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1、TOEFL词汇精选17天巧记TOEFL词汇精选17天巧记经典生词短文大串联背诵法修正版内容介绍:共17篇短文,是我在备考最后一次“旧托福”期间记忆单词的一点成果积累。主要参考书是张红岩的TOEFL词汇精选。共包含了1000多个核心词汇,并且在写作的时候根据金山词霸2005修正了语法错误。背诵方法:先背3个Unit,然后选出其中的生词写成一篇短文,再把短文背下来,效果很好。希望对各位有帮助!Unit One The Abduction An adage says that adversity is transient. The following allegory is an example.L

2、ong, long ago there were two couples that had no children. They adopted a boy named Terry. They were affable to Terry and Terry adored them very much. They lived an amicable life and amassed affluent affections.One day two bad men came to the village. They found Terry and accosted him: “Are your par

3、ents at home?” “No, they went to drink in the tavern.” terry replied. “Good!” alleged one of them, “Ive heard of an anecdote saying that, theres a bulk of ablaze antique treasure hidden somewhere near the apex of the mountain. Do you wish to find it out with us?” Terry was a boy with agility. He was

4、 allured and acclaimed: “Wonderful! Ill affiliate you.”Consequently, Terrys parents did find him when they came back. “Maybe you have alienated Terry. He finds you acrimonious and left. ” The mother said in anguish. “I do not doubt his allegiance; He may have been abducted.” replied the father.Just

5、then they received a mail with an annex amalgamated with the text. In the appendix there was an abridged letter: “Your son is in our hands. Weve abated his diet and annulled his sleep. We want $10,000 for absolving him. If you are amenable to our advisable request, send the money to the allocated ap

6、erture of the sewer at the north of the village within two days; if you adjourn, youll never see him again!” the letter admonished without any annotation. The letter was not abstruse, but the abhorrent allusion drove them into agony. Quickly they called the police.Several policemen were allotted to

7、the case. They were adroit and adept in their job. Soon they rescued Terry and treated him with antiseptics. The couple felt abashed: “Thanks to the police, their affinity to spec ops amazed us. Well abstain drinking and accentuate the agrarian work.”The criminal and his accomplice were accused for

8、abduction but were acquitted although proof was against them, because the avaricious judge adopted their bribery.(April, 2th)Unit Two GreedThere were two archaic countries called Albania and Croatia long ago. Albania was arid and bleak while Croatia arable. The king of Albania was an autocrat with b

9、elligerent bent who begrudged Croatia and belittled her armament, and he decided to assail Croatia. Firstly, he sent an astute ambassador in bleached apparel to visit Croatia. The king of Croatia held a banquet and appointed him. He avowed: “We Croatians are bestowed by God the ardent aptitudes. We

10、are ascetic as to have few assets and bequests. Were also assiduous and keep austerity.” “Sure,” the messenger beguiled, “Your people have begotten(原形beget) great attainments, and we want to barter with your country.” On hearing that, the Albania king said: “Good, nobody can balk us.” And he basted

11、Croatia with his army. They bereaved Croatias land and beset its capital. The Croatia king was astounded and berated: “You shit belied your avid aspire for our land and blemished justice!” All Croatian officials were befuddled and began to bicker with each other. Only one minister said: “Although si

12、tuation is arduous, we shall not apprehend them. Ive appraised them and asserted that their ardor wont last long. Everything is auspicious and will get assuaged.” The Albania-forces general thought: “Our king is too bigoted. Ever since I passed his audition and became general, my allegiance has been

13、 basked in attrition. Ive awed him, but now filled with aversion. Ill kill him and retire. Im apt to study barometer.” So he aspersed: “Our king is avaricious and barbarous. We shouldnt bend to his arrogance.” Then he sent an assassin and assassinated the king. (April, 3th)Unit Three Prisoners of Wa

14、rThousands of war prisoners were kept in captivity in the bulky camp. They lived in clutter and had to deal with chores. They must show categorical obedience or else receive caustic chiding. The guarding officers censure them very often, as well as clamor carnal punishments. Some captives got bruise

15、 and clots all over. Male prisoners lost their collaterals and female ones failed to keep chaste. They wear burnished canvas, and rested in circumscribed room with small capacity and caliber. They chafe each other and brawled frequently. They were chary of moving and can hardly budge. Their situatio

