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九年级Units 115考点精析.docx

1、九年级Units 115考点精析Units 12 考点精析考点一I was also afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates may laugh at me. 我害怕在班里讲话,因为我认为同学们可能会嘲笑我。(P6)afraid的用法【观察思考】The little girl is afraid of dogs.这个小女孩怕狗。Tom is afraid to swim in the river alone.汤姆不敢一个人在河里游泳。Im afraid (that) I must go now. 恐怕我现在必须得走。【

2、用法归纳】be afraid of(doing) something害怕(做)某事be afraid to do something害怕去做某事be afraid (that从句)担心;害怕考点二And unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy. 除非我们处理了我们的问题,否则我们很容易变得不开心。(P8)unless的用法(2013攀枝花34题考查)【观察思考】Unless you start at once, youll be late. 如果你不马上走,你就要迟到了。As we all know, he

3、will not come unless he is invited. 我们都知道,如果不邀请他,他是不会来的。She would have died if the doctors had not saved her. 如果医生不救她的话,她就死了。【用法归纳】 unless conj. 如果不;除非 unless意为“如果不;除非”,用来引导条件状语从句。unless=if.not,引导的条件状语从句通常用一般现在时,而主句用一般将来时。 在表示与某个客观事实相反的虚拟语气时,只能用if. not,不能用unless。考点三 I used to be afraid of the dark.

4、我过去常常害怕黑暗。(P10)used 短语辨析(2012遂宁23题考查)【观察思考】There used to be a shop. 过去这儿有一家商店。Did they use to go to school together? 他们以前一起上学吗?She is used to the weather here. 她适应了这里的天气。He has got used to getting up early every morning. 他已经习惯了每天早起。Knives are used for cutting things. 刀是用来切东西的。【用法归纳】 used to do somet

5、hing 意思是“过去常常做某事,现在不这么做了”,to 后接动词原形。 get/be used to something/doing something 意为“习惯(做)某事”,to为介词,后接名词或动名词。 be used to do something/for doing something 意为“被用来做某事”。考点四She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I d

6、o. 她也告诉我即使我的父亲没和我们在一起,他也会一直看着我并且对我做的一切好的事情感到自豪。(P16)辨析no longer, no more, not.any longer 与not.any more【观察思考】They are no longer living here.=They arent living here any longer. 他们不再住这儿了。 I see him no more. =I dont see him any more.我再也见不到他了。【用法归纳】no longer = not.any longer 指持续了一段时间的动作状态己“不再延续”,着重指时间方面,

7、常与延续性动词连用。no more= not.any more 指某一反复发生的动作已“不再重复”,着重指重复次数方面,还可指程度上和数量上不再重复,常与非延续性动词连用。【注意】no longer 与no more 不分开使用。 not.any longer 和not.any more 结构中,not常与动词、助动词或情态动词连用,而“不再怎么样”中的“怎么样”用在not 与any longer 或any more中间。 Units 34 考点精析考点一You have plenty of friends, and you enjoy the company of other people.

8、 你有许多朋友,并且你喜欢身边有他人陪伴。(P30)plenty的用法【观察思考】The old woman gave the beggar plenty to eat and then let him go. 老妇人给这个乞丐很多吃的东西,然后让他走。The farmers didnt have enough food to eat in those days. 那时农民们没有足够的食物吃。【用法归纳】 plenty为不可数名词,意为“丰富,大量,充分”,可单独使用。 plenty of 意为“许多”,相当于a lot of (lots of),既可以修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。在否定

9、句和疑问句中一般不用plenty of,而应用enough。考点二A friend offers you cigarettes at a party. 一个朋友在聚会上给你递烟。(P33)辨析offer与provide【观察思考】May I offer you a cup of tea? 我可以为你沏一杯茶吗?Ill offer to go if nobody will. 如果没有人愿意,我愿意去。They provided us with food and clothes. 他们向我们提供了食品和衣服。My friend provides much money for me. 我朋友向我提供

10、了很多钱。 【用法归纳】 offer与provide都有“提供”的意思,但offer后通常接双宾语,即offer somebody something,或接动词不定式作宾语,即offer to do something;而provide后通常接介词短语with或for,表示所提供的食物或对象。 另外,offer, provide, give和supply四个词均有“供给”之意,它们之间的主要区别在结构上:provide+something+for+somebody=provide+somebody+with+somethingOur company provides much food for

11、 us every day.=Our company provides us with much food every day. 我们公司每天给我们提供很多食物。give+somebody+something=give+something+to+somebodyMy mother gives me a beautiful coat as my birthday present.=My mother gives a beautiful coat to me as my birthday present. 我妈妈送我一件漂亮的外套作为生日礼物。offer强调“主动提供”。offer+somebod

