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高中英语 重难点讲义+巩固练习题高二第12讲第二十四单元教师版.docx

1、高中英语 重难点讲义+巩固练习题高二第12讲第二十四单元教师版第十二讲 选修八 第二十四单元(一)同步复习重点词汇1burden n. 重担;责任;重任vt. 装载;使负担a burden to/on sb. 是某人的负担shoulder/bear/take on the burden of. 承担重任burden sb. with sth. 使某人负担The boy was a_burden_to his family.那个男孩是他家里的一个负担。She bore the burden of caring for her sick mother.母生生病,她担负起照顾的重任。I dont w

2、ant to burden you with my problems.我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。即学即练What _ me is how she will manage as her husband has died.Aburdens Baffects Cinterrupts Ddisturbs解析:句意为:“她的丈夫死了,她如何生活成了我心里的负担”。答案:A2resign v. 辞职;放弃(工作,职位等)resignation n. 放弃,辞职resign from. 辞去职务resign oneself to (doing) sth. 听任(某种影响);只好(做某事)resign s

3、b. to. 把某人托交给resign oneself to extinction 束手待毙She resigned from the mittee.她辞去了委员会的职务。He resigned his post because he had been offered a better job.他辞职了,因为他有了更好的工作。The team refused to resign themselves to defeat (to being defeated). 该队不甘失败。即学即练The Prime Minister refused to ment on the rumor that he

4、had planned to _.Adischarge BdismissCresign DResume解析:考查动词辨析。discharge 遣走某人,让某人离去;dismiss 开除,解雇 resume 恢复,重新开始。resign “离职”合题意。答案:C3cast vt.&vi. (cast, cast) 投掷;投射;抛cast aside 抛弃,消除,废除cast away 抛弃,丢掉,使(船)漂流,(船)失事cast behind 疏远;把抛在脑后cast down 使沮丧/不愉快cast off 丢弃cast ones eyes over 审视cast ones mind back

5、 to sth. 回顾,回想cast light on/uponthrow light upon 弄清楚Dont be so cast down. Just keep up your spirits.不要这么沮丧,打起精神来!As soon as they reached the fishing area, the fishermen cast their nets into the sea.渔民们一到捕鱼区就把渔撒进了大海。As soon as he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help.他一

6、富起来就抛弃了所有曾经给过他帮助的老朋友。即学即练Hearing the news that he didnt pass the final exam, he became _ at once.Acasted down Bcast downCcast off Dcasted off解析:cast 的过去式、过去分词都是cast,故排除A、D项。cast down 使沮丧;cast off 解缆放船;抛开。答案:B4undertake vt. 着手,从事,承担;承诺,答应undertakeing n. 任务,事业;承诺,答应undertake a task/project 承担一个任务/项目un

7、dertake to do sth. 答应做某事undertake for sth. 为负责 The pany has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.公司已宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。He undertook to finish the job by Friday.他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。Ill undertake for your security. 我将保证你的安全。即学即练As we are busy these days, we might _ this urgen

8、t work for the time being.AundertakeBagreeCundergoDCharge解析:句意为“因为这些天我们很忙,我们暂时可能做那些急需干的事”。undertake 作“从事,进行”讲。undergo 的意思是“经历,遭受”,如:The pany has undergone some major changes in the last five years. 公司在过去的五年中起了重大的变化。答案:A5sentence n. 句子;vt. 宣判,判决sentence sb. to death 判处某人死刑sentence sb. to 5 years in p

9、rison 判某人五年监禁be sentenced for theft 因盗窃罪被判刑give sentence upon/on sb. 对某人判刑serve ones sentence 服刑under sentence of death 被判处死刑One that killed somebody on purpose must be sentenced to death.故意杀人者必定被判处死刑。He received a heavy/light sentence.他受到重/轻判。The prisoner has served his sentence and will be release

10、d tomorrow.犯人已服刑期满,明天将获释。即学即练完成句子He _(因杀人被判死刑)_(在服刑期间),he behaved very well.6moreover adv. 再者,此外furthmore adv. 此外,而且furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides 等用于上下文中起衔接作用,对上文所述的情况进行补充说明,在写作中使用这样的副词可使上下文更加通顺、有条理,表达更清晰。He said he had not discussed the matter with her. Furthermore, he had not even co

