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人教版九年级上册英语 Unit 5 词汇与语法基础解析版 2.docx

1、人教版九年级上册英语 Unit 5 词汇与语法基础解析版 2知识图谱Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?知识精讲一、必背词汇material n. 材料;原料chopsticks n. 筷子coin n.硬币fork n.餐叉,叉子blouse n.(女士)短上衣;衬衫sliver n. 银,银器; adj.银色的glass n.玻璃cotton n.棉;棉花steel n. 钢;钢铁grass n. 草;草地leaf n. 叶;叶子 produce v. 生产;制造;出产widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地 process v. 加工;处理France 法

2、国local adj. 当地的;本地的brand n. 品牌;牌子avoid v. 避免;回避product n.产品;制品 handbag n. 小手提包mobile adj.可移动的;非固定的Germany 德国surface /n. 表面;表层postman n. 邮递员 cap n(.尤指有帽舌的)帽子 glove n(分手指的)手套 international n adj. 国际的 competitor n.参赛者;竞争者paint v. 用颜料画;刷漆its adj. 它的form n. 形式;类型clay n. 黏土;陶土balloon n. 气球scissors n. (pl.

3、) 剪刀lively adj. 生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的fairy n. 童话故事 heat n. 热;高温polish v.磨光;修改;润色 complete v. 完成二、重点词汇1. material n.1). a physical substance that things can be made from材料,原料例句: Crude oil is used as the raw (= basic) material for making plastics.原油被用作制造塑料的原料。2). information used when writing something such a

4、s a book, or information produced in various forms to help people or to advertise products素材;资料例句: Im collecting material for an article that Im writing.我正在为所写的一篇文章收集素材。3). cloth that can be used to make things such as clothes布,织物,料子例句:How much material will you need to make the skirt?做这条裙子你需要多少布料?2

5、. produce v.1). to make something or bring something into existence生产;出产;制造例句: France produces a great deal of wine for export.法国生产大量葡萄酒供出口。2). to cause a reaction or result引起;使产生例句: Her remarks produced an awkward silence.她的讲话引起了一阵尴尬的沉默。3. local adj.1). from, existing in, serving, or responsible fo

6、r a small area, especially of a country当地的,本地的例句:Our children all go to the local school.我们的孩子都在当地的学校上学。2). limited to a particular part of the body局部的,部分的例句: local swelling 局部肿胀4. paint v.1). to cover a surface with paint油漆(表面),(在上)刷油漆例句: Ive been painting all morning.我整个早上都在刷油漆。2). to make a pictu

7、re using paints(用颜料)画,绘例句:All these pictures were painted by local artists.所有这些画都是当地画家画的。5. complete v.1). to make whole or perfect使完整;使完全;使完美例句:He only needs two more cards to complete the set.他只需再有两张牌就凑成一副了。2). to write all the details asked for on a form or other document填写(表格或其他文件)例句: Have you c

8、ompleted your application form yet?你的申请表填好了吗?3). to finish doing something完成;完工;结束例句:She will complete her studies in France.她将在法国完成学业。三、必背短语no matter 不论;无论 even though 虽然;即使be made of 用制造 more than 超过;多于be known for 以闻名 as far as I know 据我所知by hand 用手工 in the future 在未来;将来turn into 转变成 according to

9、 根据in trouble 在困难之中 put on 贴上such as 例如 cover with 用覆盖四、经典句型1. -Are your shirts made of cotton?-Yes, they are. And they were made in the US.-你的衬衣是棉质的么?-是的,它们是美国制造的。2. -Whats the model plane made of?-Its made of used wood and glass.-飞机模型是什么做的?-是废木头和废玻璃制造的。3. -How is tea produced?-Tea plants are grown

10、 on the sides mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.-茶是怎么制造的?-茶树种植在山边,当茶的叶子成熟时,就会被人工采摘并送去加工。三点剖析一、考点1. be made of & be made from1). be made of意为“用制成”,表示制成品中可以看出所使用的原材料。2). be made from意为“用制成”,表示制成品中不可以看出所使用的原材料。例句:Books are made of paper and p

11、aper is made from wood.书籍是用纸张做成的,而纸张使用木材做成的。2. be famous for & be known for两者意思相同,都表示“以而出名”。例句:He is famous / known for hardworking.他以努力工作而闻名。【拓展】be known for / as / to 的区别be known as 意为“因而著名”;be known as意为“以知名,公认为”;be known to意为“为所知”。例句:He was known for his frankness.他以坦率著称。Shes known as a great si

12、nger.她被公认为是个出色的歌手。He is known to the police because of his previous criminal record.他因以前的犯罪记录而为警察所知。二、易错点1. common, general, ordinary, usual的区别1). common意为“普通的;共同的”,侧重于“普通”,表示“时时发生,人所共有”,并含有“并不高贵,地位低下”之意,其反义词是rare。2). general侧重“普遍”之意,表示在大多数人或事物中流行并受到关注,不含有“地位低下”之意,其反义词是specific。3). ordinary与common基本

13、同义,侧重“平凡的,普通的”,表示“随时可以碰到,不值得惊奇”,其反义词是superior。4). usual用来指事物,意为“通常的,惯常的”,含有“随集体风俗或个人习惯而常常发生”之意,其反义词是unusual。例句:a common saying俗语a common wish一个共同的愿望the general opinion一般的看法an ordinary / common person一个普通人Its a usual thing with him.这对他来说是常事。2. lively, living, live, alive的区别1). lively意为“生动的,活泼的”,作定语(前

