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1、英语统考考前辅导讲义“远程英语统考” 考前辅导课程统考试卷的题型为:交际用语(5小题,每小题3分,共15分)五分钟完成;阅读理解(10小题,每小题3分,共30分)二十分钟完成;词汇与结构(5小题,每小题3分,共15分)十分钟完成;完形填空(10小题,每小题1分,共10分)十分钟完成;英译汉(3个句子,每句5分,共15分)十五分钟完成;写作(15分)三十分钟完成,总计100分,考生要在90分钟内完成上述内容。试卷组成部分如下:第一部分 交际用语 占试卷总分的15%。共5个小题,每题3分。主要考核学生在日常情景中的交际能力,侧重语言功能。第二部分 阅读理解 占试卷总分的30%。共2篇文章,10个小

2、题,每题3分。要求理解主旨要义、具体信息,根据上下文推测词义等能力。第三部分 词汇与结构 占试卷总分的15%。共5个小题,每题3分。主要考核学生对基本语法和常用词汇的掌握。第四部分 完型填空 占试卷总分的10%。主要考核词汇、句法和篇章知识运用。第五部分 英译汉 占试卷总分的15%。共三个句子,每句5分。主要考核短句翻译能力。第六部分 写作 占试卷总分的15%。要求写1篇短文,80个字左右。主要考核短文写作能力。(一) 交际用语题对策交际用语答题要点:use of English总的原则:*一定要有礼貌(即使是拒绝,一般也得给出原因)*一定要具体问题具体回答(不能答非所问)*肯定地回应别人比否

3、定的回应好(比如,别人向你请求某件事,你既可以帮忙也可以回绝,但是我们选择时,一般要选择帮忙的)1祝愿、祝贺、应答:别人对你表达祝贺、祝福时。你一般得说感谢的话-Good luck!-Thank you.-Happy new year!-Thank you, the same to you(同样祝你)=happy new year!.-Happy birthday!-Thank you!2.邀请:如果你愿意接受,就请你直接表达出来你的原意,有时候还要说thank you;如果你不愿意接受,你一定要给出原因,有时要说sorry.-Would you like to come to my birt

4、hday party?-Yes, thank you.-I hope you can come here tomorrow.- Im sorry, but I cant. 3道歉:别人向你道歉,你一般要说没关系。有那些词组表示没关系呢:thats all right. It doesnt matter.(注意不要和下面词组混淆:Not at all不用谢;my pleasure不用谢;dont mention it.不用谢; you are welcome,不用谢)-Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.-It doesnt matter

5、.4.别人给你劝告或者建议,你应该表达接受和感谢。-The zoo is very far, lets catch a bus.-Ok, lets catch a bus.-If you are not better by then, Ill take you to see the doctor.-Ok, thank you very much.5.电话用语-Hello!-Hello!-May I speak to Mr. White?如果你就是White先生,你可以回答-This is White speaking或者-Speaking或者-This is White.如果你不是White本

6、人,你可以回答:-Hold on please(请别挂电话)或者-Sorry, he is not in.(抱歉,他不在)请问你是white先生吗?:Is that Mr. White?6.别人提供给你服务,你如何回答?如果愿意接受对方的帮助,要表达感谢;如果不愿意,要说出理由,有时候还得说感谢的话。-May I help you?-Oh, yes, thank you.-Let me help you with the bags!-Well, I can manage myself. Thank you just the same.7. 别人问你道路,你如何回答呢?知道的话,就直接告诉对方;

7、如果不知道,一般表示抱歉,给出理由。-Excuse me. Where is the bathroom please?-Its over there.(就在那)-Would you please tell me where the bank is?-Sorry, I am a stranger here too.8.关于时间*问时刻的表达方式:What time is it now?(现在几点钟了?)Whats the time.(现在几点钟?)Can you tell me the time?(你能告诉我时间吗?几点了?)*问“星期几”的表达方式:What day is it today?(

8、今天星期几?)*问日期的表达方式:Whats the date today?(今天日期是多少号?)-Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?-It leaves at 10:00.*如果别人问你时间,你如果知道就直接告诉对方,如果不知道,说抱歉,有时给出原因。-Can you tell the time?-Sorry, I have no watch on/with me.例题:-Could you look after my boy for me while I am away?A. Yes, here you are(给你)B. You a

9、re welcome(不用谢)C. With pleasure(非常乐意)D. I dont want to.(我不愿意)-May I help you?(有何效劳的地方吗?)A. Yes, you mayB. Not at allC. A bottle of ink, please.D. NO, you mustnt-Excuse me. But could you tell me the way to the zoo?A. Sorry. But I am a stranger here myself.B. Ok, its not far from here.C. Yes, you go a

10、head, and Ill follow you.D. Well, walk first, and youll get there.-It was kind of you to have carried the box for me.A. Id love toB. Thank you for saying soC. It was my pleasureD. It should be my duty.(二) 阅读理解题对策阅读理解答题要点:1. 主旨题:考查文章的主题思想、写作意图等。常见的提问形式如下:*What is the main/general idea of the passage?

