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麦田里的守望者人物心理分析 论文.docx

1、麦田里的守望者人物心理分析 论文淮北煤炭师范学院 2012届学士学位论文 An Analysis of the Protagonists Psychology of The Catcher in the Rye 学院、专业 外国语学院、英语 研 究 方 向 美国文学 学 生 姓 名 方小京 学 号 20080501021 指导教师姓名 魏赟 指导教师职称 讲师 2011年 10月 16 日AcknowledgementsHerein I would like to express my deepest thanks to my supervisor, Mrs. weiyun, for her

2、insightful views on how this thesis should be constructed, and for her providing me with timely feedback, careful modification and encouragement that are very helpful for writing the thesis. Without her help, this thesis would have been impossible. Mrs.weis passion in this field is never-ceasing and

3、 inspiring. From her, I have more closely experienced what the virtues like integrity and devotion mean for a true scholar.I should express my gratitude to my families and classmates. I thank them for their encouragement when I felt frustrated in the process of writing the thesis, and for their sugg

4、estions and supports.The Analysis of Protagonists Psychology of the Catcher in the RyeAbstract:As one of the famous “reclusive writers”in the United States,Jerome David Salinger gets high reputation after World War .His only novel The Catcher in the Rye is regarded as a “modern classic”in post-war A

5、merican literature. His works make him a representative of novels of a new kind.His works are both mysterious and serious with their own characteristic style. Salingers works reflect the inner conflicts of American adolescents after World War and have great influences on Americans.The story told by

6、sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield,the hero and narrator of the novel,is facused on what Holden has experienced in his three-day vagabond life in New York after he is expelled from Pency Prep around Christmas for his bad grades.I plan to regard Holden Canlfield as the portrayal of American adolescent

7、s,and try to explore Holdens inner world.The inner contradictions and conflicts are the typical characteristics of protagonist Holden in the Catcher in the Rye.Because of his inner contradictions and conflicts, this novel has become the age-old riddle of the literary world in the twentieth century.

8、I plan to explain Holdens psychology from his surroundings, including his school, his family, the society. And I can also reveal Holdens inner world by the red hunting hat and the duck. Through exploring the protagonist Holdens inner world to reveal the post-war society of United States and the peop

9、le who lack of ideal,depression,only pursue material life. Hence,”the depressed generation”appears.Key words: Holden Caulfield, inner contradictions and conflicts, the depressed generation, psychology, protagonist 麦田里的守望者主人公心理分析摘要:杰罗姆大卫塞林格(Jerome David Salinger)是美国著名“遁世”作家之一,他迄今为止发表的唯一一部小说麦田里的守望者在美国


11、从霍尔顿考尔菲尔德的周边环境,包括学校,家庭,社会来分析霍尔顿内心的矛盾与冲突,并且还从小说中红色猎人帽和鸭子的象征意义来揭示霍尔顿的内心世界。通过探究主人公霍尔顿的内心世界来传递二战后美国的社会,以及当时人们缺乏理想,意志消沉,只追求物质生活的时代。于是,“垮掉的一代”便出现了。关键词:霍尔顿,内心矛盾和冲突,垮掉的一代,心理,主人公Table of ContentsChapter1.Introduction-1.1 the brief introduction of J.D.Salinger and his works-1.2 the literature review-responses

12、 to The Catcher in the Rye-1.3 paper context-Chapter2.From Holdens surroundings to see his psychology- 2.1 Holden and his school- 2.2 Holden and his family-2.3 Holden and the society-Chapter3.From Holdens red hunting hat and the duck to see Holdens psychology- 3.1Holden and his red hunting hat- 3.2H

13、olden and the duck-Chapter4.Conclusion-References-The Analysis of Protagonists Psychology of the Catcher in the RyeChapter1 Introduction 1,1 The brief introduction of J.D.Salinger and his works Jerome David was born on January 1st, 1919 to a well-to-do merchant family in New York City. His father wa

14、s a Jewish importer of European hams. His mother was a gentile-Scotch-Inish. Salingers only sibling, Doris, was eight years older than he. From 1932 to 1934, Salinger received his education in both public and private schools in Manhattan. When he was 15, he was sent to a military academy, Valley For

15、ge Military Academy in Pennsylvania, where he got his only diploma in his life. In 1940, Salinger published his first short story, The Young Folks in Stray and The University of Kansas City Review was published later in the same year. At the end of World War , Salinger was discharged from the army a

