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1、英语口语常用句型300句1 GreetingsI havent seen you around lately. What are you up to最近没看到你,忙什么呢I just stopped by to say hello.我只是顺道过来打个招呼。Its fancy meeting you here.真没想到在这儿见到你。2 Introduction Im afraid I didnt catch your name 我没听清你的名字。Ive heard a lot about you.久仰大名。3 InvitationCould we have the honor of your p

2、resent at the party可否请您光临我们的宴会4 AppointmentLets make a date to go shopping this Saturday.让我们约好这周六去逛街。He wont be able to make your meeting this evening.他今晚无法与您会面了。Hell give you a call then to make another appointment.他会给你打电话再约时间。5 HelpCan you cover for me on Tuesday周二能不能帮我代个班If we can be of any help,

3、 please dont hesitate tell us.如果用得上我们,请不要客气。Im sorry to have take up so much of your time.非常抱歉占用了你这么多时间。He asked me to attend the meeting for him.他叫我代他出席会议。6 ComplimentsLast night it was hard to recognize him, he was dressed to kill.昨晚我简直就认不出是他,他打扮得超帅。Because he finally got a date with that blond he

4、s admired for so long.因为他倾心已久的那金发女郎终于同意跟他出去约会了。Nobody can get a better hand over him yet.没人能胜过他。 I heard you were promoted to general manager of IBMs China Headquarters.我听说你被提升为IMB中国总部的总经理了。7 Express apologiesBeg ones pardon for something.请求某人原谅某事。Im very sorry to have given you so much trouble.很抱歉给

5、你带来这么多麻烦。Its really not necessary. I know your intention was good.真的没有这个必要,我知道你的本意是好的。8 Say goodbyeIn that case, I wont keep you any longer.这样的话,我就不再挽留你了。Come and see me when you have time.有空过来看我。Thank you for everything you have done for me during my stay here.谢谢你在我逗留期间为我所做的一切。The time has come to

6、say goodbye.说再见的时间到了。9 HappinessHe always wearing a happy expression. 他总是面带喜悦之情。I really dont want to celebrate birthday. Im getting older with each birthday.我真不想过生日,过一次就又老一岁了。Our teacher sat us next to each other.老师让我们坐在一起。10 AngerYoure away too far, it burns me up.你太过分了,气死我了。Im coming to the end o

7、f my patience.我的忍耐已经到了极限。Youve made a mess of this matter.你把这事搞得一团糟。Were doing everything in our power to work this out.我们正尽一切所能来解决这个问题。If you could just give us a few more days, we should be able to get this straighten out.如果您能给我们多几天时间,我们一定能把这个问题解决好。11 Disappointment & Complaint As soon as the good

8、s arrived at our port, we had it inspected. To our disappointment, we found the goods were underweight.货物一到我们的码头,我们就进行了检查,令我们失望的是,我们发现货物重量不足。But theres no need to go on and on about it.但是没必要没完没了。I dont see why you are kicking up such a fuss.我不明白你为什么要这样小题大做。12 Gloom & Sadness His cruel remarks cut me

9、 deeply.他那无情的话太伤我的心了。You sound a little down in the dumps.你听起来好像情绪低落啊。You dont have to rub it in. I already feel bad enough as it is.你别火上浇油了,我已经够难过了。13 Sympathy & ComfortWhat a pity it is. Thats a shame!真遗憾!真可惜!I barely passed the exam. I dont know why I did so badly.我勉强通过考试,我不知道为什么考得这么差。Cheer up. I

10、t could have happened to anybody.别难过,这事人人会碰到。Be calm and take things as they come.冷静,随它去吧。Dont give it another thought.别想得太多。14 Ask the way & Give directionsHow can I get to the Park Hotel我要怎么去花园酒店。Walk on to the end of the street, then turn left.顺着这条路走到尽头,然后向左拐。Walk tow block straight ahead and the

