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1、精介词第四章 介词一、概述和介词种类1 概述介词又称作前置词,是一种虚词,不可在句中单独作句子成分。介词用于名词、代词前,也用于相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句前,表示与其他成分的关系。2 介词的种类英语中介词的数量并不多,大致可分为三类。1 简单介词(只有一个单词) in, of, on, at, by, over, under, past, below2 复合介词(由两个介词合成为一个词) into, outside, within, onto, inside, without3 短语介词(由两个或两个以上的单词结合而成)because of, out of, instead of, ac

2、cording to, in front of, along with二、介词的宾语介词通常要带有自己的宾语,介词宾语有下面几种。1 名词、代词作介词宾语例:There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。Dont cross the street against the red light. 勿闯红灯。He bought a ring for her. 他为她买了一枚戒指。 Dont worry about it. 别为它担心。2 动名词或动名词短语作介词宾语例:She is good at dancing. 她擅长跳舞。Thank you for lending m

3、e the money. 谢谢你把钱借给我。Dont be afraid of making mistakes. 不要怕犯错误。3 不定式或不定式短语作介词宾语例:he had no choice but to sell his car.Everything is allowed except to swim in the river. 除了下河游泳,任何事情可以做。Dont worry about what to do next. 不要担心下一步该做什么。4 从句作介词宾语例:They talked about when they would buy a house. 他们谈了什么时候才能买

4、一处房子。She was surprised at what he said. 听到他的话,她感到吃惊。Everything depends on whether he will win the match. 一切都在看他是否能赢得这场比赛。5 数词作介词宾语例:Jim was among the first to swim across the river. 吉姆是第一批游过河的人。She has a daughter of ten. 她有一个10岁的女儿。The library is open from eight to twelve in the morning. 图书馆上午8点至12点

5、开放。6 副词作介词宾语例:We can see the lake from here. 从这里我们能看见那个湖。I have looked everywhere except there. 除了那儿,我到处都看过了。7 介词短语作介词的宾语例:He didnt get home until after midnight. 他直到午夜后才到家。Suddenly a policeman came out from behind the door. 一个警察突然从门后面出来。The watch cannot be sold for under 100 yuan. 这块表低于100元不卖。The m

6、oon is rising from behind the hill. 月亮正在从小山后面升起。提示其它如:from under the books 从这些书的下面 from below the river 从河的下游from among the crowd 从人群中 till after supper 直到晚饭后from among these 从这些中三、介词短语的使用1 作定语介词短语作定语时必须放在被修饰词的后面。例:The picture on the wall is very beautiful. 墙上的那幅画非常漂亮。The river behind the village is

7、 two hundred meters wide. 村庄后面的那条河有200米宽。The boy with red hair is from England. 那个红头发男孩来自英国。It is a house of ten rooms. 这是一所有10个房间的房子。This is birthday gift from my father. 这是我父亲送的生日礼物。2 作状语例:They often play football after class. 他们课后常踢足球。(修饰动词)The village is not far from here. 那个村庄离这里不远。(修饰副词)The co

8、at is too big for you. 这件外套你穿太大了。(修饰形容词)In the end, he answered all the questions. 最后,他回答了所有的问题。(修饰全句)To my surprise, he finished the job in one day. 使我吃惊的是,他在一天之内就把那项工作完成了。(修饰全句)3 作表语例:Father is not at home today. 爸爸今天不在家。 It is of no use to try to do it again. 再试一次也没有用。the young woman is like her

9、mother. 这个年轻女士像她母亲。They are against the plan. 他们反对这项计划。He is out of danger. 他脱离危险了。Well be on holiday soon. 我们不久就要放假了。Hemingway is among the greatest American writers. 海明威是美国最伟大的小说家之一。4 作宾语补足语例:I found it of great use. 我发现它很有用。Make yourself at home. 请随便一些。They regarded him as a fool. 他们把他看作傻子。We fou

10、nd her in danger. 我们发现她身处危险中。He treated me as a child. 他把我当成小孩看。四、表示某一时间或时间点的介词表示时间的介词有:in, after, during, for-表示一段时间(时间段)at, on-表示一点时间(时间点)by, till, until-表示期限(截止到)through-表示期间within-表示在一段时间内before-表示在某一时间之前after-表示在某一时间之后from, since-表示时间起点1 atat用于表示时间、时刻的某一点。例:He gets up at six in the morning. 他早晨

