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1、人教版七年级上册英语语法知识及习题测验 七年级上册英语语法知识及习题 英语的十大词类.词类英语名称意义例词名词Noun (n.)表示人或事物的名称boy, pencil, book, 冠词Article (art.)用在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物a (an), the代词Pronoun (pron.)用来代替名词we, that, his, what形容词Adjective (adj.)用以修饰名词,表示人或事物的特征 old, red, fine, good数词Numeral (num)表示数量或顺序one, thirteen, first, ninth动词Verb (v.)表示动作或

2、状态look, go, be(am, is, are)副词Adverb (adv.)修饰动词、形容词或其他副词not, too, here, often介词Preposition (prep.)表示名词、代词等和其他词的关系in, on, of, to, under连词Conjunction (conj.)用来连接词与词、短语与短语或句与句and, or, but感叹词Interjection (interj.)表示说话时的喜悦、惊讶等情感oh, hello, hi 英语句子成分:组成句子的各个部分即句子成分。句子成分包括:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等。一、主语(subject

3、): 句子说明的人或事物。1. Bob has a soccer ball . 鲍勃有一个足球。 (名词) 2.He likes dancing.他喜欢跳舞。(代词)二、谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作、状态和特征,谓语一般是动词。1.We study English. 我们学习英语 2. He is asleep. 他睡着了。 三、表语(predicative):表示主语“是什么”或者“怎么样”,表语前面的动词称为系动词。 “系动词+表语”一块称为谓语。 1. He is a teacher.他是个老师(名词 2. Five and five is ten. 五加五等于十(数词)

4、 3.He is asleep.他睡着了 (形容词) 4.His father is in. 他的父亲在家 (副词) 5.The picture is on the wall. 画在墙上。 (介词短语)6.That sounds good 那听起来很好。 7.It looks nice . 看上去很好。常见的系动词有: be, sound(听起来), look(看起来), feel(摸起来,smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来、吃起来), feel(感觉) .四、宾语:动作、行为的对象 1.I like China. 我喜欢中国。(名词) 2.You can help me. 你能帮助我

5、。(代词) 3.How many do you need? We need two. 你们需要多少?我们需要两个。(数词) 4. I like playing soccer. 我喜欢踢足球。 (动名词) 5.I want to have an apple. 我想要吃个苹果。 (不定式) 双宾语-间接宾语(指人)和直接宾语(指物) Toms mother buy him some books. 汤姆的妈妈给他买了一些书。 五、宾补:对宾语的补充,全称为宾语补足语。We will make them happy. 我们将让他们高兴。(形容词)His father help him to do hi

6、s homework. 他的父亲帮他做家庭作业。(带to不定式)六、定语:修饰名词或代词的词、词组或句子。1. He is a Chinese teacher. 他是个语文老师。(名词) 2. He is our friend. 他是我们的朋友。(代词)3. I have three books. 我有三本书。 (数词) 4. He is a good student. 他是个好学生。(形容词)5.The boy in red is my brother. 穿红衣服的男孩是我的弟弟。(介词短语)七、状语:用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或 句子。 表示行为发生的时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、程度、条

7、件、方式等。 1.I go to school at seven oclock. 我在七点钟上学。 2.He reads the book in the room.他在房间里看书。 3.I dont like thrillers because they are scary. 我不喜欢恐怖片因为它们太吓人了。13 冠词 :冠词是置于名词之前。冠词分为不定冠词a,an、定冠词the和零冠词三种。零冠词指的是不用冠词的情况。 不定冠词表示“一”,定冠词表示“这个,那个,这些,哪些”。 不定冠词的用法-1 不定冠词有a和an两种形式。a用在以辅音开头的词前,an用在以元音 开头的词前。判断一个词是以

