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高二英语同步练习Unit 15 Learning北师大版必修5.docx

1、高二英语同步练习Unit 15 Learning北师大版必修5.完形填空Would you like a burger or fried chicken for lunch? No way! Please pass me the salad _1_.Hi, my name is Morgan Jacobs, and I decided to be a vegetarian _2_ I love all animals. I have read and seen pictures of _3_ happens to animals that are raised for their meat.

2、It makes me so _4_. Baby cows and chickens live their _5_ lives in places that are too small for them. They have no _6_ to move about. This is so _7_. They suffer and do not get to _8_ their lives.I dont like other animals that also only live to be _9_ by people endure cruel treatment while they are

3、 alive and the_10_ they are killed. I feel sorry for them.The best thing _11_ being a vegetarian is all the tasty and healthy foods I eat. Vegetables and fruits are healthy for your body. _12_, I think they taste better than meat. Oranges have vitamin CI love the _13_ of watermelon, peaches, and str

4、awberries. Green vegetables _14_ me feel strong. I enjoy drinking lots of soymilk to _15_ my bones calcium (钙)I have a life threatening allergy to nuts, seeds, and peanuts, _16_ I eat soy butter to get my protein!I _17_ in being kind and loving to people and animals, being good to the earth, and _18

5、_ life, including animals!_19_ is known to all, animals are our friends. We should live in _20_ with the animals. If we destroyed the animals, we would destroy ourselves.1A.tooBalsoCeitherDinstead【答案与解析】D根据上文的No Way!判断,作者不吃汉堡和炸鸡,所以选instead“代替”。2A.because BUnless Cwhether Dwhile【答案与解析】A下文谈的是他成为素食主义者的

6、原因,所以用because。3A.that Bwhich Cwhat Dhow【答案与解析】Cwhat引导宾语从句,此处指“发生在动物身上的事情”。4A.excited Bsad Cglad Dhappy【答案与解析】B作者看到有的动物养大后被杀掉,所以“伤心”。5A.short Blong Ccolorful Duseful【答案与解析】A此处指的是肉食牛和肉食鸡,所以他们的生命很“短暂”。6A.time Broom Cneed Dproblem【答案与解析】B根据前面的“too small for them”判断,此处应为“空间”。7A.cruel BInteresting Cnecess

7、ary Dprobable【答案与解析】A此处指的是肉食牛和鸡,长大了只是为了被宰杀,由此推测此处为“残忍的”。 Bhate Cenjoy Dlove【答案与解析】Cenjoy their lives“享受生活”。9A.played Beaten Cwatched Dfed【答案与解析】B根据下文的they are killed判断,此处应为“被吃掉”。 Broad Cway Dtype【答案与解析】Cway“方式”,此处指这些动物被屠杀的方式。 Bat Cto Dabout 【答案与解析】Dabout“关于”。此处意为“有关于成为素食主义者最好的事

8、情”。12A.Besides BHowever COtherwise DTherefore【答案与解析】A该句是对上文意思更进一步的描述,所以用besides“此外”。13A.smell Bcolor Csize Dtaste【答案与解析】D此处指后面提到的这些东西的“味道”。14A.force Bmake Ccause Dget【答案与解析】B根据后面不带to的动词不定式判断,要用make。15A.leave Btake Cbring Dgive【答案与解析】Dgive可接双宾语,此处意为“给骨骼补充钙质”。 Bbut Cyet Dor【答案与解析】A根据语意看,上下文为因果关系

9、,所以用so。17A. believe BThink Cconsider Dimagine【答案与解析】Abelieve in“信仰”。18.A. inspecting B. Respecting C. expecting D.inspiring【答案与解析】B作者是个素食主义者,他不愿意看到动物被屠杀,因此号召人们“尊重”生命。19A.It BWhat CAs DWhich【答案与解析】Cas引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语。20A. harmony BMemory Cterms Dsearch【答案与解析】Ain harmony with“与相和谐”。人类和动物应该“和谐相处”。.单

