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学年人教版八年级英语上册同步精品讲义Unit 4 Grammar.docx

1、学年人教版八年级英语上册同步精品讲义Unit 4 GrammarUnit 4 Whats the best movie theater?Grammar(课时3)形容词和副词的最高级一、定义形容词、副词的最高级用于三者或三者以上的人或事物之间的比较,表示在一群人或事物中,其中一个最。二、最高级的比较范围在第三单元我们讲到形容词和副词有三级,原级、比较级和最高级。原级和比较级及其用法已做了介绍,那么最高级有多高呢?形容词、副词的最高级用于三者或三者以上之间的比较,且形容词最高级前要加定冠词the。(但是形容词最高级前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格或专有名词修饰时,不用定冠词the。)副词最高级前

2、的the可以省略。最高级通常有一个比较范围,一般用介词of,in表示一定的范围。of 表示比较的对象属于同一范畴;in则表示不属于同一范畴。He is the cleverest student of all. 他是所有学生中最聪明的。(他属于学生)He is the cleverest student in his class. 他是他班中最聪明的学生。(他在班级范围内)This is his most interesting book. 这是他最有趣的一本书。三、 形容词和副词最高级的构成绝大多数形容词和副词都有三个等级:原级、比较级、最高级。最高级表示最的意思。最高级的构成有规则和不规则

3、两种。构成方法原级最高级单音节词和部分双音节词一般在词末尾加-estgreathardgreatesthardest以不发音的e结尾的单音节词和少数以le结尾的双音节词只加-stnicesimplenicestsimplest以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-estbighotbiggesthottest辅音字母+y结尾的双音节词,改y为i,再加-esteasybusyeasiestbusiest双音节词和多音节词其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加most来构成最高级importantdifficultmost importantmost difficult以ly结尾

4、的副词以ly结尾的副词一般加most(early除外)cheaplybeautifullymost cheaplymost beautifully不规则变化good/wellbestbad/badly/illworstmuch/manymostlittleleastoldoldest/eldestfarfarthest/furthest【记忆口诀】最高级规则变化口诀最高级,很容易,一般词尾加-est。(cheapcheapest)词尾若有哑音e,直接就加-st。(closeclosest)重读闭音节,单辅音字母要双写。(bigbiggest)辅音字母若加y,记得把y变为i。(friendlyf

5、riendliest) 多音节,考考你,the most到底加哪里?(popularthe most popular)四、形容词和副词最高级的用法1. 形容词最高级的前面一般要用定冠词the,即the + 形容词最高级。副词的最高级前the可以加也可以不加,最高级后面一般有介词of或in引出的短语来表示比较范围。of 后面一般接表示一些人或事物的代词或名词,in后面一般接表示一个单位或场所的名词。John is the best student in our class. 约翰是我们班里最好的学生。Tom is the most careful of the three boys. 在这三个男

6、孩中汤姆是最仔细的。He learns most quickly in that class. 在那个班里他学得最快。2. one of the +最高级+名词复数表示最之一。这时最高级后面的名词应为复数形式。The Yellow River is one of the longest rivers in China. 黄河是中国最长的河流之一。He is one of the tallest boys in our class. 他是我们班里个子最高的男孩之一。3. 最高级前面可用序数词或副词修饰,表示程度。This mountain is the third highest in the

7、world. 这座山是世界上第三大高山。The lake is nearly the biggest in this area. 这个湖几乎是这个地区最大的。4. 有时形容词的比较级可以表达最高级含义。Nanjing is larger than any other city in Jiangsu Province. 南京比江苏省其他任何城市都大。You cant find a better hotel than this one in town. 在这个镇上你不能找到比这更好的旅馆了。5. 用于特殊疑问词+be/行为动词 + 最高级, A, B or C?句型。Who runs fastes

8、t, Tom, John or Jim? 汤姆、约翰和吉姆谁跑得最快?6. 形容词最高级前必须加定冠词the,但如果最高级前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修饰时,则不用定冠词。 My eldest daughter is 16 years old. 我最大的女儿16岁了。7. 形容词最高级前必须加定冠词the,副词最高级前的the可以省略。Who sings (the) most beautifully of the three? 这三人谁唱得最动听?五、形容词和副词的最高级、比较级和原级的互换有时候,形容词和副词的三个等级之间可以表达相同的含义。This is the best movi

