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1、湘教版七年级上下册知识点总结讲解学习 Unit1-Topic 1一、.Teaching aims.1). 掌握26个字母的正确发音、顺序及书写;2). 能熟练地自我介绍、介绍别人和相互问候;3). 掌握5个元音字母及辅音字母中所含的元音音素。二、Useful expressions.1). - Good morning! - Good morning!2). - Welcome to China! - Thanks! / Thank you!3). - Are you Kangkanng? - Yes. I am./ No, Im not.4). - Nice to meet you! - N

2、ice to meet you!5). -Miss Wang, this is Michael. - Michael, this is Miss Wang. - How do you do? - How do you do?6). - Good afternoon! - Good afternoon!7). - How are you? - Fine, thanks. And you? - Im OK.8). - Good evening! - Good evening!9). - Goodbye! - Bye!10). -See you later!- See you then!(注:本话题

3、的重要重点句型,以读、背为主)三、字母、句子的写法及书写要求:字母写法:英语字母有书写体及印刷体两种,我们书写时通常要用手写体。书写字母时,1),需注意笔画顺序,字母书写时向右倾斜5; 2),所有的大写字母都占上两格; 3),小写字母占中格的有:a, c, e, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z.(13个) 占上两格的有:b, d, h, i, k, l, t. (7个) 占下两格的有:g, p, q, y. (4个) 占三格的有:f, j . (两个)。句子写法:1). 句首字母要大写,句末要有标点符号;2). 英语句号为实心点,英文中没有顿号,省略号只有三个点且居下

4、;3)地名、人名等专有名词首字母要大写,e.g. China, Cuba, Maria;4)中国人的姓名译成英语时,需要把姓和名的首字母分别大写,e.g. 李白Li Bai, 孟浩然Meng Haoran, 欧阳奋强Ouyang Fenqing。(注:一定要严格要求学生字母、句子书写规范,养成良好的书写习惯)四、26个字母按元音的归类表: Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu 为元音字母,剩余的为辅音字母。(见课本P7)Unit 1-Topic 2一、Teaching aims:1), 掌握本话题中出现的国名以及人称代词;2), be动词用法;3),能运用一般疑问句以及where,what,w

5、ho引导的特殊疑问句;4),了解部分国家的标志性建筑;5),掌握0-10,知道如何询问电话号码.二、Useful expressions:1),-Whats your name?- My name is Sally.2), - Where are you from?- Im from Canada.3), - Excuse me, are you from Canada?- Yes, I am. / No, Im not, Im from England.4), - Is he Li Ming?- Yes, he is. / No, he isnt, he is Yukio.5), - Whe

6、re is he/she from?- He/She is from Japan.6), - Excuse me, who are they?- Theyre Maria and Jane.7), - Are they from England?- Yes, they are./ No, they arent.8), - Where are they from?- Maria is from Cuba and Jane is from Canada.9), - Whats your telephone number?- Its / My telephnoe number is 三、人称代词:人

7、称代词通常在句中作主语:单数有: I, you, he, she, it 复数有: we, you, they四、缩写形式:(见课本P15)注意:am与not, this与is没有缩写形式。 要求学生熟练掌握它们的读音及写法(默写熟练)。五、be动词用法:Be动词有am, is, are三种形式。记住口诀:我是am, 你是are, is跟着他、她、它; 单数is复数are; this, that is, these, thoseare, A and Bare. (e.g. My father is)六、数字: 掌握0-10的用法。七、句子的语音、语调。一般疑问句用升调;陈述句、特殊疑问句及缩略

8、回答用降调。八、陈述句及疑问句的用法: 1,陈述句分为肯定句及否定句:e.g. I am his teacher. He is not a teacher. 2,疑问句分为一般疑问句及特殊疑问句: 1), 一般疑问句: a, 语序为:Be动词+主语+其它? e.g. - Is he in Class One? - Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. (对一般疑问句,必须要用Yes或No回答) b, 陈述句变为一般疑问句的步骤: 把be动词提句首并大写;句末逗号变问号。 e.g. They are students. -Are they students? - Yes, the

9、y are. (肯定回答) /No, they arent. (否定回答) 2),特殊疑问句: 含有特殊疑问词的疑问句叫作特殊疑问句。 a, 语序为:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句语序? =特殊疑问词+be动词+主语+其它? e.g. -Where are you from? - Im from China. (不再用yes或no回答) b, 常见特殊疑问词:what, what class, what grade, where, how, how old, who等 what对“名字、物体、职业”提问;what class对“班级”提问; what grade对“年级”提问;where对“地点”提问