10、项填空21The story is about _ life of Obama, who is _ 44th President of the United States of America.Aa; theBa; aCthe; theDthe; a【答案与解析】C考查冠词。题意:这个故事是关于美国第44任总统奥巴马生活的。“life of Obama”是特指的,所以要用the;表示“第”,需要在序数词前加定冠词the,因此答案为C项。22(2011浙江温州十校高三上学期联考)He had a burning _ to win back the teachers confidence in h

11、im.Adesire Bfeeling Cemotion Dimpression【答案与解析】A考查词汇辨析。desire“要求;愿望”;feeling“感情”;emotion“情感”;impression“印象”。题意:他有强烈的愿望去赢回老师对他的信心。burning“强烈的”。23(2010福州高三模拟)A red sky in the morning _ to be a sign of bad weather.Asays Bis saying Chas said Dis said【答案与解析】D此句也可说成“It is said that a red sky in the mornin

12、g is a sign of bad weather”。题意:据说早晨的红色的天空是坏天气的征兆。24(2010福建质检)Does the work_ any effect_ your family life?Amake; on Bhave; onCmake; in Dhave; in【答案与解析】B考查动词短语。have an effect on.“对有影响”。题意:工作对你的家庭生活有影响吗?25(2010石家庄调研)It is said that Zhangjiajie _ a visit.Aobserves Breserves Cdeserves Dpreserves【答案与解析】C考

13、查词义辨析。observe“观察;遵守;庆祝”;reserve“保留;预留”;deserve“值得”,后可加名词作宾语;preserve“保护;保存”。题意:据说张家界值得一游。26She devoted herself _ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.Astrongly BextremelyCentirely Dfreely【答案与解析】C考查副词词义辨析。题意:她全身心地投入研究事业,这让她在其研究领域获得了很高的声望。entirely“完全地;全然地;一概地”符合题意。strongly“

14、坚固地;坚强地;激烈地”;extremely“极端地;非常地”;freely“自由地;直率地”。27_ seems that she was not interested in the topic they were talking about.AThere BIt CShe DThey【答案与解析】B考查句型结构的识别。此为“It seems that.”结构,it为形式主语,真正的主语为that从句,其他词不能这样用。题意:看起来她对他们正在讨论的话题不感兴趣。28According to the literary review, Shakespeare _ his characters

15、live through their language in his plays.Awill make Bhad madeCwas making Dmakes【答案与解析】D考查动词时态。题意:根据文学评论,莎士比亚通过戏剧中的人物语言使得这些人物鲜活。在文学评论、书评、影评、戏剧解说词等中常使用一般现在时,而不受时空的影响,故选D项。29Whats made you so _?Losing three tickets to the pop music concert.Asatisfied Bupset Chappy DFriendly【答案与解析】B根据下意思“丢了三张去那场流行音乐会的票”

16、可知应该是“什么使你如此难过”,所以选择B项。upset“心烦意乱的;不安的”。30She cant help _ the house because shes busy making a cake.Ato clean BcleaningCcleaned Dbeing cleaned【答案与解析】A此题容易误选B项,简单地套用cant help doing sth这一结构。其实此题应选A项,cant help doing sth“禁不住做某事;情不自禁地做某事”;cant help to do sth“不能帮助做某事”。题意:她不能帮助打扫房子因为她正在忙着做蛋糕。31We _ here at

17、 lunch time; we were delayed at the airport, though.Acould be Bshould beCmust have been Dwould have been【答案与解析】D考查虚拟语气。题意:我们本来能够在午饭时间到达的,但是我们在机场耽搁了。此处隐含着对过去的假设,后半句才是过去的事实。32“I dont think its my _ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on,thats all,” said the boy.Aerror Bmistake Cfault Dduty【答案与解析】C考查

18、易混名词辨析。duty“值日”明显与题意不符,可先排除;error,mistake和fault都可意为“错误”,但用法不同。error的使用范围较窄,常指在计算、书写等过程中出现的差错;mistake范围较宽,可指各种错误;fault通常指人的“过失、过错”。题意:男孩说“电视爆炸了不是我的过错。我不过是把它打开了而已。”33Last year the number of death increased _ 2%5% _ the year before last.Ato; comparing to Bto; comparing withCby; to compare with Dby; com