16、ns captivated lots of reporters, who castigated the government with cogent proof. However, the government gave bombastic data and bragged about the conditions in the camps. After the calamity of war ceased, large numbers of captives were longing for the boon of brisk and free life. According to a cl

17、andestine bond between the two canny governments, a process of exchanging captives will soon commence. This is considered as opening a cleft in the clogged wall between the two countries. (April, 4th)Unit Four Ladens EndAs Osama Ben Laden(奥萨马-本-拉登)s forces failed contending with the Northern Confede

18、rate, he had to abandon the commodious capital city of Kabul and conceal his trail inside the contour of large mountains and caverns. His career comprises confidential conspiracy, conspicuous terrorist assaults, Islamic fundamentalist creed and contemptible crimes. But now, most of Laden s subordina

19、tes contemplated and become contrite, while castigating him with their conscience. Three months ago, some conciliatory connoisseurs of international affairs from UN came to Afghanistan(阿富汗) with cordial compassion to the catastrophe occurring there, and consorted Laden. They deem it contingent to ar

20、rive at a congruity if Laden would concede. However, Laden was credulous in his counsels words that the constellation shows fortune to them. He was covetous and contemptuous of his enemy. Confounded by conceit, he craved for uniting the entire nation. Thus he contemned the UN commissions advice and

21、convened his troops for counterstrike. Soon US corroborated that Laden was the person who contrived the new attack method of impacting skyscrapers with planes, and person who conspired the concerted serial assaults in New York. Laden cowered and constricted his mouth. He controvert that he was conse

22、crating some food with condiment to the God in order to confine the contagious disease in Afghanistan, and had no time to organize the attack. But US ignored his construing. They said that Ladens story was concocted and his credential was counterfeited. Then they confiscated it and attacked his troo

23、ps with bombs that contaminated the whole country. Laden confided his congenial officer with composure: “They wont connive our terrorism, any more than condone us. We must consolidate the forces, equip them with the counterpart weapons of US armys, and put compulsive death to those infidels.” “Youre

24、 so composed! Lets conceive something optimistic.” The officer commended. (April, 5th) Unit Five Family betrayer Maria was a damsel in a noble family that had passed its culmination and fallen into decadence. She was little defective, for he knew decorum well and was deft at cuisine of desserts. She

25、 followed her fathers decree and deferred marriage year after year, her best ages detained. One day, Marias father designated her as a deputy to dispatch a deleterious man who denounced her family and depicted its defects to others. After she saw the man, he declaimed: “Youre deluded by your culpabl

26、e fathers deceit. Hes a despicable person who despoiled our property. He derided us and denoted that we should work for him. I am the delegate of all deceived people. We detest your father in cynical manners and demur to him before the deities. We live in dank cells and feel dazed frequently, but we

27、re dauntless. Well keep deprecating him until he deplore.” What the man delineated struck Maria greatly. Her deference to father detracted, she said in a dejected mood: “I have despised you poor people but now Im deferential. Youre right in decrying my fathers detriment to you all. He deformed the t

28、ruth and defrauded me. Ill curb my cursory task to put you into demise with this deterrent. Also, Ill detach myself from my family.” After some curt compliments, the man said: “Thanks, Ill go around that declivity and dab the bell dangling on the ceiling as a signal for us to escape.”(April, 6th) Un

29、it Six The Arrogant ScholarAlder is a scholar with many devout disciples. He has been disseminating doctrines that is said to be not having the most diminutive drawback. He economizes his own life and become emaciated. When he came to our city last year, our domineering boss discerned him and invite

30、d him to give us a discourse. Alder was eloquent and began dilating with elation: “What I want to elucidate today is a problem which is long distained and has dismayed many people. It distracts them all the time and makes them downcast. That is: How to effectuate the discretion in edifying your disp

31、osition? ” He devised lots of dispensable sentences while eluding the important things, thus digressed the topic and the lecture sounded devoid of sense. Whats more, his dialects greatly disarrayed the audience and dwindled away the effectiveness of his speech. It was getting dusky and began to driz

32、zle. We all became drowsy and our bosss patience ebbed. He was discreet and didnt want to disfigure himself by forcing Alder to stop, but he really disparage his speech very much and cannot dissemble any more. Eventually, he said in a devious way: “Your topic is discernible, but its so dingy now. Lets disband the meeting and Ill disburse your plane ticket back home with discounts.” Alder became dismal at once. He replied: “Do not dissimulate or disclaim your real purpose. You divulged that your patience have di

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