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1、新概念英语一第十四次课XX新概念第111-112课The most expensive model Please tell the story with your own words and check your answer with the teachers. Charlotte offered coffee to Jane and she accepted it. Jane wanted just a little milk and one and a half teaspoonfuls of sugar in her coffee. After a cup, Jane drank on

2、e more. She wanted a cigarette too, but the cigarette box was empty. What a pity! Jane had some biscuits instead. It is better to eat more and smoke less.已学单词 Words learnedidea a little teaspoonful less a few pity instead advice most bestleast worse worst好用句型 Useful structureHave you got any? Ive go

3、t more than you have. Ive got the most.词汇学习 Word study 1afford v.(1)买得起;付得起(钱):She cant afford a new coat. 她买不起一件新大衣。 We are not rich enough to afford a car.我们并不太富有,不能购置汽车。 (2)担负得起(时间等):I feel I can t afford any more time on this project. 我觉得我不能再在这个项目上花更多的时间。 We cant afford such enormous fees. 我们无法负

4、担如此巨额的费用。2deposit(1)n预付定金;押金;保证金:He put down a deposit on the house yesterday.昨天他付了房子的定金。 Youll have to pay a deposit of 60 to reserve the room 要预定这个房间,你需交付60美金的押金。 (2)v存放;存储:We were advised to deposit our valuables in the bank safe 别人建议我们将自己的珍贵物品存放在银行的保险箱里。 (3)付(保证金);预付(定金):I deposited 1,500 on a n

5、ew car.我付了1,500美金作为购新车的定金。3. instalment n. 分期付款, (连载作品或分集戏剧等的)一部分, 一集=installment(美)例句: He put25 down and pay the rest in instalment. 他付了25英镑的定金,其余的分期付款。He will pay back the money in monthly instalment. 他将按月分期付款的方式偿还。When will you pay the last instalment? 你什么时候付清最后一期分期贷款?Did you watch the last insta

6、lment ?你看了上一集了吗?课文详注 Further notes on the text 1buy on instalments,以分期付款的方式购买。I have bought this house on instalments.我用分期付款的方式买了这所房子。 2and then fourteen pounds a month for three years然后每月14镑,3年付清。then和fourteen之间省略了pay。 语法 Grammar in use形容词的平级比较级:asas形容词的比较形式有3种:较高比较级(more expensive, the most expens

7、ive);较低比较级(less expensive, the least expensive) ;平级比较级 (as expensive as)。请看下面句中asas的用法:The green apple is as sweet as the red one. 这个绿苹果同那个红苹果一样甜。The policeman is as tall as the policewoman. 这个男警察与那个女警察个子一样高。The white knife is as sharp as the black one. 这把白色的小刀与那把黑色的小刀一样锋利。I dont know as many people

8、 as you do.我熟悉的人没有你熟悉的多。Robert is not as old as he looks. 罗伯特没有他看上去那么高。The blue car is not as clean as the red car.蓝车没有红车干净。 带as(so) as的结构1. 在表示“和一样”时,可用“as. as”结构(前面的as后要用原形):He is as busy as before. 他还是和以前一样忙。 Ill give you as much help as I can. 我将尽量帮助你。The airport was as crowded as ever. 机场还是像平常那

9、样拥挤。Youre as good a singer as Johny Buck. 你的歌唱得像约尼?伯克一样好。Modern computers can be as small as a book. 现在的电脑可以像一本书那样大。 2. 在表示“不像那样”时可用“not as(so). as”这种结构: It isnt so cold as yesterday. 今天不像昨天那样冷。He is not so handsome as his brother. 他不像他哥哥那样英俊。 Im not so experienced as you think. 我没有你想的那样有经验。 The sit

10、uation is not so bad as had been painted. 形势没有描绘的那样糟糕。 Jack is not as(so) old as he looks. 杰克不像他看起来那样老。 3. 这种结构中也可包含一个状语或有almost, just, nearly, quite这类副词形容: The whale was twice as long as her boat. 那头鲸有她的那艘船的两倍长。 Their house is about three times as big as ours. 他们的房子约为我们房子三倍大。 My command of English

11、is not half so good as yours. 我的英语掌握得还不及你的一半好。He was almost as diligent as his sister. 他几乎和她姐姐一样勤奋。She is nearly as tall as her mother. 她几乎和她妈妈一样高。 4. as. as还可用在许多固定说法中:as brave as a lion as busy as a bee as vain as a peacocksoft as velvetas bright as dayas fat as a pig as gentle as a lamb easy as A

12、BCI. 把下列句子译为汉语:1. She is not as clever as she appears to be. 2. I am not as young as you thought. 3. He was not as well off as his brother. 4. She was as much interested in music as ever. 5. John isnt as tall as his brother. 6. I dont smoke as much as I used to. 7. I cant run as fast as you. 8. Our

13、aim is to collect as much information as possible. 9. There were twice as many visitors as usual last weekend. 10. The damage wasnt quite as bad as expected. 11. Her skin was white as snow. 12. She doesnt play as well as her sister. 13. He doesnt earn as much as I do. 14. They considered her opinion

14、 as valuable as any of ours. 15. We produced twice as much sugar as in the previous season. 16. She is as clever as (she is) beautiful. II. 把下面短语译为汉语:1. as loud as thunder2. as light as feather 3. as patient as an ox4. as quick as lightning 5. as round as an apple6. as sour as vinegar7. as strong as