11、(文章的主要思想是什么?)*The main theme of the passage is_?(文章的主题是_?)*The passage is mainly about_?文章主要关于_?*Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?下面哪个可以作为文章的标题?*What is the authors main point?作者主要想表达什么?如何找出这些问题的答案呢?文章的主要思想出现的位置有以下几种情况:*段首*段末*段首+段末*中间2细节题:这类问题考察学生对细节的把握(如时间、地点、原因、结果等)。答案一般

12、可以在原文中直接找到。解题思想:*词语定位法:在问题中找出中心词,然后再文章中直接找到该中心词的句子,一般答案就出现在前后句中When did his mother marry the man?His mother married the guy in 1978.由于所提信息在文中比较清晰,可以一一找到,所以,解决这类问题可采用带选题跳读的阅读技巧,来找出问题或选项中出现的关键词语或主要检测点,然后略读文章,扫描这些词所在的句子,再详读这些句子。必要时,连同它们前后的句子也要仔细阅读,以便综合考虑和确定问题的答案。 这样做可以有根据地排除多余的信息及干扰项,提高解题速度。当无法在原文中找出那些

13、关键词语时,则需在原文中找出与问题或选项意义相同或相反的句子,详细阅读并加以对照,从而获得答案。这是因为有些正确答案常常是文中相关信息的重复,只是与原文不尽相同罢了。这样做的优点是郎快速抓住供解题用的信息点,增强答题时的准确性。为此,考生应注意同近义词和反义词的学习和积累。请看例题: Taking pictures is fun. And taking good ones is easy if you follow a few rules. Before you snap a picture, think about it. Be sure you are close enough to yo

14、ur subject. A pretty face against a plain background, for instance, makes a good picture. But a distant figure lost among trees and clouds lacks interest. In a landscape scene, try to keep at least two-thirds of the picture below the line where the ground meets the sky. For a sky scene, keep at leas

15、t two-thirds of the picture above that line. Study pictures in newspapers and books. Try to see why some are better than others. Use what you have learned to improve your own pictures. 1. The subject of a picture should usually look_ . A. close B. small C. shadowy D. distant 2. In the first example,

16、 the subject was probably a_ . A. car B. girl C. tree D. cloud 3. In a landscape scene two-thirds of the picture should be_ . A. sky B. clouds C. land D. horizon第一步,找出这些问题中的关键词语:问题1中的关键词语是subject,look;问题2中的关键词语是first example,subject;问题3中的关键词语是landscape scene,two-thirds of the picture。第二步,跳读短文,找出含有关键

17、词语的句子。问题1中的关键词语在第一段的第四句。问题2中的关键词语first example未出现在文中,浏览全文后发现first example正是第一段中的第五 句。问题3中的关键词语landscape scene,two-thirds of the picture是第一段的第七句。第三步,详读这些句子及其周围的句子,找出各题的正确答案。问题1的答案为A;问题2因只有。 girl拥有a pretty face,所以答案为B;问题3的答案为C,因为below the line where the ground meets the sky的只有land有些时候,问题中所用的词语并非出现在原文中

18、,而是原文中某些词语的同义词,这就会加大难度。请看例题: A tree is a tall, woody plant. The big part in the middle is called the trunk and the arms are called branches. There are two types of tree based on the shape of the leaves. Some trees have long, thin leaves that are shaped like needles. This group includes pine trees an

19、d spruce trees. Other trees have broad, flat leaves. This group includes oak trees and maple trees. The largest living thing on the earth today is a tree in California. It has a trunk which is approximately ten meters wide! 1. The main part of a tree is its_ . A. leaves B. trunk C. branches 2. Trees

20、 are grouped according to the_ . A. leaves B. trunks C. needles 以上两问题均以同义词对文中相关词进行提问。问题1中the main part是the big part的同义词,因此答案为B;问题2中according to the shape of是based on the shape of的近义词,因此答案为A。3. 推断题:考查学生的逻辑推理问题。这类问题的答案不会直接出现在文章中,而是文章的字里行间中所蕴含的意思。提问方式:*Which of the following statements is implied but N