11、6点钟起床。They went home at sunset. 他们在日落时回家。We have our lunch at noon. 他们在正午用午餐。再如:at en oclock 在10点钟at 8:10 在8点10分at night 在夜间at two sharp 在两点整at half past five 在5点半at dawn 在黎明at daybreak 在黎明at sundown 在日落时at midnight 在午夜提示at还可以表示“在岁(时)” 例:He went to school at the age of six. 他6岁上学。2 onon 用于指特定、具体的某天、

12、某天的上午、下午、晚上,也用于星期几。例:We dont go to school on Sunday. 我们星期天不上学。It happened on Tuesday morning. 这件事发生在星期二早上。She was born on May 8, 1993. 她生于1993年5月8号。He left home on the night of June the tenth. 他是6月10日夜里离开家的。再如:on Friday 在星期五 on Friday afternoon 在星期五下午 on October 1 在10月1日on August 20, 2004 在2004年8月20

13、日 on a cold night 在一个寒冷的夜晚on the night of the 3rd 在3日夜里 on the afternoon of Monday 在星期一下午on a fine evening 在一个睛朗的晚上on the morning of July the first在月日上午on a warm evening in May在月的一个暖和的晚上on New Years day在新年on ones arrival 在某人到达时on ones return 在某人返回时 on (/at) the weekend在周末比:in the evening 在晚上on a win

14、ter evening 在一个冬天的晚上 in the morning 在上午on the morning of March 2nd 在月日的上午3 by和before1) by 表示“在前,截止(到)”,指一个时间点,句中谓语动词常用完成时态例:How many English words had you learnt by the end of last term? 到上学期末,你学了多少英语单词?By last Friday, she had stayed here for a whole month. 星期五,她在这里已经呆了整整一个月了。2) before 表示“在之前”,指在某一时

15、间点之前 例:Well be ready before 8 oclock. 我们将在8点钟之前准备好。Please turn off the lights before you go bed. 请在睡前关灯。She returned to her hometown before May 1. 她在5月1日前返回了故乡。4 after 和 since1) after 表示“在之后”,指在某个时间之后,句中谓语动词常用一般过去时例:They played football after school. 放学后他们踢球。He climbed up the mountain after an hour.

16、一个小时后,他爬上了那座山。Ill be tree after October. 十月以后我将空闲。2) since 表示“自以来”,指过去某一时间延续到说话时,句中谓语动词用现在完成时。例:He has taught English here since 2002. 自2002年以来他一直在这里教英语。She has been busy with housework since morning.她从早上起来一直忙着家务。She told me yesterday that she had lived in the south since the New Year.她昨天告诉我说,她从新年起就

17、一直住在南方。比:Ill live in a new house after May 1. 5月1日以后,我将住在一所新房子里。(after 所在句中的时态用将来时或过去时)I have lived in a new house since May 1. 自5月1日以来,我一直住在一所新房子里。(since在句中的时态用完成时)5 till(/until)和fromto1) till (/until) 表示“直到为止”指动作或状态延续到某一时间终止,不再延续下去例:Ill wait here till ten oclock. 我将在这里等到10点钟。The rain didnt stop un

18、til midnight.雨直到半夜才停。They stayed in the village until 5 p.m.他们在那个村子里一直呆到下午5点钟。2)fromto 表示时间“从至”,指从一个时间点到另一个时间点 例:She is busy from morning to night. 她从早忙到晚。 The library is open from 8 a.m. to five p.m. 图书馆每天从上午8点开到下午5点。Wood lived in Nanjing from 1998 to 2003. 伍德从1998年至2003年住在南京。五、表示一段时间的介词这类介词有:after

19、, in, during, for, within, through1 after和inafter和in均可用于一段时间之后,表示“在之后”,但有区别。1) “after一段时间”指以过去时间为起点的一段时间之后,常与过去时连用例:He found the lost key after two hours. 两个小时后他找到了丢失的钥匙。She came to Shanghai last July and after a month she flew to New York. 她去年月来到上海,一个月后飞到纽约去了。2) “in一段时间”指从说话时算起将来的一段时间之后,常同一般将来时或过去将

20、来时连用例:The concert will start in ten minutes. 音乐会将在分钟后开始。They will meet here in two months time.再过两个月他们将在这里见面。He said he could com back in three days.他说他天后可以回来。比:Theyll build another bridge in a few years. 再过几年他们将再造一座桥。They built another bridge after a few years. 过了几年他们又造一座桥。2 duringduring表示“在期间”,指在一