12、y+something=offer+something+to+somebodyThe young person offers/offered a seat to the old man. 那个年轻人把他的座位让给了那个老年人。supply+somebody+with+something=supply+something+to+somebodyThe government supplies the poor people with some new clothes and some food. 政府给那些穷人提供了新衣服和食物。考点三 I cant think of any good advic

13、e to give her, but you always come up with good solutions to peoples problems. 我想不出任何好主意给她,但你总能为人们的问题想出一些好的解决方法。(P31)come up with的用法(2011自页38题考查)【观察思考】He came up with a suggestion. 他提出了一个建议。We shall have to study hard to come up with them. 我们要努力学习,赶上他们。come up with=produce表示“想出,提出,赶上”之意。有关come的短语:co

14、me in 进来,到达,流行起来come about 发生come across 偶然遇见come along/on 进展,进步,好转come on 来吧,开始,加油come back 回来,回忆起,记起come out 出版,发表,结果是come over 顺便来访,过来come down 败落,下来 Units 56 考点精析考点一It must belong to carla. 这一定是卡拉的。(P34) belong to的用法【观察思考】China belongs to the Third World.中国属于第三世界。【用法归纳】belong to意为“属于;是什么的成员”,bel

15、ong是不及物动词,这是一个“动词+介词”构成的词组,表示主语属于to之后的成分。辨析belong to 与have belong to是“属于”,而have是“拥有”。如:The new bike belongs to Mary.这辆新自行车是玛丽的。Mary has a new bike.玛丽有一辆新自行车。 belong to 是物作主语,强调某物属于谁;have 是人作主语,强调某人拥有某物。belong to 不用于进行时,也没有被动语态。考点二 Dont let yesterday use up too much of today. 别让昨天占用太多今天的时间。(P39)use u

16、p 的用法【观察思考】What will happen if I use up all my confidence in the contest? 竞赛中如果我失去了信心会怎么样?If you use it up, you can think about the love from your relatives and friends. 如果你失去了信心,你可以想想亲朋好友(对你)的关爱。【用法归纳】 use up为固定短语,意为“用完;用光;耗尽”。use up=run out of 用完;用尽 use up是动词与副词构成的短语,遇到代词(如it/them等)作宾语时,把宾语放在短语中间,

17、如:use it up。“动词+up”的短语小结stay up 熬夜 give up 放弃 clean up 打扫,清理 open up 开放,开阔 pick up 捡起,搭载某人 wake up 唤醒,醒来 end up 结束 make up 组成 hurry up 加快,快点fix up 修理,安装 think up= come up with 想出,提出set up 建立,创立考点三I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐。(P44)prefer的用法(2011达州29题考查)【观察思考】Do you prefer coffee

18、or tea?你喜欢咖啡还是茶?I prefer living in the suburbs.我宁愿住在郊区。I should prefer to wait till evening.我宁愿等到晚上。【用法归纳】prefer作动词,意为“更喜欢;宁可;宁愿(选择)”,相当于like.better,后面可以接名词、动名词或不定式。【注意】prefer可以与含比较级的句型互换。如:I prefer beef.=I like beef better. 我更喜欢牛肉。She prefers coffee to milk.=She likes coffee better than milk.与牛奶比较起

19、来,她更喜欢咖啡。 prefer something to something比起某物更喜欢某物;喜欢某物而不喜欢某物。如:He prefers fish to meat.他喜欢吃鱼,而不喜欢吃肉。 prefer doing something to doing something宁愿做某事而不愿做模式;喜欢做某事胜过做某事。如:I prefer swimming to playing balls.我喜欢游泳,不喜欢打球。Richard prefers riding a bike to driving.相对开车而言,理查德更喜欢骑自行车。 prefer to do something宁愿做某事

20、。如:I prefer to read English in the morning.我宁愿早晨读英语。 prefer to do something rather than do something 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事如:I prefer to buy a new car rather than repair the used one.我宁愿买辆新车也不愿去修那辆旧的。考点四What does it remind you of? 它使你想起什么了?(P46)remind的用法【观察思考】Im sorry, Ive forgotten your name. Can you remind m

21、e? 对不起, 我忘了你名字。提醒我一下好吗?He reminds me of his father. 他使我想起了他的父亲。The movie reminded him of what he had seen in Paris. 这部电影让他回想起他在巴黎所看到的情景。My mother reminds me to listen to the teachers carefully in class. 妈妈提醒我上课要认真听老师讲课。【用法归纳】 remind意为“提醒”,可以单独使用;remind somebody意为“提醒某人”;remind somebody of something意为

22、“提醒某人某事”。 remind somebody of 之后可接一个从句,作of 的宾语。 remind somebody to do something “提醒某人做某事”。辨析remind与rememberremind意为“提醒,使记起”;而remember是“记得,记起,回忆起”之意,无使役用法。remind后接人(间接宾语)再接事或物(直接宾语);而remember之后接to do something,意为“记得要做某事(还没做)”,remember doing something意为“记得做了某事(已做完)”。如:I remembered seeing him somewhere.

