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高中英语 生活大爆炸第1季中英字幕2素材.docx

1、高中英语 生活大爆炸第1季中英字幕2素材高中英语 生活大爆炸第1季中英字幕2素材00:00:00,000 - 00:00:00,000200:00:00,000 - 00:00:00,000300:00:00,950 - 00:00:03,390给 泰国炒面 不加花生Here we go. pad thai,no peanuts.400:00:03,470 - 00:00:04,770里面有花生油吗But does it have peanut oil?500:00:04,850 - 00:00:06,160我不太清楚Im not sure.600:00:06,230 - 00:00:09,0

2、70大家都盯着点霍华德以防他肿起来Everyone keep an eye on howard in case he starts to swell up.700:00:10,130 - 00:00:13,490既然现在没蜜蜂出没 你可以用我的肾上腺素Since its not bee season,you can have my epinephrine.800:00:13,700 - 00:00:16,520-有筷子吗 -不需要 这是泰国菜-are there any chopsticks. -no need. this is thai food.900:00:16,530 - 00:00:

3、17,850开始了Here we go.1000:00:17,890 - 00:00:20,820泰国在19世纪后半期才有叉子Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century.1100:00:20,830 - 00:00:23,240有趣的是他们不直接把叉子放在嘴里Interestingly they dont put the fork in their mouth-1200:00:23,250 - 00:00:26,580而是用叉子来把食物放在勺子里然后用勺子放到嘴里They use it to put t

4、he food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth.1300:00:27,710 - 00:00:29,610跟他要个餐巾 我量你也不敢Ask him for a napkin. I dare you.1400:00:31,570 - 00:00:32,770我去开Ill get it.1500:00:33,170 - 00:00:35,060我脸肿了吗 我觉得我脸肿了Do I look puffy? I feel puffy.1600:00:36,770 - 00:00:38,420-嘿 莱纳德 -嘿 佩妮-hey,leonard. -oh

5、,hi,penny.1700:00:38,440 - 00:00:39,540-我有打扰吗 -没有-am I interrupting? -no.1800:00:39,540 - 00:00:40,960霍华德 你没肿youre not swelling,howard.1900:00:41,390 - 00:00:43,900看看我的手指 他们看起来象维也纳香肠Look at my fingers. theyre like vienna sausages.2000:00:44,220 - 00:00:47,240-听起来你好象有客人 -他们总在-sounds like you have com

6、pany. -theyre not going anywhere.2100:00:48,480 - 00:00:51,250你下班了 太好了 工作怎么样So,youre coming home from work. thats great. how was work?2200:00:51,260 - 00:00:53,170那是卖芝士蛋糕的You know,its a cheesecake factory.2300:00:53,190 - 00:00:55,120客人点芝士蛋糕 我给他们端过去People order cheesecake and I bring it to them.2400

7、:00:55,380 - 00:01:00,220这和碳水化合物传送系统有点象So you kind of act like a carbohydrate delivery system.2500:01:01,940 - 00:01:04,600是 随便你怎么叫 反正拿的工资最低Yeah. call it whatever you want,I get minimum wage.2600:01:06,860 - 00:01:09,270我想问一下你能不能帮我点忙.I was wondering if you could help me out with something.2700:01:09

8、,280 - 00:01:10,280好的yes.2800:01:11,320 - 00:01:13,770好的 明天会有人给我送家具Great. Im having some furniture delivered tomorrow2900:01:13,830 - 00:01:15,250我可能不在 所以.and I may not be here,so.3000:01:17,240 - 00:01:18,440好啊Hello.3100:01:22,780 - 00:01:25,550-什么 -有没有人用优美的俄语跟你说过-im sorry? -havent you ever been to

9、ld3200:01:25,580 - 00:01:26,830你是多么的漂亮吗How beautiful you are in flawless russian?3300:01:27,220 - 00:01:28,440没有No,I havent.3400:01:28,450 - 00:01:29,620你会习惯的Get used to it.3500:01:30,580 - 00:01:32,340我可能不会Yeah. I probably wont.3600:01:33,300 - 00:01:34,670-嘿 谢尔顿 -嘿-hey,sheldon. -hi.3700:01:34,700

