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1、外研社三起三年级下期末复习题三年级英语下册第一、二模块测试题班级:_ 姓名:_ _一、 填一填,填上相邻字母的大写或小写。(12分)1. A - _ - C - _ 2. _ - f - _ 3. h - _ - j - _ 4. _ - M - N5. R - _ - T - _ 6. O - _ - Q7. u - _- w 8. X - _ - Z二、选择填空:(10分)( )s ? Its a tiger. A . this B .these( ) are they? are lions. A . This B .They( )3. This monkey tall.A .is B .

2、are( )4. Hello, boys and girls. , Mr Li. A .Hello B .Ha, ha( )s this? Its . A .a elephant B .an elephant( ) monkey is . A .a thin B .thin( ) are they? They are . A .monkey B. monkeys( )s this? Its a tiger. Its . A .big B .a big( ) are they? They are pandas. Theyre . A .fats B .fat( ) monkey big and

3、fat. A .is B .are三、选择填空,从下面的选项中选出与其它两项不同的一项,把正确答案的序号填在前面的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. A. favourite B. cat C. tiger( ) 2. A. boy B. girl C. car( ) 3. A. red B. black C. kite( ) 4. A. song B. thin C. fat ( ) 5. A. this B. that C. is( ) 6. A. a B. an C. it( ) 7. A. lion B. tiger C. big( ) 8. A. small B. fat C. elep

4、hant( ) 9. A. tall B. monkey C. short( ) 10. A. panda B. bird C. pen四、 情景反应。(20分)( )1.西蒙在做作业时,其中有道题是这样的:“I的小写字母怎样写?”A. l B. i ( )2.艾米问玲玲:“你最喜欢的玩具是什么?”用英语说应该是:A. Whats your favourite song? B. Whats your favourite toy? ( )3.玲玲回答艾米说:“我最喜欢的玩具是风筝。”用英语说应该是:A. My favourite song is ABC song. B. My favourite

5、 toy is a kite( ) 4. Amy 告诉 Sam:“ 我最喜欢的颜色是红色。”用英语说应该是:A. My favourite colour is red. B. My favourite colour is blue.( ) 5.玲玲和大明去动物园,他们看到了猴子,玲玲指着猴子对大明说:“它们是小的。”用英语应该怎么说:A. Theyre big. B. Theyre small.( ) 6. 玲玲和大明又看到了狮子,大明问玲玲:“它们是什么?”,玲玲回答:“它们是狮子。”A. Theyre lions. B. Its lion.( ) 7. “This tree is tall

6、.”这个句子应该翻译为:A那棵树是高的。 B. 这棵树是高的。( ) 8. “它们是什么?”这个句子用英语说应该是:AWhat are they? B. Whats this?( ) 9. 艾米问玲玲:“你最喜欢的书是什么?”用英语说应该是:A. Whats your favourite song? B. Whats your favourite book? ( ) 10. Whats your favourite song?- _A. Its the ABC song. B. Its a car.五、将下列单词与相应的图片连起来。(16分)tiger panda elephant cat l

7、ion dog monkey bird六、看一看,在正确的词组后面打对号。(6分) 1. A. one panda ( ) B. five pandas ( ) 2. A. two dogs ( ) B. three dogs ( ) 3. A. two cars ( ) B. three cars ( ) Module3Module4复习题一、按顺序写出26个字母的大小写。二、给下列图片选择正确的词语,把正确词语的代号填在括号内。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. table tennis B. ski

8、pping C. rice D. apple E. football F. basketball G. milk H. meat I. riding my bike J. swimmingK. pear L. fish M. noodles N. bananas O. orange三、选出与其它不同类的单词. C. car(小汽车) C. pear C. banana C. football C. swimming ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、根据所学知识,选择最佳答案( )1.Pass me the rice, please. A. Here you are . B. No, I d

