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1、外教中英文雇佣合同范本雇佣协议EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT甲方(雇用方): Party A (Employing Party): 地址: Address: 法定代表人: Legal Representative: 乙方:(受雇方):Party B (Employed Party):姓名:性别:国籍:Name:Gender:Nationality:出生日期:护照号码:Birth Date:Passport No.:地址:Address:电子邮件Email:手机号码Cell phone: I. 乙方自愿作为甲方外教在甲方从事教学服务工作。双方在友好合作的基础上签订本合同,并保证遵守合同

2、中所规定的各项条款。Party B wishes to engage the service of Party A as a foreign teacher. The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.II. 乙方在甲方服务期限为 至 。The period of service will be from to .III. 乙

3、方的职责The duties of Party B1. 乙方在合同有效期内的工作时间为每周 小时。Party B shall work hours per week during the contract constraint period.2. 乙方的工作内容包括但不仅限于面授课、备课(教学计划、课程计划和批改作业等)、课程研发、与其它教师和家长的交流,以及参加学校的活动。The contents of Party Bs work include but not limited to lectures, preparing for lessons (teaching plans, lesso

4、n plans, homework making, etc.), curriculum design & development, communication with parents and the other teachers, and participating in school events.IV. 乙方的报酬1. 甲方将对乙方执行为期2个月的试用。在试用期间,甲方将向乙方支付的试用期工资为: 元。乙方在甲方工作期间的基本月工资为: 元,以人民币形式支付。如乙方每月授课时间多于110小时,超出的授课时间,可获得每课时120元的额外津贴。Foreign Teachers will ha

5、ve 2 months trial period, the monthly salary for a probationary period is RMB. Party Bs monthly salary will be RMB by cash. If the teaching hours are more than 110 hours per work-month, Party B will get 120 RMB for teaching compensation per extra teaching hour.2. 乙方可获得工作期间的意外伤害保险。Party A shall purch

6、ase accident insurance for Party B.3. 乙方在中国享有以下假期和假日:元旦,春节,“五一”劳动节,国庆节以及法律、法规中所规定的其他节日。Party B is entitled to the following paid holidays and festivals in China, including New Years Day, Spring Festival, May Day, National Day and other holidays stipulated by Chinese laws and regulations.4. 甲方应准许乙方请个

7、人事假。期间工资按照天数扣除。在合同期内不超过20天。单次事假原则上不能超过3天,超过3天后每天扣除2天的工资。Private affairs leave of the party B shall be approved by party A in advance. The party A will deduct the salary for Party B by day. Within the contract term, the private affairs leaves should not exceed 20 days in total. The continuous private

8、 affairs leave shall be no more than 3 days, and double days salary will be deducted for each day thereafter. 5. 不经甲方批准擅自离职,每旷工一天扣除3天的工资。在特殊情况下,甲方有权对违反规则的乙方终止合同并调查乙方的可靠性。In case of absence from work without Party As permission, 3 days salary will be deducted for each day absent. For serious circumst

9、ances, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and investigate the liability of Party B for violation of the contract.6. 工资的支付日期为次月10日。The salary will be paid monthly on 10th day of the next regular work-month.V. 甲方义务Party As Obligations1. 甲方有义务向乙方介绍甲方所在当地的相关法律、法规以及甲方工作机制、规程、规定以及与外国专家管理相关的规章

10、制度。Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government, the Party A work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts.2. 甲方对乙方的工作负责指导、监督以及评价。Party A shall conduct direction, supervision and evaluation of Party Bs work

11、.3. 甲方应向乙方提供必要的工作设施。Party A shall provide Party B with necessary working facilities.4. 甲方应向乙方每月按期发放工资。Party A shall pay Party Bs salary regularly by the month.5. 甲方将对乙方的工作进行指导和评估。Party A will provide guidance and evaluation of Party Bs work.VI. 乙方义务Party Bs obligations1. 乙方必须遵守中国的法律、法规和将关规定,不干涉中国内政。

12、Party B shall observe the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and shall not interfere in Chinas internal affairs.2. 乙方必需遵守甲方的工作制度及与外国专家管理相关的规定,并接受甲方在工作方面的安排、指导、监督和评价。未经甲方批准,乙方不得从事任何兼职工作。Party B shall observe Party As work system and regulations concerning adminis

13、tration of foreign experts and shall accept Party As arrangement, direction, supervision and evaluation in regard to his/her work. Without Party As consent, Party B shall not render service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.3. 乙方必须按照计划保质保量完成甲方委派的工作。

14、Party B shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work.4. 乙方必须遵守中国的宗教政策,不允许从事与外籍专家身份不符的宗教活动。乙方必须尊重中国人民的道德规范和风俗习惯。Party B shall respect Chinas religious policy, and shall not conduct religious activities incompatible with the status of an expert. Party B shall respect t

