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1、届高考英语各省模拟试题重组卷新高考I卷+模拟+Word版含答案2022届高考英语各省模拟试题重组卷新高考I卷第一局部阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2.5分,总分值37.5分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最正确选项。A2022届山东省潍坊市高三下学期一模统考(3月)These are the life-changing apps that will help you build better habits in 2022.StreaksStreaks lets you create up to 24 different tasks that you

2、 can complete each day. Complete a task, mark it on the app, and youll start building your progress. Streaks also has other features available, like reminders and statistics, to help you keep your habits on track. It collects no fees.StridesStrides makes your goals easy and attainable. Youll be able

3、 to track your progress and see how far along you are with progress reports and charts thatll show you your advancement and your success rate on any given goal. You can create unlimited reminders and build up your routine from the ground up. The app asks you to join their monthly subscription.ATrack

4、erWith ATracker, time all your activities and stop wasting time on unimportant tasks. You can create and define your daily and weekly goals to avoid losing track of your good and bad habits. Having tracked, you can see what youve done in a beautiful chart. You can also see a goal report to make sure

5、 youre staying on track with your new years resolutions. The app is $4.99, but its only a one-time is mostly free. Youll get to track your progress and get bonus points for achieving your goals. Whats cool about is that you can join a community of people like you wh

6、ere they are willing to help out each other. You can even take it one step further by hiring a coach, although thafs going to cost you extra.21.Which app is free of charge?A. StreaksB. StridesC. ATrackerD. Coach.meB. They offer a progress chart.D. They update information every month.B. Employ a coac

7、h for free.D. Make progress in your studies.22.What do Strides and ATracker have in common?A. They help to time vital tasks.C. They have reminding functions.23.What can you do with Earn cash rewards.C. Get support from other users.B(湖湘教育三新探索协作体2021-2022学年高三上学期期中联考英语试卷)27. A推理判断题。根据最后一段最后

8、一句可知,在疫情中我们不能花时 间和别人相处,但我们有家人在一起。C篇28-31 DBCB 2022届山东省潍坊市高三下学期一模统考(3月)这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了灰鲸从濒危物种名目中除名,并不意味着其在未来 的开展中可以无忧无虑。有研究估计,灰鲸死亡数量越来越多,可能是由于食物缺乏 和气候变化,其中环境的改变是关键因素。28、细节理解题。由第一段 Being taken off the endangered species list doesn? t guarantee a carefree future for whales. (被从濒危物种名 单上除名并不能保证鲸鱼的未来无忧无虑。)可

9、知,下文2016年,2019年 的例子都在说灰鲸数量的急剧减少。D项dropped符合题意。应选D。29、细节理解题。由第二段 The Arc t i c has historical ly 1 ow levels of sea ice in recent years, upending the delicate ecosystem that sustains gray whales. Like other migrators , they don t feed on their winter breeding (繁殖)grounds or along their migrat ion, an

10、d must gain weight during the summer to sustain themselves through the rest of the year.(近年来,北极的海冰水平处于历史最低水平,这颠覆了维 系灰鲸生存的脆弱生态系统。和其他迁徙者一样,它们不在冬季繁殖地或 迁徙过程进食,必须在夏季增加体重,以维持一年余下的时间。)分析各 选项可知,A项Consume few calories.(几乎不消耗卡路里,该项排除, 因为要在冬季迁徙,所以会消耗卡路里);B项Travel south to breed.(向南繁殖,冬天灰鲸会南迁繁殖,大冬天不可能往北迁徙);C项Ma

11、rch back to Alaska.(去往阿拉斯加,排除C项,根据原文第二段arrived in Mexico poor condition,得知他们到达的是墨西哥);D项Seek food i n the Arctic.(在北极寻找食物,排除该项,因为灰鲸冬天不吃食物。)故 选Bo30、推理判断题。由最后一段的 A1 though he cause was ul t imately undetermined, it s thought that the populat ion reached u carrying capacity“ 一 i t grew too large for the

12、 environment to support i t. Al though that idea has been suggested for this die-off as well, it s more likely b 1 amed on the changing conditions of the Arc t i c. (尽 管最终原因尚未确定,但人们认为灰鲸数量已经到达了 “承载能力”一一 数量增长过快,环境无法承受。虽然这种观点也被认为是导致这种灭绝的 原因,但它更有可能被归咎于北极环境的变化。)可知,还是由于环境变 化才是数量减少的关键因素,应选C。31、作者观点态度题。由最后一

13、段This d i e-of f i s a reminder that “delisting“ doesn t indicate a population s secure future. Newthreats arise, climate change upends habitats, and continued monitoring is needed in case a crash comes.(这次灭绝提醒人们,“除 名”并不意味着一个种群的未来就平安了。新的威胁出现了,气候变化颠 覆了栖息地,需要持续监测,以防崩溃发生。)可知,作者对未来还是有 点担忧,应选BoD篇32-35: B

14、BCA本篇是一篇关于“控制气候”的议论文答案为Bo细节题。第1段介绍了一个名叫Jason Box的科学家做了一个试验,尝试 用白色塑料覆盖冰川,以到达保护冰川的目的。从而引出后文对人类干预气候的可行性的 探讨,因此选择Bo32.答案为Bo细节题。根据题干中的Ralph King把答案定位在第2段。根据第2段第 2句和最后一句可知,Ralph King说人们认为科技能够拯救地球,但是我们还需要解决其 他像是(能源)消耗的问题。科学家们做实验乘坐的直升机消耗了 50000美金(的能源) 科技不会让我们搭便车。可知答案选Bo答案为Co细节题。根据题干中的Grey Child把答案定位在第3段。根据第