9、ont C. Here they are. ( ) Lingling like fish? - A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. No, he does ( )3. A: Do you like table tennis? B: _ A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, I dont.( ) like _. ( ) _like morning exercises.t t ( ) like blue _green. ( ) dont like _. ( )8.当你要问别人玲玲喜欢不喜欢肉,你应该这样问:A. Do D

10、aming like meat? B. Does Daming like meat? ( ) 9. Daming like bananas? 五、情景连线1. Pass me the rice, please. A. Yes, he does.2. Does Tingting like fish? B. Here you are.3. Does Daming like bananas? C. No, I dont.4. Here you are. D. No, she doesnt.5. Do you like noodles? E. Thank you.六、单词归类,将序号填入横线上。(13

11、分)1. rice 2. meat 3. football 4. fish 5. apple 6. orange 7. pear 8. basketball 9. banana 10. swimming 11. noodles 12. skipping 13. riding bikes水果:_ 食物:_运动:_ 七、根据 和 回答下列问题,把正确选项的代号填在横线上。(10分)1、Do you like table tennis ? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.2、Does your friend like football ? A. Yes, he does. B

12、. No, he doesnt.3、Xiaoming , do you like apples ? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.4、Does your mother like basketball ? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt.5、Do you like English ? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.九、根据 和 用like和dont like 填空:(6分) 1、 I cats . 2、 I am a girl .I basketball. 3、 The pandas are fat .I

13、 pandas . 4、 I like tea .I coffee. 5、 I like monkeys .I lions . 6、 I Mr Smart .She is my English teacher .Module5复习题一、根据汉语选择对应的单词。( )1.电话 A. pass B. phone C. pear ( ) 2.朋友 A. friend B. football C. fish ( ) 3.星期一 A. Saturday B. Smart C. Monday ( ) 4.谁 A. who B. what C. how( ) 5.家 A. hat B. here C. ho

14、me三、选择配伍。(10分) 栏 II 栏( ) you like football? A. No,she isnt.( ) are they? s in the bag.( ) 3. Does your dad go shopping on Mondays? C. Its Tom.( ) old are you? D. Its a book.( ) 5. Is Amy at home? E. No, she doesnt( ) me the rice,please. F. Theyre oranges.( ) 7.Does your mum go to work on Saturdays?

15、G. No,I dont.( ) is the cat? m ten. ( ) 9. Whos that? I. Yes , he does.( ) s that? J. Here you are.四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. - you like football? -Yes, I do. A. Does B. Are C. Do( ) 2. -Is Amy at home? -No, she .A. isnt B. doesnt C. arent( ) go _ school on Monday. A. in B. to C. on ( )4. Daming _ to school on

16、Monday too. A. goes B. go C. going ( ) is that? -Its Tom. B. Where C. Who( ) 6. Does your mother shopping on Saturday? A. goes B. go C. going( ) 7. Amy goes to school Monday. A. at B. to C. on( ) 8 .I football on Saturday. A. plays B. play C. playing( ) 9. Tom_ go to school on Monday. A. doesnt B. d

17、ont C. not( ) you like fish? -Yes,I . B. am C. does Module6Module8复习题二、选出不同类的一项。(10分)( )1. A. school B. home C. morning( )2. A. have B. has C. hat( )3. A. Art B. TV ( )4. A. football B. Science C. Music( )5. A. autumn B. spring C. hot( )6. A. sunny B. cool C. winter( )7. A. swimming B. skating C. go

18、( )8. A. behind B. bedroom C. under( )9. A. park B. lake C. like( )10. A. three B. tree C. ten三、写出下列短语的汉语意思。(9分)in spring fly kites play football go swimming go skating go fishing on Saturdays in your bedroom behind the door 四、为下列句子选择合适的选项。(36分)( )1、今天天气很暖和。A. Its warm today. B. Its hot today. C. It