16、nd remained in Europe, working as a civilian for the Department of Defense until May 1946,when he returned to New York City. He never stopped writing and publishing his works. In 1951,Salinger published The Catcher in the Rye after working on it a decade. When it was published, it was soon a dest se

17、ller, peaking at number 4 on the New York Times best-seller list for the last half of 1951.Salinger himself remained from 1951 to 1963 the most popular American Fiction writer among serious high school and college students. As described by Sanford Pinsker, the book “made the college circuit, passing

18、 from one undergraduates hands to anothers moved inexorably from being merely a novel to becoming a generations etiquette book, and sometimes its bibleSalingers name came to dominate dormitory bull session and to be spoken of in the worshipful tones once reserved for Hemingway”(Pinskster 1993;19) By

19、 1954 the novel was not only available in translation in Denmark, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Netherlands; even more significantly; it was made available in paperback by the New American Library. By 1961 sales of Catcher were reported to have reached one and a half m

20、illion copies in the U.S.alone. The Catcher in the Rye inevitably stands out as Salingers only novel to date. And it was regarded as Salingers autobiography. Salinger said:“I was much relieved when I finished it. My boyhood was very much the same as that of the boy in The Catcher in the Rye ,and it

21、was a great telling people about it .”(Blaney 1953;1)The theme of the novel, in its broadest sense, is the difficulty of growing up, the lonely and hard voyage from innocence to experience.1.2 The literature review-responses to The Catcher in the Rye As the novel was published, it was prevailed not

22、only in the high school and college, but in the scholars of domestic and overseas. Many scholars began to research and have a debate on The Catcher in the Rye. Firstly, many domestic scholars have researched the novel. Shi Xianrong first translated The Catcher in the Rye into Chinese in 1960s as cri

23、tical materail and restricted publication. In 1983, the Lijiang Press published the Chinese version translated by Shi Xianrong. And in 2007, another Chinese version of The Catcher in the Rye translated by Sun Zhongxu, and this published in Yilin Press. The Catcher in thr Rye is regarded as one of th

24、e books of realism criticizing by hypocrisy, indulgence, profanity and cruelty of American society. For example, Zhu Jings The Catcher in the Rye Field: The Modern Classic Rebelling Pedantry and Sham Jilin University Journal (Social Sciences Edition),2002,04 Liao Leichaos A Story DogAn Analysis on t

25、he Spiritual Crisis of the Protagonist in the Catcher in the Rye puts his aim at the spiritual world of Holden Caulfield. 2009年人文社会科学专辑,第35卷,NO.2009,Vol35 As for the theme, Zhang Yuxiao, in The Puzzle of Life on the Edge of Cliff: on the Social T Theme of the Catcher in the Rye by Salinger Journal o

26、f Shengyang Normal University Social Sciences Edition , 2003, 01 thinks that this novel vividly reproduced the mental state of the postwar American youth: enjoying an abundant material life. Secondly, also many foreign scholars have researched the novel. In 1950s, Charles HKegel explored Holdens “qu

27、est for communication”, noting the impediments to this quest in particular the phoniness that destroys rapport between communications. Kegel , 1957: 188-190 In linguistic analysis, Costello surveyed Holdens diction and found the language in novel authetic, essential to Holdens characterization, and

28、an important “part of an aristic achievement”Costello, 1959:172181 In 1960s, many critical articles and biographical materials which based on The Catcher in the Rye appeared, such as, William FBelchers and James WLees Salinger and the Critics 1962 and Marvin Marsdens If You Really Want to Kown: a Ca

29、tcher Casebook 1963 In 1970s, psychoanalytical readings began to appear, such as, In “a full-fledged psychoanalytical reading”, Bryan saw Holdens protecting innocence from adult corruption as a “frantic need to save his sister from himself.”Bryan, 1974 In 1980s and 1990s, scholars emphasized on psyc

30、hoanalysis, cultural relativity and politics. Such as, Edwin Haviland Millers In Memoriam: Allie Caulfield 1982 Miller concluded that Allies death shaped Holdens perspective on the world and that his inability to come to term with the loss of his younger brother reveals his “serious psychological problem.”Miller, 1982 Pamela Hunt Steinles In Cold Fear :The Catcher in the Rye Censorship Controversies and Postwar American Character 2000

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