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1、新托福写作范文素材参观博物馆2022年新托福写作范文素材:参观博物馆新托福写作范文素材:参观博物馆Museums make you feel good 博物馆让你更快乐Times are tight in this economic climate, and its often easy to use a museum admission price as an excuse to stay at home. However, a recent studyconducted by Harris Interactive finds that people are happier when the

2、y spend money on experiences rather than material purchases. According to Leaf Van Boven, an Assistant Professor of Psychology at CU-Boulder, experiences are shown to create more happiness than material goods because they provide positive personal reinterpretations over time. That is, as we revisit

3、the memory of our trip to the museum, we have a tendency to psychologically weed out any negative memories (should there be any). Experiences, such as visiting a museum, can also become a meaningful part of one”s identity and contribute to successful social relationships in a manner that material it

4、ems cannot. So consider foregoing an outing for items that you may not need; going to the museum will make you happier in the long run.2Museums make you smarter 博物馆让你更聪慧There is no doubt that a primary role of museums is to engage and educate the community. Museum exhibits inspire interest in an are

5、a of study, item, time period, or an idea but theres more going on in museums in regard to education than one might think. Schools rely heavily on museums toenhance the their curriculum. The New York Museum Education Act, for example, aims to create a partnership between schools and cultural institu

6、tions to prepare students for the 21st century. Galleries are becoming classrooms, and not just for kids. Even the museums themselves have interesting historiesto inspire and educate visitors. It becomes nearly impossible to exit a museum without having gained any information or insight during your

7、visit.3Museums provide an effective way of learning 特别有效的学习方式Museums are examples of informal learning environments, which means theyare devoted primarily to informal education a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educat

8、ive influences and resources in his or her environment. Even outside of museums, informal learning plays a pivotal role in how we take in the world around us. In fact, The U.S. Department of Labor estimates 70% or more of work-related learning occurs outside formal training. A single visit to a muse

9、um can expose visitors to in-depth information on a subject, and the nature of the museum environment is one in which you can spend as much or as little time as you like exploring exhibits. The environment allows you to form your own unique experiences and take away information that interests you. D

10、espite the success that museums have already had in educating visitors, there continue to be ongoing discussionsamong institutions in regard to increasing museums ability to connect through informal learning.4Museums are community centers 博物馆是社区的中心Museums are a lot more than collections of artifacts

11、; they allow you to meet with neighbors, discuss thoughts and opinions, and become an active part of the community. There have been yoga classes at MoMA and Rock Band Summer Camps at the Experience Music Project. Museums are increasinglyholding art chats, book signings, professional development clas

12、ses, and even wine festivals and farmers markets. Something is going on everywhere just pull up the web page of a local museum and see what they have to offer!5Museums inspire 博物馆给你灵感Museums provide inspiration through personal connections with visitors, and not only on-site and through physical com

13、munity outreach efforts; some even manage to connect through their social networks. These kinds of personal memories created at museums do not expire.6Museums help bring change and development to communities博物馆带来社区的转变和进展Research has uncovered that creating community involvement is more about locatio

14、n than the activity at hand, and this kind of location-based learning (like the kind utilized in museums) is a trigger for change and development within the community. As museums are functioning more and more like community centers in providing access to current research and new ideas, theyve become

15、 hot-spots for civic engagement. In museums, even (in some cases, especially) children are actively asked to take part in their communities.The promotion of education and the cultivation of conversation that are taking place in museums across the nation shapes and strengthens our neighborhoods.7Muse

16、ums are a great way to spend time with friends and family陪家人和朋友的好方式Museums provide a great excuse to spend time with friends and family in a positive way. Personal connections can be made with museums and also with family members during visits. A day at the museum often translates to a day spent wit

17、h loved ones as fathers and mothers transform into tour guides, and the environment provides a shared learning experience.8A museum may be your next community partner or business endeavor.博物馆是你下一个社区伙伴和商业的尝试It takes a lot of employees to help run Americas approximately 17,500 museums and it takes cou

18、ntless businesses and community partners to keep them functioning. Museums need everything from printing services, to video surveillance, to dino-glue and they are inextricably woven into the web of American government and businesses. If you are not a direct business provider for a museum, you can g

