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1、上海高考英语十一选十解题指导及训练学科老师辅导讲义学员姓名: 年 级: 辅导科目: 英语 学科教师:授课日期授课时段授课主题十一选十解题指导及训练教学内容课前回顾知识梳理知识点1:十一选十解题指导及训练题型特征及考点1、选词填空的特点 1) 文章不会太长 2) 第一句是主题句且不设空 3) 每隔1530个词有一个空,共10空 4) 方框中词汇难度不高,文章略低于阅读理解难度2、选词填空的考点1) 词汇方面:以实词即名词、动词、形容词、副词为主2) 语法方面:考察词性之间关系和句子结构分析能力3) 逻辑方面:考察上下文联系解题步骤 选词填空解题技巧 1) 词性判断 2) 常用搭配 3) 内在逻辑

2、 4) 感情色彩 5) 语法常识 选词填空解题步骤第一步:通读全文 通读全文是用较快速度,一行一行地读,目的是把握至少90% 的内容。 选词填空的选项词义互不关联,词性也不同,而且还有干扰项, 一定要先了解文章大意,带着文章脉络去找选项。务必先沉着地把文章读一遍,尤其注意横线前后的位置,为寻找正确选项打下铺垫。 提醒:通读就是根据首段原则以及首末句原则,迅速抓出文章的主题。判定文章主题对于篇章的整体把握具有很大的积极意义。 第二步:整理选项classify the options我们应该根据词性把选项中的每个单词进行分类归纳标 ,标出它们的词性。目前只考实词中的四种:名词n 做主语和宾语, 动

3、词v做谓语,形容词adj做定语,副词adv做状语。不考代词和数词;也不考虚词特点:四种实词中,考的最少的是副词 不超过两个空。 剩下的三种平均每种有三道题。根据真题,动词一直是考三个。另外三种词性, 平均每种有三道题。另外三种词性, 有两个的,也有四个的。 标注词性时注意的问题 1. 不认识的单词看词缀 2. 认识的单词要注意词性的单一性和多样性。比如display, concern, challenge 3. 动词归类要细分为v,v-ed, v-ing。因为一个空可以填动词,但填原形还是过去式还是-ing形式要自己根据语法判断。此外,以-ing, -ed 结尾的词也可能是分词转变而来的形容词

4、。如acquired做动词:academic skills he acquired. 做形容词: newly acquired jacket 。这时怎么办?碰到这种情况,先一律看成是动词,包括非谓语动词,然后,根据是否存在缺adj的具体情况来决定。 4. 如果选项中出现一组近义词或反义词时,要结合上下文进行试填,找出最合适的词。 如果选项中出现一组近义词或反义词时,往往有一个是干扰选项, 它注重考察的是词汇的精确理解,要求考生分析清楚其细微的区别。 第三步:选词填空我们在选择时,根据所掌握的英语语法规则来初步确定每个空应填词汇的词性,缩小选择范围。然后,根据上下文的内在逻辑结构选择合适的选项填

5、空。 如何判断原文空缺处所需单词的词性: 1.动词的确定:一个句子有且只有一个谓语动词; 一个完整的句子之后再跟逗号,后面一般是非谓语动词短语。(判断动词时,可以从谓语和非谓语进行区分,如果是作谓语,结合主谓一致、时态语态、固定搭配及词义进行辨析从而缩小范围) a. 前后都是名词短语,中间一般为动词(时态看前后文);b. 空格处前面是名词/代词,后面没有宾语,空格处应填不及物动词; c. 空格处前面是名词/代词,空格处后面是副词/介词,空格处应填入不及物动词,与副词/介词构成固定搭配;e. 不定式to后为动词原形,介词to后面为动名词;f. 情态动词后面为动词原形;g. 空格处前面是名词/代词

6、,后面是形容词,空格处应填入系动词或be动词。 2.名词的确定: (可以是名词、动名词)a. 名词主要做主语、宾语; b. 形容词或名词都可以修饰名词; c. 限定词(the, this, that, a, my之类)后必有名词; d. 谓语动词前必有名词或名词性质的主语; e. 介词后面必有名词或相当与名词的词. 3.形容词的确定: (可以是形容词、过去分词及现在分词)a.名词的前面或后面。b.副词的后面。c.系动词或be动词后面。 4. 副词的确定: a.动词的附近(指前面或后面)。b.形容词的前面。 c.句子结构完整,不缺成份。 运用逻辑和语言知识储备解题 根据固定搭配或语感主动发现缺失