15、 a horse8. as stupid as a donkey9. as sweet as honey10. as white as snow形容词比较等级的构成:A. 规则变化1. 一般在形容词后加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级。 cold-_-_ small-_-_2. 以字母e结尾的形容词后加-r构成比较级,加-st构成最高级。 fine-_-_ nice-_-_3. 以重读闭音节结尾的形容词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这一字母,再加-er构成比较级,加-est构成最高级。 fat-_-_ big-_-_4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,先把y变成i,再加-er构成比较

16、级,加-est构成最高级。 heavy-_-_ busy-_-_5. 多音节词和部分双音节词前加more构成比较级,加most构成最高级。 serious-_-_ beautiful-_-_B. 不规则变化:少数形容词的比较级和最高级形式是不规则的,对于这些形 容词需要逐个记忆。常见的有: good/ well-_-_ bad/ ill-_-_ many/much-_-_ little-_-_ far-_/_-_/_ old-_/_-_/_形容词比较等级的基本用法:1. 比较级(两者进行比较): “比较级+than” Tome比Tony高。 _.2. 最高级(三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较)

17、:“the+最高级+比较范围” 他是班上最胖的。 _. 他是三个男孩中最胖的。 _.了不起的 _ 到达 _ 你们的 _一刻钟 _ 超过 _ 八点半 _五点四十五分_ 半 _ 逗留 _步行 _ 出发前往,离开去_火车 _ 超级的 _ 生活,居住_地铁 _ 旅行,旅游 _动物 _ 老虎 _ 动物园 _世界之窗 _ 旅游 _一天游 _ 中心 _ 晚上 _ 购物中心 _ 夜间动物园 _ 路 _ 勇闯第一关 Choose the right answers.选择答案。( ) 1.-What are you going to do this weekend? -I am going _ my grandm

18、other and grandfather. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting( ) 2.What _ you want to be? A. are B. does C. do( )3. _ _ _ Im going to the science museum.A. What are you going to do this afternoon?B. What are you doing?( )4. _ _ _ On foot.A.Do you go to school by everyday?B.How do you go to school every da

19、y, Helen?( )5. _ _ _ I usually read books.A. What are you doing? B What do you do in the evening?勇闯第二关 Choose the right words.选择填空when what where how what time which who1.-_ are you going? - I am going to the Great Wall.2.-_ are they going to school?-They go to school by school bus.3.-_are you going

20、 to the museum? Tomorrow afternoon.4.-_are we going to buy? We are going to buy some fruit.5.-_is she going with? She is going to Beijing with her mum.勇闯第三关 用提示词回答问题。1Where are you going this evening?(the cinema) 2When are you going to take a trip?(tomorrow) 3How are you going to the US?(plane) yeah

21、!闯关完成了,我们来做个 总结,积累闯关的经验吧: 第一步:找到时间词,把握时间-将来的,未来的第二步:看看需要小鸟的哪种模样?肯定还是否定,陈述句还是疑问句?第三步:想想小鸟的不同模样,把答案找出来!步骤记住了,就可以继续闯关了!勇闯第一关 Connect the sentences.连词成句。, are, do, to, this, evening, going, what, clean, going, room, am, to, am, I going, train 4.visit, are, going, we, aunt, my, to 5.this,

22、theme, park, Im, to, going, afternoon 勇闯第二关 .看图完成对话Wei Hua:Tomorrow is Saturday.What 1 2 3 to do?Lily:Nothing 4 .What 5 you?Wei Hua:I 6 7 8 do some 9 .Would you like to go 10 ?Lily:OK.When 11 we 12 13 meet?Wei Hua: 14 15 tomorrow morning.Lily:How 16 we 17 there?Wei Hua:Lets go there 18 19 .Lily:Are

23、we 20 21 meet here, outside the 22 gate?Wei Hua:OK.See you tomorrow.Lily: 23 24 25 .勇闯第三关 用 be going to 填空1.I _ _ (have) a meeting in the afternoon.2.He _ (go hiking) on his field trip next Sunday.3.They _ (watch) a football match tomorrow afternoon.4.Lin Tao _ (study) Japanese next term.5._ you _ (

24、have) a dinner together?6._ Han Mei _ (do) her homework with the twins?7._ Wang Feng and her mother _ (sing) an English song in the coming party?8.Where _ they _ (buy) some fruit?9.When _ the children _ (meet) at the school gate?10.What _ you _ (do) next Friday?勇闯第四关 用给出的词连成句子1.Friday, what, is, do,

25、 going, to, next, he_?2.have, are, going to, not, we, any, the day after tomorrow, classes_.3.your, whats, class, do, to, going, coming, the, for, field, trip_?4.a picnic, a mountain, the children, on the top of, are, have, going, fruit, are going to, hiking and eating, lots of, a new kind of, we, have_.勇闯第一关 选择适当的词填空。1. A: What is she_(do)? B: She_(cook)dinner in the kitchen now.2. Listen! Who _(sing) ? 3 A: What_ they _(do)? B: They_(run)on the grass now.4. Are they_(fly)kites? Yes ,they are.5. A:_the girls_(catch)the butterflies? B: No, they arent. They_(

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