10、- 00:01:35,910嘿 拉杰Hey,raj.3800:01:38,080 - 00:01:39,610还是不跟我说话Still not talking to me,huh?3900:01:39,780 - 00:01:41,900他不是故意和你过不去 这是他的老毛病了Dont take it personally,its his pathology.4000:01:41,910 - 00:01:43,290他不能跟女人说话He cant talk to women.4100:01:43,300 - 00:01:45,610他不能跟漂亮女人说话He cant talk to atract

11、ive woman,or in your case,4200:01:45,620 - 00:01:47,910或者就是象你这样有迷人芝士蛋糕味的女神A cheesecake-scented goddess.4300:01:48,090 - 00:01:50,580明天会有人来送家具?So theres gonna be some furniture delivered?4400:01:50,600 - 00:01:52,800是的 如果送来的时候我不在Yeah. If it gets here and Im not here,could you sign4500:01:52,810 - 00:

12、01:54,630你能帮我签收一下然后放到我房间吗And have them put it in my apartment?4600:01:54,640 - 00:01:55,860没问题No problem.4700:01:55,870 - 00:01:57,930太好了 这是备用钥匙 谢谢Great. heres my spare key. thank you.4800:02:00,140 - 00:02:01,350佩妮 等等Penny,wait.4900:02:04,570 - 00:02:06,100如果你没什么安排的话If you dont have any other plans

13、,do you want to join us5000:02:06,150 - 00:02:09,850你想一起吃点泰国菜看个超人电影马拉松吗For thai food and a superman movie marathon?5100:02:09,910 - 00:02:13,070马拉松? 到底有多少部超人电影啊A marathon? how many superman movies are there?5200:02:13,130 - 00:02:14,810你是开玩笑的 对不对Youre kidding,right?5300:02:15,890 - 00:02:18,800我比较喜欢

14、露易丝莱恩从飞机上掉下来I do like the one where lois lane falls from the helicopter5400:02:18,830 - 00:02:21,440超人俯冲下去接住她的那部 那是第几部And superman swooshes down and catches her. which one was that?5500:02:21,480 - 00:02:22,940第一部One.5600:02:23,350 - 00:02:26,550你知道那个场景完全不符合科学吧You realize that scene was rife with sc

15、ientific inaccuracy.5700:02:26,990 - 00:02:28,770是的 我知道 人不能飞Yes,I know,men cant fly.5800:02:28,820 - 00:02:30,470不 不 假设人能飞No. lets assume that they can.5900:02:32,090 - 00:02:33,420露易丝莱恩从高空往下掉Lois lane is falling,6000:02:33,480 - 00:02:36,210以每秒32英尺的初速度做自由落体加速Accelerating at an initial rate of 32 fe

16、et per second per second.6100:02:36,220 - 00:02:39,410超人俯冲下来用两个钢筋一样的手臂想要接住她Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel.6200:02:39,410 - 00:02:43,050此时莱恩小姐在以每小时120公里的速度往下掉Miss lane,who is now traveling At approximately 120 miles an hour6300:02:43,060 - 00:02:46,140碰到钢筋手臂 立马被劈成三

17、半Hits them and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces.6400:02:48,340 - 00:02:51,680但是如果超人也达到那个速度然后减速Unless superman matches her speed and decelerates.6500:02:51,840 - 00:02:55,140还有时间吗 先生 她离地面两尺高In what space,sir? shes two feet above the ground.6600:02:55,740 - 00:02:58,470如果他真的爱她的话 他应该让她掉在马路

18、上Frankly,if he really loved her,hed let her hit the pavement.6700:02:58,480 - 00:03:00,030那还比较仁慈Itd be a more merciful death.6800:03:00,720 - 00:03:04,970你的全部论证都是建立在Excuse me,your entire argument is predicated on the assumption6900:03:04,980 - 00:03:07,270超人的飞行有惊人的冲击力的基础上That supermans flight is a f

19、eat of strength.7000:03:07,280 - 00:03:09,580听到你自己说的了么Are you listening to yourself? it is well established7100:03:09,590 - 00:03:11,260很明显他的飞行有无限的冲击力That his flight is a feat of strength.7200:03:11,270 - 00:03:13,660这是他能跃过大厦的能力的延伸It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings,7300:03:13,6

