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1、四川师范大学成都学院本科毕业设计试卷自动生成系统的设计与实现学生姓名李锦超学 号2012101149所在学院通信工程学院专业名称通信工程班 级2012级宽带通信2班指导教师石 彬四川师范大学成都学院二一六年五月试卷自动生成系统的设计与实现学生:李锦超 指导教师:石彬内容摘要:试卷自动生成系统,即用户通过自定义选择设置试题的类型、难度、分数、时间等多个因素自动生成考试试题并给予对错验证。随着互联网络的飞速发展、网络教育的不断普及与提升,传统的出题考试方式已经不能满足所有的需求,一概而论不“因材施教”的出题方式不利于考核不同类型的学生,也不满足现代教育的发展需要。因此,现在已经逐渐开始流行自定义、



4、t进行操作,以减轻代码量的负担和方便代码编写和功能实现。关键词:试卷自动生成 B/S Java MySQL数据库Design and implementation of automatic test paper generation systemAbstract: Automatic test paper generation system, that is, by the user to customize the selection of the type of test questions, difficulty, scores, time and other factors autom

5、atically generate test questions and give the wrong verification. With the rapid development of Internet, network education popularization and promotion, the traditional way of examination questions has been unable to meet all the needs of generalizations do not teach students in accordance of their

6、 aptitude questions the way is not conducive to the assessment of different types of students, also do not meet the development need of the modern education. Therefore, now we have assembly popular custom, difficulty, time, type selection control sets the topic the way to cater to the social examina

7、tion required. Automatic generation system of test paper birth arise spontaneously.The main purpose of the design is the help topic and questions of training can be set difficulty, type of generating examination papers system according to the custom of different groups of people. System for the user

8、 provides user login and start customized paper, multiple-choice, choose the ratio, the highest score set, the examination time limit set, choose the difficulty of the exam, test generation and check your answers and other functions, the user need to teach students in accordance with their aptitude,

9、 sub categories to provide, selected by the user, so as to achieve for candidates of different levels of training and test. , but also to facilitate the questions one by one of papers selected, eliminating the topic and set one by one, both to enhance the speed of questions, the topic and also impro

10、ves the quality of the whole.This design is mainly based on service questions, questions of training people and other people easily and quickly complete the test structure and enhance its test paper auto generating system. The overall design is the use of JAVA language development B/S (Browser / ser

11、ver) application system. After the user login the system can according to their ability to select the difficulty of the questions in the form, according to their weaknesses for types of questions were generated questions, can also choose to answer the questions of the time according to their profici

12、ency.The code framework of the system using the now popular SSH (Spring + struts + Hibernate) is designed. The function model and the realization of page processing strictly comply with the MVC (model, view and controller) system of thought. With Javascript and Xml on page extraction. Database used

13、in small Mysql database processing, database tools used in the current mainstream Navicat operation, in order to reduce the burden of writing code and convenient code and function realization.Keywords: Automatic test paper generation B/S Java MySQL databas目 录前言11 系统功能介绍与分析11.1 用户登录功能11.2 试卷生成及试题判断功能

14、21.3 题库维护功能32 数据库的设计与开发52.1数据库基础52.2数据库设计需求62.2.1 数据库设计思路62.2.2数据库表与字段的设置73 试卷自动生成系统流程83.1 物理结构流程83.2文件结构流程展示114 界面设计124.1界面流程展示124.2 界面设计示意图135 系统算法设计195.1组卷方法设计195.1.1 随机法195.1.2 回朔法205.1.3 遗传算法215.2 试题难度算法215.3 试题分数算法215.4 系统算法总结226 主要功能代码展示226.1登录功能代码展示226.1.1数据库链接226.1.2 登录功能246.1.3 主要功能模块276.2

15、前端代码展示306.2.1主界面代码306.2.2图片轮播代码317 总结32参考文献34试卷自动生成系统的设计与实现前言现代教育伴随着互联网、自动化的发展而迅速地进行革新,传统的试卷考试已经远远不能满足现在社会急促的步伐,不仅如此,传统的试题考试设计相当地消耗出题者的时间与精力,并且没有针对性。这种方式已经不能满足现代考试紧凑的步伐了。因此,能够快速并且具有针对性、为用户提供自定义难度、类型、时间选择的试卷自动生成就显得尤为重要了。试卷自动生成系统油然而生。传统的试卷出题方式需要经过人工进行,出题者或者使用者需要根据自己的经验进行题目的设置,这种方式往往需要人力对试题数据的反复制定和验算、对题目合理性进行检验等等。制定题目的难度梯度,以满足不同层次的学生反应不同的学习水平。出题者往往还需要将以往的试题与将要出的试题的考点、难度进行对比。由上诉需求可以看出,传统的人工出题方式不仅没有将互联网联动的优势运用起来,进行题库的资源共享与使用,也使出题者浪费了大量的研究和设置试题的时间 。互联网的时代是个资源共享的时代,现代教育也应该与时俱进,对于优秀的试题、适合学生做的试题可以进行共享并且反复利用,并且也解决

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