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本文(湖北省重点高中联考协作体学年高二英语下学期期中试题扫描版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、湖北省重点高中联考协作体学年高二英语下学期期中试题扫描版湖北省重点高中联考协作体2015-2016学年高二英语下学期期中试题(扫描版)2016年春季湖北省重点高中联考协作体期中考试高二英语试题参考答案第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)1-5 CBABA 6-10 CBABC 11-15 ABACA 16-20 BACAB第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)A篇本文是应用文,文章是招聘保姆的广告。21. C。由第一段中的Hours would be 7:30 am to 8:30 am and 3:15 pm to 5:15 pm. We need you Monday to Friday

2、in the morning and Tuesday to Friday in the afternoon. 可知,周一工作1小时,周二到周五每天工作3小时,因此每周工作13小时。22. C。由第二段倒数第二句Immediate starts, no time-wasters可知。23. D。由第三段开头的We are a professional family以及他招聘保姆的要求可知,Brown是上班族,无暇照顾孩子。B篇本文属于新闻类。内容是警察通过打击非法野生动物贸易来拯救野生动物。24. A。第一段描述的是警察封锁街道抓走私贩的情景。25. A。根据第四段中Matthew of Fre

3、eland, an organization that fights the illegal wildlife trade可知A项正确。26. B。根据最后一段的最后两句可知,小鸟们获救,而该妇女会失去自由,被关进监狱。 singing a different song与本段首句的small singing birds相呼应。27. A。本文首尾段都在描述打击非法野生动物贸易来拯救野生动物。中间讲述不同的人及 组织反对非法野生动物贸易。综合起来可知选A项。C篇本文是议论文。有人在社交媒体上发布了一张危险驾驶者的照片,结果引起了广泛关注,大家对发布者的做法褒贬不一。28. D。根据第一段中的I

4、posted on social media to make others aware of such bad behavior可知,发布照片的人是为了提醒大家警惕危险驾驶。29. C。 根据第一段中的I did not phone them以及Kwame Anthony Appiah的意见:I do not think we want to live in a world in which people are constantly calling the police because people are annoying them by driving at 53 miles per h

5、our on a 35-miles-per-hour road可以看出,Kwame Anthony Appiah认为小事不需要报警,支持发布者不报警的行为。30. A。Amy Bloom认为发布者不应该仅仅根据猜测就指控驾驶者是名青少年,而应该只是指出“我看到有人危险驾驶”;根据Kenji Yoshino的意见You could just post what you saw without going further可知,他认为发布者应该只发布自己看到的。由此不难推出,这两个人都认为发布者应该仅仅发布看到的事实。31. D。根据Stephanie Warren Drimmer意见中的no wa

6、y to tell which complaints are serious,unfair,absurdly extensive abuse可知,她认为网络无法分辨哪些是严重的控诉,因此会造成很多不公平的评论,伤害他人。D篇本文属于议论文。内容是关于学校是否应该禁止(美式)足球运动的不同观点。32. C。 由第三段quit after just one year because of the risk to his health可知Chris Borland的例子是为了证明足球是危险的运动。33. B。 由第四段Football promotes a culture of violence t

7、hat rewards aggressive behavior可推 知。34. A。句意理解题。由上句可知,曲棍球运动也会引起脑震荡。因此划线部分的意思是:任何运动都可能会引起脑震荡,足球并非个例。35. D。根据最后一段的首句Sports safety needs to be taught可知。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)七选五:学校生活本文是说明文。过重的书包对孩子们的健康不利。36. D。D项讲沉重的书包会导致头痛,与上文所讲的书包给孩子们的背、脖子和肩膀带来疼痛相呼应。37. G。G项与下文的backpacks getting bigger and heavier相呼应。

8、38. E。E项中的Other research from 2011与上文的A 2010 studyThe same study相呼应。39. C。C项与下文的Small roller bags are also an option都是缓解脊柱和肩膀压力的方法,与上文的proper fit and designshoulders相呼应。40. F。 F项中的that reason指代上文的a couple of textbooks and lunch could push a pack beyond the safe threshold,且下文关于水杯的例子是对F项的举例说明。第三部分英语知识

