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Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.docx

1、Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom SawyerUnit 7 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer词汇精讲1. praise(1)praise意为“赞扬,称赞”既可以作名词又可以作动词。例如: His teacher praised him for his courage. 他的老师赞扬了他的勇气。 I have nothing but praise for you. 我对你唯有称赞。(2)praise的形容词形式是proud,常用于词组be proud of,意为“因而自豪”。例如: Thats a beautiful piece of work.

2、You should be proud of it. 那件作品非常漂亮,你应当为之自豪。 We are proud of our country. 我们为我们的祖国而自豪。2. betweenamong这两个介词均含“在之间,在之中”之意。(1)between 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系,指每两者之间。例如: She takes medicine between three meals every day. 她每天在两餐之间吃药。(2)among 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。例如: Mr. Wu is sitting among the

3、students. 胡老师坐在学生们中间。词汇精讲3. forwardforward 作副词时,意为“前进地;向前”,常用于词组look forward to, 意思是“期待,盼望”,to是介词,后面接名词或者动名词。例如:I look forward to being alone in the house.我盼望能自己一人在这所房子。We look forward to the return of spring.我们期待着春天的到来。【拓展】虽然介词to与动词不定式符号to在形式上相同,但用法各异。主要区别归纳如下:(1)介词to表示“向、往、对于 ” 等,既可以指时间、方向、距离、对象或结

4、果,又可以指程度、直接或间接关系,后面必须接名词、代词等构成介词短语。例如: Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。 Lets drink to his health. 让我们为他的健康干杯。 He tied the monkey to the tree. 他把猴子拴在树上。(2)动词不定式符号to无词义,后面必须接动词原形,构成不定式短语。例如: To play computer games is wrong. 玩电脑游戏是错误的。 My job is to teach English.我的工作是教英语。 I wish to go there. 我希

5、望去那儿。4. beatbeat是及物动词,有以下用法:(1)意为“赢;打败;战胜”,后接人或某一团队、组织等,其过去式为beat。例如: I beat him at long jump yesterday. 昨天跳远我赢了他。(2)意为“打;击”,表示连续不断的打击。例如: Who is beating the drum? 谁在打鼓?(3)表示“(心脏)等跳动”。例如: I feel my heart is beating fast. 我觉得我的心脏在剧烈跳动。【拓展】beat和win都有“赢”的意思,但用法不同:beat的宾语为人或相当于人的团体、组织;而win的宾语为比赛或某个项目,过去

6、式为won。例如:Though we were weak, we beat them. 虽然我们弱,但我们赢了他们。Who win the first prize in the competition? 谁在比赛中赢得了一等奖?5. authorwriterauthor名词,意为“作者,作家”,是指出版过书的作者,writer多指没有出版过书但是为报刊写过稿子的作者(撰稿人、抄写员、文书等)。best author 指畅销书作者, film author指电影电视剧本作家,writer club指写作爱好者协会。例如:Mark Twain is his favorite author. 马克吐

7、温是他最喜爱的作家。Her mother is a good writer. 她妈妈是名很好的抄写员。6. work, taskjob(1)work 最普通用词,含义广,指人们日常生活和工作中所从事的有目的的体力或脑力劳动。例如: I have to bring my work home today. 今天我得把工作带回家做。(2)task 通常指分派给的任务,也指自愿的工作,但往往是艰巨或令人厌烦的工作。例如: She had the difficult task of pulling out all the weeds. 她的苦差事是拔除所有的杂草(3)job 多用于口语,侧重指受雇用的,

8、以谋生为目的工作,不论有无技术,也不管是零工或散工。例如: He did all kinds of odd jobs. 他做各种零活。7. progressprogress是不可数名词,意为“进步,上进;发展”。例如:make progress取得进步make progress with在方面取得进步Tom is making much progress at school now. Tom现在在学校进步很大。8. rest(1)rest 作名词,意为“休息,剩余部分,支持物”,have a rest 意为“休息一下”,the rest of 意为“其余的,剩下的”。例如: You are t