7、信息,然后正确匹配 固定搭配:在选词填空中,约定俗成的固定搭配不是很多。但是,对固定搭配的另外一种理解是这种搭配很常见,比如:汉语说“学知识”,而英语不说“learn knowledge”,而是“acquire knowledge”; 还有,当我们说heavy traffic是表示交通拥堵。此外,非常重要的一点是注意介词,即我们通常所说的to,因为在某种程度上,它们能给我们关于选择项的提示。 所谓语感,就是对语言的感觉,它是在平时学习和阅读中形成的一种潜在的语言能力。有时候是你无法解释理由, 理清复杂句式或上下文的逻辑结构,进行解题对复杂句的结构分析能帮助我们对句子的成分更加清晰,能清楚地确定

8、空格处所需填入词汇的词性,甚至可能的意思。上下文逻辑关系也对选项产生影响。大家需要关注形式上的逻辑关系和意义上逻辑关系。所谓形式上的逻辑关系就是我们通常讲的因果,让步,递进等; 而意义上的逻辑关系就是以语篇表达的意思为线索,前后文中,意义上存在那些关系。比如说,描述一个人的心情的变化,心情好时,应该使用的是积极词汇,而心情不好时则使用消极词汇。当然,形式和意思之间存在紧密联系,不能割裂开来。 第四步:复读全文,谨慎调整 填空完成后,再次复读全文,自我感觉上下文是否通顺、内在逻辑关系是否连贯。如有问题也需要谨慎的微作调整。真题 A. contentsB. takingC. carefullyD.

9、 plasticE. packagingF. declinedG. freelyH. typicalI. contractsJ. registeredstep1 详读选项,词分类考查词汇的词性:adj.: plastic, typicaladv.: carefully, freelyn.: contents, packaging, contractsv.: taking, declined, registered考查词汇的基本词意:contents (内容),taking (拿,取),carefully (仔细地),plastic (塑料的),package (包装),declined (婉拒

10、),freely (自由地),typical (典型的),contracts (合同),registered (登记)step2 略读全文,定中心文章主题:介绍了一位伦敦广告执行者Gignac回收并再利用商品包装的故事。 If the package looks pretty; people will buy just about anything. So says an advertising executive in New York, and he has proved his point by selling boxes of rubbish for the price of an e

11、xpensive bottle of wine. Justin Gignac, 26, has sold almost 900 _41_ presented plastic boxes of rubbish from the street of the Big Apple at between $50 and $100 each. Buyers from 19 countries have paid for the souvenirs(纪念品). The idea has been so successful that he is thinking of promoting it around

12、 the world. It all began when Mr. Gignac was at a summer workshop. “We had a discussion about the importance of _42_,” he recalls. “Someone said packaging was unimportant. I disagreed. The only way to prove it was by selling something nobody would ever want.” He searches the streets of Manhattan and

13、 typical _43_ include broken glass, subway tickets, Starbucks cups and used _44_ forks. “Special editions” are offered at a high price. He charged $100 for rubbish from the opening day of the New York Yankees stadium. Mr. Gignac denies _45_ his customers for fools: “They know what theyre getting. Th

14、ey appreciate the fact that theyre taking something nobody would want and finding beauty in it.” Some _46_ customers include people who used to live in the city and want a down-to-earth souvenir. He claims he has even sold to art collectors. Realizing that the concept appears to be a real money-make

15、r, Mr. Gignac has _47_ a company and is employing his girlfriend as vice president. He _48_ to discuss his profit margins: “Its actually quite a lot of effort putting them togetherbut yet, garbage is free.” Mr. Gignac is considering more varieties of souvenirs. He maintains that he has signed _49_ w

16、ith people interested in similar projects from as far as Berlin and London.41、【参考答案】C 【思路解析】本题考查根据句意选择合适的副词。本句意为“Justin Gignac,26岁,已经卖出了近900个精心包装的塑料盒子,里面装的是从大苹果(纽约)的大街上捡来的废物,每盒售价在50到100美元”,句中的presented plastic修饰名词boxes,空格处应该选择副词修饰起形容词作用的过去分词presented。副词carefully在此意为“仔细地、精心地”,符合句意,所以C选项为正确答案。42、【参考答案

17、】E 【思路解析】本题考查根据上下文选择合适的名词。本段句意为“我们讨论了有关包装的重要性有些人认为包装不重要,我不同意这种观点”空格前的介词可断定此处应该填名词,所以E选项为正确答案。43、【参考答案】A【思路解析】 本题考查根据句意选择合适的名词。本句意为“他在曼哈顿的街上仔细搜寻,寻找的典型物品(内容)包括破损的杯子”,根据句意和空格前的形容词和空格后的动词,可以断定此处应填入名词,所以A选项为正确答案。44、【参考答案】D 【思路解析】本题考查根据句意选择合适的形容词。本句为43题所在句的后半部分,仍是说明典型物品包括哪些具体内容,意为“和使用过的塑料叉子”,根据句意和空格前的形容词及