21、OT stated?下面哪一句话是文章暗示的,而不是直接表达出来的意思?*It can be inferred from the passage that_.可以从文章中推测出_.*It can be concluded from the passage that_.可以从文章中得出_.4.词汇题:考查的是文章中出现的某些生词的含义。提问方式:*The word “*” in line 5 refers to_.第五行的“*”词语指的是_.*By “*”, the author means_.作者用“*”指的是_.解答方案:*利用文章中对该词语的定义来猜测。例:Such experiences

22、 are not unusual for the amateur conchologists, people who collect shells.这个单词的意思可以根据该词语后面的同位语people who collect shells出来:贝壳收藏家。例2:Jack is now a florist, who keeps a shop for selling flowers.Florist的含义其实可以从它后面的那个定语从句中推测出来:花店的店主。*利用文章中对该词语的举例来猜测。例:Today, young couples who are just starting their hous

23、eholds often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing machine, refrigerators and color TVs.Appliance的意思可以从其后面的例子:washing machine和color TV从猜测出来:家电。例:Finally the enemy surrendered. They threw down their weapons and walked out of home with their hands over heads.Surrender的意思可以从后面的

24、解释当中推测出来:投降。*根据对比关系来猜测词语的意思。例:Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know. His brother, in contrast(相反) is quite humble(卑微的/谦虚的and modest(谦虚的)划线单词可以根据后面的对比得知含义:傲慢的,目空一切。*根据词语的同义词来猜测。例:Although he often had the opportunity, Mr. White was never able to steal money from a customer. This would hav

25、e endangered his position at the bank, and he did not want to jeopardize his future.根据前面的endanger,我们可以推测该词语和endanger相近:危害。*利用构词法来猜测词语的含义例:They overestimate the interviewees ability and asked him many difficult questions.Overestimate可以根据over + estimate来猜测出:高估例:We were told that ours was the most spac

26、ious room in the hotel. That was why we had to pay so much for it.既然我们知道space(空间)的含义,在这里我们可以推测这个词和space有关。在根据前后文,我们可以猜测出其含义应该是:宽敞的。*关于作者的意图、态度、目的的题目。常见的提问有:*The author seems _.作者似乎_.*The authors tone in this passage is_.在本文中,作者的基调是_.(是赞成还是反对?)*The writer probably feels that_.作者很可能感觉_.在这些提问中,选择项里经常出现

27、下面这些形容词:Sympathetic同情的Critical 批评的Doubtful怀疑的Objective客观的Enthusiastic热情的Matter-of-fact实事求是地Hostile敌对的Indifferent冷淡的Subjective主观的Optimistic乐观的Pessimistic悲观的Neutral中立的(三) 词汇和结构题对策As well as/including/together with/with连接两个名词作主语的话,后面的动词要和第一个名词搭配I together with Tom _have_ gone to school.*语法答题要点时态解题:思路:先

28、看句中给出的时间;再看句中别的动词用何种时态最后即可判定我们应该选择什么时态。I _B_ the zoo, yesterday.A. goB. wentC. had wentD. will goI went to the zoo yesterday, but before that I _B_ the park.A.visitedB.had visited过去的过去C.visitD.have visited if1时态*在时间和条件装语从句中,一般现在时替代将来时,也就是说在这种从句中不要出现将来时态。例:Return the book immediately to the library a

29、s soon as you_ with it.A. finishB. are finishedC. have finishedD. are finishing例:Please be sure to telephone me the next time you_.A. will comeB. would comeC. shall comeD. comeI will tell you the truth if you _ tomorrow.A. comeB. will comeC. have come*在“this is the first time”结构中,后面的从句一般用现在完成时。This也

30、可以用it来代替。例:This is the first time that I have met Jane.这是我第一次遇到Jane.*接在“it/this is+形容词最高级+名词”结构后面的从句,用现在完成时。例:This is one of the best books_ on the subject.A. that have ever been writtenB. which have ever been writtenC. that has ever been writtenD. whatever have been written.(在定语从句中如果前面有最高级,则只用that引导。如果前面是this is the only one of the best books, 那么我们得选择C.)*it is/has been+时间+since中,后面的since从句用过去式例如:It has been 20 years since I left my hometown.*在no soonerthan”和“hardlywh

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