15、3段最 后一句根据我们自己的意志来阻止冰河时代听起来有些错误的地方,可知此人对于人类控制 气候的观点持反对意见,答案为Co33.答案为Ao主旨题。通过前面极端列举不同的科学家对于控制气候的观点,最后一段,作者提出更喜欢地球自己照料自己,也即反对人类控制气候。选择A选项。3640 CGABD本文是一篇说明文。就如何成为一个好的读者提出了三条建议。34.C根据下文提出的三点建议可知,C项“下面是成为一名好读者的三点建议”能够引出 下文,符合语境。应选C。35.G上文提到你阅读的速度越快,你就越不可能完全理解所读的内容。下文提到阅读是终 生的过程。G项“在这种情况下,不要犹豫,再读一遍”联系上下文,

16、符合语境。应选G。36.A 根据下文中的 ureading out loud is one of the best ways to improve your reading ability可知,朗读是提高阅读技能最好的方式之一。A项“大声阅读”能够概括本段内 容,符合语境。应选A。37.B根据上下文可知,朗读是提高阅读技能的其中一个方式。根据下文可知,如果以书的 作者的节奏朗读的话,你会朗读得更加准确,更生动。B项“用作者的声音节奏朗读”符合 语境。应选B。38.D根据本段内容可知,阅读的方法和内容影响写作的方法和内容,最好的读者往往能成 为最好的作家。D项”写作和阅读要保持一致,同时进行”符

17、合本段主题,符合语境。应选 Do第一局部阅读(共两节,总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2.5分,总分值37.5分)A 篇 2123 ABCB 篇 24-27 DBCAC 篇 2831 DBCBD 篇 32-35: BBCA第一节(共5小题;每题2.5分,总分值12.5分)36-40 CGABD第二局部 语言运用(共两节,总分值30分)第一节:(共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)(江门市2022届高考模拟考试) 完形填空 41-45 DBCAB 46-50 CDADC 51-55 BABAD第三节语法填空(武汉市2022届高中毕业生二月调研考试)56. to stop 57. and 5

18、8. crowds 59. as 60. are/is61. sliced 62. apparently 63. thickness 64. how 65. adding 写作第一节Sample writings:New Era, New StudentsAdmittedly, we generations are in a new era when the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. With great changes come new challenges and responsibilities. To

19、better cope with these, we yet need to sweep away all the uncivilized phenomena in our school first.Unaware of its value, some students take it for granted to waste food. Besides, in the library, certain students speak or talk aloud, disturbing and annoying others. Little as the matters seem to be,

20、we cannot afford to overlook the serious consequences they will bring. So I suggest that the school post more noticeable slogans and make relevant rules to help students rid of those uncivilized behaviors.As students in the new era, I sincerely hope that we can become a better us to make contributio

21、ns to the society.第二节(总分值25分)(江门市2022届高考模拟考试)At a quarter to three, he got up and put on his clothes. He crept downstairs, careful of the creaky boards, and let himself out. The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised. It was early for them, too. He had never milked all alone before, but the task w

22、ent more easily than he had ever known it to go before. Milking for once was not a chore. It was something else, a gift to his father who loved him. He finished, the two milk cans were full, and he covered them and closed the milkhouse door carefully.Back in his room he had only a minute to pull off

23、 his clothes in the darkness and jump into bed, for he heard his father up. The door opened and his father woke him as usual. Aw-right,“ he said sleepily. The door closed and he lay still, laughing to himself. Then a few minutes later, the door opened again and his father was standing by his bed, fe

24、eling for him, pulling away the cover. “Rob, I thank you. Nobody ever did a nicer thing.He found his father and held him tightly in a great hug. Its for Christmas, Dad!” His heart was bursting with love.附加英语填空挑战题和优美句子()l.We use language every day. We live in a world of words. Hardly anymoment passes

25、 with someone talking, writing or reading. Indeed, _1_languages is most essential to mankind. Our lives increasingly dependon fast and successful use of language.()2.Strangely enough, we know _2_more about things around us than on ourselves.()3.For example, language _3_is species specific,()4.that i

26、s, it is language that differs human from _4_animals.()5. Ho we ver, we do not know yet how exactly we inquire language _5_and how it is possible for us to perceive through language;()6.nor we _6_ understand precisely the combinations between language and thought,()7._7_language and logic, or langua

27、ge and culture; still less, how and when language started. One reason for this inadequate knowledge of language is that we, like language users, take too many things for granted.()8._8_Language comes to every normal person so naturally()9.that a few _9_of us stop to question what language is, much l

28、ess do we feel the necessity to study it.()10.Language is far more complex than most people have probably imagined and the necessity to study it is far greater than some people may have assured. Linguistic is a branch of science which _10_takes language as its object of investigation.() is a

29、chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.生活是串串的快乐时 光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。()12.idleness is the root of all evil.懒惰乃万恶之源。() is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can t be expressed with any choice of words.想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜

30、的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨()14.a bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。()15.happiness takes no account of time.欢娱不惜时光逝。()16.although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress .虽然我们不知道别离和丧失亲人的

31、长期后果,但我们知道它们能立即引起剧烈的悲哀。()17.there is a growing tendency for parent these days to stay at home to look after their children instead of returning to work earlier.现在,父亲或母亲留在家里照顾他们的孩子而不愿 过早返回工作岗位正成为增加的趋势。() is important for everyone to learn English well in our rapidly developing world.在这个 迅速开展的世界里

32、,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。()19.The harder you work at it, the more progress you will make.你工作越努力,你取得的 进步就越大。()20.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.如果每个人都为保护环境做出贡献,世界会变得更加美好。I still remember when I moved to Mexico City in 2014, my husband and I spent most of our free time exploring the city of 20 million. We squeezed our way through massive crowds that had traveled across the country to pray to the Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexicos patron saint.

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