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1、介词介词的分类(1) 从介词本身的结构来看,介词可以分成四个种类:1. 简单介词at in on since from2. 复合介词as for 至于as to 关于out of 从,出自into 进入onto 到.上面去3. 二重介词from under 从.的下面from behind 从.的后面until after 直到.之后from among 从.当中4. 短语介词according to 根据ahead of 在.之前apart from 在.之外because of 由于by means of 以.之手段by way of 作为介词的分类(2) 从介词本身的意义来看,介词可以分

2、成十个种类:1. 表示时间的介词about, around, before, by, at, after, in, on, around, between, during,for, from, since, till, until, within.2. 表示地点的介词about, at, in, on, over, through, across, along, around, before, between,beyond, down, up, to, toward, under, near.3. 表示方式的介词by bus 乘公共汽车see with ones own eyes 亲眼看.wr

3、ite in ink 用墨水写. on foot 步行,徒步He looked at me without expression.他毫无表情地看着我。4. 表示原因的介词for:He was punished for stealing.他因偷窃而被惩罚。from:suffer from a cold 患伤风of:be ashamed of 因.而感到羞愧with:shake with cold 因寒冷而发抖5. 表示关于的介词about 关于(一般情况)on 关于(理论,学术)of :a long story of adventure 一个长篇冒险故事6. 表示比较的介词as:His face

4、 is as black as coal.他的脸跟煤炭一样黑。like:He saw a number of small hard things like stones.他看见一些像石头一样的小小的坚硬的东西。7. 表示除外的介词but:He works every day but Sunday.除星期天外,他每天都工作。except:We all went except Tom.除汤姆外,我们都去了。except for:The letter is good except for the spelling.这封信除了拼写错误之外,还算是很通顺的。besides(besides中文译成,除.外

5、,实则表示包含在内。)Besides English, he studies German and French.除英语外,他还学习德语和法语。8. 表示条件的介词with:With all his faults, I like him.尽管他有种种缺点,我还是喜欢他的。without :Man cannot live without water.如果没有水人就不能活。9. 表示结果的介词to:She tore the letter to pieces.她把信撕个粉碎。10. 表示对于的介词for:Sea air is good for the health.海上的空气对健康有好处。to:To

6、 her it was all unusual.这一切对她都很不平常。时间介词辨异 by 与 beforebefore + 某时只是单纯的指在某时以前;by + 某时指不迟于某时。The sun will rise before six oclock.太阳会在六点之前出来。The sun will rise by six oclock.太阳最迟在六点出来。to, till与until1. 和from的搭配from.tofrom.tillfrom.untilHe teaches from midday to four oclock.他从中午教书一直到四点。They are out togethe

7、r with their friends from morning till night.他们从早到晚和朋友一起在外面。It was cold from Christmas until April.从圣诞节直到四月份天气一直是冷的。2. 不和from的搭配tilluntilThey talked till dawn.他们交谈直到天亮。Wait until tomorrow.等到明天。3. 和not搭配(如果和not搭配,不要用to)not untilnot tillHe didnt return till ten oclock.直到十点他才回来。He didnt go until night.

8、直到夜晚他才走。since和from1. since自从.以来(包含有从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在之意)常用于现在完成时。I havent been home since 1995.从一九九五年以来我都没有回过家。2. from从.(有:从.开始之意)I shall be in New York one week from today.从今天算起我要在纽约和你在一起一个星期。from March to June从三月份到六月份from morning till night从早到晚from now on从现在起from then on从那时起during和for1. for达.(多长)时间W

9、e have been here for a week.我们在这儿已有一周之久。2. during在.期间He swims every day during the summer.夏天期间他天天去游泳。during常和the连用。有时也可见for和the连用,但是在这种情况下for不是表示时间,而是表示目的;Are you stopping at this hotel for the night?你要在这个旅馆过夜吗?in和duringin和during这两个单词有时好像可以互换。但是,实际上这两个介词分别表达不同的内含。No visitors called in your absence.N

