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1、英语必修五37页答案英语必修五37页答案【篇一:英语(必修)】it 1 great scientists period 1 word power i. fill in the blanks with right words. 1.theory2. scientific3. examined4. concluded5. analyzed 6. attend 7. expose 8. absorbed 9. immediately 10. severely 11. handle12. positive13. cured14. value 15. repeat ii. fill in the bla

2、nks with right forms of the given words. 1. conclusion2. completed3. announcement 4. instructions 5. construction 6. characteristics 7. rejected8. cautious9. enthusiastically 10. contributions 11. enquiry12. suspectsuspected iii. fill in the blanks with right forms of the given expressions. 1. out o

3、f control 2. in conclusion 3. apart from 4. make sense 5. put forward 6. exposed to 7. is to blame 8. linked to 9. is strict with10. lead to 11. in addition 12. led to iv. complete the following sentences. 1. being exposed to the sun too long 2. i am very much to blame. 3. only if i am given a hand4

4、. she gathered all her courage 5. in addition to these subjects 6. on which all our ideas of the universe are built 7. he became (an) expert in computer 8. how challenging life is for the disabled period 2 grammar and usage i. choose the best answer 15 cbadb 610 ccacb1115 dadcb1620 bbdac ii. correct

5、 the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. 第一个exciting改为excited 2. being exposed-exposed 3. being built-built 4. 第一个disappointing改为disappointed 5. interesting-interested 6. paying-paid 7. hurted-hurt 8. air polluted-polluted air9. breaking-broken 10. terrified by a little mouse放在girl之后 period 3 cl

6、oze a) 1-5 abdac 6-10 cbcad 11-15 babda 16-20 dabcd b) 15 bcdea period 4 reading a) 14 ddbc b) 57 bda unit 2 the united kingdom period 1 word power i. fill in the blanks with right words1. united2. debate3.clarify4. constructed 5. influenced 6. wedding 7. available 8. delight 9. royal 10. uniform 11

7、. smart 12. statue 13. errors14. tense 15. province 16. rough ii. fill in the blanks with right forms of the given words. 1. arrangement2. kingdom3. illegal 4. convenient5. attractive 6. collection 7. unfolded 8. fair 9. suggested 10. communism 11. thrilling 12. accomplished iii. fill in the blanks

8、with the right forms of the given expressions. 1. divided into, divided into2. not consistent with 3. consists of 4. is related to 5. instead of 6. break away from 7. left out8. take the place of 9. break down 10. goes sightseeing 11. arranged for12. leaving for iv. complete the following sentences.

9、 1. when we shall hold the meeting 2. draw the conclusion 3. every time i saw the photos 4. there is no need to argue with him 5. worried about the future6. there is no doubt period 2 grammar and usage i. choose the best answer. 15 adbbd 610 badaa 11-15 bbcdb 1620 adbbc ii. correct the mistakes in t

10、he following sentences. 1. debating-to debate2. were-was3. convenient-convenience 4. evidences-evidence 5. divided-dividing 6. to be planted-planted 7. repair-repaired period 3 cloze a) 1-5 dbcba 6-10 badba 11-15 bdbab 16-20 bdaab b) 15 cbdfe period 4 reading a) 14 dda b) 57 bba test 1 (unit 1unit 2

11、) i. multiple choice ( 10% ) 1-5 bcdab6-10 bcabc ii. cloze ( 20 % ) 11-15 bcadb 16-20 cbdac 21-25 dabbc26-30 babac iii. reading comprehension ( 40% ) 31-34 bdcb 35-38 ccbb39-42 bdda43-47 bccad 48-50 aab iv. word spelling ( 5% ) 51. united 52. destroyed 53. splendid 54. attraction 55. rejected 56. co

12、ntributes57. link 58. debated 59. relate 60. convenient v. proof reading ( 10% ) 61. soand? 62. coming前加the ?63.grewgrow ?64.skiessky ?65.aslike 66. fallen falling 67.ithey? 68.?69.whilewhen?70.immediateimmediately vi. writing ( 15 % ) tibet lies in the southwest of china. much of it is a cold high

13、land. on the average it is 15,000 feet above sea level. tibet is rich in natural resources and it is the source of all major rivers of asia, though it has a dry climate. tibet is visited by thousands of people every year. sportsmen take great pride in getting to the highest point of the world and to

14、urists want to see the roof of the world with their own eyes. unit 3 life in the future period 1word power i. fill in the blanks with right words. 1. aspects 2. impression 3. constantly 4. precious 5. desire 6. surroundings 7. adjustments 8. tolerate 9. fasten 10. optimistic ii. fill in the blanks w

15、ith right forms of the given words. 1. difficult; difficulty 2. failed 3. interested; interesting 4. differences 5. fortunately 6. direction 7. successful; succeeded 8. disappointment 9. exciting; excited 10. lucky iii. rewrite the following sentences. 1. satisfied with; poorer 2. known; all over; t

16、hen 3. in a low voice 4. appeared; worn out 5. is confident 6. facing 7. fortunately; picked out 8. direct/directly 9. cut off 10. came across iv. translate the following sentences into english/ chinese. 1. they are satisfied with xiao wangs work. 2. it will save you a lot of time if you take a dire