23、 我记得在什么地方见过他。 Units 78考点精析考点一For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? 你的下一次旅行为什么不考虑参观巴黎呢?(P54)consider的用法【观察思考】Always consider the feelings of other people. 要经常考虑别人的感受。Hes considering changing his job.他在考虑换一份工作。Have you considered how to get there?你是否考虑过怎样到那里?They considered me too y

24、oung to do the work.他们认为我太年轻,干不了这份工作。【用法归纳】consider意为“考虑;细想”,相当于think about。 句型结构主要有以下两种: “consider+宾语”意为“考虑”,此时consider的宾语可以是名词、代词、v ing形式或带疑问词的不定式。 “consider+宾语+宾语补足语”意为“把什么看作;认为什么是”,其宾语补足语可以是名词、形容词、不定式、介词短语等。考点二 Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing wha

25、t I love to do. 我不但觉得帮助别人很好,而且我也将时间花在了我喜欢做的事情上。(P62)not only.but also的用法【观察思考】Not only she but also her brothers were invited. 不仅她就连她的哥哥们都被邀请了。Not only is the book long, but also it is boring. 这本书(内容)既长又枯燥。【用法归纳】 not onlybut also.意为“不但而且”,并列连词,用来连接相同的句子成分,强调but also引出的内容(also可以省略)。not onlybut also 连

26、接主语时,句子的谓语动词要遵循“就近原则”,即和but (also)后的名词和代词的数一致。 连接两个分句且not only位于句首时,前一个分句要倒装,即谓语或部分谓语提到主语前面,but(also)后的分句仍用陈述句语序。考点三 I take after my mother. 我长得像我妈妈。(P63)辨析take after, look like与be similar to 【观察思考】Lucy takes after her mother and her young brother Tony takes after their father. 露西像她妈妈,她弟弟托尼像他们的爸爸。Th

27、e contour(轮廓) of that mountain looks like a dragon.那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。【用法归纳】 take after意为“长得像”或“行为、性格等像”,尤其是指像自己的长辈;look like可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物,只指外表“看上去像”;be similar to指“与什么相似”,用途很广泛。take构成的词组:take off 脱下(衣服);(飞机)起飞take away 拿走take care of 照顾take out 取出考点四Yes see, you have helped make it possible for me

28、to have “Lucky”, who has filled my life with pleasure. 你看,你帮助我让我有机会拥有Lucky, 它让我的生活充满了乐趣。(P66)辨析please, pleased, pleasure与pleasant【观察思考】Does the cloth please you? 这布料合你的意吗?Hes very hard to please. 取悦他很难。Sit down, please. 请坐。He doesnt mind. In fact, he is even pleased.他不介意,事实上,他甚至很高兴。Its my pleasure t

29、o meet you.认识你是我的荣幸。It is one of my greatest pleasures.它是我最大的乐趣之一。Wish you a pleasant stay here!希望你在这里待得愉快。【用法归纳】这四个词都有“满意;高兴”的意思,但词性和用法不相同。 please是动词,可作及物动词或不及物动词,表示“(使)高兴;满意;愉快”。此外please常用作语气词,意为“请”,多用在动词前或句末(用逗号隔开)。 pleased是过去分词,意为“感到高兴(满意)”,其作用相当于形容词,常与be连用,后接介词at/with/by来连接名词,还可接动词不定式或that从句。 p

30、leasure是名词,表示“高兴;快乐;娱乐”时,为不可数名词;表示“乐趣;高兴的事”时,为可数名词。with pleasure 乐意帮忙;愉快地my pleasure 非常愿意;十分乐意 pleasant是形容词,意为“使人感到愉快(满意)的”,一般用作定语;如主语指物,也可用作表语。考点五No, we cant put off making a plan. 不行,我们不能推迟制定计划。(P61)put off 及相关短语的用法(2013资阳24题考查)【观察思考】The meeting will be put off till next week. 会议延期到下周。The appointm

31、ent cannot be put off. 约会无法取消。Your suggestion is to be put up at the next meeting of the board. 你的建议将在下次董事会上提出。【用法归纳】 put off+something 推迟;延期。 put off 取消。 put up 张贴(布告等);提出(问题)。 Units 910考点精析考点一Its used for scoopping really cold ice cream. 它是用来舀很凉的冰淇淋的。(P69)be used for的用法【观察思考】The kind of machine is used for cutting grass. 这种机器是用来割草的。【用法归纳】be used for意思是“被用来做”,介词for表示用处,其后接名词或动名词。 be used as表示“被用作”,介词as表示“作为”,其后一般接名词,强调使用的工具及手段。如:Eng

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