21、段时间之内。例:He swims every day during the summer. 整个夏天他每天游泳。It rained hard during the night.夜里下了大雨。During my stay in Beijing I visited the Great Wall. 我在北京期间游览了长城。再如:during the war 在战争期间during the meal吃饭时during the holiday在假期里during the trip在旅游中during the day在白天during my absence 在我不在时3 forfor表示“多长时间,某动作

22、或状态延续多长时间” 例:Ill study here for three years. 我将在这里学习年。He has worked for ten hours without rest.他已经连续工作个小时没有休息。Im going away for a few days.我要离开几天。Jack was in school for only two years.杰克只上了两年学。They havent met each other for a long time.他们很长时间没见面了。4 withinwithin 表示“多长时间内,不超过多长时间”,没有时态的限制。例:He can pai

23、nt a horse within ten minutes. 他能在分钟内画一匹马。We can get ready within half an hour.我们能在半小时内做好准备。You must finish the work within a month.你必须在一个月之内完成这项工作。提示within 强调“在时间内”,可用于各种时态。in 以现在时间(说话时)为起点,强调“在后”,一般只用于将来时。比:He will come back within a few days. 他将在几天之内回来。He will come back in a few days.他将在几天之内回来。5

24、throughthrough表示“在整个期间,自始至终”。例:It rained all through the night. 雨下了整整一夜。The birds stay in the south all through the winter. 这些鸟整个冬天都留在南方。The scientist lived in Africa through the whole year. 那位科学家整年都住在非洲。六、表示位置和方向的介词表示位置的介词有:at, in, by, near, between, under表示方向的介词有:to, into, out, out of, across, alo

25、ng, through1 at, in和on1) at表示在某地点,强调在某个位置点例:I met her at the school gate this morning. 我今天早上在校门口遇见了她。He stood at the door and waited.他站在门口等着。at也用于街道号码前比:She lives at 78 Nanjing Road. 她住在南京路78号。She lives on Nanjing Road.她住在南京路。(街道前无号码时用on)She lives in Queen Street. 她住在女王街。(住在某大街用in)at构成的常用搭配:at the b

26、us stop 在公交车站at school在学校at a factory 在一家工厂at the door在门口at the crossing 在十字路口at the library 在图书馆at the seaside 在海边at theatre 在剧院at the party 参加宴会at the market 在市场at the foot of 在脚下at the top of 在顶上at the doctors在医务室at the bottom of 在底下at the hotel在旅馆at home在家at the table在桌旁at the airport在机场at the s

27、upermarket在超市at the bookstore在书店at the traffic lights在红绿灯处at the post office 在邮局at the South Pole在南极at church在教学作祷告at the end of 在末尾at the back of 在后面at my sisters 在我姐姐家at the railway station在火车站at 5 Baker Street 在贝克街号 at the Guangming Cinema在光明电影院提示arrive at后接较小的地方,如车站、学校、机场等;arrive in后接较大的地方,如城市、国

28、家等。比:They arrived at the airport at 9:30. 他们点半到达机场。They arrived in Shanghai at noon. 他们中午到达上海。1) in表示“在某区域内,在一个空间的内部,在里面” 例:She was born in Nanjing. 她生于南京。He put his hands in his pockets.他把手放在衣袋里。There is a park in the middle of the city.市中心有一个公园The city is in the southeast of China. 那座城市位于中国的东南部。in

29、 构成的常用短语:in Asia 在亚洲in China 在中国in (/on) the street 在街上in the country在乡下in the garden 在花园里in the newspaper 在报纸上in the north 在北方in Class 4在班in bed 在床上in the dark在黑暗中in Beijing 在北京in the world 在世界上in the centre of在中心in the sky 在天空中in the river 在河里in the east 在东方in the northwest 在西北in Row 在排in the fiel

30、d 在田野中in the hand 在手中in the corner of 在角落里in the rain 在雨中in hospital 在住院in front of 在前面比:There is a post office at the corner of the street. 在街角上有一个邮局。(指一个位置点)there is a table in the corner of the hall. 大厅角上有一张桌子。(指一个空间内)提示两个地名连用时,小的用at,大的用in.例:He arrived at London in England last week. 他上周到达英国伦敦。They will meet at Washington in America. 他们将在美国华盛顿会面。3) on 表示“在上”,并与之相接触例:He put the dictio

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