11、ntacted her.他说他没有和她讨论过这个问题。而且,他甚至没有和她联系过。A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some notes.他是一位有才华的艺术家,而且还是一位颇有名气的作家。There is, in addition, one further point to make.此外,还有一点要说。即学即练I dont like to go out for a picnic on such a wet day. _, I dont have time now.AFurthermore BThereforeCOtherwis

12、e DNevertheless解析:考查副词用法。furthermore 意为“而且,此外”,表示意思上的递进。therefore “因此”;otherwise “否则”;nevertheless “尽管如此,然而”,三者均不合题意。答案:A短语句型1e into being 出现;形成;产生bring.into being 使形成;使产生for the time being 暂时;眼下We dont know when the universe came into being.我们不知道宇宙是何时形成的。提示:e into being是不及物动词短语,无被动形式,无进行时。类似短语有:e i

13、nto power 当权e into effect 生效e into action 开始行动e into office 就职e into sight 看得见e into use 开始使用即学即练After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came _ being, which would have a great effect _the cultural life of the people.Ainto; for Bto; toCfrom; at Dinto; on解析:考查短语 e into being “形成”和 have an

14、 effect on “对有影响”答案:D2wind sb. up 故意惹恼(某人,尤指开玩笑)It is not good manners to wind others up in public.在公共场所故意惹恼别人是不礼貌的。拓展:(1)wind up 终止,结束She wound up her speech with a saying.她以一句谚语结束了她的演讲。(2)wind up 使兴奋He was wound up into excitement at the news that he had won the first of the University Entrance Ex

15、amination in his country.当知道在高考中得了全县第一的时候,他极为兴奋。(3)wind up a clock 给钟表上紧发条(4)wind up/down the window of the car 摇上/下车窗即学即练完成句子The girl went home crying because some boys in her class _ (故意惹她生气)3show off 炫耀,夸耀show sb. in 领某人进来show sb. around 领某人参观show sb. the way to 给某人指路show mercy to sb. 宽恕某人Sth. sh

16、ow sb. to be. 某物证明某人是Hes just showing off his car because he likes others to know he is rich. 他不过是在炫耀自己的车,因为他喜欢别人知道他是富裕的。He likes to show off how well he speaks English.他喜欢向人夸耀他的英语讲的有多好。即学即练Before you start work, Ill show you _ the building so that you can meet everyone.Aoff Bout Caround DUp解析:show

17、sb. around 领答案:某人参观。答案:C4break into 闯入;打断;突然起来break in 闯入;打断(谈话)break down 失败,瓦解,崩溃,弄坏,打破break forth 突然发现break a record 破记录break out 发生,爆发break through 突破break up 散开;分解,解散;打断break off 暂停;绝交A thief broke into the room and stole all the valuable things. 一个小偷闯入房间偷走了所有值钱的东西。Hearing the news, she broke i

18、nto tears.听到这个消息,她突然哭了起来。He has broken down from overwork.他因工作过度而累垮了。The war broke out between America and Iraq.美国与伊拉克之间发生了战争。Their marriage broke up. 他们的婚姻破裂了。提示:break into与 break in 都有“闯入”之意,但 break into是及物动词短语,后需要加宾语,而 break in 为不及物动词短语。另外 break into 还有“突然,一下子”之意,和 burst into 类似,而 break in 还表示“插嘴

19、,插进来说”等意思。即学即练The fireman had to _ the locked door to get into the burning building.Abreak off Bbreak upCbreak down Dbreak out解析:break up 有“打碎,破碎”的意思。答案:B5be better off 境况较好,较富裕be worse off 比更穷,境况更糟be badly off (生活)穷困潦倒;处境糟糕be well off 富裕,经济宽裕be well off for sth. 某一方面充裕Theyve got nearly all the luxu