19、pared with【答案与解析】D题意:和前年相比,去年死亡率增加幅度是2%5%。考查动词与介词的搭配和分词短语在句子中作状语的用法。compare to / with在句中作状语,如果与它的逻辑主语之间为被动关系,必须用过去分词。34As is known to all, a block of ice will _ if it is exposed to heat.Aincrease Bcut Cdecrease Dlower【答案与解析】C考查词汇辨析。题意:众所周知,对一块冰加热,它就会变小。increase“增加”;cut“消减”;decrease“变小;缩小”;lower“降低”。

20、35Did he admit for what hed done? _.ANo wonder BWell doneCNot really DGo ahead【答案与解析】C考查情景交际。no wonder“不足为奇;难怪”;well done“做得好”;not really“事实上没有”;go ahead“做吧”。根据题意选择C项。.阅读理解AThe lights dimmed,the musical hall grew quiet and out walked the conductor (指挥) shiny and white and 4 feet and 3 inches tall.AS

21、IMO, a robot designed by Honda Motor Co., met its latest challenge Tuesday evening: Conducting the Detroit Symphony (底特律交响乐团), in a performance of “The Impossible Dream” from “Man of La Mancha”“Hello, everyone,” ASIMO said to the audience in a childlike voice, then waved to the orchestra. As it cond

22、ucted, it perfectly mimicked (模仿) the actions of a conductor, nodding its head at various sections and gesturing with one or both hands. ASIMO took a final bow to excited shouts from the audience. Later, cellist YoYo Ma joined ASIMO onstage to receive an award for his efforts in music education.Hond

23、a spokeswoman Alicia Jones says it is the first time ASIMO has conducted an orchestra, and it may be the first time any robot has conducted a live performance. But ASIMO has its limits. ASIMOs engineers programmed the robot to mimic Charles Burke, the Detroit Symphonys education director, as he cond

24、ucted the piece in front of a pianist about six months ago. But it cant respond to the musicians.“Its not a communicative device. It simply is programmed to do a set of gestures,” said Leonard Slatkin, the orchestras musical director. “If the orchestra decides to go faster, theres nothing the robot

25、can do about it. Hopefully, I keep that under control.”But several musicians also said ASIMO was more realistic than they expected. “The movements are still a little stiff (僵硬的), but very humanlike, much better than I thought,” Hutchinson said.36Whats the audiences response to ASIMOs performance?ADi

26、sappointed.BMoved.CExcited. DAstonished.【答案与解析】C推断题。根据第3段中“ASIMO took a final bow to excited shouts from the audience”可推知,观众们对机器人ASIMO 的指挥感到非常兴奋。37Whose conducting was ASIMO made to copy?AYoYo Mas. BCharles Burkes.CLeonard Slatkins. DAlicia Joness.【答案与解析】B细节题。根据第4段“ASIMOs engineers programmed the ro

27、bot to mimic Charles Burke”可知,机器人ASIMO 模仿的是Charles Burke 的指挥。38We can learn from the passage that ASIMO _.Awas designed and trained by YoYo MaBcan communicate with the audience freelyConly performs according to the designed programsDcan change its conducting style freely【答案与解析】C细节题。根据第5段Leonard Slat

28、kin 的话可以看出,ASIMO 只是一个不具备交际能力的机器,它只能按设定好的程序完成一套动作。39What would be the best title for this passage?ADetroit Symphony gives a good performanceBHonda robot conducts Detroit SymphonyC“The Impossible Dream” from Detroit SymphonyDCooperation between Honda and Detroit Symphony 【答案与解析】B主旨题。全文主要讲述了本田公司的机器人ASI

29、MO 成功指挥底特律交响乐团的演出,B项紧扣中心,可作题目。BIf youve been joining in chat room conversations, or trading emails with net pals (网友), you have become one of the millions who write in a special, short form of English.Throughout the world, every night children and their elders are “talking” onlinemany of them are ta

30、lking at the same time.Its fast: trying talking to six people once. Its convenient: three or four words per exchange. It takes cleverness, concentration and quick fingers.And it requires very simple language. Theres neither time nor space for explanations. Why waste valuable time telling six friends you have to leave for a moment to take care of your little brother when BRB (be right back) will do?Want to enter a conversation? Just type PMFJI (pardon me for jumping in)Interested in whom youre talking to? Ty

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