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1、绝对最新新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版听力原文与答案那些看起来就很逗比的肯定都是第一帅翻的。逗比的格式和正常人的一眼就能认出来。鉴于是两个英语学渣翻的。大家就凑活着看吧。PS:考试范围之外的基本已经去掉,有些出入的注意看红字。绝对最新!新视野大学英语视听说教程4(第二版)听力原文与答案Unit 1 Enjoy your feelings!Hit the roof-AngerII(1)M:Im beside myself with joy. Im so lucky. Guess what? Ive won a lot of money in the lottery. W:Really? Wel

2、l, you do know that money is the root of all evil, right? Q:What does the woman mean? 我很高兴。我是如此幸运。你猜怎么着?我买彩票赢了很多钱。真的吗?好吧,你知道钱权是一切罪恶的根源吗?(2)W:Mary was furious when her son wrecked up her car. M:He shouldnt have driven a car on his own without a drivers license. Hes still taking driving lessons. Q:Wha

3、t do we know about Marys son? 玛丽非常生气,当她的儿子弄坏了她的车了。他不应该自己一个人开车,在他还没有的驾照的时候。他还在上驾驶课。(3)M:Susan, I hear youre going to marry that guy. Maybe youll regret it. W:Is that so? Only time will tell. Q:What does the woman imply?苏珊,我听说你要嫁给那个家伙。也许你会后悔。是这样吗?只有时间会说话的。(4)M:Mary, I just want to say how sorry I was

4、to learn of your mothers passing. I know how close you two were. W:Thank you. It was so sudden. Im still in a state of shock. I dont know what to do. Q:Which of the following is true?玛丽,我只是想说我是多么伤心听到你妈妈去世。我知道你们两个以前有多么近。谢谢。它是如此突然。我还在处于休克状态。我不知道该怎么办。(5)W:I get furious at work when my opinions arent co

5、nsidered just because Im a woman. M:You should air your views more emphatically and demand that your voice be heard. Q:What is the woman complaining about?我会在工作的时候大发雷霆,当我的意见并不被认为只是因为我是一个女人。你应该更着重发表你的意见和要求你的声音被听到。C B D A Dl Listening InTask 1 what a clumsy man!Maria:Jack, can you help me move this he

6、avy box? Jack:No problem, Maria. Here let me lift this end. Oops! Maria:Ouch! My foot! Come on, cant you be a little more cautious? Jack:Im so sorry. It was an accident. No need to be furious! Maria:Youre always so clumsy, Jack. Im really losing my patience with all the stupid mistakes you make arou

7、nd the office. Jack:Calm down, Maria; Ill certainly be more careful next time. This was just an accident. Maria:If you arent more careful, then next time someone could be badly hurt. Oh, look! The glass in the box is all broken now. Mr. Johnson is going to fly into a rage. Jack:Oh no! What can I do

8、to keep him from hitting the roof? Maria:Well, you can begin by helping me clean up the mess and then honestly tell him about your mistake. Jack:Maybe if I offer to pay for the damage, he wont be so angry. What do you think? Maria:That might help solve the problem, though it could be quite expensive

9、 to replace it. Jack:Well, Im willing to do what it takes to keep Mr. Johnson from exploding. I need to keep my job! 玛丽亚:杰克,你能帮我搬这个重箱子吗?杰克:没问题,玛丽亚。让我来这端哎呀!玛丽亚:哎呀!我的脚!来吧,你不能更谨慎吗?杰克:我很抱歉。那是一次意外。别生气!玛丽亚:你总是这么笨手笨脚,杰克。我真的失去我的耐心对于你在办公室犯的所有愚蠢的错误。杰克:冷静下来,玛丽亚,我下次一定会更加小心。这只是一个意外。玛丽亚:如果你不多加小心的话,下次有人可能伤得很重。噢,瞧!

