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3BM3U1 Shapes第12课时教案全国英语教师素养大赛一等奖教案定稿.docx

1、3BM3U1 Shapes第12课时教案全国英语教师素养大赛一等奖教案定稿2019学年浦东新区小学三年级英语新教材主题单元教学研讨“基于学习要求的单元整体教学与评价的实践与研究”主办:浦东教发院教师发展中心小学英语组承办:浦东新区惠南第二小学、临港外国语小学2019年4月5日Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition)3BM3U1 ShapesTeacher: Tracy Jin(金英)from Huinan No.2 Primary School Ivy(黄英)from Lingang Foreign Language Primary

2、 SchoolBook: 3BM3U1 ShapesTeaching aids: Multi-media, word cards, picture cards, flash, etc.教学设计说明学生情况分析:经过两年多的英语学习,学生大多数养成了良好的学习习惯,对于英语学习的兴趣也愈加浓厚。他们能模仿老师或材料中的语音语调,也喜欢用英语进行简单的日常交流。他们求知欲强,善于模仿,喜欢听故事、唱儿歌、做游戏、肢体表演等活动形式,有较强的表现欲。但是,部分学生的注意力集中还不够持久,英语表达还不够流畅。在学习本单元内容之前,学生已经掌握了部分图形、颜色的词汇,如star, circle等;能用I

3、ts I can make 等句型进行简单描述。此外,能运用Do you like? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.来问答对某事物的喜好,这些都是本单元学习内容的铺垫。模块教学任务分析: 本模块的教学主题是“Things around us”,包括Shapes, Colours和Seasons三个学生非常熟悉且富有生活气息的教学单元,涉及到的学习内容包括常见的形状类词汇、常见的自然景物类词汇以及常见的活动类词汇;通过形状的观察与描述、自然景物的色彩关注与描述以及四季的景物描述与活动感受,进一步认识周遭世界,感受生活中的形状、色彩与活动,从而捕捉生活中的细节、感受生活的多样与美

4、好。此外,学习字母组合-ff, cl-, pl-, gl-, bl-, fl-, sl-在单词中的发音,感受语音儿歌。单元教学任务分析: 通过本单元的学习,学习有关形状类词汇,如:circle, star, triangle, square, rectangle等,注意发音与拼读;学习相关句型“I have”等;能结合I haveWhat shape is it? Its a 等来问答与描述形状,分辨生活中各种物品的外形;在此过程中,善于发现现实生活中的形状,感受其不同的特点、趣味与神奇,从而激发对多彩生活的观察与热爱之情。此外,学习与运用字母组合-ff在单词中的发音,尝试语音儿歌,学会举一反

5、三。单元教学设计思考: 第一课时,借助场景(Shapes in Shape Space),以Peppa和George受朋友Little Star的邀请参观她的家园Shape Space为主线,以在Shape Space中所见所闻为情境,通过图片和角色话语学习、操练与运用相关的形状类词汇,如:circle, star, triangle, rectangle, square等,关注其音、形、义,关注其特征;能运用It has Its likeIts 等句型描述与交流生活中看到的各种图形,感受形状的多样,体会各种形状的不同特点。第二课时,借助场景(Shapes from Shape Space),

6、以Little Star帮助Peppa准备shape party的装饰物为主线,以Little Star和Peppa之间的对话为情境,初步学习与运用核心句型I have How many? I can make 等,进一步感受生活中的各种形状,感受其特点与趣味,从而激发学生对多彩生活的观察与热爱之情。第三课时, 借助场景(Shapes after school),以Kitty 和Ben放学后与妈妈的对话为情境,在复习本单元核心词汇和句型的基础上,进一步学习、理解与运用I have Its等内容,能结合已学交流分享自己喜欢的物体并介绍形状,从而进一步感受形状所带来的快乐。此外,初步学习字母组合-

7、ff在单词中的发音,学会举一反三。第四课时,借助场景(Shapes around us),从单词、句型与语段层面进行整理与复习,在关注技能训练、实现语用达成的同时,能较熟练地分享和交流各自喜欢的图形;能学会用所学形状制作一间房子,进一步感受不同形状的特点;在和朋友分享房子的过程中感受亲情和友情,感受形状的神奇。此外,进一步学习字母组合-ff在单词中的发音,感受语音儿歌。单元课时项目和话题:课时话题项目来源Period 1Shapes in Shape SpaceLook and learn& Play a game & Listen and enjoyPeriod 2Shapes from S

8、hape SpaceLook and say & Ask and answerPeriod 3Shapes at homeSay and act & Learn the sound Period 4Shapes around usRevision单元课时目标说明:课时语音学习词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合能力运用第一课时初步感知、理解与运用circle, star, rectangle, square等词汇,关注其音、义、形,关注其特征。能较为熟练地运用It is Its like等句型描述生活中看到的某种图形。1能初步感知、理解和运用相关的形状类词汇,如:circle, star, recta