9、e I have ever seen.=I have never seen a better movie before.=I have never seen such a good movie. 这是我看过的最好的一部电影。Miss Li is the most popular teacher in our school.=Miss Li is more popular than any other teacher in our school.李老师是我们学校中最受欢迎的老师。1(2021新疆中考真题) Do you know that Tom is one of _ students in

10、his class? Yes, I do. Hes as _ as my brother.Athe tallest;taller Btallest;taller Cthe tallest;tall Dtallest;tall【答案】C【详解】句意:你知道汤姆是班上个子最高的学生之一吗? 是的,我知道。他和我哥哥一样高。考查形容词原级和最高级。“one of + the +形容词最高级+名词复数”为固定搭配,意为“是中最之一”,故第一空应填the tallest,B、D选项可排除。as . as意为“和一样”,中间加形容词或副词的原级,故选C。2(2021河北中考真题)What is the w

11、orlds _ mountain?Mount Qomolangma.Alower Blowest Chigher Dhighest【答案】D【详解】句意:世界上最高的山是什么?珠穆朗玛峰。考查形容词辨析和形容词最高级。low低的;high高的。根据“Mount Qomolangma.”和常识可知,珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山,故选D。3(2021重庆中考真题)Protecting ourselves is one of _ things we must do.Aimportant Bmore important Cmost important Dthe most important【答案】D【详

12、解】句意:保护自己是我们必须做的最重要的事情之一。考查形容词最高级。此处构成“one of+the+最高级+名词复数”结构,故选D。4(2021四川遂宁市中考真题)Whats _ mountain in the world?Qomolangma. It is 8848. 86 meters high according to the latest report.Ahigher Bhighest Cthe highest Dhigh【答案】C【详解】句意:世界上最高的山是什么?珠穆朗玛峰。据最新报道,它的高度为8848.86米。考查最高级。根据“in the world”及语境可知,此处应用最高

13、级形式,形容词的最高级前要加定冠词the,故选C。5(2021四川广元市中考真题)I think theres no need to buy such an expensive coat for a kid. Id like a _ one.Acheap Bcheaper Ccheapest Dlower【答案】B【详解】句意:我认为没有必要给孩子买这么贵的外套。我想要一个便宜点的。考查比较级。cheap便宜的;cheaper更便宜的;cheapest最便宜的;lower更低的;根据“I think theres no need to buy such an expensive coat fo

14、r a kid.”可知,这里说的是想要一个更加便宜点的,两者有比较的意思,应用比较级形式,故选B。1(2021湖北鄂州市中考真题)Lucy, have you changed a mobile phone with 5G?Yes, I think the mobile phone with 5G can send videos much _ than the one with 4G.Afast Bfastest Cthe fastest Dfaster2(2021湖北黄冈市中考真题) Who is the girl dancing on the stage? Oh, shes my frien

15、d Maria. She dances _ than before.Awell Bmuch better Cbest Dthe best3(2021甘肃天水市中考真题)I cant keep up with him, he runs_ than me.Amuch faster Beven worse Cless carefully Dmore carefully4(2021云南昆明市中考真题)Its unbelievable that mountains can grow. According to a recent survey, Qomolangma has risen _ than be

16、fore.Alow Blower Chigh Dhigher5(2021吉林长春市中考真题)Hi, Mom is _ than any other film that Ive ever seen.Apopular Bthe most popular Ctoo popular Dmore popular6(2021辽宁鞍山市中考真题)Do you want to buy the chair?No. I want to buy a bigger one because it may be much _.Aquicker Bmore comfortable Cmore comfortably Dmo

17、re quickly7(2021辽宁营口市中考真题)Credit cards (信用卡) matter a lot _ than before. We usually pay with smart phones now.Alittle Bfewer Cless Dmore8(2021黑龙江大庆市中考真题)The more _ you drive, the _ you are.Acareful; safer Bcarefully; safer Ccarefully; safely Dcareful; safely9(2021广西贺州市中考真题)During the exam, _ you are