11、n turn left at the store. Thats the street youre looking for.一直朝前走两个街区,然后在商店处向左拐,那就是你要找的街道。Is there a bus I can take有公车坐吗15 Take a busThe bus runs every 5 minutes. 这班车每5分钟开出一辆。Sir, two more stops, and youll get off.先生,还有两站你就要下车了。If you go to the bus stop in the next block, you can take that will let

12、 you get off in front of the zoo gate. 如果你走到下个街区的公共汽车站坐105路车,就可以在动物园的大门口前下车了。16 Take a subwayThy to avoid the rush hour.避开高峰期。Do you know where the nearest subway station is你知道最近的地铁站在哪里吗How often does the subway come地铁多久来一班Witch exist shall I take to get to the library. 我想去图书馆应该走哪个出口Its easy to get

13、to the Wall Street form here by subway.从这里搭地铁到华尔街很方便。17 Take a taxiHow long is the ride from here从这儿坐车要多久I think youll make it if we dont get stuck in a traffic jam. 如果没有交通堵塞,你是可以赶到的。Im pressed for time, could you speed up a bit我赶时间,您能开快一点吗There is the limit to the speed.这里限速。18 Take a trainDo you k

14、now when the train is due in Guangzhou你知道这趟车什么时候到广州吗The booking office usually sells tickets for 18 days in advance. 售票处通常都提前18天售票。The train is leaving soon. Hurry up. Witch car are we in快点,车就开了,我们在几号车厢19 Take a planeHow many piece of luggage do you want to check你有几件行李要核实Witch gate should I board at

15、我要在哪个口登机Youd better reach the airport one hour before departure time for check-in.(时间先行)你最好在起飞检票前一小时到达机场。We are going to offer lunch about half and an hour after we take off.(时间先行)起飞后大约半小时我们将供应午餐。20 Go through customs Passport must be shown at the frontier. 出示护照方可入境。Whats the purpose of your visit t

16、o China你来中国的目的是什么Please follow me to manage the quarantine formalities.请你跟我来办理一下检疫手续21 Hotel services Im checking out now, may I have my bill, please我现在要退房,能把账单给我吗Its 600yuan all together, tax included.22 Table reservation Well have a table ready in a few minutes.我们一会儿就可以收拾好桌子。A deposit of 200yuan i

17、s required to secure you booking.为了确保您的预订,您需要交200元的押金。Please book it under the name of Ken.请以康的名字预订。23 Take an order Your dishes will take about 10 minutes to prepare. Would you like for a drink while waiting您要的菜需要10分钟才能做好,您要不要边喝点什么边等候There will be a slight delay for Roast Duck. 烤鸭会稍慢一点。Can you make

18、 a few suggestions你能推荐几个吗24 Fast food restaurant Sure, for here or to go好的,这里吃还是带走Anything to drink You can refill soft drink for free. 要喝的吗汽水可以免费续杯。The sign says you can get a free fries with every hamburger order. 提示上写着每要一份汉堡包可以免费得到一份薯条。Your total comes to 7yuan.你总共要付7元。25 At the barNot everyone.

19、But a lot of people do, especially the young.不是每个人,但大多数人那么做,尤其是年轻人。Youll used to that after you come here several times.你多来几次就习惯了。26 At the bankPlease tell me the procedure for opening a savings account.告诉我开个储蓄帐户需要什么手续Can you tell me how to go about it你能告诉我要怎么处理吗By all means please do.请便。27 At the p

20、ost officeDoes the letter have anything valuable inside. 信内有什么贵重物品吗It should take more than 2 or 3 days most.最多不超过两三天。Please sign your name and write down the number of your identity car under the signature.请在这儿签名并在下面写上身份证号码。28 At the barbersI part my hair on left.我的头发靠左边分。Would you like a new hairs