20、ries they need; of course theyre_much_better_off than we are.他们所需要的奢侈品几乎都有了,当然他们比我们富裕多了。Some people dont know when theyre_well_off.有些人身在福中不知福。Tom has been out of work for many years, so he is badly_off now.汤姆失业多年,现在穷困潦倒。In this respect the Negroes were even worse_off than the Indians.从这个方面讲,黑人的处境甚至比

21、印第安人还要糟糕。即学即练We shouldnt plain about being poormany families are much _ than we are.Aworse off Bbadly offCwell off Dbetter off解析:badly off 穷困,潦倒,根据句意,此处应用比较级。答案:A6take.into account 考虑,注意;体谅take account of sth. 考虑;注意bring/call someone to account for责问某人,要某人对作出解释of some/no account 有些/不重要的on account of

22、 因为,由于on ones own account 自担风险;依靠自己to good account 利用,从中获利on ones account 为某人的缘故You should take these facts into account.These facts should be taken into account.你应将这些事实加以考虑。Why did you do it? Was it on account of what he said yesterday?你为什么做那件事?是不是因为他昨天说的那些话?Dont stay up late on my account.为了我,不要熬夜

23、。Please account for your disgraceful conduct.请对你的可耻行为作出解释。即学即练What he did was excellent in the examination. We must_his age.Atake into account Bpay attention toCconsidering that Dtake account to解析:句意为“他在考试中做得很出色。我们必须考虑到他的年龄。”take sth. into accounttake account of 考虑到;pay attention to注意;C项应跟从句。答案:A7Th

24、ey were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements.他们派卫兵把守着胡同的入口,这样做使他们容易监视人们的举动。本句中 it作形式宾语,真正的宾语为不定式短语 to keep an eye on peoples movements。it作形式宾语还可以代替动名词或从句。He thinks it his duty to help others.他认为帮助别人是他的职责。He made i

25、t a rule to get up at six every morning.他把每天早晨6点起床作为一项制度。We consider it no use going to the seaside.我们认为去海边没用处。We all consider it a pity that you didnt e to the party. 我们都认为你没有来参加聚会很遗憾。I hate it when people speak with their mouths full.我不喜欢人们说话时嘴里有满满的东西。You may depend on it that were honest.你可以相信我们是

26、诚实的。拓展:it还可以作形式主语,代替真正的主语不定式(或不定式复合结构)、动名词(或动名词复合结构)或从句。(1)Itsadj.for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是的(2)Itsadj.of sb. to do sth. 某人是如此而做某事(3)Its/was/.who/that.是某人/某物做(4)It is/was the序数词timethat.主语have/had done.这是某人第次做(5)It is (high) time that.主语did/should do.是该做的时候了。(6)Its said/reported/believed/announced

27、 that.据说/据报道/报相信/据称(7)Its a pity/a shame/a wonder.that.可惜/遗憾/奇怪的是(8)It happens/appears/seems that. 恰巧/好像(9)It looks/seems as if. 看起来好像(10)Its up to sb. to do. 该某人做了即学即练(1) He didnt make _ clear when and where the meeting would be held.AthisBthatCitDthese解析:it作形式宾语,真正宾语为 when and where从句。答案:C(2) Id a

28、ppreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the puter.Athat Bit Cthis Dyou解析:it作形式宾语,代替 if从句。答案:B 同步自测.单项填空1He doesnt work but he has an _ of 100 000 yuan a year from his investments. Awages Bine Cearnings Dsalary答案:B解析:have an ine of “有的收入”,为固定搭配;wages 常用复数,表示“工资”;earnings 收入,挣得的钱;salary 月

29、薪。2He began to take political science _ only when he left school.Astrictly Btruly Ccarefully Dseriously答案:D解析:take sth. seriously “严肃/认真地对待某事”,为固定搭配。3We must _ the weather into account first when climbing mountains.Amake Bconsider Cregard Dtake答案:D解析:take.into account 把考虑在内。4Its high time he _ to school, but he is still sleeping.Agoes Bgone Cgoing Dwent答案:D解析:Its time. “到了该做的时候了”,句中用过去时态或 should do。5He couldnt wait to _ his new car to his friends.Ashow up Bs

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