr

19、ooved and glued, or as detailed.根据详图和说明书的要求,必须采用质量一流、纹理细密的基层板,以适用于镶面、涂面或焊接防火塑材。必须以树脂粘合,而且是防风化的那种。室外家具采用统一规格的Marine牌。裸露的毛边将饰以实心木条、开槽并黏结。For Wet areas, (Bathrooms, Food Service, Kitchens, Bars) plywood shall also be of Marine grade.对于潮湿区域,(浴室、食物服务区、厨房、酒吧),仍需Marine牌的基层板。4.7 JOINTS 接缝All joints shall be

20、 standard mortise and tenon, dowel, dovetail, cross-halved, mitred, tongue and groove and rebated. Nailed butt joints will not be permitted. Where mortise and tenon joints are used, tenons should fit the mortises exactly.所有接缝必须为标准的榫眼和接榫、销子、楔形榫头、交叉分隔、斜拼接的、榫舌和凹槽以及钝化。不允许采用钉结合形式。榫眼和接榫的接合处必须紧密贴合。4.8 FAST

21、ENINGS 固定Screws, nails, etc. will be standard iron or wire unless otherwise shown on drawings. In the case of outdoor furniture, they shall be of brass or other non-corrosive metal. Exposed fastenings are to match the finish of the hardware.除非图纸上另行说明,螺丝钉、图钉一般为标准铁质或金属丝。如果是室外家具,材质必须为黄铜或其他防腐蚀金属。裸露之固件必须

22、与五金饰面相匹配。Where screws show on a finished surface, they shall be sunk and the hole plugged with a wood plug of the same wood and grain of the finished surface, unless detailed otherwise. Nails on finished surface will be neatly punched and the hole filled with wood filler to match the colour.如螺钉露在饰面表

23、面,必须采用埋头螺丝,除非另有说明,否则木插销必须采用与饰面表面相同的木质和纹理。饰面上的图钉必须打得整齐利落,凹槽与木质填料的颜色必须一致。4.9 HARDWARE AND METAL 五金和金属4.9.1 Hardware Generally 总体五金a) The hardware throughout shall be of approved manufacture and supply, well made and equal in every respect to the samples to be deposited with the Designer. The Contracto

24、r may be required to produce and provide samples from many different sources before the Designer is able to make a decision, and he should allow in his rates for so doing. 所有五金之制作和供应都需作审批,以保证成品之每一细节与提交设计师的样品相同。制作单位在设计师未做决定前必须制作并提供各种类型的样品。b) The rates for hardware are to include for supplying necessa

25、ry screws to match and for the provision of keeps, striking plates, etc. as necessary. The rates for fixing hardware are to include for all fitting, cutting, sinking, forming, morticing, first fixing, removing for decoration, finally refixing after execution of the decoration, easing, oiling, adjust

26、ing, making good and leaving in perfect working order to the satisfaction of the Designer.五金费用包括提供必要的螺丝、备件、冲击板等。五金维修费包括所有装配、沉淀、成型、榫接、初次维修、去除装饰、以及在进行装饰、调松、加油、调节后的最后维护,以使产品处于最佳工作状态,并令设计师满意。c) The rates for steelwork, etc. are to include for cutting to required lengths, mitres, splay at ends, welds, br

27、azing and all drilling and countersinking.金属物的等级包括按规定长度切割、斜接、末端外张、焊接、铜焊和所有钻孔和钻孔装埋。4.9.2 Hardware Finish 五金饰面a) Exposed hardware shall have the finish specified on the Materials and Finishes Specification Chart and it shall normally be assumed that all hardware on each item, if not specified otherwis

28、e, shall have identical or similar finish.材料和饰面说明书需规定裸露五金之饰面,通常需假定所有五金都作归类,除有特别要求,否则都采用相同或类似之饰面。b) Screws are to match the finish of the article to be fixed and to be round or flat headed or countersunk as required.螺丝需符合固定物饰面而且根据要求必须是圆头或平头或埋孔型。c) Chromium plating, where specified, is to be on a base

29、 material of copper or brass and is to accord with American and British Standards for chromium plating for normal outdoor conditions.根据铬镀层在通常室外情况下的英美标准,指定部位必须用铬镀层覆盖在紫铜或黄铜之基材表面。d) Unless otherwise specified aluminium shall have an anodized finish and to comply with samples approved by the Designer.除非

30、铝材另作阳极电镀处理规定,否则仍按设计师审批通过的样品制作。e) All solid brass or brass sheeting specified in polished finish shall be further finished with a two pack clear polyurethane coating for protection unless otherwise specified.除非另行规定,否则所有作抛光处理的实心铜质护墙板必须采取进一步处理,即镀双层透明聚亚安酯保护层。4.9.3 Strength 强度All steel, brass, bronze, al

31、uminium and stainless steel articles shall be submitted to a reasonable test for strength if so required by the Designer, at the Contractors expense.如设计师要求的话,所有钢铁、铜、青铜、铝和不锈钢物件必须做合理的抗压测试,费用由制作单位承担。4.9.4 Brazing and Welds 铜焊和焊接All brazing and welds are to be executed in a clear and smooth manner, rubb

32、ed down and left in the flattest and tidiest .way, particularly where exposed.所有铜焊和焊接必须处理得简洁光滑,磨平粗糙面使之平滑干净,特别是裸露处。4.9.5 Protection 防护Brass and bronze surfaces are to be protected with thick grease or other suitable protective materials. This protective coating is to be renewed as necessary and cleaned off at completion of the work.黄铜和青铜需涂上一层厚厚的保护油或其他合适的保护材料。这类保护层需及时更新并在竣工后清除。4.10 FINISH 饰面1 Finishes are to be fully in accordance with indications given on the detail drawings and on the Material

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