10、现在玻璃盒子里都是破碎的。约翰逊先生会勃然大怒。杰克:噢,不!我能做些什么来防止他勃然大怒?玛丽亚:好吧,你可以先帮我收拾残局,然后诚实告诉他承认你的错误。杰克:也许如果我提出赔偿损失,他不会生气的。你怎么认为?玛丽亚:可以帮助解决这个问题,尽管它可能是相当昂贵的取代它。杰克:嗯,我愿意尽一切可能防止约翰逊先生爆炸。我需要保住我的工作。Keys: A C D C BTask 2 causes of depressionHello, everyone. Today I invite you to join me in an exploration of the causes of depress

11、ion. There are many factors involved, but I believe some deserve special attention.Heredity certainly plays a role. The tendency to develop depression may be inherited; there is evidence that this disorder may run in families.Physiology is another factor related to depression. There may be changes o

12、r imbalances in chemicals which transmit information in the brain, called neurotransmitters. Many modern antidepressant drugs attempt to increase levels of certain neurotransmitters so as to increase brain communication. While the causal relationship is unclear, it is known that antidepressant medic

13、ations do relieve certain symptoms of depression.Researchers also study psychological factors. They include the complex development of ones personality and how one has learned to cope with external environmental factors, such as stress. It is frequently observed that low self-esteem and self-defeati

14、ng thinking are connected with depression. While it is not clear which is the cause and which is the effect, it is known that sufferers who are able to make corrections to their thinking patterns can show improved mood and self-esteem.Another factor causing depression is ones early experiences. Even

15、ts such as the death of a parent, the divorce of the parents, neglect, chronic illness, and severe physical abuse can increase the likelihood of depression later in life.Some present experiences may also lead to depression. Job loss, financial difficulties, long periods of unemployment, the loss of

16、a spouse or other family member, or other painful events may trigger depression. Long-term stress at home, work, or school can also be involved.It is worth noting that those living with someone suffering from depression experience increased anxiety, which adds to the possibility of their also becomi

17、ng depressed.Keys: (1)families (2)chemicals (3)information (4) certain symptoms (5)self-esteem (6)thinking patterns (7)mood (8)divorce (9)physical abuse (10)financial difficulties (11)stress (12)anxiety大家好。今天我邀请你与我一起在探究引发抑郁症的原因。有许多因素参与其中,但我相信一些值得特别注意。遗传肯定起着作用。可能继承抑郁症的发展趋势 ;还有证据表明,这种疾病可能运行在家庭中。生理学是与抑

18、郁症相关的另一个因素。可能有的变化或传递的信息在大脑中,被称为神经递质的化学物质的不平衡。许多现代的抗抑郁药物尝试增加的某些神经递质,增加大脑的沟通水平。因果关系尚不清楚,众所周知是抗抑郁药做缓解某些症状的抑郁症。研究人员还研究心理因素。他们包括复杂的一个人的个性发展和如何一个人只有学会应付外部环境因素,如压力。它是经常观察到低自尊和自我挫败的思维与抑郁症。虽然它不是清楚这是原因,哪些是影响,众所周知是患者能使他们的思维模式的更正可以显示改善的情绪和自尊。引起抑郁症的另一个因素是早期的经历。事件如父母一方死亡、 离婚的父母、 忽视、 慢性疾病和严重的人身虐待可以增加以后的生活中抑郁症的可能性。

19、一些当前的经验也可能导致抑郁。失去工作、 财政困难、 长时间的失业、 丧失配偶或其他家庭成员或其他痛苦的事件可能会引发抑郁。长期的压力在家里、 工作或学校也在其中。那些患有抑郁症的人一起生活经验增加的焦虑,将添加到他们也变得郁闷的可能性,它是值得的。Task 3 happiness indexAustralians were the happiest people in the world according to a survey undertaken by two market researchers. They conducted door-to-door surveys and int

20、erviews with nearly 30,000 people in 30 countries. They asked respondents how satisfied they were with their overall quality of life. Forty-six percent of Australians proclaimed to be very happy and expressed optimism about their future. Following them in the very happy group was the USA (40 percent

21、), Egypt (36 percent), India (34 percent) and the UK and Canada (32 percent). Hungary got the wooden spoon, finishing bottom of the happiness chart. Thirty-five percent of its citizens said they were either disappointed or very unhappy, followed by Russians at 30 percent.The research demonstrated th

22、at money and age were key determinants in how happy people are. Although the study did not indicate money could buy happiness, it did reveal a link between a lack of money and unhappiness. Less happy populations were found among lower-income groups or the unemployed.The study also suggested that on

