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1、七年级英语下册unit6outdoorfun知识检测新版牛津版1194 Unit 6单元知识检测一、 根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1. Suzhou b_ famous for its parks about 1,000 years ago.2. I dislike eating s_ food. Too much sugar makes me fat.3. The car h_ a tree because the driver was too careless.4. You may f_ if you try. But if you dont try, you wont get anyt

2、hing.5. Tom _(忘记) where the key was. He had to call his mother for help.6. My dog often runs _(朝着) me when he sees me back home.7. Stop _(爬) the tree. You may fall!8. To keep slim, my aunt _(决定) to join the Sports Club last week.9. Ben r_ America on June 11th last year.10. John went out and _(锁住) th

3、e door behind him.11. This is a very important _ (时期).12. I _ (注意) him playing computer games in the room at that time.13. That book is too high. I cant _ (伸手够到) it.14. The chair is made of _ (木头).15. I raise two _ (兔子) at home. They are very lovely.二、翻译下列短语。1. 购物 2. 逃离,离开2. 想要做某事 4. 穿过,通过5.搭建,张贴 6.

4、西方人7. 由制成 8.从那时起9.去野餐 10.在河边11. 练习做某事 12.因.而变得出名13.记得去做某事 14.让某人做某事15.尽力做某事3、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mum decided _ (buy) me an iPad.2. What do you think of _ (cycle)?3. The door is _ (lock). We cant go out now.4. A falling tree _ (hit) a car just now.5. I opened the bottle and _ (drink) a lot of water.6. How

5、 (be) your weekend, Tan Mei?It wasnt very good.7. Its raining outside. He has to (stay) at home.8. Lets go (camp),OK?9. Alice found (her) alone in a long, low hall.10. Mary wants (visit) her grandparents this week.11. What about (play) basketball on Sunday?It sounds good.12. Remember (bring) your ca

6、mera(相机)here tomorrow.13. Where (be) they last Sunday?14. They (leave) at 8 oclock and it took about two hours.15. It is (sun) today. Lets take a walk in the park.4、单项选择。1. When the police came into the room, they found the man _.A. die B. dying C. dead D. died2. - This book is a bit difficult._ rea

7、d something easier? -All right.A. Why not to B. Why dont C. Why not D. Why not you3. _interesting film I saw yesterday!A. How B. What C. How an D. What an4. -We will have a school trip next week.-That sounds_. Im sure well have a good time there.A. well B. badly C. bad D. good5. All the children wer

8、e very _. They asked their teacher in _.A. surprised; surprised B. surprise; surpriseC. surprised; surprise D. surprise; surprised6.-What he enjoys _great and interesting.- Yes, _its dangerous.A. sounds; but sound; butC. sounds; so sound; so7. -Dont cross the road when the traffic lights a

9、re red.- _.A. Sorry, I wont B. Thats all rightC. Thank you D. I think so8. With the teachers help, I decided _ not give up B. dont give upC. not give up D. not to give up9. Please dont leave until your teacher _back.A .will come B. came C. comes D. come10. The post office is on _side of

10、 the street.A. every B. each C. the other D. another11. Two languages are widely used. One is English, _ is Chinese.A. other B. another C. the other D. others12. Though she lives _in the forest, she doesnt feel_.A. lonely; lonely B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D. alone; alone13. _, or we will be

11、late for school.A. Hurry up B. Be careful C. Look out D. Do like this14. More and more students _ too much homework and they are really tired of it.A. learn about B. complain about C. care about D. hear about15. I am _ and I want to have a rest.A. hungry B. happy C. tired D. interesting16. My grandp

12、arents live _ in a small house, but they dont feel _.A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone17. Hello! Im very glad to see you. When _ you _ here?A. do; arrive B. will; arriveC. did; arrive D. are; arriving18. _ you happy during the last trip?Not at all.A. Are B. Were C. D

13、id D. Was19. Can you find a new way _ out this Maths problem?A. to work B. worked C. working D. to working20. Dont forgot _ the light before you leave the room.A. turning off B. to turn off C. turned off D. turn off21. Jack loves horses, so she wants to _ for her birthday.A. go swimming B. go skatin

14、g C. go camping D. go riding22. Watching TV _ is bad for your health.A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too23. After the students _ their exams, they celebrated by having a party.A. passed B. failed C. joined D. gave24. I _ and found many white clouds in the sky.A. looked up B. looked down

15、C. looked into D. looked out25. There is _ food in the fridge. You dont have to go shopping.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little26. From that time on Mary practiced _ the piano every day.A. plays B. playing C. played D. to play27. Can we go swimming in that river?_. Its dangerous to swim there.A. N

16、o, Im afraid not B. Yes, of courseC. Lets have a rest first. D. Lets go.28. Dont worry. He is to look after little Betty.A. carefully enough B. enough carefulC. careful enough D. enough carefully29. Betty enjoys playing piano, but her brother is interested in playing football.A. the; the B. /; / C.