18、空格后的名词,可以断定此处应填入形容词,所以D选项为正确答案。45、【参考答案】B 【思路解析】本题考查根据句意选择合适的动名词。本句意为“Gignac先生否认将他的顾客当作傻瓜”,根据句意和空格前的动词和空格后的名词,可以断定此处应填入动名词taking作为动词deny的宾语,同时又和介词for构成词组,所以B选项为正确答案。46、【参考答案】H 【思路解析】本题考查根据题意选择合适的形容词。本句意为“一些典型的客户包括”,根据句意和空格前的限定词和空格后的名词,可以断定此处应填入形容词,所以H选项为正确答案。47、【参考答案】J 【思路解析】本题考查根据题意选择合适的动词。本题意为“发现这

19、个理念确实可以赚大钱后,Gignac先生已经注册了一家公司”,根据句意和空格前的助动词和空格后的名词,可以断定此处应填入动词的过去分词形式,与前面的助动词一起构成谓语,所以J选项为正确答案。48、【参考答案】F 【思路解析】本题考查根据句意选择合适的动词。本句意为“他婉言拒绝讨论他的利润空间”,根据句意和空格前的代词和空格后的不定式符号,可以断定此处应填入谓语动词,所以F选项为正确答案。49、【参考答案】I 【思路解析】本题考查根据句意选择合适的名词。本句意为“他承认他已经与那些对类似项目感兴趣的人签订了合同,他们远在柏林和伦敦”,根据句意和空格前的动词和空格后的介词结构,可以断定此处应填入名

20、词,所以I为正确答案。巩固练习【虹口】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. based B. schedule C. individual D. determined E. achieving F. ambitious G. success H. studying I. marvel J. smarterThe Secre

21、t of SuccessThe secret of success is that there is no secret. Some people succeed because they are just _41_ than other people. Some people succeed because they just work harder than other people. And some people succeed because they are just plain lucky.Ma Donghan is a student at Tsinghua Universit

22、y who is _42_ to be successful and shes not going to leave it to luck. Ma is obviously smart because shes a student at the best university in China, but her plan for success is _43_ on the old fashion value of hard work. You can see that by the weekly schedule shes set up for herself which was recen

23、tly posted online. Every hour of every day is accounted for. There is her classroom _44_, of course, but then blocks of time are set aside for _45_ each subject and also for a few activities like playing sports. There are no hours set aside for just relaxing and there are only five hours allotted (分

24、配) each night for sleeping. She has set a very _46_, almost punishing schedule for herself, but it seems to be working.Other students _47_ at Mas diligence and discipline but doubt that they could achieve the same level of success. Perhaps not, but Ma is obviously a unique and special _48_. She has

25、set high goals, made a plan to achieve those goals, and worked hard to keep to her plan. This is what other students can learn from Ma.In school, as in life, _49_ is never guaranteed and not everyone will find him or herself at the top of the pyramid. The important thing to remember is that having a

26、 plan and working hard to stay with the plan will bring you a level of success that just being smart and lucky cannot.【嘉定】 Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. losing B. influence

27、 C. original D. identified E. futureF. regularly G. attracted H. convincing I. carefully J. processSome people are happy to believe in ESP (超感官知觉) while others are firm disbelievers.Parapsychologists (灵学专家), who lend a certain seriousness to the subject, have 41 four types of ESP: One type called cl

28、airvoyance describes the act of being able to obtain knowledge of a person or event without the use of the normal senses; Another type, telepathy, is the 42 by which a person is able to read another persons thoughts without the use of any of the normal senses; Still another type, psychogenesis, is t

29、he ability to 43 a physical object just by thinking about it; The last type, precognition, is the term applied when somebody is able to foresee 44 events.Over the years there have been many ESP experiments conducted by serious scientists in serious institutions. Joseph Banks Rhine, a botanist at Duk

30、e University published a famous book in 1934 called Extra-Sensory Perception in which he claimed to have overwhelming(压倒的)evidence of ESP. However, other scientists have been unable to repeat his results exactly in the same way, which has resulted in the book 45 much of its original reliability.The

31、Granzfield experiments are considered to have been the most 46 examined ESP experiments. The experimenters had their eyes covered and ears blocked while a sender attempted to transmit messages. Later the experimenters would compare the messages received to the 47 messages sent out. There was a great deal of excitement and interest at the time but the research failed to produce 48 results.Human beings are 49 to the supernatural phenomena. ESP will always continue to fascinate human beings. Some of the most successful films in recent years have fuelled interest among

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