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6、与交流。所以,为演讲准备的稿子就具有以下三个特点:主要特点第一、针对性。演讲是一种社会活动,是用于公众场合的宣传形式。它为了以思想、感情、事例和理论来晓喻听众,打动听众,“征服”群众,必须要有现实的针对性。所谓针对性,首先是作者提出的问题是听众所关心的问题,评论和论辨要有雄辩的逻辑力量,要能为听众所接受并心悦诚服,这样,才能起到应有的社会效果;其次是要懂得听众有不同的对象 和不同的层次,而“公众场合”也有不同的类型,如党团集会、专业性会议、服务性俱乐部、 学校、社会团体、宗教团体、各类竞赛场合,写作时要根据不同场合和不同对象,为听众设计不同的演讲内容。第二、可讲性。演讲的本质在于“讲”,而不在






12、了一步,它可使听众产生一种欲与演讲者一起行动的想法。法国前总统戴高乐在二战期间的英国伦敦作的演讲告法国人民书,号召法国人民行动起来,投身反法西斯的行列。它的特点是鼓动性强,多以号召、呼吁式的语言结尾。第五、“使人乐”演讲。这是一种以活跃气氛、调节情绪,使人快乐为主要功能的演讲,多以幽默、笑话或调侃为材料,一般常出现在喜庆的场合。这种演讲的事例很多,人们大都能听到。它的特点是材料幽默,语言诙谐。附送:关于乔布斯的演讲稿关于乔布斯的演讲稿关于乔布斯的演讲稿Steve Jobs is the CEO of Apple Computer, a leader in the field of person

13、al puting hih he o-founded in 1976, and Pixar, the Aadem-Aard-inning animation studio he o-founded in 1986. His innovative idea of hat a personal puter should be led him to revolutionize the onsumer puter hardare and softare industr. When Jobs as tent one, he and a friend, Steve Wozniak, built a per

14、sonal puter that the alled the Apple. The Apple hanged peoples idea of hat a puter should be. Thanks to the Apple, peoples image of puters hanged from being a giganti and insrutable maof vauum tubes onl used b big busineand the government to a small box used b ordinar people. No pan has done more to

15、 demoratize the puter and make it user-friendl than Apple Computer. Steve Jobs softare design for the Maintosh introdued the indos interf-ae and the mouse hih set a ne standard for graphial interf-ae appliations and interf-ae interation.Jobs as an unlikel andidate to have bee the prototpe of Amerias

16、 puter industr entrepreneur. While still in high shool, Jobs attended letures at the Helett-Pakard in Palo Alto. He as also hired as a summer emploee for Helett-Pakard. Another emploee at Helett-Pakard as Stephen Wozniak a reent dropout from the Universit of California at Berkele and an engineering

17、hiz ith a passion for inventing eletroni gadgets.In 1972 Jobs graduated from high shool and register at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Going to ork for Atari after leaving Reed College, Jobs reneed his friendship ith Steve Wozniak. The to designed puter games for Atari and a telephone blue box, g

18、etting muh of their impetus from the Homebre Computer Club. Jobs as not interested in reating eletronis and as nohere near as good an engineer as Wozniak. Although he as not reall interested in reating eletronis, his businesense for the marketabilit of these produts as the turning point. He asked hi

19、s engineering friend Wozniak to help him build a personal puter.Jobs sold his Volksagen miro-bus and Wozniak sold his Helett-Pakard sientifi alulator, hih raised $1,300 to start their ne pan. With that initial apital and redit lines ith loal eletronis suppliers, the set up their first prodution line

20、. Jobs enouraged Wozniak to quit his job at Helett-Pakard and bee the vie president in harge of researh and development of the ne enterprise.Beginning ork in the Jobs famil garage the managed to make their first big sale hen the Bte Shop in Mountain Vie bought their first fift full assembled puters.

21、 On this basis the Apple Corporation as founded. The name is allegedl based on Jobs favorite fruit and the logo hosen to pla on both the pan name and the ord bte.Steve Jobs as a true visionar ho reated the first trul personal puter, the Apple, in his garage. From alulating federal taxes to exeuting

22、individual busineoperations, Jobs lead a hardare revolution b reduing the size of puters to small boxes and introduing them to the masses.The development of the Maintosh re-introdued Xeroxs innovative idea of a user-friendl interf-ae ith a mouse. The Maintosh used a indos interf-ae hih ontained pitu

23、re-like ions representing a funtion or a program to be exeuted. The user ould use the mouse to move a ursor onto the ion and prethe mouse button to exeute the funtion or program. The Maintosh interf-ae has sine been opied b ever operating sstems manufaturer in the orld and bee the standard interf-ae

24、 format for both personal puters and super-puters.On September 12, 1985 Steve Jobs stood up in an Apple board meeting and after ears of internal politial turmoil and poer struggles, said in a fla, unemotional voie, Ive been thinking a lot and its time for me to get on ith m life. Its obvious that Iv

25、e got to do something. Im thirt ears old. Resigning as hairman, Steve said he intended to leave the pan and start a ne venture to addrethe higher eduation market. After leaving Apple, Jobs ne revolutionar ideas ere not in hardare but in softare of the puter industr. In 1989 Jobs tried to do it all o

26、ver again ith a ne pan alled Next. He planned to build the next generation of personal puters that ould put Apple to shame. It didnt quite happen that a. After eight long ears of struggle and after running through $250 million in apital, Next losed don its hardare division in 1993. Jobs realized tha

27、t he as not going to revolutionize the hardare industr; he had done that one alread.He turned his attention to the softare side of the puter industr. Jobs envisioned that the NextStep operating sstem ould revolutionize the puter. The ore of the NextStep OS as a ne tehnolog alled objet-oriented progr

28、amming . OOP lets programmers rite plex softare programs in a fration of the usual time. NeXT Softare as sold to Apple Computer in Februar 1997.Steve Jobs is also Chairman and CEO of Pixar, the Aadem-Aard-inning puter animation studios hih he o-founded in 1986. Pixars first feature film, To Stor, as

29、 released b Walt Disne Pitures in November 1995 and beame the highest domesti grossing film released that ear and the third highest grossing animated film of all time.As the Chairman and CEO of Apple Computer, he pas himself an annual salar of $1 per ear. Steve still lives ith his ife and three hildren near here he gre up in the apriot orhard no knon as Silion Valle.

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