21、tyle or keep it the way you have it now你想要做个新发型,还是保持现在的You may do what you like你看着办吧。What hairstyle do you feel will look best on me你觉得什么样的发型看起来最适合我。29 See the doctorDont take it on an empty stomach.不要空腹服用。You look a bit off color. How long has this been going on你看上去精神不佳,这种情况持续多久了I feel very tired a

22、nd worn out all the time.我总是感到疲乏无力。You should take one of these tablets three times a day.这药你要每天服三次,每次一片。30 At the libraryThe plot is moving and the language is easy-going.情节动人,语言易懂。But reading room will stay open until 10:30 pm. Even on weekends. 但是阅览室会一直开放到晚上十点半,周末照常开放。Sorry, the book you want has

23、 been checked out.对不起,你要的书已经借出。If you cant return the books in time, youll pay the fine. But if you renew them, you can keep them longer.如果你不按时还书,就会被罚款,但如果你办理续借,就可以保留更长时间。31 At the gas station The oil price is getting higher and higher. 油价是越来越高了。The engine is making a strange noise.引擎发出了一种奇怪的声音。When

24、 can you get it done你什么时候能搞好How much does it come to总共多少钱32 At the supermarket Heres a big line for you to select. The chocolate items taste good.这里有一大排供你选择,巧克力系列味道还不错。Stationery are opposite the toy shelf.文具在玩具架的对面。Do you have trial sample that I can try first有试用品可以让我先试用一下吗Just go to the end of the

25、 store. And it will be on your right.只要走到店的最后面,它就在你的右边。Let me pick up a bottle oil as we go by.顺路再让我拿一瓶油。33 At the mall Is this the latest fashion这件是最新款式吗Our service center is responsible for it.我们的服务中心处理这件事。I can give you 20 percentage discount.我可以给你打八折。We carry products from three large manufactur

26、ers and some imported ones, too. 我们的产品来自三家大厂商,也有一些进口的。34 Bargaining Its above/beyond the price in the value.物超所值(价值超过价格)Can you come down a bit Can you make it any cheaper Can you take off a little Give me a better price, please.能便宜一点吗Im afraid theres a big different between my price and yours.恐怕你我的

27、价格相差太大了。Can you sell it for 12 pounds Thats the best I can offer.12英镑卖吗那是我能出的最高价了。As far as the quality is concerned, its worth the price.就质量而言,这个价钱是值得的。You can get it any cheaper than here.你不能拿到比这里更便宜的。35 Discount & Sales promotion When is the sale over减价到什么时候结束Everything is either buy one get one

28、free, or half price.所有商品不是买一送一就是半价。If you purchase more than 200yuan in any Chanel products, youll receive this bag with a pearl. 如果你购买香耐儿产品超过200元,就可以获赠这个里面有一颗珍珠的袋子。36 Refund and exchange goodsSince you dont have another one like this, Ill just get my money back then.既然你们没有这样的货了,我拿回我的钱算了。Usually we

29、dont provide refund, but you may have an exchange. 通常我们不退钱,不过您可以换一个。Would you like to exchange it for something else of the same price.要不要换一件同样价格的其它东西呢You can get a full refund if you have receipt.如果保留发票你就可以拿到全额退款。Can I have my money back on this radio. 这台收音机能退钱吗37 Apartment huntingHow much would yo

30、u charge me你打算收多少How many square meters is the area of the apartment这套公寓面积是多少平方米As you can see, the apartment has been renovated and comes completely furnished.正如你所看到的,这房子已经装修过了,而且其它家具也都齐备。I calling to ask if you have a vacant apartment.我打电话过来是想问你们这里是否有空房出租。Do you have any particular type of apartme

31、nt in mind你对住房有什么特别要求吗38 Buy a houseWhat kind of apartment are you looking for你在找什么样的房子The seller has moved out, you can move in as soon as the paperwork is signed.卖主已经搬出去,所以你只要签完约就可以搬进去了。You can choose whether to pay up the balance in 10 or 20 years.你可以选择10年期或20年期还清余款。Were going to have to cut back on our shopping from no

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