8、元音开头还是以辅音开头,是根据读音而不是根据字母。 用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示一 There is a tiger in the zoo. 动物园里有一只老虎。an apple ,an orange ,an English boy ,你还能写出一些前边用an 的词吗?_ 不定冠词的用法-2 用在某些表示数量的词组中: a lot of 许多 a pair of 一双 定冠词的用法1) 用于指谈话双方都知道的人或事物 Open the door, please. 请把门打开。2) 用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the”) I have a pencil

9、 , the pencil is green . 我有一支铅笔,这支铅笔是绿色的。 3) 用在序数词前 January is the first month of the year. 一月份是一年当中的第一个月。 4) 表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物 the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 the sky 天空 the world 世界5) 表示演奏乐器时,乐器的前面要加the play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 零冠词的用法 1) 专有名词前一般不加冠词 Tom 汤姆 China 中国 Europe 欧洲 2) 月份

10、、周日、节日前一般不加冠词 January 一月份 Sunday 星期日 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Thanksgiving 感恩节National Day 国庆节 May Day 劳动节 比较: .on a Sunday morning. 在一个星期天的早晨. (表示某一个。) 3)三餐、四季前一般不加冠词 I have lunch at school. 我在学校吃午餐。 4)球类运动不加冠词play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打排球 play football 踢足球 时态概说 在英语中,不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,要用不同的动词形式来表示

11、,这种动词的不同形式称为时态。 I am 14 this year. 今年我14 岁。 I was 13 last year.去年我13 岁。 He plays soccer every day.他每天都踢足球。 He played soccer yesterday.昨天他踢足球了。 一般现在时 一般现在时表示现在的状态,如:He is 12. She is at home. 表示经常的或习惯性的动作, 如:I go to school at 7:30 every day. 表示主语具备的性格和能力等,如:She likes apples. They know English.动词的种类动词分

12、为四种:连系动词, 实义动词, 助动词, 情态动词1)连系动词:词义不完全,要和后面的表语一块构成谓语。如 be (am, is are)是,sound听起来,look看起来 She is my sister.That sounds interesting .听起来很有趣。2)实义动词,有实际意义的动词,能单独做谓语。如 see, ask, like I like bananas.3)助动词:本身没有词义,帮助实义动词一起构成否定句,疑问句。如 do,doesI dont like chicken .Does he like apples ?4)情态动词;本身具有一定意义,但不能单独作谓语,必

13、须和实义动词一起构成谓语。can,能,会,must ,必须,情态动词后一定要用动词原形。I can speak English .I must find it . 我一定要找到它动词be的用法be 的用法口诀我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它;单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。Be动词专项练习 用am,is,are填空:1.I_astudent._youastudent?No,I_not. 2.Thegirl_Jackssister. 3.Thedog_tallandfat. 4.The

14、man _ateacher. 5._yourbrotherintheclassroom? 6.Where_yourmother?She_athome. 7.How_yourfather? 8.Jane and Tom _ my friends 9. Where _ my pen ?10. Where _ my books ?11.That_myredskirt. 12.Who_I? 13. Thejeans_onthedesk. 14. Here_aphoto of my family . 15.Here_somesweatersforyou. 16.Theblackbook_forSuYan

15、g. 17.Thispairofsocks_20 dollars. 18.Thetwocupsofmilk_forme. 19.Sometea_intheglass. 20. How much _ the skirt?21 How much _ the trousers ?22. Mysistersname_Nancy.23._DavidandHelenfromEngland? 24.There_agirlintheroom. 25.You,heandI_fromChina. 句型转换的方法一.肯定句变否定句1.句子中有be,在be后加not。) I am a student. I am no

16、t a student.2) They are blue . They arent blue.3) He is Tom. He isnt Tom 2.谓语是动词原形,在动词前加dont。) I have a book . I dont have a book.2) They like Chinese . They dont like Chinese.3) We come from China. We dont come from China.3谓语动词是第三人称单数,在动词前加doesnt,动词用原形。1)She has a basketball. She doesnt have a bask

