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1、英语报刊选读A及答案docx精品文档英语报刊阅读试题(错误!未找到引用源。 )得Part Reconstructthemessages ofthefollowingheadlinesof news分stories: (1% for each, 10%)Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered-An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered:答1. _ US _told not exploit _ Tibet issue.号学2. Rubin _ Greenspan _ at odds.3. Visitors _ flocking to Maos bi

2、rth place.要4. _ man _ quizzed after _ wifeisknifedin_sports store.得Part Readthefollowingpassage and answer the QuestionsA 5-34分(1% for each,30%) and B 35-44 (2% for each,20%):不名A Tuition Reform for Higher Education姓Chinese institutionsofhigherlearninghave quickenedtheirpace ofreforminrecentyears.Cha

3、ngingenrollmentpracticesandhighertuitionfees内constituteandimportantpartofthereform.Schoolswhichonceadmitted:studentsalmostexclusivelyaccordingtostateplansarebecoming moreaccepting of students sent by work groups for further training and those who班pay their own fees.Regular universities and colleges

4、plan to enroll about 786 200 studentsthisyear,up 158 200 or25 percentoverlastyearsfigure.Of these,216 000,:封or 27.4 percent, will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way.年In the past, the state paid all tuition and school fees for universitystudents,a matterof policysinceNew China was

5、 establishedin1949.Although密thispractice guaranteedthesupplyofqualifiedpersonnel,itbroughta heavy:burden to the sate, hindering further development of higher education. Since点学higher educationisnoncompulsory educationinChina,tochargeappropriate教feeswillhelpimproveschoolfacilitiesandexpeditethedevelo

6、pment of。1 欢迎下载educationin thisstage.As an added benefit,paying theirownway willencouragestudents to study harder.The reform will take effect in two directions. Statefinanced studentswill begin paying part of the costs of their education, and more selfpayingstudents will be accepted.In August 1989,

7、under the directionoftheStatecouncil,theStateEducation Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the Sate Price Bureau drewup stipulationsconcerningtheamount ofchargeson tuition,accommodation andotherexpenses forstudentsofinstitutionsofhigherlearning. Beginningfromthat year, freshmen at regular univer

8、sities and colleges and professionalschools (includingcadrestaking specialtrainingcoursesand studentsworkingon a second degree)were charged 100 yuan (aboutus $17) each fortheirtuitionfee, and this low charge is expected to be raised gradually. The figure washigher in special economic zones and econo

9、mically developed regions such asGuangdong Province and Shanghai, but was capped at 300 yuan. Students livingon campus paid about 20 yuan per year for accommodation and the charge wasslightlyhigherfor betterfurnishing.Normalschoolstudentsandthoseadmittedon scholarshipsneed onlypay foraccommodation.

10、Reduced tuitionsandfeesareavailabletostudentsinneedoffinancialassistance,butaccommodation expenses will remain the same.In June 1992, the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Financeand the State Price Bureau decided to allow regular institutions of highereducation to set their own tuition ra

11、tes and charges for accommodation, short term trainingprograms, correspondencecoursesand nightschool.These shouldbe determined accordingtotheneeds ofeach school,theabilitiesofstudentsto pay and general conditions in each area. The tuition for students in thesciences and engineering can range from 30

12、0 to 500 yuan per academic year.Liberal arts, history and economics students of the fine arts pay 400 to 600yuan per year, and students of the fine arts 400 to 750 yuan. Statistics for英语报刊阅读试卷( A卷)第 2页共 18页精品文档1992 show students paid an average of 340 yuan in tuition that year, only 5 percent of the

13、 real cost.Measures have been taken to limit the possible detrimental affects题of rising tuition.Shanghai, for instance, exempts the children ofrevolutionary martyrs from paying tuition.And these costs may be reducedor waived for students with limited family financial support as their:parents are eit

14、her both dead or are receiving subsidies from their work号答units. Some colleges have also set up workstudy programs to benefit学students with financial difficulties.要Guidelines concerning selfpaying students were first set out in1989. The State Education Commission, the Ministry of Finance and theStat

15、e Price Bureau stipulated that these students should pay 80 percent:of the cost of their education. Such students who live on campus pay the不名standard rate for accommodation and must cover theirown medical expenses.姓The charge for each self paying student averaged 2 000 yuan of the costin 1992, or 3

16、0 percentof the cost.Charges for undergraduatesand students内of special colleges whose education is sponsored by work units, withpayment coming either in part or in full from their units, are somewhat:higher. Self paying students are not assigned jobs by the state after级班线graduation, whereas students

17、sentby their units willreturnto them aftergraduating.Charges for correspondence courses and night school are equal to or:封slightly higher than those for full-time students enrolled according to级年the state plan.With their improvement of their living standards and the deepening密of reform, people in ge

18、neral accept the changes in the tuition system.:To facilitatethedevelopmentof higher education, theincreasesin点tuition rateswillbe more flexibleand diversified.Studentpayments will学教be augmented by finding from thestate, enterprisesand funds raisedfrom。3 欢迎下载the public. Laws and regulations will by

19、enacted to ensure steady progress,and overseas organizations and individuals are encouraged to set up andoperate schools in China.-21st Century, Apr.20,1992Reading ComprehensionCircle the letter that best suits the answer or completes the statement.5.Changing enrollment practices and higher tuition

20、fees _. A. pay an important part in the reformB. make up an important part of the reform C. include an important part of the reform D. hold an important part of the reform6.Regular universities and colleges plan to enroll about 786 200 students this year _.A. which is the same as last years figureB.

21、 which is more than last years figure by 158 200 C. which is 25 per cent over last years figureD. both B and C7.Among 786 200 students _ will be sent by their work groups or will pay their own way.A. 158 200 B. 21 600 C. 27.4 per cent D. 25 per cent8.Since New China was established, all tuition and

22、school fees for university students _.A. Were paid by their work groupsB. Were paid by the students themselves C. Were paid by the stateD. Were paid by the local government9.The policy which the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students _.密封线内不要答题英语报刊阅读试卷( A卷)第 4 页共 18 页精品文档A. B

23、rought lots of profits to the stateB. Was helpful to further development of higher educationC. Brought many advantages to the stateD. Brought expense and trouble to the state10. Which statement is not true?A. To charge appropriate fees will help improve school facilitiesB. As an added benefit, payin

24、g their own way will encourage studentsto study harderC. Higher education is compulsory education in ChinaD. Tuition reform for higher education will take effect in two directions11. Stipulations concerning the amount of charges on tuition, accommodationand other expenses for students of institutions of higher learning was draftedby _.A. the State Education CommissionB. the State CouncilC. the u

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