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1、新深圳牛津小学英语五年级上册教案五年级上教案Module 1 Getting to know each other Unit 1 My future 课题:新版牛津英语五年级第一学期Unit 1 My future P2,P3 Listen and say课时:第一课时教材分析1. 新版牛津英语5AListen and say 部分要求学生达到在熟读或背诵的水准下灵活使用和新句型。这部分由两小部分组成,一部分是对话,另一部分是回答问题。回答问题这个小部分给学生提供了一个很好的活动,旨在检测学生对课文的理解和句型的使用。教师应该多设置有效的活动让学生在活动中使用核心句型。2. 本节课的内容是郭老

2、师问四个学生关于他们想要做什么工作的一个对话。通过对话形式表现主要内容要求学生能够说出自己想做什么工作,为什么想做这种工作。学生很乐于说说自己理想的工作。3. 对话内容中包含语法项目:want to be. Want to do .要求学生能够准确理解和使用。4. 本节课含有几个职业名词,教师会出示其他的职业名词,要求学生能够掌握更多的名词并且能说出几句话。学情分析1. 五年级的学生已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,能够说出一些职业名词例如:doctor, teacher, fireman, milkman等,需要老师在学习新课的时候复习一下加以巩固练习,加深印象,为之后的新句型打基础。2. 五年级的

3、学生已经接触过单三式的用法,但是用单三式的动词复述课文还是有一定难度的。 教学目标一、知识目标1. 学生能够听懂、会说并准确拼写下列单词和词组:future, in the future, cook, pilot, taxi driver, teach,want。2. 学生能够熟练使用核心句型:What do you want to be? I want to be a.对话。二、语用水平培养目标1. 学生能够准确区分want to be 和want to do 的用法。2. 学生能在日常生活中说说自己将来想要成为的职业并且能够问问别人想要成为什么或者介绍别人想成为什么。三、情感态度目标1.

4、通过职业单词的教授,让学生了解更多的职业名词。2. 通过学习整个语篇,让学生懂得要好好学习才能实现自己的目标。3. 把学生分为若干个小组,让学生在一个小集体中体会到学习的快乐。四、学习策略目标1. 直观学习策略:本堂课通过直观生动的图象(课文插图),声音(课文音频和视频),再现原文,提升学生兴趣,提升课堂效率。2. 活动学习策略:让学生以小组为单位讨论自己未来的职业。3. 合作学习策略:学生以小组为单位复述课文,学会用第三人称的口吻介绍他人未来的职业,提升合作学习的积极性,培养集体荣誉感。五、文化意识目标让学生了解更多的职业名词,了解其他国家的职业。教学重点及难点一、教学重点1学习单词:fut

5、ure, in the future, cook, pilot, taxi driver, want等的认读和使用。2句型:What do you want to be?和 I want to be a.的使用。二、教学难点1. 复述课文3. 完成填空练习。教学基本策略及设计思路1.通过video的播放,让学生回答ask and answer 的问题。2.通过free talk 引入新单词 cook, pilot, taxi driver。3.通过听音模仿矫正学生的发音。4.通过对话练习让学生灵活使用核心句型。5.通过小组合作学习让学生复述课文。6.通过填空练习检验学生对课文的理解。7.通过写

6、作文锻炼学生的写作水平。资源的开发及说明本节课我将教材资源、课堂资源、多媒体资源和网络资源实行了整合与优化,使本节课更加的有效、高效。(2) 教材资源本节课的选材比较贴近学生实际、贴近学生生活,保证了教学内容与学生身边生活的相联系,使教学内容更具现实的影响力。(2) 课堂资源整节课认真贯彻了“以生为本”的教学理念,充分利用身边可利用的学生资源,让学生之间互教、互学、互助。同时在教学过程中,常常会发生一些随机事件,我也实行了即时的捕捉,有效利用,巧妙转化,开发成为课堂教学中的动态生成性资源。(2) 多媒体资源 充分利用多媒体资源,精心制作了学生喜爱的课件,使学生参与课堂的积极性提升。(2) 网络

7、资源 在网上筛选与本节课相关的辅助资料,使课堂更加精彩,有深度。教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图Pre-task preparationFree talkAsk:”What do your parents do? What can you do? What do you like doing?”Answer the questions:Q1: My father is a doctor.Q2: I can wash my clothes.Q3: I like helping my mother to wash the dishes. 协助学生复习关于职业的名词并且为本课的学习做铺垫

8、。While-task procedure1. Teach the new words: cook, pilot and taxi driver and want.2. Introduce the title “In the future”Ask:”Do you want to know what do the children want to be in the future?”3.Play a video about “Look and say”.Ask some questions in “Ask and answer”.4. Play the video of the text aga