9、ngle, square等,注意其音、义、形。2能运用It is Its like等句型来描述和交流看到的图形。3在交流与分享中了解不同的形状,感受形状的特征。第二课时进一步感知、理解与运用单元核心词汇,如:circle, star, rectangle, square等。初步学习、操练与运用I have I can make来互相描述制作的物品。1进一步操练与运用本单元的核心词汇。2初步学习、操练与运用I haveI can make来分享各自制作的物品。3通过各种形状联想到生活中的物品,进一步感受其形状,享受不同形状制作物体的乐趣。 第三课时初步学习字母组合-ff在单词中的发音,学会举一反

10、三。较为熟练地运用本单元的核心词汇,如:circle, triangle, square, rectangle, star, 等。较为熟练地运用本单元的核心句型,如:I have I can makeIts like等。1初步学习辅音字母组合-ff在单词中的发音,学会举一反三。2较为熟练地运用本单元的核心词汇和核心句型。3能运用相关句型来交流自己放学后在家见到的不同物体的形状。4能进一步感受不同形状所带来的快乐。第四课时进一步学习辅音字母-ff在单词中的发音,尝试语音儿歌。能熟练地运用本单元的核心词汇,如:circle, triangle, square, rectangle, star等。能

11、熟练运用本单元的核心句型,如:I have I can makeIts like等。1进一步学习辅音字母组合-ff在单词中的发音,尝试语音儿歌。2能熟练运用本单元的核心词汇,并在情境中巩固。3能熟练运用本单元的核心句型,如:I have I can makeIts like等描述与分享各自喜欢的形状。4能学会用不同的形状制作一间房子,进一步感受不同形状的特点;在和朋友分享作品的过程中感受亲情和友情,感受形状的神奇。第一课时教学目标:1能初步感知、理解和运用相关的形状类词汇,如:circle, star, rectangle, square等,注意其音、义、形。2能运用It is Its lik

12、e等句型来描述和交流看到的图形。3在交流与分享中了解不同的形状,感受形状的特征。Topic: Shapes in Shape SpaceProceduresProcedureContentMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Warming up2. Lead in1-1 Enjoy a song.1-2 Ask and answer.1-3 Enjoy different pictures about shapes.2-1 Set a scene.课前热身,轻松进入课堂学习。创设情境,活跃课堂氛围。While-task procedure1. Learn:

13、 star2. Learn: square & circle3. Learn: triangle4. Learn: rectangle1-1 Lead in.1-2 Look and listen.1-3 Learn and spell: star1-4 Say a chant.1-5 Choose and say.1-6 Read in roles.2-1 Enjoy the movie.2-2 Look and listen.2-3 Learn and spell: square2-4 Say a chant.2-5 Try to say.2-6 Sing a song.2-7 Liste

14、n to George.2-7-1 Learn: circle2-7-2 Choose and say.2-7-3 Make a new song. 2-7-4 Read in roles.3-1 Listen to Dialogue 3.3-2 Sing a song: ”I hear raindrops”3-3 Learn and spell: triangle.3-4 Learn more about triangle: angle & side3-5 Say a chant.3-6 Choose and say.3-7 Read in roles.4-1 Listen to Dialo

15、gue 44-2 Learn and spell: rectangle4-3 Say a chant.4-4 Sing a song.4-5 Compare square with rectangle.4-6 Do a quick response.4-7 Try to say.4-8 Read in roles.通过对话引出单词学习,利用儿歌操练和巩固单词,激发学习兴趣。通过有节奏感的韵律诗来认识边和角,初步感知形状特征,逐步培养其观察力和创造力。通过朗朗上口的儿歌强化操练句型,增加趣味性。通过角色扮演,强化语言训练,从抽象到具体,尝试体验与语用。通过对比长方形和正方形的异同来快速回答所见形

16、状,强化对形状特征的了解。通过游戏巩固,加强单词的学习。Post-task activityMore practice1. Enjoy the whole story again.2. Read in groups.3. Enjoy some pictures.4. Think and say.整体感知故事情节。在欣赏与分享中体会形状的特点、感受形状的无处不在。Assignment1. Listening: Listen to the words on P262. Reading: Read the words and the material3. Speaking: Draw shapes

17、and share4. Writing: Copy the new words on P26分层布置作业,体现延续性和可操作性。板书设计教学反思Materials for Period 1:Part 1:Little Star: Peppa, here is a flower for you.Peppa: Thank you. Wow, its a star. Its like an umbrella. How nice!Part 2: Little Star: George, do you like playing football?George: Yes, I do.Little Star

18、: Look! The football is a square. Its like a box.George: Sorry, I cant. LittleStar: Can you play it?George: Yes! Its a circle. Its like the sun. 1, 2, 3, go!Little Star: Wow, how super!Part 3:Peppa: Listen! What can you hear?George: I can hear raindrops. Pitter-patter, pitter-patter.Peppa: Look at t