20、90 - 00:03:16,230也是吸收来自太阳的能力An ability he derives from exposure to earths yellow sun.7400:03:16,280 - 00:03:18,060那他晚上怎么也能飞And how does he fly at night?7500:03:18,210 - 00:03:20,520月亮反射的太阳光A combination of the moons solar reflection7600:03:20,560 - 00:03:23,220结合氪星球皮肤细胞储存的能量And the energy-storage ca

21、pacity of kryptonian skin cells.7700:03:24,800 - 00:03:26,460我去洗澡了Im just gonna go wash up.7800:03:26,750 - 00:03:29,940我有2600本漫画 我打赌I have 2,600 comic books in there. I challenge you7900:03:29,950 - 00:03:32,410你找不到任何有关氪星球皮肤细胞的线索To find a single reference to kryptonian skin cells.8000:03:32,420 - 0

22、0:03:33,800接受挑战Challenge accepted.8100:03:37,590 - 00:03:39,120我们被锁在外面了Were locked out.8200:03:39,330 - 00:03:41,510还有 那个美女走了Also,the pretty girl left.8300:04:12,870 - 00:04:17,100她的公寓在四楼但是电梯坏了所以你得.ok.Her apartments on the fourth floor but the elevators broken,so.8400:04:17,410 - 00:04:19,940你就那么走了?

23、 好的 谢谢Youre just gonna be done? okay. cool. thanks8500:04:21,350 - 00:04:23,070那我们就自己搬上去Well just bring it up ourselves.8600:04:23,090 - 00:04:24,600我非常不同意I hardly think so.8700:04:25,820 - 00:04:27,030为什么Why not?8800:04:27,300 - 00:04:29,140我们没有手推车Well,we dont have a dolly,8900:04:29,180 - 00:04:32

24、,770也没有吊装带或者胸大肌Or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength.9000:04:33,720 - 00:04:35,960我们不需要力气 我们是物理学家We dont need strength-were physicists.9100:04:36,240 - 00:04:38,730我们是阿基米德的传人We are the intellectual descendants of archimedes.9200:04:38,740 - 00:04:41,110给我一个支点 我可以撬动地球Give me a fulcru

25、m and a lever and I can move the earth.9300:04:41,120 - 00:04:43,120只需要. 我弄不动 我弄不动Its just a matter of. I dont have this.9400:04:44,980 - 00:04:46,680阿基米德肯定非常自豪Archimedes would be so proud.9500:04:53,510 - 00:04:55,010你有什么主意吗Do you have any ideas?9600:04:55,460 - 00:04:58,340是的 但都需要绿灯侠和魔戒Yes,but the

26、y all involve a green lantern and a power ring.9700:05:00,230 - 00:05:02,730-慢点 -慢点Easy. easy.9800:05:05,230 - 00:05:06,730好的Ok.9900:05:08,000 - 00:05:10,750现在有了个斜面Now weve got an inclined plane. the force required to lift10000:05:10,760 - 00:05:12,980拉力由于楼梯的正弦角而减少了.Is reduced by the sine of the ang

27、le of the stairs,10100:05:12,990 - 00:05:14,690角度大约是30度 那就减少了差不多一半Call it 30 degrees,so,about half.10200:05:15,140 - 00:05:16,460正好一半Exactly half.10300:05:18,490 - 00:05:19,690正好一半Exactly half.10400:05:21,200 - 00:05:22,400推吧Lets push.10500:05:26,580 - 00:05:28,350看 动了 很简单See,its moving,this is easy

28、.10600:05:28,820 - 00:05:30,230数学里都证明了Its all in the math.10700:05:31,150 - 00:05:33,610-转角的公式是什么 -什么-whats your formula for the corner? -what?10800:05:39,960 - 00:05:41,190好的 没问题Okay,no problem.10900:05:41,210 - 00:05:43,210上来 帮我拉上来然后拐弯Just come up here,help me pull and turn.11000:05:48,060 - 00:05

29、:50,630重力 太没良心了Ah,gravity,thou art a heartless bitch.11100:05:52,870 - 00:05:56,550你知道我们花这么大的力气You do understand that our efforts here will in no way increase the odds11200:05:56,560 - 00:05:58,650一点也不会增加你和这个女人性交的几率Of you having sexual congress with this woman.11300:05:59,870 - 00:06:02,420男人为女人做事不是为了做爱Men do things for women without expecting sex.11400:06:02,660 - 00:06:04,660那是刚做完爱的男人Tho

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