17、the; / D. /; the30. Linda was too short the books on the desk.A. to reaching B. to reach C. reaching D. not reach五、按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. She was at home last night. (改为否定句)She _ at home last night.2. He worked in a small factory last year. (改为否定句)He _ _ in a small factory last year.3. My sister got up too

18、 late this morning. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)_ your sister _ up too late this morning?_, _ _.4. Amy helped her mother cook yesterday morning. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Amy _ yesterday evening?5. They had lunch at school yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _ lunch?6. Jack often watches TV for a long time. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ Jack ofte

19、n _ TV?7. She saw a piece of paper under the table. (对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ under the table?8. He will leave for Beijing tomorrow afternoon. (用yesterday afternoon改写)He _ _ Beijing yesterday afternoon.9. Mike is not old enough to go to school. (改为同义句)Mike is _ _ _ go to school.10. We can use bamboo to mak

20、e kites. (改为同义句)We can _ _ _ _bamboo.6、翻译下列句子。1、请把这些苹果从篮子里拿出来。2、她昨晚九点离开。3、当我看足球赛的时候,我发现自己很兴奋。4、这条河流经我们市。5、你能帮我搭建帐篷吗?6、上周末约翰和朋友们一起玩了。7、爱丽丝用那把钥匙打开了门。8、玩电脑游戏很有趣。9、当我经过时我看到托尼正在游泳。10、那个气球正变得越来越小。11、今天早上他帮他妈妈做家务了吗?12、人们用纸来做风筝。13、北京以长城而闻名14、他又吃了一些东西。15、我们不得不返回学校。16、他发生了什么事?17、我有点饿了。18、他很强壮,能搬得动这个箱子。19、不要太抱

21、怨了。20、老师注意到一个小男孩站在门口。七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词。Many different kinds of birds can copy the s of languages. Every December in London , the Bird Show tries to f the best “talking bird” in the world. One bird c Prudle stood out among the “talking birds”. She was the winner ftwelve years. Prudle c from Africa i

22、n 1958. She k about 800 English words. Her master t care of the bird until she died in 1994. She was 36 years old at that time.A d kind of bird, not a parrot, named Puck was tested in 1993. People found that Puck knew m English words than Prudle. Puck knew more than 1700 words. Isnt an a thing.1. 2.

23、 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.参考答案一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1. became2. sweet3. hit4. fail5. forgot6. towards7. climbing8. decided9. reached10. locked11. period12. noticed13. reach14. wood15. rabbits二、翻译下列短语。1. do some shopping2. get away3. would like to do4. go through5. put up6. people in the west7. makeout of.8

24、. from then on9. have a picnic10. by a river11. practice doing sth12. become famous for13. remember to do sth14. let sb. do sth.15. try to do sth三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. to buy2. cycling3. locked4. hit5. drank6. was7. stay8. camping9. herself10. to visit11. playing12. to bring13. were14. left15. sunny四、单项选择

25、。1-5 CCDDC6-10 AADCB11-15 CBABC16-20 CCBAB21-25 DABAB26-30 BACCB五、按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. wasnt2. didnt work3. Did get No, she didnt4. What did do5. Where did have6. How long does watch7. What did see8. left for9. too young to10. make kites out of六、翻译下列句子。1. Please take these apples out of the basket.2. She

26、 left at nine yesterday evening.3. I find myself very excited when I watch the football match.4. This river goes through our city.5. Can you help me put up the tent?6. John played with friends last weekend.7. Alice opened the door with the key.8. It is very interesting to play computer games.9. I sa

27、w Tony swimming when I walked past.10. That balloon is getting smaller and smaller.11. Did he help his mother do housework this morning?12. People make kites out of paper.13. Beijing is famous for the Great Wall.14. He eats some more food.15. We had to return to school.16. What happened to him?17. Im a little hungry.18. He is strong enough to carry the box.19. Dont complain too much.20. The teacher noticed a little boy standing at the door.七、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词。1. sounds 2.find 3.called 4. for 5. came6. knew 7.took 8.different 9. more 10. amazing

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