9、in and let the students repeat one picture by one picture. Then let them work in pairs to ask and answer with the key sentences.5. Ask:”What do you want to be?” 6.Fill in the blanks.1.The students learn the new words.2. Learn the word”future”.Answer:”Yes, I do.”(2) Look at the video, learn the word”

10、teach”, answer the questions.(2) read after the video , ask and answer in pairs.5. Ss: I want to be a doctor.I want to teach children.6. The students fill in the blanks.1.协助学生学习新单词。2. 引入标题,协助学生理解future的用法。3. 提供几个问题,并且讲单词teach的含义和用法,让学生带着问题看视频回答问题。4. 让学生听音模仿,两个人一组问和答核心句型。5. 让学生用核心句型I want to be a .和

11、I want to .回答问题,练习新句型和单词的使用。(2) 完成填空练习,检查学生对课文的理解及细节的掌握。Post-task activity1.Retell the text in groups.2. Write a composition1) Introduce themselves with the key words and sentences.2) show the paper and let Ss finish the composition”3)Let the students introduce other students composition.1. Retell t

12、he text in groups2. 1)Ss introduce themselves .2)Ss: Look at the paper and write3) Introduce other students composition.1. 小组合作完成复述课文。2. 介绍自己未来的职业。3.介绍他人的未来职业。德育渗透:好好学习以实现自己的愿望。AssignmentShow the assignmentTry to remember巩固本节课重点知识,为下一课打好基础板书设计Unit 1 In the futurecook cooks nice food What do you want

13、 to be?pilot fly an aeroplane I want to be driver drives a bus I want to .Unit 1 My future 第二课时一、Pre-task preparations1. 学生或教师准备一些亲人或朋友的图片,向班级展示并实行描述。S1: This is my uncle. He can cook well. Helikes cooking. He works in a restaurant.He is a cook.S2: This is my mother. She likes Chinese. She wo

14、rks in a school. She is a Chinese teacher.(2) 使用本单元的核心句型及词汇引领学生朗诵儿歌。教师出示不同工作的照片或词卡,引导学生把单词套入歌谣中。What do you, what do you, what do you want to be?I want to, I want to, I want to be a /an .What do you, what do you, what do you want to be?I want to, I want to, I want to be a /an .二、While-task procedure

15、s1. 听Listen and say 的录音,学生回答问题。1) What does Peter want to be? (He wants to be a pilot.)2) What do pilots do? They􀀀 fly􀀀 planes.3) What does Kitty want to be? (She wants to be a doctor.)4) What do doctors do? (They help (sick) people.)5) What does Alice want to be? (She wants to be

16、a teacher.)6) What do teachers do? (They teach students.)7) What does Joe want to be? (He wants to be a cook.)8) What do cooks do? (They cook nice food.)学生两人一组完成课本第3 页Listen and say的后续练习,巩固其内容。(2) 学生听录音跟读课文。然后教师出示图片1,并示范介绍人物。T: (show Picture 1) This is Peter. He wants to be a pilot. He wants to fly

17、a plane.学生结对子,分别介绍图2 Kitty,图3Alice和图4Joe。然后请三名学生到前面依次示范。S1: This is Kitty. She wants to be a doctor. She wants to help people.S2: This is Alice. She wants to be a teacher. She wants to teach English in a school.S3: This is Joe. He wants to be a cook. He wants to cook nice food.(2) 出示Ask and answer,可

18、出示更多职业及工作内容。学生走出座位,在班内展开调查,了解彼此将来想从事的职业,并完成调查表。T: Lets do a survey. Go and ask your friends what they want to be in the future.S1: Hi,( S2s name). What can you do?S2: I can swim. I can cook too.S1: What do you like doing?S2: I like eating.S1: What do you want to be?S2: I want to be a cook. I want to

19、 cook nice food.Name canLikes doingWants to beWants to do(2) 学生完成书面调查报告并在班内交流。S1: ( S2s name) is my friend. He can swimand cook. He likes eating. He wants to bea cook. He wants to cook nice food.三、Post-task activities全班投票,看哪一种职业最受欢迎T: Who wants to be a doctor? Raise your hand. (Some students raise h

20、ands. Writethe number of students on the blackboard, next to the job.)T: Who wants to be a . ( job)?.T: Many of you want to be pilots. Why?S1: We like flying planes.Unit 1 My future 第三课时一、Pre-task preparations1. 用“chain game”活动复习句型。S1: Hello,( S2s name)! What do you want to be?S2: I want to be a tax

21、i driver. I want to drive a taxi. What do you want to be,( S3s name)?S3: I want to be a teacher. I want to teach children.(2) 出示一些动物的照片,与学生讨论动物的特长和它们能够胜任的工作。T: (show the picture of a dog) Whats this?Ss: Its a dog.T: What are dogs good at?Ss: They are good at smelling. They are good at running.T: Yes