18、, _ mistakes youll make.Athe more careful; the less Bthe more careful; the fewerCthe more careless; the less Dthe more careless; the fewer10(2021江西中考真题) Are you going to the airport by bus? Id rather take a taxi. Its _.Aquicker Bcheaper Cthe quickest Dthe cheapest二、补全对话7选5A: Hello! Im doing a survey

19、 for the Daily TV News. 11B: Sure. A: What do you think of the clothes store in town? B: 12A: Why do you think so? B: Because it has the best clothes. A: 13B: Let me see. Paris Fashion has the friendliest service, but its also the most expensive. A: Some people like Jeniffers. 14B: Well, its cheaper

20、 than other clothes, but it has the worst clothes, I think. A: I see. 15B: Youre welcome.AWhat about other clothes stores?BI dont think so.CMay I ask you some questions?DThank you very much.E.Can I help you?F.How do you like it?G.I think Spring Clothes Store is the best.三、完型填空There was a group of pe

21、ople who took the same bus every morning into the city. 16 talked to each other.One morning, an old man who was usually sad and alone got on the bus 17 , smiled and said in a 18 voice, “A very good morning to you all!” Some of us 19 and said, “Good morning.”Over the following weeks our new friends c

22、ame dressed 20 a suit(西装)and tie. He said good morning to us every day and we all began to talk to each other 21 . One morning he had 22 in his hand. The driver turned around and asked, “Do you have a girlfriend, Charlie?” He nodded 23 and said yes. 24 passengers clapped(拍)their hands. Charlie smile

23、d and sat down.Every morning after that day Charlie always brought flowers. Some passengers even brought flowers for him. Everyone was happy and 25 friends.But one morning Charlie wasnt waiting 26 his stop. And he wasnt there for the next few 27 .When the bus came to the senior center, one of the pa

24、ssengers asked the driver 28 while she was going in. The staff(工作人员)there said that Charlie was fine. But one of his close friends had died over the weekend.Next Monday, Charlie was waiting for the bus, looking very sad. We were 29 as he walked onto the bus. No one talked about his friend, 30 we eac

25、h handed him a bunch of flowers. We wanted to be there for this man who brought us together that summer.16ASomebody BNobody CAnybody DEverybody17Asadly Bhappily Ccarefully Dbeautifully18Alow Bdifferent Cloud Dserious19Alooked up Bsat down Cstood up Dcried out20Afor Bas Cin Dup21Aless Bfewer Cmore Dm

26、ost22Abooks Bflowers Cnewspapers Dkeys23Aloudly Bsuddenly Cshyly Dseriously24AThe others BThe other COthers DAnother25Agot Bbecame Ckept Dstopped26Afor Bfrom Cat Din27Adays Bweeks Cmonths Dyears28Ato leave Bwaiting Cto wait Dleaving29Aquiet Btalented Cbored Dfantastic30Aand Bbut Chowever Dso四、阅读单选 D

27、ear students, Im very happy to be your guest speaker today. Its a great pleasure to visit your school and meet all of you here. I would like to tell you about myself. I am a reporter. I chose this job so I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many lessons. My work is sometimes boring. B

28、ut most of the time, it is wonderful. I saw wars, earthquakes, and death. But I have also seen courage, hope, and happiness. In India, I visited a city. There were many homeless children in it. Some were young and lived in the streets. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa offered a place to them. I

29、n one whole year, she was looking after two hundred kids, feeding them, teaching them and giving them hope. Another time, I was in Japan and met a young girl. She was very ill. After seven operations(手术), she had to have thirteen more in hospital. However, when I met her, she was still smiling. Here

30、 in China, after the terrible Wenchuan Earthquake, I found a threeyearold boy named Lang Zheng. Though he was weak and hurt badly, the brave boy lifted his right hand above the head to salute(向致敬) the soldiers. This became the most moving moment. Thanks to the experience as a reporter, I myself am getting braver and stronger. When I face problems in my life, I always remember the courage of the three people.31From the passage, we

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