9、oo tired. Youd better have a rest now. 你太累了。你现在最好休息一下。 The rest of the book are my birthday presents. 剩下的书是我的生日礼物。 When you are sitting, keep your elbow on the arm rest. 坐立时,把胳膊肘靠在扶手上。 (2)rest 作动词,意为“使休息,使轻松”。 The bird rested itself on the branch. 那只鸟站在树枝上休息。词汇精练I. 英汉互译。1. look forward to _2. thousa

10、nds of _3. 放弃_4. come along _5. all the time _ 6. sum up _7. 看起来像_ 8. 过了一会儿_ 9. in the face of _10. in silence _ 答案与解析 1. 期待,期盼 2. 数以千计的3. give up 4. 出现 5. 总是,一直 6. 总结, 概括7. look like 8. after a while 9. 面对 10. 沉默地II. 根据所给汉语或首字母提示完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1They sat there in s_They didnt talk with each ot

11、her2He _(查看、审视) the car from the outside and admired greatly3We have made some _(进展) towards reaching an agreement4The _(交易) will not be disadvantageous(不利的) to your company5We are tiredLets _(休息)6We are off _(一会儿)7. Our team b_ theirs in the end.8Mikes father looks happy because his son has made gr

12、eat _(进步)this year9. The a_ of this book is Mark Twain.10. You should read as many English books as p_. 答案与解析 1silence 2surveyed 3progress 4deal 5takehave a rest 6for a while 7. beat 8progress 9. author 10. possibleIII. 用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空。1I dont get many chances _(talk) to her recently2The students

13、went on _(talk) and laughing on the way3The teacher often warns us _(study) harder4The boy tricked the girl into _(do) the homework for him5Li Ming began to learn English by _(him) three years ago6. His mother loves him very much and is always _ (praise) of him. 答案与解析 1to talk 2talking 3to study 4do

14、ing 5himself 6. proud. 选词填空。1. The teacher are sitting _ (between,among) the students.2. Lily is sitting _ (between, among)Mary and Ann.3. Our team _ (won, beat) theirs last week.4. Our team _ (won, beat) the game last week.5. Whats your mothers _ (work, job, task)? 答案与解析 1. among 2. between 3. beat

15、 4. won 5. job句式精讲1. On Saturday morning, every boy in town was happy, except Tom Sawyer.except是“除之外(不包括本身在内)”的意思,含有否定和排除的意思,表示除去一部分,着重在“不包括”(not including)的含义。例如:All the girls went to the party except Xiao Hong.除了小红外,其他女孩都参加了聚会。(小红没有参加。)All of us passed the final-term examination except Alice.除爱丽斯之

16、外,我们大家都通过了期末考试。【拓展】besides, exceptexcept for这三个短语都有“除之外”的意思,但具体用法不同:besides“除之外(还有)”指在整体中加入一部分,表示一种累加关系,有“加上”之意。except“除之外(没有)”着重强调在同类人或物中除去一个或几个人或物。表示一种排除关系。有“减除”之意。except for“除之外”,表示对整体不要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,起部分修正作用。例如:We are all here except/but Tom. 除了Tom外,我们都到齐了。(不包括Tom)Besides milk, we need vegetables.

17、 除了牛奶,我们还需要蔬菜。He is a good man except for hot temper. 他是个好人,除了脾气暴躁。2. What a pity!What a pity 意为“真遗憾!”句中的pity意为“可惜的事,令人遗憾的事”,是可数名词,常用于it is /was a pity 句型中,pity后可接动词不定式,可以接that从句。pity作“同情,怜悯”讲时是不可数名词。Its a pity that you cant come to the party. 你不能来参加这次聚会真可惜。She saw no pity in their faces. 她在他们脸上看不到怜

18、悯。句式精讲3. What did Tom and Bekey do in order to find their way back?(1)本句中的in order to是一个固定搭配的短语,意思是“为了”,后接动词原形构成不定式结构在句子中 作目的状语,否定形式是在to前面加not。in order to可以和so as to 互换,但后者不能放在句首。 例如: In order not to be late, you should go now. 为了不迟到,你现在应该走。(2)in order to+动词原形和so as to+动词原形可以转换成in order that+从句和so t

