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本文(黑龙江齐齐哈尔 英语九年级下学期二轮复习被动语态练习.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

黑龙江齐齐哈尔 英语九年级下学期二轮复习被动语态练习.docx

1、黑龙江齐齐哈尔 英语九年级下学期二轮复习被动语态练习一. 选择填空1. The rivers smells terrible People must dirty things into it .A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwingC. stop to throw D. stop form throwing2. Paper first invented in China . A. is B. are C. was D. were3. Do you like the flower ? Yes , it sweet . A. is sm

2、elling B. smelt C. is smelt D. smells4. It snowed heavily last night . The ground thick snow .A. was covered with B. was filled withC. was made of D. covered with5. The light in the room before you leave . A. must turn of B. will turn off C. are turned D. must be turned off6. the kind of question of

3、ten in your class , Ann ? A. Does , ask B. Is , asked C. Has , asked D. Will , ask7. The bridge in three weeks . A. will build B. is built C. will be built D. builds8. The old men and the children must in our country . A. take good care B. be taken good care C. take good care of D. be taken good car

4、e of9. Paul doesnt have to be made He always works hard . A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning10. The girl was unhappy because she by some boys in the class . A. is laughed B. was laughed C. laughed at D. was laughed at 11. We that the English test next Monday . A. are told , gives B. tell ,

5、will give C. are told , will be given D. told , is going to be given12. Great changes place in China since 1978 . A. have been taken B. have taken C. has been taken D. took13. the red pencil-box by your father last week ?A. Has , bought B. Was , bought C. Does , buy D. Did , buy14. Mary many songs a

6、t the party . A. heard sing B. heard to sing C. was heard sing D. was heard to sing15. trees usually in April ?A. Have , planted B. Are , planted C. Do , plant D. Were , planted16. When we got there , the broken road repaired .A. is being B. was being C. has been D. /17. The windows of the room once

7、 a week .A. has been cleaned B. is cleaned C. are cleaned D. are cleaning18. In 1620 , about half the USA forests . A. was covered B. was covered by C. were filled with D. covered with19. The young tree the stick . A. should be tied to B. must be tied by C. should tie to D. can be tied with20. A pre

8、sent me by my friend on my birthday . A. is giving B. was given to C. is given for D. will give to21. By was the book ?A. who , wrote B. whom , write C. whom , written D. whom , writing22. Films about crime and violence(暴力与犯罪) by young children . A. should not see B. should be not seen C. should not

9、 be seen D. should be seen23. In warm weather fruit and meat long . A. cant be kept B. dont keep C. is not kept D. arent keeping24. Half the worlds telephone calls in English .A. are made B. are making C. make D. is made25. That building now . A. is building B. is built C. is being built D. builds26

10、. The trees in our school every Friday afternoon . A. are watered B. are watering C. have watered D. water27. More “ Great Green Walls ” must all over the world . A. build B. are built C. be building D. be built28. His school bag by a woman ten minutes ago . A. took away B. was taken away C. was tak

11、en off D. is taken29. It that she very clever . A. was said , is B. was said , were C. is said , is D. is said , is being30. Yesterday a visitor something about his hometown . A. was asked B. was asking C. is asked D. asked31. Do you like this kind of paper ? Yes , it very nice . A. is felt B. felt

12、C. is feeling D. feels32. These books well . A. sells B. are being sold C. are sold D. sell33. The boy lost on his way home yesterday . A. got B. is C. gets D. has34. Though the coat is a bit large now , it me very soon . A. will be fit B. will fit C. fit D. fits35. Football everywhere in the world

13、. A. is played B. play C. is playing D. plays36. Everybody here was a present . A. gave B. given C. To give D. Giving37. A new factory in our city last year . A. built B. has built C. was built D. is building38. All trees must well when it is dry . A. be watered B. are watered C. water D. be waterin

14、g39. This shirt silk . A. must be made in B. make by C. must be made of D. must be made by40. These books good care of . A. must taken B. must take C. have to take D. must be taken41. Stamps by people for sending letters . A. use B. in using C. used D. are used42. More trees next year . A. will be p

15、lanted B. will plant C. have planted D. are planting43. When the Peoples Republic of China ? On October 1.1949 . A. did found B. was found C. was founded D. is founded44. Today , too many trees are still in the world . A. cutting down B. cut down C. being cut down D. cutted45. This kind of machine J

16、apan . A. is made by B. is made from C. is made in D. is made of46. The teacher says that the man will .A. be well taken care B. well look after C. take care well D. be well looked after47. I think the shop . No , Its open . It at six . A. is close close B. is closed closes C. closed closes D. is cl