14、置)、表语或宾语补足语,既可以指人,也可指物。2). living意为“活着的,健在”,常做表语和定语,多用于指物,也可指人。3). live意为“活的”,一般做定语,只修饰物,不修饰人。4). alive意为“活着的”,侧重生与死的界限,常做表语、宾语补足语或后置定语,多用于指人,也可指物。例句:The lecture is very lively.这个讲座很生动。The old woman is still living.这位老妇人还健在。Dont touch it. It is a live snake.别碰它,它是一条活蛇。She was alive when they took he

15、r to the hospital.他们把她送到医院是,她还活着。题模精选题模一:be made of & be made from例1.1.1 Since early time, people knew that paper can be made _ wood and rags.A.up ofB.ofC.fromD.in例1.1.2 选择正确的词填空。The windows of some buildings are _ _ (make from / make of) steel and glass.题模二:be famous for & be known for例1.2.1 -Peng

16、Liyuan is _ Chinese people as a beautiful and popular singer.-And now she is also the First Lady in China.A.known asB.proud ofC.famous forD.well-known to例1.2.2 句型转换。The Taj Mahal is very famous all over the world.The Taj Mahal is _ _ all over the world.随堂练习随练1.1 Everyone in a car must wear the seat

17、belt in the new _ law.A.educationB.foodC.traffic随练1.2 -These tea leaves were picked _ hand. Would you like to have a try?-Ok.A.forB.withC.byD.through随练1.3 Jenny seems _ my family on the Mid-autumn visitB.visitC.visiting随练1.4 When I travelled in Thailand, I bought a ring. It _ silver.A.

18、was made inB.was made byC.was made ofD.was made from随练1.5 根据句意及所给汉语提示填写单词。1. She was wearing a blue_ (衬衣).2. Is it made of _ (棉布), silk or wool?3. Jim is going to collect _ (材料) for a new book.4. The _ (交通) here is very busy on weekends.5. The calm water _ (表面) is very much like a mirror.随练1.6 单词拼写(

19、词汇运用)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(1)When will the _ (国际的) meeting be held?(2)Where was the _ (气球) made?(3)I bought the _ (剪刀) in the supermarket near our home. (4)There were fifteen _ (参赛者) in yesterdays competition. (5) When did you _ (完成) the job? The day before yesterday. 随练1.7 选词填空(词汇运用)选择方框内合适的词(组)填空。(1)Thes

20、e traditional Chinese _ try to show love and happiness.(2)_ the weather report, it will be rainy tomorrow. (3)Children are _ to sing and dance in this school. (4)They didnt _ who the desk was cleaned by. (5)I am not _ to study with my friends because my mother thinks we talk instead.随练1.8 -What do y

21、ou know about the city of Wuhan?-Its _ its place of interest-the Yellow Crane Tower.A.famous asB.born withC.similar toD.known for随练1.9 补全对话从方框中选择最 佳选项完成对话。A: Hi, Wang Lei. How beautiful your car is!B: Thank you. _A: _B: It was made in Shang hai.A: Oh. _ B: Yes, you are right. But there are more and

22、more cars in our city ._A: Yes, environmental protection is becoming more and more important.B: I think we should use the car less and use the bike more.A: Yes. _随练1.10 句型转换(1)They usually send out the sky lanterns during Spring Festival. (改为被动语态)The sky lanterns _ usually _ during Spring Festival.

23、(2)The common things are turned into objects of beauty. (改为一般疑问句)_ the common things _ objects of beauty?(3)The toy is made of plastic. (对画线部分提问)_ the toy made of?(4)This kind of food is made by hand. (对画线部分提问)_ this kind of food made? (5)They lock the door when they go out. (改为被动语态)The door _ when

24、they go out. 随练1.11 翻译根据中文意思,完成句子。(1)你知道如何栽树吗?Do you know _ trees _? (2)哪里有卖玩具车的?_ toy cars _? (3)不论你是谁, 都必须 遵守学校规则。_ you are, you must obey the school rules. (4)这个地方以桃子而闻名。The place _ peaches. (5)老板每月付给他2 000元钱。He _ 2, 000 yuan a month by his boss. 能力拓展拓展1 Look at the chair. It is made _ bamboo. It

25、 looks comfortable.A.inB.ofC.intoD.by拓展2 -_ is the bag made of?-Its made of cloth.A.WhatB.HowC.WhenD.Why拓展3 It took my brother two hours _ making the model finishD.finished拓展4 My hometown is famous _ its seafood. Lots of visitors go there and enjoy the seafood every yea

26、r.A.ofB.asC.forD.with拓展5 We all try to avoid _ useless things in order not to waste buyC.buyingD.bought拓展6 完形填空Mr.Brown lives in a village. He has got a big family and a strong_1_.His farm is small and he is often _2_ in winter. So he goes to the city and finds work there.Once he sta

27、yed there for about two months. When New Year was coming, he _3_home to see his wife and children. On his way home, something was wrong with his eyes. When he was knocking at the door, his dog came out and bit him. His wife hurried to drive _4_away.The next morning he went to see _5_.The doctor looked over his eyes carefully and gave him some medicine. Before he _6_,he told the doctor about his dog. When the doctor heard this, he began t

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