15、he Chinese peoples moral standards and customs.5. 乙方如有严重疾病或传染性疾病、或者女性有怀孕、待产、哺乳等情况,必须在签订合同之前,向甲方如实声明,否则造成后果由乙方承担全部责任。If Party B has any contagious or serious diseases, or if Party B is female in pregnancy, child birth or baby nursing period, Party B has the duty to inform Party A before the contract

16、is signed so that Party A can provide special care to Party B. Otherwise, Party A will not bear any related responsibilities.6. 乙方同意并授予甲方处于市场和宣传活动使用乙方真实的个人信息和肖像.Party A is permitted and authorized by Party B to use his/her true personal information for marketing and advertising activities, including

17、 the using of Party Bs personal photographs.7. 乙方研究、开发及教学成果的版权属于甲方,包括中华人民共和国著作权法规定的全部人身权利和全部财产权利。未有甲方书面许可,乙方将不得出于任何目的使用之。乙方确保其研究、开发及教学成果不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。The Copyrights of results of researching, developing and teaching from Part B belong to Part A, including personal rights and complete property rights

18、 specified in The Copyright Law of Peoples Republic of China. It is forbidden for Part B to use the copyrights for any purposes without any authorized written documents from Part A. Part B should guarantee that his/her researching, developing and teaching results will not violate third-party intelle

19、ctual property rights.VII. 合同的终止Termination of Contract1. 在以下情形下,甲方将书面通知解除与乙方的合同:Party A will terminate the contract with written notice to the Foreign Teacher under such circumstances:(1) 如果乙方违反了中华人民共和国相关法律法规、合同体系工作要求、中国政府关于外籍人员的相关管理办法及合同的相关事宜,甲方将解除与乙方的合同。乙方将不能得到补偿。The contract will be terminated i

20、mmediately if Party B in violation of the laws and regulations of China, party work system of employer, and the regulation of Chinese government about Foreign Teachers or other contract terms. In this situation, no compensation;(2) 如果乙方不能满足合同中要求的工作表现,甲方将解除与乙方的合同。甲方将考虑给予乙方15天的工作改变期来改善乙方的工作,如果在15天工作改善

21、期之后乙方之工作仍然没有改善,甲方将解除与乙方的合同。乙方将不能得到额外的补偿。If Party B fails to satisfactory perform his/her duties and responsibilities, the contract will be terminated immediately, Or, at the sole discretion of Party A, Party B will be given 15 days to improve his/her job performance. If, after 15 days, the Foreign T

22、eacher has not improved his/her job performance to the satisfaction of Party A, the contract will then be terminated and Party B will not receive any additional pay;(3) 乙方在得到执业医师证明的前提下,如不能完成或者继续完成其合同工作超过30天,甲方将解除与乙方的合同。在这种情况下,乙方将不能得到额外的补偿。If, in the judgment of a qualified medical doctor, Party B is

23、 unable to resume his/her duties and responsibilities after the expiration of 30 days of sick leave. In this instance, no further payments will be made to Party B.2. 如果乙方提出解除与甲方的合同,乙方必须于合同解除日前30天向甲方书面提出解除合同。在这种情况下,乙方将能够得到工作时间范畴内的全工资。否则,乙方将不能够获得工资及奖金和提成。If Party B chooses to terminate the contract, h

24、e/she must provide thirty days written notice to Party A. If this is done, Party B will receive full salary for the period worked. Otherwise, salary and vacation subsidiary will not be paid.VIII. 违约金Breach Penalty任何一方不能按照合同中所规定内容执行,都将视为违约。违约方应承担30,000元人民币的违约金。When either of the two parties fails to

25、fulfill the contract or fails to fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, that is, breaks the contract, it must pay a breach penalty of 30,000 RMB.IX. 延期本合同自签订之日起生效,到合同期满自然终止。如其中任何一方有意延期,必须在合同期满2周前向对方提出,在双方同意下签订续约。This contract takes effect on the date signed by both parti

26、es and will automatically expire when the contract ends. If either of the two parties asks for a new contract, it should forward its request to another party 2 weeks prior to the expiration of the contract, and sign the new contract with mutual consent.X. 仲裁Arbitration有关合同内容的含义,须双方及时互相沟通,及时处理其中可能存在的争议。如果经双方协商不能达成一致,可申请可向甲方所在地法院起诉。The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes which may arise about the contract. If all attempts fail, the two parties can appeal to the local court. 甲方:Party A(签章Signature + Stamp)日期Date乙方:Party B(签名Signature)日期Date

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