19、he raindrop. Its a triangle. Its like a kite. How funny!Part 4:George: Look! Whats that?Little Star: Its the rainbow. (佩奇乔治欢呼A rainbow)Its a rectangle. Its like a ruler.Peppa: How cool! 辅助文本:This is a triangle. It has three angles. It has three sides.That is a rectangle. It has four angles. It has f

20、our sides. Two are long and two are short.附学生作业单3BM3U1 Shapes Period 1Class班级:_ Name姓名:_ Student number学号:_以下是今天的回家作业,请家长在相应的内容后作出评价(圈出相应的星星):1. Read the material(朗读绘本材料):Shapes in Shape Space 2. Draw shapes and share(画一画形状并作介绍):3. Evaluate about assignments(作业评价):内 容学生自评家长评价ListeningListen to the w

21、ords on P26(听读P26)ReadingRead the words and the material (朗读单词与材料)SpeakingDraw shapes and share(画一画形状并作介绍) WritingCopy the new words on P26(抄写P26单词) 星数说明:优秀()良好()合格() 须努力()家长签名:第2课时教学目标:1进一步操练与运用本单元的核心词汇,如:circle, star, triangle, square, rectangle等。2在故事情境中初步学习、操练与运用I haveI can make来分享各自用形状制作的物品。3通过各

22、种形状联想到生活中的物品,进一步感受其形状,享受不同形状制作物体的乐趣。 Topic: Shapes from the Shape SpaceProceduresContentsMethodsPurposesPre-taskpreparation1. Warming up2. Lead-in.1-1 Read the chant.1-2 Listen and guess.1-3 Think, make and say.Set a scene. 通过与学习内容相关的儿歌复习旧知,提升学习兴趣。导入故事情境。While-taskprocedure1. Dialogue 1I have triang

23、les.I can make shoes.2. Dialogue 2I have stars.I can make earrings.3. Dialogue 3I have a rectangle.I can make a dress.4. Dialogue 4I have some squares and circles. I can make a bag.1-1 Listen to Dialogue1. 1-2 Ask and answer.1-3 Learn: I have.1-4 Say a chant.1-5 Make a new chant.1-6 Listen to Dialog

24、ue1.1-7 Read in roles. 1-8 Look and read.2-1 Listen to Dialogue 2. 2-2 Ask and answer.2-3 Learn: earrings.Read the word: earrings.2-4 Sing a song. 2-5 Work in pairs. 2-6 Listen to Dialogue 2.2-7 Read in roles.2-8 Look and say.3-1 Listen to Dialogue 3.3-2 Ask and answer.3-3 Read in roles.3-4 Look and

25、 say.4-1 Play a guessing game.4-2 Listen to Dialogue 4.4-3 Ask and answer.4-4 Listen to Dialogue 4.4-5 Think and say.4-6 Read in roles.4-7 Look and say.聆听对话,通过Ask and answer, chant, Look and read.等多种形式学习、操练I have这一核心句型。聆听对话,训练听能。通过朗朗上口的歌曲,激发学习兴趣。语段输出增加难度,由扶到放。通过练习,联想生活中的物品,感受它们的有趣,激发学生对多彩生活的热爱之情。通过猜

26、一猜游戏充分发挥其想象力,为Post-task环节做铺垫。语段输出增加难度,增加思维量。Post-taskactivitiesMore practice1. Enjoy the whole story.2. Choose and read.3. Enjoy different pictures with shapes.4. Draw and say.回顾文本,巩固所学。抓住学生绘画兴趣,在制作物体形状,感受、分享新学的过程中,加深印象,达成语用。Assignment1. Listening and reading: Listen to the book on P26 and read them

27、 and the material.2. Speaking: Draw with shapes and say.3. Writing: Copy the materials and the patterns.Look. I have _.I can make _.Its _.How _!分层任务,巩固所学, 体验语用。板书设计3BM3U1 ShapesPeriod 2 Shapes from Shape Space 教学反思Materials for Period 2:Part 1 Little Star: Peppa, I have some shapes.Peppa: Some shape

28、s? Little Star: Yes, I have two triangles. I can make shoes for you. One, two, three, go!Peppa: Wow, how super!Thank you! I have nice shoes. O-lei-o-lei-o-lei-o-lei.Part 2 Little Star: Look at your ears. I have some stars.Peppa: How many stars?Little Star: One, two, three, four. Four stars. Peppa: C

29、an you make earrings for me?Little Star: OK. One, two, three, go!Peppa: Wow, how lovely! Two big stars and two small stars. Thank you, Little Star! O-lei-o-lei-o-lei-o-lei.Part 3 Peppa: Can you make a dress for me, Little Star?Little Star: Let me see. Ah-ha I have a rectangle. I can make a dress for you. One, two, three, go!Peppa: Wow! Its beautiful! Thank you, Little Star! O-lei-o-lei-o-lei-o-lei.Part 4 Peppa: Little Star, can you make a bag for me?Little Star: A bag? I have some squares and circles. I can make a bag for you.One,two,three,go.Peppa: Wow, how lovely!I like th

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