17、osed48. I was astonished(吃惊)to hear that the colour TV set 5 , 000 yuan . A. has cost B. cost C. costed D. was cost49. Great changes place since he came here . A. have been taken B. have taken C. has been taken D. has taken 50. He was seen something from the shop . A. steal B. to steal C. to be stol

18、en D. stealed 51. She has by her classmates . A. laughed B. laughed at C. been laughed D. been laughed at 二. 用正确的时态和语态填空1. Nearly everybody here (know)when the old museum (build).2. The building can (see)from every part of the city ; It (build)many years ago . 3. Yesterday Tom (tell)me that his bike

19、 (break)last week . 4. The students often (tell)to take care of their desks and chairs . 5. Now he (be)asked if the meeting (hold)next Friday . 6. It is known to all that the moon (turn)round the earth . 7. Miss Li often (use)a recorder in her English class . But she (not use)it tomorrow . 8. Vegeta

20、bles , eggs and fruits (sell)in this shop . 9. English (speak)here . 10. The song (like)by us all twenty years ago . 11. The pictures (take)by Jack tomorrow . 12. The computer (can use)in the room .13. The room (paint)now . 14. The novel (translate)into many languages since it was published . 15. Th

21、at clock (call)Big Ben . 16. Last week , when I (ask)about English culture , I couldnt answer it well . 17. What language (speak)in your country ? 18. School football games often (hold)on Friday evenings . 19. The film (show)again sometime next week . 20. If anything (happen)to him , let me know . 2

22、1. the pair of new shoes (suit)you ? 22. The bottle (break)by the cat yesterday . 23. A tall tree (can , see)in the picture . 24. The sports meeting (hold)last week . 25. We (tell)yesterday that Jane would come back from Australia . 26. Look , Mr Smith (take)to the station by Mark in his car . 27. T

23、hese trees should (water)after they (plant).28. The TV set (make)in Beijing . It (make)last April . 29. Colour TVs (sell)in that shop . 30. When the Peoples Republic of China (found)?31. Have you moved into the new house ? Not yet . The rooms (paint)now . 32. An American film often (show)on TV on Su

24、ndays . 33. She (tell)the good news as soon as she arrived . 34. Look ! A big modern bridge (build)over the river . 35. Dr Bethune (remember)by the Chinese people for ever . 36. A recorder often (use)in our English class . 参考答案一. 选择填空15 BCDAD 610 BCDBD 1115 CBBDB 1620 BCBAB2125 CCAAC 2630 ADBCA 3135

25、 DCABA 3640 BCACD4145 DACBC 4650 DBBBB 51. D二. 用正确的时态和语态填空 1. knows , was built 2. be seen , was built 3. told , was broken 4. are , told 5. is , will be held 6. turns7. uses , wont use 8. are sold 9. is spoken10. was liked 11. will be taken 12. can be used 13. is being painted 14. has been translat

26、ed 15. is called16. was asked 17. is spoken 18. are , held19. will be shown 20. happens 21. Does ,suit22. was broken 23. can be seen 24. was held25. were told 26. is being taken 27. be watered , are planted28. is made , was made 29. are sold 30. was founded31. are being painted 32. is , shown 33. wa

27、s told34. is being built 35. will be remembered 36. is , used课堂练习:根据要求改写句子1. The headmaster praised Ben for his honesty.(改为被动语态)Ben _ _ for his honesty _ the headmaster.2. Mother will buy Jack a new shirt.(改为被动语态)A new shirt Jack by Mother.3. You had better take the wounded soldiers to hospital at o

28、nce.(改为被动语态)The wounded soldiers had better to hospital at once.4. The adults tell the children not to swim in that deep river.(改为被动语态)The children not to swim in that deep river.5. Can some aged Chinese understand Russian?(改为被动语态)Can by some aged Chinese?6. The boss made the employees work ten hour

29、s a day.(改为被动语态)The employees were made ten hours a day.7. The Spring Festival is welcomed by the Chinese all over the world.(改为主动语态)The Chinese all over the world the Spring Festival.8. The price of meat has risen from ten yuan to fifteen yuan recently.(保持原句意思)The price of meat from ten yuan to fif

30、teen yuan recently.9. The firemen are using long ladders for rescuing people in tall buildings.(改为被动语态)Long ladders for rescuing people in tall buildings by the firemen.10. Who looks after the children in the kindergarten?(改为被动语态)By the children after in the kindergarten?.Keys:1.was praised,by 2.wil

31、l be bought taken 4.are told 5.Russian be understood work 7.welcome 8.has been raised 9.are being used 10. whom are looked 单项选择( ) 1. Nothing can the girl from there. A. be stopped; going B. prevent; going C. stop; to go D. prevent; to go( ) 2. Although you have lots of difficulties, you must _

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