9、运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分)一个寒冷的冬天,一个因病而使得面目全非的人,在公交车上被人们以异样的眼光打量着。甚至在他下车遗落手套时,没有一个人出声提醒,同时也包括当时身患同种病症的作者。而作者对自已幼年时的这个行为一直耿耿与怀。41.A 尽管他的脸藏在了大外套和帽子下,但是他那因病而变得扭曲的脸还是一览无余地出现在人们的视线里。Heavily “大量地,很多地”; be covered in “被掩盖住”。42.C 他的脸因为疾病而变得扭曲。from在此表示原因。twisted “扭曲的”。43.B 脱下手套时,他的双手也是一览无遗地显露

10、出来。44.A 人们先是盯着看,然后把目光移开,他们认为他不会注意到他们的行为。answer“回答,答复”;survive “幸存”;notice“注意到”;mind“介意,反对”。45.D 但是人人都懂得,你不用眼睛看也能知道别人在看着你。46.C 我也看了,尽管我是因为一个完全不同的原因。 由后文可知,作者跟这个人是同病相怜。47.B 由后文可知,作者和车上的这个人患了同样的病,所以他注意同病患者不可能是因为好奇,但这其中的原因不是一个当时只有十二岁的孩子所能理解的。48.C 下车时,他掉了一只手套。remove“脱掉,摘掉”;hide“隐藏”;drop“(意外地)落下,掉下,使落下”;s

11、tore“贮藏,储备”。49.D 由winter和overcoat可知,天气非常冷freezing cold“极冷的,寒冷的”。应选D项。cool“凉爽的”,cold“寒冷的”。50.A 我的大脑呼喊着,让我把那只手套捡起来并递给他。pick up“捡起”;bring up“提出,教育,养育,呕吐”;make up“组成,编造,化妆”;turn up“出现,卷起,开大”。51.C 我看到其他的那些成年人,大多数为成年人,他们跟我一样看到了相同的事。 the same as (定语从句)与相同。52.B 上文提到了作者当时内心深处也想着要把手套捡起来递给那个人。后文提到他们是同病相怜的人,所以作

12、者认为自己当时应该微笑着把手套递给那个人。53.D 这是对我的(人性的)一种测验,然后我没有过关。fail the test“考试不合格”。54.A 我最近饱受多发性神经纤维瘤之苦。just用于完成时态表示“刚刚,最近”发生了某事;yet“已经”,常用于疑问句和否定句中;seldom“很少”,在此与实情不符;merely“仅仅,只不过”。55.B 虽然当时我年纪太小而不大理解我被告知的病情,但我突然意识到我和那个人患的是同样的病。excited“兴奋的”;awkward“(动作)笨拙的”;surprised“吃惊地”。56.D 解析同上。patient“病人”;passer-by“过路人”;p

13、assenger“乘客”;operator“操作人员,接线员”。57.D 这些年来,我一直在努力宽恕自己当年的无动于衷。由“Part of me allows forgiveness”可知。58.A 我有点想宽恕自己,因为我当时只有12岁(用only强调自己当时年幼)。由第一段最后一句可知,作者当年只有12岁。 59.B 我似乎感觉到,我永远不会忘记那件事。incident “(突发)小事件,插曲”。60.C 也许这一辈子我都要带着这种愧疚感。put up with “忍受”; guilty feeling “愧疚感”。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61.has been /

14、 is 62. quickly 63.on 65.going66. would give 67.speaking 68.disappointed 69.yourself 70.so第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1.Once I waited a bus to come waited后加for2.30 minutes pass pass改为passed3.Both upset and annoying annoying改为annoyed4.I left when the bus arrived when改为than5.I h

15、ad waited for one more minutes minutes改为minute6.If I am close to take a next bus a改为the7.I realized my problem realized改为realize8.Being impatient will possible waste possible改为possibly9.we have put it on 去掉it10.I am close to lose my patience lose改为losing第二节:书面表达(满分25分)Boys and girls,Im Li Hua, chair

16、man of the Students Union. Recently our school has made it a rule that students are forbidden to eat outside the school. But some of the students find it difficult to obey the rule, because snacks sold outside the school are varied and tasty. Now some students secretly sneak out of school to eat out

17、side. As far as Im concerned, its not safe to eat outside, because food sold outside the school lacks of security insurance. Although food in our school is less delicious and students need to wait in line, it provides balanced diet and is safer. Besides, our school is going to take effective measure