23、the whole, the older we become, the less happy we are. Globally, teenagers are the happiest people. The age group with the lowest levels of happiness was 50-59. Only 16 percent of those in their 50s said they were very happy.The factors that make us happy include good health, financial security and

24、a happy marriage. Material comforts such as cars, clothes and gadgets ranked comparatively low. 两名市场研究人员进行的调查表明澳大利亚人是世界上最幸福的人。他们进行了逐户调查和访谈与 30 个国家近 3 万人。他们问受访者如何满足他们有他们总的生活质量。46%的澳大利亚人宣布要非常幸福和对他们的未来表示的乐观。跟在他们后面,非常幸福的组是美国 (40%)、 埃及 (36%)、 印度 (34%) 和英国和加拿大 (32%)。匈牙利得到末名,整理幸福图表的底部。35%的公民说他们都是失望非常不满,其次是

25、俄罗斯人的 30%。研究表明钱和年龄是决定人如何快乐的关键因素。虽然研究并没有显示金钱能买来幸福,但它也暴露出缺乏资金和不幸福之间的联系。少快乐的人群被发现失业或低收入群体。研究还指出总体上,我们成为随着年龄的增长,我们越不快乐。在全球,青少年是最幸福的人。年龄组与最低级别是幸福的 50-59。只有 16%的 50 多岁的人说他们非常高兴。让我们快乐的因素包括身体健康、 金融安全、 幸福的婚姻。如汽车、 衣服和小玩意排名相对较低的物质享受。Keys: B D A A C(下面这个部分应该是不要的。第一帅还是勤劳的翻译了,我也不多说是了,要打印的自己注意)l Lets TalkWhen I fi

26、rst met my parents, I was really shy, and I was, and I was in my foster home and I ran upstairs, shy, and I was in my bedroom crying, and my mum came up and said, Oh William, are you OK? and I ignored my mum, cause I didnt know her and I was scared. So, then my foster mum came up and I came down and

27、 we had some fun time. It was nice when I first arrived. I thought, Oh goody, two sisters, I can play with them. But now its just, Oh no, not them again! I argue with one of my sisters about her rabbits, cause she doesnt let me touch them. Well she does, but.When I have a bit of a bad time with my s

28、ister, I go and speak with my mum and my dad. I feel most comfortable speaking to my dad about all my worries and stuff. I wish I had a brother in this family, but then its just nice (being.) having two sisters, but Id rather have a brother anyway. I mix with different people. Im mostly friends with

29、 adults, cause I normally see adults more than children for some reason, I dont know why. It was scary going from my primary school to secondary school, but then thats just me growing up, and Ive got to take the chances and take, just take what Ive learned already and just move on and learn differen

30、t things.Keys: (1) shy (2) crying (3)scared (4) came down (5) fun (6) nice (7) two sisters (8) argue (9) touch (10) bad time (11) speak (12) comfortable (13) brother (14) adults (15) children (16) secondary (17) growingup (18) learn当我第一次见面我的父母真的很腼腆,我,我是在我寄养家庭,我跑到楼上时,害羞的我在我的卧室里哭,我的妈妈来说,哦威廉,你还好吗? 而我忽略

31、我的妈妈,因为我不知道她和我很害怕。所以,然后我寄养妈妈过来和我下来,我们有一些乐趣的时间。当我第一次到达时很高兴。我想,哦太好喽,两个姐妹,我可以和他们玩。但现在只是,哦不,别又是他们!我争论与我的一个姐姐她的兔子,因为她不让我碰他们。她做的很好,不过.当我有一点不好的时间与我的妹妹时,我走过去跟我的妈妈和我的爸爸说话。我感觉最舒服,告诉我爸爸关于我所有的忧虑和东西,。我希望我有一个哥哥在这个家庭,但是然后很刚刚好 (.) 有两个姐妹,但不管怎么说宁愿一个哥哥。我与不同的人交往。我大部分朋友是成人,因为出于某种原因我通常看到成年人比儿童多。有点吓人,从我小学中学,但那只是我成长的过程中,我有

32、机会,把我学到的东西已经继续前进和学习不同的东西。(下面又是要求的部分了)l Further Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Big John is coming!A bar owner in the Old West just hired a timid bartender. The owner of the establishment was giving his new employee some instructions on running the place. He told the timid man, If you ever hear that Big John is coming to town,

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