19、et some great PR and possibly borrow an artifact or two for a big meeting if you are willing to contribute a monetary gift to a museum. Alternatively, you can follow the lead of these entrepreneurs who are creating their own museums. Or, at the very least, business men and entrepreneurs can trace th

20、e development of the National Museum of Entrepreneurship in Denver, and perhaps pay them a visit within the next few years.重点搭配和句子摘抄in this economic climate:在这样的经济环境下use xxx as an excuse to:使用xxx作为借口a recent study conducted by:最近由xxx做的一项讨论People are happier when they spend money on experiences rathe

21、r than material purchases.人们把钱花在体验上比花在物质上更幸福。According to:依据Experiences are shown to create more happiness than material goods because they provide positive personal reinterpretations over time.阅历比物质制造更多的幸福,由于他们供应乐观的个人解读。As we revisit the memory of our trip to the museum, we have a tendency to psych

22、ologically weed out any negative memories.当我们重新端详我们去博物馆的记忆,我们有一种倾向, 也就是心理上剔除任何负面的记忆。become a meaningful part of one”s identity:成为一个人的身份的有意义的一局部contribute to successful social relationships:有助于胜利的社会关系make you happier in the long run:从长远来看让你更欢乐There is no doubt that a primary role of museums is to eng

23、age and educatethe community:毫无疑问,一个博物馆的主要作用是参加和训练社区。inspire interest:激发兴趣in regard to:关于rely heavily on:严峻依靠于enhance the their curriculum:提高他们的课程aims to create a partnership between schools and cultural institutions to prepare students for the 21st century:为21世纪培育学生,旨在制造学校和文化机构的关系to inspire and edu

24、cate visitors:鼓励和训练游客It becomes nearly impossible to exit a museum without having gained any information or insight during your visit.不行能在离开博物馆的时候,在参观期间没有获得的任何信息或见解。examples of informal learning environments:非正式学习环境的例子are devoted primarily to informal education:主要致力于非正规训练acquire attitudes, values, s

25、kills and knowledge from daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment:从日常阅历、训练的影响中和他或她的环境和资源中获得态度、价值观、技能和学问informal learning plays a pivotal role in how we take in the world around us:非正式学习在我们如何对待四周的世界上扮演关键的角色70% or more of work-related learning occurs outsid

26、e formal training.70%或更多的与工作相关的学习常见于外部正式训练。A single visit to a museum can expose visitors to in-depth information on a subject.参观博物馆可以让游客暴露于关于一个主题的深入信息。form your own unique experiences :形成自己独特的阅历are a lot more than collections of artifacts:不仅仅是文物的集合meet with neighbors:跟邻居见面discuss thoughts and opini

27、ons:争论想法和意见become an active part of the community:并成为一个活泼的社区的一局部yoga classes:瑜伽课程holding art chats, book signings, professional development classes, and even wine festivals and farmers markets:举办艺术谈话, 书本签约,专业进展课程,甚至葡萄酒日和农贸市场:provide inspiration:供应灵感on-site and through physical community outreach eff

28、orts:现场、通过物理社区的外联工作connect through their social networks:通过他们的社交网络(跟别人)建立关系Research has uncovered that:讨论发觉,community involvement:社区参加This kind of location-based learning (like the kind utilized in museums) is a trigger for change and development within the community.这种定位学习(像用于博物馆的那种)可以触发社区内的变化和进展。a

29、re functioning more and more like:功能越来越像providing access:供应become hot-spots for civic engagement:成为公民参加的“热点”The promotion of education and the cultivation of conversation that are taking place in museums across the nation shapes and strengthens our neighborhoods.发生在全国博物馆的关于训练的促进和对话的培育塑造并加强了我们的社区。pro

30、vide a great excuse to:供应一个冠冕堂皇的理由Personal connections:人际关系:countless businesses and community partners:很多企业和社区合作伙伴keep them functioning:保持它们良好运营printing services, video surveillance:印刷效劳,视频监控are woven into:交错在borrow an artifact or two for a big meeting:为一个盛大的会议借一件或两件文物are willing to contribute a monetary gift to a museum:情愿为一个博物馆奉献一个金钱的礼物。Alternatively:另外business men and entrepreneurs:商人和企业家Citation:适用题目:(A/D)Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country. (2022/10/25CN & 2022/10/12CN)

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