18、s to make the food more delicious. I sincerely hope we students can reject to eat outside the school and eat in school. Yours, Li Hua附:听力原文:(Text 1)M: Question time! Who wrote the great novel Gone with the Wind?W: Wait, its on the tip of my tongue.(Text 2)W: Ill take 6 copies of Romeo and Juliet.M:

19、Good choice! Actually the book is the best-seller in our Shakespeare museum.(Text 3)M: Could you change this bill into one 50-dollar bill and five 10-dollar bills please?W: Sure. Fifty, sixty, seventy, ninety, one hundred. Here you are.M: This bill is torn; please change it for another one.(Text 4)M

20、: Mom, I got a part-time job at the supermarket. Three hours a day on weekdays and all day on Saturday.W: Congratulations! But are you sure you can handle it? What about homework?M: Dont worry. I can handle it quite well.W: OK. Take care of yourself.(Text 5)W: Er, the location is very nice. It is ne

21、ar the subway. But Im afraid the price is much higher than my expectation.M: Well, the price is quite reasonable in terms of the quality of the area.W: Let me think about it.M: OK. But be quick please. Someone else is showing great interest in it.(Text 6)M: Mary, what would you like for a New Year p

22、resent?W: Oh, Id really like to have the latest Apple iPad.M: Another Apple product? I remember that you already have three Apple products, and you just got one last Christmas. Why do you appreciate those products that much?W: Its because Jobs name is associated with creative thinking.M: Just becaus

23、e of the name of Jobs?W: You didnt catch what I said. I mean why his products are commercially successful is that he and his company attached great importance to creating user-friendly products. And Jobs attention to design, function and style has won him millions of fans.M: OK, I think I get what y

24、ou mean.(Text 7)W: Can I help you?M: Oh, yes. Im looking for some course books. My classmates got theirs from here yesterday.W: Sure, theyre over there. What kind of course books are you looking for?M: Err my teacher recommended that Oxford English Grammar is good.W: Right, here it is.M: Thanks. Let

25、 me have a look. Right, this is just what I am looking for. By the way, do you have Cambridge Vocabulary Study?W: Yes, just a minute. Oh, it is here. Here you are.M: Right, thanks a lot. How much are the two books altogether?W: Let me see. This is $50 and that is $40 all together $90.M: Well, thats

26、very expensive. Is there any chance of getting a discount?W: Er are you a student? If so, you can get 10% off.M: Yes, I am. Here is my student card.(Text 8)W: Mike, could you please tell our listeners something about your favorite writer?M: Oh, OK. I like reading romantic fiction and my first choice

27、 has always been Jane Austins Pride and Prejudice from the age of 15.W: So the British woman writer is your favorite actually.M: Yes, definitely.W: So, can you introduce her briefly to us?M: Sure, Jane Austin was born in the 1770s. She was educated by her father and older brothers as well as through

28、 her own reading.W: Thats how she became a greater writer?M: Yes, she released her most famous works from 1811 to 1816.W: That was in her forties. Sense and Sensibility and Emma were published in that period, right?M: Yes, and these masterpieces earn her a place as one of the most popular novelists

29、in English literature.W: Well, great. Thanks for your introduction, Mike.M: Its my pleasure.(Text 9)W: What makes Harrods so famous, Peter?M: Well, it is the biggest department store in the UK, and its Food Hall and Egyptian Hall are very famous.W: What is special about the Food Hall?M: It sells man

30、y kinds of food. For example, it has 250 kinds of cheese from all over the world.W: Thats amazing. And why is the Egyptian Hall so famous?M: Well, when people see it, they feel they are in another world. It looks like an Egyptian Building from 4,000 years ago.W: Is it true that Harrods produces its

31、own electricity?M: Yes, it does. Seventy percent. Enough for a small town.W: Really, tell me, how many customers do they have on an average day?M: About thirty thousand people come on an average day. But during the January sales, the number increases to three hundred thousand customers a day.W: How much do they spend?M: Well, on average, the customers spend 1.5 million pounds a day. During the January sales, the record for one day is nine million pounds.(Text 10)Today, our lecture is about how some American states got their names.Each state was named in a diffe

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