19、hat+从句。 He did anything in order to make money. = He did anything in order that he could make money. 为了赚钱,他什么都做。 Please go in quietly so as not to wake the baby. =Please go in quietly so that we wont wake the baby. 请不声不响地进去以免弄醒孩子。4. Dr. Robinson hit Muff Potter and knocked him out.knock sb. out 的意思是

20、“把某人打昏,使昏迷”例如:The medicine knocked him out. 这种药使他昏了过去。His head hit a table as he fell and he knocked himself out.他摔了一跤,头撞在桌子上,昏了过去。【拓展】与knock相关的其他短语:knock down 击倒 knock off 停工,中断(工作等) knock into与相撞 knock over 撞倒句式精讲5. The cave wall looked like a frozen waterfall.look like意为“看起来像” 应用范围最广,除了描述人、物之外,也能

21、抽象表达事件或现象。例如:He looks like a famous movie star. 他看起来像一个电影明星。That bicycle looks just like the one I used to have. 那个自行车看起来像我曾经拥有的那个。It looks like its going to rain soon. 天看起来要下雨。【注意】What does/do sb/sth look like? 这个句式是询问某个人或物的外貌特征。例如: What does the girl look like? 那个女孩长什么样? She is short and thin. 她又矮

22、又瘦。而be like意为“像”。例如:What is the old man like? 那个老人怎么样?He is kind. 他很和蔼。【拓展】like与aslike与as作介词,都有“像”的意思。但有一定区别。like意为“像一样”。用于相似关系,即两者在形态上或性质上有相似之处,但并不等于。as意为“作为;以身份”。用于说明同一关系,即两者实为一体。例如:She talks to me like my mother. 她像我妈妈那样跟我说话。(她不是我妈妈)She talks to me as a mother. 她以妈妈的身份跟我说话。(她是我妈妈) 6. Tom began to

23、 think of the games that he wanted to play.本句为含有定语从句的复合句,“that he wanted to play”为定语从句,修饰先行词games,that为关系代词,在定语从句中作宾语。【拓展】在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫做先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词that,who,which等和 关系副词when,where,why等,且定语从句的关联词在从句中充当一定的成分,从句中 谓语动词的时态及单复数要和它所修饰的先行词保持一致。This is the present t

24、hat he gave me for my birthday. 这是他给我的生日礼物。 Do you know everybody who came to the party?你认识来宴会的每一位吗?I still remember the night when I first came to the village. 我仍旧记得第一次来到那个村庄的晚上。 This is the place where Chairman Mao once lived.这是毛主席曾经居住过的地方。句式精练I. 句型转换。1. Jenny worked hard in order to catch up with

25、 others. (将简单句改为复合句) Jenny worked hard _ _ she could catch up with others.2. It was too hot. The soldiers went on exercising. (合并为一句) The soldiers went exercising _ _ it was very hot.3. Finally, a man who is wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice. (合并为一句) Finally, a man _ _ spoke in a loud voice.4. I

26、 want to be a volunteer because I think it is great.(合并成一个句子) _ a volunteer _ great. 5. Id like to help people who dont have home.(改为同义句) Id like to help_ _. 答案与解析 1. so that 2. even if / though 3. wearing glasses 4. Being ,is 5. homeless peopleII. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 你的好朋友长什么样? What _ your friend _ _

27、?2. 除了约翰之外,他们都去睡觉了。 They all _ _ _ _ John.3. 乔一拳将他打昏。 Joe _him _ with one punch.4嘲笑口吃的人是不人道的。 Its cruel to _ _ _ people who stammer5真遗憾,她没有早点告诉我。 _ _ _ that she didnt tell me earlier6你找到你上周丢失的那辆自行车了吗? Have you found the bike _ _ _ last week?7你应该准备解决可能出现的任何问题。 You should be ready to solve any problem

28、 that may _ _8我们默默地坐在那儿。 We were sitting there _ _9他骗我借给了他100美元。 He _ me _ _ him $10010过了一会儿那个女孩醒过来了。The girl came to herself_ _ _ 答案与解析 1. does, look like 2. went to sleep except 3. knocked, out 4make fun of 5What a pity 6that you lost7come along 8in silence 9tricked,into lending 10after a whileIII. 从方框中找出各句对应的答语,其中有两项为多余选项。AYoure welcomeBWhats the name o

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