19、s sunny today. ( )2、在夏天很热。A. Its warm in summer. B. Its hot in summer. C. Its cold in winter. ( )3、秋天又冷又多风。A. Its hot and sunny in autumn. B. Its cold and windy in spring. C. Its cold and windy in autumn.( )4、今天在下雪,天气非常冷。A. Its snowing today. Its very cool. B. Its snowing today. Its very cold. C. It

20、s raining today. Its very warm.( )5、在春天你们做什么?A. What do you do in summer? B. What do you do in winter? C. What do you do in spring? ( )6、What do you at school ? I English and Chinese. A .has ,have B .have ,has C .have ,have( )7、On Saturdays, I swimming ,And he TV . A .goes, watches B .go, watch C .g

21、o, watches( )8、Do you play football in the morning ? . A .No ,I do. B .Yes, I does. C .No, I dont.( )9、Does Xiaoyong like basketball ? . A .No ,he dont. B .Yes ,he does. C .Yes, he do.( )10、What does Lingling at school today? She Maths, English and Chinese . A . has has B .have have C .have has ( )s

22、 Amys birthday today. Heres a present her. A. of B. for ( )12. spring, we fly kites in the Peoples Park. A .In B. On C. At( )s summer! We in the lake. A. go fishing B. fly kites C. go swimming( ) winter, Daming . A. talks in the snow B. walks on the snow C. walks in the snow( ),wheres my bag?-Its yo

23、ur bedroom. A. on C. under( ) autumn, my father fishing in the lake. A. go B. going C. goes( )17. They play the snow in winter. A. on C. under( )18. In summer, I in the lake. A. swim B. swimming C. swims五、情景交际。(10分)( )1.你想问大明“我的玩具在哪里?”,你应该这样问:AIts in the desk. B. Where is my desk? C. Where is my toy

24、?( )2. 你想告诉别人那只猴子在树上,你应该这样说:AThe monkey is on the tree. B. The monkey is in the tree. C. Where is the monkey?( )3. 当你想问“你在星期一上午上什么课?”,你应该这样说:A. What do you do in the morning on Mondays?B. What do you have in the morning on Mondays? C. What do you have in the afternoon on Mondays?( )4. 当你想问大明“玲玲今天在学校

25、上什么课?”,你应该这样说:A. What does Lingling has at school today?B. What does Lingling do at school today? C. What does Lingling have at school today?( )5.玲玲问你:Where is my bag?你想告诉她:它在你的椅子下面。你应该这样说:AIts on your chair. B. Its under the chair. C. Its under your chair.六、选择合适的答语。(12分)( )1. Whats this? go shoppin

26、g.( )2. Wheres the orange? B. They are lions.( )3. What are they? C. Its an apple.( )4. Do you like fish? D. Thank you.( )5. A present for you. E. Yes, I do.( )6. What do you do on Sundays? F. Its under the desk. Module9 Module10复习题选择填空:( ) 1. Sam has got . A. bike B. the bike C .a bike( ) 2 . He go

27、es to work . A. by car B. by a car C. by the car( ) have got a new book. Its animals A. for B. about C. of( )4. A new book, Amy? A. Have got you B. Have you got C. Do you got( ) Smart a car. A. doesnt have got B. hasnt got C. havent got( ) to work. A. walks B. walk C. by walk ( )7. do you go to scho

28、ol each day? I go to school by bike. A. What B. How C. When ( ) you got a pen? Yes,I ./No,I . , dont B. has, hasnt C. have , havent( ) to school by bus. ( ) Smart goes to work car. ( )s Amys birthday s a present her. A. of B. for C. to ( )12. Spring,we fly kites in the Peoples Park. ( )s Amys birthday should say(应当说):“ ! ” Teacherss day to you birthday to you New Year to you( )s summer!We in the lake. fishing kites swimming( )15In winter,Daming . in the snow on the snow in the snow( ),wheres my bag?-Its your bedroom. ( ) autumn,my father fishing in the lake. ( ) play the s

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