17、ct train to chengdu. 3. toms entering the final contest astonished us, because he is not outstanding all the time. 4. we should find ways to solve this particular problem. 5. about half of the villagers became homeless after the earthquake. 6. 生意失败后,他穷困潦倒。 7. 有人因为踩到香蕉皮滑倒而受伤了。 8. 他们运气不好,被暴风雪困在了山地边缘。

18、period 2grammar and usage i. choose the right answer. 1-5 bbcaa 6-10 bbacb ii. correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. express expressed2. use using3. when while4. what that 5. it which 6. another other7. when that8. is in is 9. being left left10. examined being examined iii. rewrite the

19、 following sentences. 1. would rather; than2. despite his illness3. with its; broken4. being examined 5. what is; that period 3cloze a) 1-5 bacbd 6-10 acabd 11-15 abacb 16-20 dabcd b) 15 bfacd period 4reading comprehension a) 14 acbc b) 57 cad unit 4 making the news period 1word power i. fill in the

20、 blanks with right words. 1. photographs/photos 2. delighted 3. profession 4. eager 5. concentrate 6. acquired 7. inform 8. accused 9. deliberately 10. demand 11. guilty 12. published 13. approved 14. technical 15. ahead ii. rewrite the following sentences. 1. who is reading 2. being discussed 3. wh

21、o is walking/taking a walk4. preventing 5. makes, feel6. polite, look directly at 7. look directly, telling lies 8. sitting, turning, means 9. commonly, everyday 10. have avoided, made iii. translate the following sentences into english/chinese. 1. they are visitors from several west european countr

22、ies, who are interested in chinas peking opera. 2. elva entered the exhibition hall looking around in a curious way. 3. learning about the behavior of people of different cultures is an interesting study and can help avoid some difficulty in communication. 4. people often express their feelings usin

23、g non-language. 5. he is likely to get what he wants in other ways. 6. 总的说来,他还是一个容易相处的人,尽管有时候他会发脾气。 7. 我惊奇地发现他接受了让他独自去那里的建议。 8. 因为他们常常就不同的话题有不同的意见,他们很可能相互误解。 period 2grammar and usage i. choose the right answer. 1-5 ddacd6-10 aadaa ii. rewrite the following sentences. 1. it, no good/use 2. what trou

24、bles 3. only; can we4. more than simply5. it was; that 6. never before did7. not only is8. seldom do9. can you achieve10. did; turn iii. correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 1. sadly sad2. had had gotten3. married with married4. what what it5. when that 7. talk to talk8. like is like9. w

25、riting written 10. less fewer period 3cloze a) 1-5 bcabd 6-10 acadb 11-15 cbdac 16-20 bcabd b) 1-5 cbead period 4reading comprehension a) 1-4 acbb b) 5-8 bcdc test 2 ( unit 3 - unit 4 ) i. multiple choice. (10%) 1-5 bacbc 6-10 aacca ii. cloze. (20%) 11-15 badac 16-20 bdacb 21-25 dcacb 26-30 dabac ii

26、i. reading comprehension. (40%) 31-35 cdaca 36-40 badad 41-45 cdabd 46-50 babcc iv. spelling. (5%) 51. carriage 52. private 53. mask 54. reminded 55. accurate 56. gifted 57. technical 58. accused59. assist 60. impression v. proof reading. (10%) 61. develop developed62. thirteenth the thirteenth 63.

27、need needed 64. at by65. 66. moved moving 67. who that 68. and or 70. clearly clear vi. writing (15%) hi, brian, im glad you are interested in my hometown, ningbo, and im now giving you a brief introduction to it. ningbo lies in east china. it is a developing city. firstly, the city has been designe

28、d to high standards, with broad streets and roads. there is green grass everywhere, beautiful flowers , trees and modern style high buildings. so the environment is wonderful. secondly, public facilities are advanced, which makes the life of the citizens more convenient, such as facilities for trans

29、portation, education, and medical treatment. large shopping centers attract a lot of people every day and the streets are crowded because the population is large. of course the city is just going on its way and things will get on smoothly. talk to you next time. wang ping unit 5 first aid period 1 w

30、ord power i. fill in the blanks with right words 1. injured 2. burnt3. poison 4. temporary 5. liquid6. radiation. 7. mild 8. electric 9. complex 10. organs 11. variety 12. unbearable 13. vital【篇二:人教版高中必修五unit four】) 教学目标 1. 掌握本单元重要词汇 2. 掌握本单元语法-倒装 教学内容 一重点词汇以及句子 1. occupation n. (job, profession) pl

31、ease state your name, age and occupation. occupy v. reading occupies (takes up) most of my free time. 分。 the bathroom is occupied. 浴室有人在用。 忙着(做某事);忙(于某事物 他的职业是公车司机 by profession for professional footballers, injures are an occupational hazard. 2. newspaper. 这里是倒装(inversion), 此句的正常句序是: zhou yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of . 注意: 当一些否定词,如: never, little, hardly, scarcely, seldom, not, not only, no sooner(

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