22、. Many dogs have jobs. There are police dogs and guard dogs.可出示其他照片,如鸽子(送信)、猫(捉老鼠)、马(交通工具)、大象(搬运木材)等,让学生针对各动物的特长展开相关工作的讨论。二、While-task procedures1. 学生默读故事“ Froggys new job ”。然后让学生介绍人物。T: (point to Froggy) Whats his name?S1: His names Froggy.T: Yes. Froggy is a frog. What can frogs do?S2: They can sw

23、im very well.S3: They can jump.和学生问答,巩固对故事的理解。教师提问,学生带着问题阅读文章,然后小组讨论回答问题。(Picture 1)1) What does Froggy wants to be? (He wants to be a pilot.)2) Does he like flying? (No, he doesnt. Hes afraid of flying.)(Picture 2)1) What does Froggy want to be now? (He wants to be a singer.)2) Can he sing well? (N

24、o, he cant.)(Picture 3)1) What does Froggy hear? (He hears a chick crying for help.)2) What does he do? (He jumps into the lake and saves the chick.)(Picture 4)1) What is Froggys new job? (A lifeguard.)2) Does he like his new job? (Yes, he does.)2. 学生再次阅读故事,教师在黑板上写出每幅图的关键词, 学生根据图片及关键词复述故事。Picture1:

25、wants to be, pilot, fly a plane, afraid of, flyingPicture 2: singer, not good at singingPicture 3: chick, lake, jumps, savePicture 4: good at swimming, lifeguard, new job3. 指导学生完成课本第5 页Read a story 的后续练习,然后填空完成内容概要。4. 出示一组含有字母组合sk 的单词,请学生跟读并记住sk 的发音。如:desk, mask, task,disk, ask。T: sk, /sk/, desk, de

26、sk. Ss: sk, /sk/, desk, desk.T: sk, /sk/, mask, mask. Ss: sk, /sk/, mask, mask.然后播放Learn the sounds 的录音,请学生跟录音模仿朗读儿歌。鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调。还可与较早前学过的语音ck/k/ 比较,给出几个单词,让学生归类。Ck: clock, rock, knock, tick-tock, chicksk: ask, desk, mask, task, disk三、Post-task activities1. 学生玩找工作的游戏。一学生抽取写有职业的纸牌,其他人扮演面试官(如两到三人)对

27、其兴趣、特长等实行提问,然后面试官决定该学生是否能获得该工作。S1: (pick a card of a teacher)S2: What do you want to be?S1: I want to be an English teacher.S2: Do you like children?S1: Yes, I do.S3: Are you good at English?S1: Yes, I am.S4: (to S2 and S3) Do you think ( S1s name )can get this job?Ss: (vote) Yes! (to S1) You get th

28、is job 五年级上册牛津英语Unit 2 Going to school教学内容与目标 教学内容功能问候、介绍1. 询问交通方式2. 介绍交通方式语言知识核心句型、日常用语1. How do you come to school?2. I come to school on foot.词汇 by, walk, Ms, underground, take, after, hour, bus stop, by bus, far from, on foot, by bike, by car, get off语音字母组合sp的发音(wasp, crisp )语言技听听懂相关上学的交通方式的对话。说

29、用How do you come to school?询问对方上学的交通方式。用I come/ go to school/ . He/ She comes / goes to school /.介绍自己或他人去某地的交通方式。能读读懂相关上学的交通方式的对话。阅读短文,了解Ms Guo上班的路程。写准确书写本单元核心词汇准确书写本单元的核心句型:How do you come to school? I come to school on foot.能用简短的语句描述自己上学和家人上班的交通方式。 教学目标教学重点:核心词汇与重难点句型 了解字母组合sp在单词中的发音教学难点:表示不同交通方式的

30、短语on foot, by bus等所用的介词不同。 区分go to school和come to school的用法。Unit2 Going to school(第一课时)1.知识目标:协助学生学习Look and learn中的新短语,并能通过Listen and say的情景对话,协助学生掌握句型How do you come to school? I come to school2.水平目标:能用How do you come to school?询问对方上学的交通方式,并用I come to school告诉对方自己上学的交通方式。3.情感态度目标:通过这节课的教学,培养低碳环保意识

31、,采用合理的出行方式。二、Key point:词汇:by, by bike, by bus, by car, on foot, walk.句型:How do you come to school? I come to school on foot.三、Difficultpoint:1.表示不同交通方式的短语on foot,by bus等所用的介词不同。2.区分go to school和come to school的用法。四、Teachin gaids:多媒体课件,光盘。五、Teaching and learning methods :1. 教法:根据词汇教学的特点和学生的学情实际,在本节课中我采用了任务型教学法和游戏活动教学法实行教学。2. 学法:学生通过小组合作、小组比赛等活动来学习新词汇,从而使用所学动词短语来表达自己上学的交通方式。

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