10、; how对“身体好坏”提问;how old对年龄提问;who对人提问。 Unit1-Topic 3一、 Teaching aims:1, 能介绍或询问物品名称及一些个人基本情况,如:年龄、年级、国籍、电话号码等。2, 认知日常生活用品,掌握学习用品类词汇;3, 掌握基数词11-20.二、 Useful Expressions:1), - How old are you? -Im twelve, too.2), - What class are you in? - Im in Class Four, Grade Seven.3), - What grade are you in? - Im i

11、n Grade Seven. 4), - Are you in Grade Seven, too? - Yes, I am. / No, Im not.5), -Whos that? - Thats Nancy.6), - How old is she/he? - She/He is fourteen.7), - What class is she/he in? - Shes/Hes in Class Eleven, Grade Seven.8), - What grade are they in? - They are in Class Ten, Grade Seven.9), - What

12、s this/that in English? - Its a/an 10), - How do you spell it?- E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.11), - Is this/that ? - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Its a/an12), - What are these/those? - They are13), - Thank you. - Thats OK. / Youre welcome.14), They are not in the same class, but they are good friends. 三、 单数句变复

13、数句:1. 代词变复数:1).人称代词变: He I we my our she they you you youryour it her his their its 2).指示代词变: this these that those2. be动词变:am, is are isnt arent am notarent3. 名词变 (名词前的a,an去掉,然后变为复数)按可数名词复数的变化规则进行变化4. 句子的顺序不变,只需对应写下来e.g. He is a teacher. They are teachers. This is my book. These are our books.练习:(单

14、数句变复数句)1. Its a bus. 2. He is a teacher. 3. Whos that? 4.She is my friend.5. This is an apple. 6. This is a box. 7. I am a girl.四、 a, an用法总结:1. 首字母发元音音素的单词前用an,其它用a。 (U1中,共有7个单词要用an)An ID number, an old man, an orange, an apple, an English car, an egg, an eraser, (一个有身份证的老人吃桔子、苹果,外加一个英国的鸡蛋和橡皮擦。)注:今后

15、教学过程中,还会做补充。2字母前用an的有:a, e, f, h, I, l, m, n, r, s, x.五、 一些疑问句的回答 (易考点) 1- Whats this? 2. -Whats that? 3. -Is this/that a pen? - Its a book. - Its a bus. - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. (这些问句的答语用it来代替this, that) 4. - Whatre these? 5. -What are those? 6. - Are these/those pens?- Theyre boxes. - They are

16、 buses. - Yes, they are./ No, ther arent. (这些问句的答语用they来代替these和those)六、 英语中带有数字的名词表达:- What class are you in?- Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too?- No, Im not. Im in Class Five.总结:1). class, grade 放what后时小写,放在数字前大写。 2). Class在前,grade在后。 3). 在该句中,数字首字母要大写。Unit 2-Topic One一Teac

17、hing aims:1. 识记身体各部位名称、能够描述自己的外貌特征;2. 熟练使用have/has进行陈述、疑问和回答;3. 能够对同学、老师和家人的外貌进行简单的描述。二、Useful Expressions:1. 当主语是I, you, they, we及复数时,用have. e.g. 1). -Do you have a knife? - Yes, I(we) do. / No, I(we) dont. 2). - Do they have long legs? - Yes, they do./ No, they dont. 3). - Do Lucy and Lily have bi

18、g eyes? - Yes, they do. / No, they dont. 总结:含have的句子用助动词do来帮助构成一般疑问句: Do+主语+have+其它? 肯定回答:Yes, 主语+do. 否定回答:No, 主语+dont. 4). I have a big nose. I dont have a big nose. 5). They have round faces. They dont have round faces. 6). We have small eyes. We dont have small eyes. 7). You have a wide mouth. Yo

19、u dont have a wide mouth. 8). Li Lei and Wei Hua have big ears. Li Lei and Weihua dont have big ears. 总结:含have的肯定句,语序为:主语+have+宾语. 含have的否定句,用助动词来帮助。语序为:主语+dont have+宾语。2. 当主语是单三(单数第三人称he,she,it及某一个人)时,用has。1). He/She/It has long hair. He/She/It doesnt have long hair.2). Michael has a big head. Mich