17、etball2)Maria likes China. Maria doesnt like China.3)Jane comes from the U.S.A. Jane doesnt come from the U.S.A.练习:将下列句子变成否定句。1. I am a teacher. I _ a teacher.2. We are students. We _ students.3. Jane is a girl. Jane _ a girl.4. They like English. They _ like Chinese5. I come from China. I _ come fr

18、om China.6. He likes Chinese. He_ like Chinese.7. Maria comes from Cuba. Maria_ come from Cuba.8. We know Maria. We _ know Maria二.肯定句变一般疑问句句子中有be,把be提到句首1) I am a student. Are you a student?2) They are blue. Are they blue?3) He is Tom. Is he Tom?2.谓语是动词原形,在句首加do。1).I have a book . Do you have a book

19、?2) They like Chinese . Do they like Chinese?3) We come from China. Do you come from China? 3.谓语动词是第三人称单数,在句首加Does,动词用原形。1) She has a basketball . Does she have a basketball?2) Maria likes China. Does Maria like China?3) Jane comes from the U.S.A. Does Jane come from the U.S.A?4) She knows Maria. Do

20、es she know Maria?练习:将下列句子变成一般疑问句。1. I am a teacher. _ _ a teacher?2. They are students. _ _ students?3. Jane is a girl. _ _ a girl?4. They like English. _ they like English?5. I come from China. _ you come from China?6. He likes Chinese. _ he_ Chinese?7. Maria comes from America. _ Maria _ from Ame

21、rica?8. We speak Chinese. _ you_ Chinese?三.一般疑问句做肯定,否定回答1.Are you Maria ? 肯定回答:Yes , I am.否定回答:No, Im not.2.问句和答语的动词保持一致.1) Are you a student? 肯: Yes, I am. 否: No, Im not.2) Is he Jack ? 肯:_. 否:_.3) Do they like Chinese? 肯:_. 否:_.4) Does she have a basketball ? 肯:_. 否:_.3.问句和答语中的主语保持一致。(必须用主格)1) Is

22、Jane from the U.S.A?肯:Yes, she is. 否:No,she isnt. 2) Does Li Hua come from China?肯:_. 否:_. 3) Do Jane and Maria like China?肯:_. 否:_. 4) Is this a ruler?肯:_. 否:_.5) Is that a desk? 肯:_. 否:_.6) Are these books?肯:_. 否:_.7) Are those pencils?肯:_. 否:_.8) Are these erasers?肯:_. 否:_.9) Is that an orange?肯:

23、_. 否:_.练习:给下列句子做肯定回答或否定回答。1.Are you a student? Yes, _ _ . No, _ _ .2. Do they like English? Yes, _ _ . No, _ _ .3. Is Jane a girl? Yes,_ _. No, _ _ . .4. Does Maria like China? Yes, _ _ . No, _ _.5. Is Jenny a student? Yes , _ _ No , _ _ .6. Is that a girl? Yes , _ _No , _ _.7. Are those telephones?

24、 Yes , _ _ No , _ _ .8. Does Tom know Jane? Yes , _ _ No , _ _.9. Do they come from the U.S.A? Yes , _ _ No , _ _.10. Is this an egg? Yes , _ _ No , _ _ 四.对划线部分提问. 口诀:一选二变三问号: 一选是分析句意,先选疑问词,代替划线部分(划线部分去掉),二变是把剩余部分变成一般疑问句(疑问词作主语时除外),第三步加上问号。练习 :对划线部分提问1. The shoes are black _2. She is my teacher. _3

25、My keys are on the sofa. _4. Lily is in the classroom. _5. I am fine. _6. That boy is Tom. _10. Her telephone number is 88828539. _11. The skirt is 12 dollars _12. She is 12 years old. _13. His name is Jim Green ._14. My birthday is on December,24_1.My name is Nancy. _ _ your name?2.I am from China. _ _ you from?3.I am fine . _ are you?4. Miss.Wang is our English teacher. _ is your English teacher?5.Lucy is ten years old. _ _ are you?6. It is yellow . _ _ is it?7.My telephone number is 5805000. _

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