20、ael doesnt have a big head.3) His friend has a round face. His friend doesnt have a round face. 总结:含有has的肯定句,语序为:主语+has+宾语. 含有has的否定句,用助动词doesnt来帮助。语序为:主语+doesnt have+宾语。 4). - Does he have a wide mouth? - Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.5). - Does she have long hair? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt

21、.6). - Does it have long ears? - Yes, it does. /No, it doesnt.7). - Does your mother have short hair? - Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.总结:含有has的一般疑问句,用助动词does帮助has恢复原形have。 语序为: -Does+主语+have +其它? -Yes, 主语+does. (肯定回答) / No, 主语+doesnt. (否定回答) 3. 熟记以下表达方式:1). His hair is long. = He has long hair.2). T

22、his girl has a round face, big eyes and small ears.3). - Who is your favorite movie star? - Guess. Hes Chinese.4). We are in the same school, but in different grades.5). I come from England. = I am from England.6). I know. / I dont know.7). Youre right.三、描述外貌特征需注意的几方面:1. 按照从上到下、先整体后局部的顺序来描述;2. 身体部位前

23、需加a的有:head, face, nose, mouth, neck, 身体部位需用复数不加a的有:eyes, ears, ams, hands, legs, feet.4. hair的用法:指整体时,是不可数名词,前不加a 指几根头发时,是可数名词,要加s. e.g. Maria has long hair. San Mao has three hairs.5. mouth: 描述嘴巴形状时,常用wide和small,意为“大”和“小”。 一般不用big, big mouth是指“多嘴多舌的”。6. 表示并列关系的词或短语时,只在最后两项之间用and连接,其余项用逗号隔开。朗读时and前用

24、升调,and后用降调。e.g. This boy has small face, big eyes, a big nose, a wide mouth and small ears. 四、本话题的重要知识点:1. come from = be from 来自于 e.g. He comes from Japan. = He is from Japan.2. in the same +单名,different +名词复数 (same前必须加the,different前不加the) e.g. in the same class in different classes 3. it, one的用法:

25、it代指同一个事物. e.g. I have a new bag, it is white.one代指同一类事物,指代单数;指代复数时用ones.e.g. I have a big nose, but he has a small one. She has small ears, but her mother has big ones.4. hair用法(见三4)5. 反义词:bigsmall, oldnew, longshort, samedifferentUnit 2-Topic 2一、Teaching aims:1识记表示颜色的单词,会用英语表述事物的颜色;2. 能够描述人或物的相貌、衣

26、着等的颜色;3. 熟练使用have/has的否定形式。二、Useful expressions:1. - What color is it? - Its +颜色.2. - What color are they? - They are +颜色.3. - What color is his/her hair? - It is +颜色.4. - What color are his/her eyes? - They are +颜色.6. - What color is this dress? - Its +颜色.7. - What color are these shoes? - They are

27、 +颜色.8. You look the same. 9. They look different, but they are good friends.10. We both have black hair and black eyes.11. Please give this letter to Maria. 12. -What does she look like?- She is tall like you, but she doesnt have long hair. 13. Ill give it to her. I dont know her.14. -Whats 颜色 and

28、颜色? - Its 颜色.15. The girl in yellow is Maria.He is in a black cap and blue shoes.三、重要知识点:1. look the same 与look like“看起来一样,看起来像”: look the same后不跟宾语,look like后必须跟宾语 e.g. He looks like his father. They look the same. 2. both用法:指“两者都”。位于be动词后,实义动词前。 e.g. We are both students. We both have blue eyes.3.

29、 look: 指“看某物”时,用短语look at。 e.g. Look at the picture. 系动词:look different.4. give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. “把某物给某人” e.g. Please give this letter to her. (不能说give her it). give和to后用人称代词宾格。 e.g. give it to her5. I dont know him/her/it/them. (动词know后跟宾格)6. What does she look like?她长什么样? 句型:What does/do +主语+look like? “对某人长相进行提问”7. 多个形容词修饰名词时,顺序为:数量+大小/长短+形状+颜色+名词e.g. We have four big round red apples. She has short blond hair. (颜色紧跟名词)8介词短语修饰人的用法(介词短语放在人后): 1). in + 颜色 e.g. the gorl in yellow 2). in + a/an/the +颜色+衣服 e.g. the woman in a red coat, the girl in an or

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