10、o visitors called during your absence.你不在的时候没有人来访。in 侧重表达动作方面;during 侧重表达时间方面,在这段时间,而不是在那段时间。方位介词辨异 at, in, onat:原则上,指位置的某一点。They built a nest at the top of the tree.它们在树梢筑巢。Theres a police station at the end of the street.在街道的尽头有一个警察局。on:原则上,指在位置的某一平面上(包括向上的平面,向下的平面,以及侧面的表面。)How beautiful the moonl

11、ight on the lake is!湖上的月色多美呀!Whats that black mark on the ceiling?天花板上的那个黑点是什么?You used to have a picture on the wall, didnt you?过去墙上有一幅画,是吗?in:相对at,in用于比较大的地点。This is the only shop in the village.这是这个村子唯一的店铺。He enjoys traveling in every quarter of the globe.他喜欢到世界各地旅游。arrive in和arrive atarrive in:到

12、达国家,都市arrive at:到达村庄,地点at work, at play, at table, at schoolat常用来表示从事某种活动。at work:在工作at play:在做游戏at table:在吃饭at school:在求学at the corner, in the corner, on the cornerin the corner:在内角at the corner:在外角on the corner:在转角上(如交叉口的房屋,可以体会到表面之意。)in bed, on the bed, on a bedin bed:在床上正式睡觉,卧病在床on the bed:指人在床上

13、休息,东西放在床上on a bed:指人在床上休息,东西放在床上介词的宾语 一.名词作介宾We often play football in the afternoon.我们经常在下午踢足球。 二.代词作介宾No one knows except you and me.除了你和我之外,没有人知道这件事。(作介宾的代词用宾格)三.动名词作介宾Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮了我的忙。(作介宾的动词应采用动名词) 四.介词短语作介宾A man came out from behind the door.一个人从门后出来。五.“疑问词不定式”作介宾They failed t

14、o agree on where to spend their holidays.到哪里度假他们无法取得一致意见。六.从句作介宾I quite agree with what you say.我很赞成你所说的话。介词短语的定义 介词 + 名词(或者代词)介词短语in the morning 在早晨under the tree 在树下from China 来自中国注意区别“介词短语”和“短语介词”:介词短语是(介词 + 名词性短语),可以单独作为句子成分;短语介词是(一个相当于介词的短语),不能单独作为句子成分。短语介词according to 根据ahead of 在.之前apart from

15、 在.之外because of 由于by means of 以.之手段by way of 作为介词短语的位置 一.位于动词之后表示位置She lives in Shanghai.她住在上海。 The children are playing in the street now.现在孩子们在街上玩。 二.位于动词之后表示方向He went into the kitchen.他到厨房里去。 三.位于句首表示突出、对照In the garden everything was so beautiful.在花园里一切都是那么美丽。 四.位于句首,倒装主谓Behind me lay the fields.

16、在我的后面是一片田野。 On the desk is a bag.桌子上有一个袋子。 五.位于名词之后,用于限制前面的名词The apple on the plate is for you.盘子上的苹果是给你的。介词短语的句法功能 一.作表语The book you want is on the table.你要的那本书在桌子上。 二.作宾补I saw a tall man under the tree.我看到树下有个高个子的男人。 三.作定语(后置定语)The man under the tree is my father.树下的那个男人是我爸爸。 四.作状语1.作地点状语We live i

17、n Hangzhou.我们住在杭州。 2.作时间状语She got here at four.她在4点到这儿的。 3.作方式状语They came here by train.他们乘火车来这儿。 4.作原因状语The game was postponed because of rain.因为下雨运动会被推迟了。 5.作条件状语There will be no living things without water.没有水就没有生物。 6.作目的状语He ran for shelter.他跑去避雨。 7.作让步状语They play football in spite of the rain.他

18、们冒雨踢足球。 8.作程度状语To what extent would you trust them?你对他们信任程度如何? 介词和名词的搭配 at all at dinner at first at home at hospital at last at least at night at noon at once at school at table at the back of at the beginning of at the end of at the foot of at the same time at work by bus by hand by spaceship by t

19、he end of by the way by train day by day one by one in a hurry in a low voice in a minute in a short while in a word in all in bed in Englishin fact in front of in life in line in no time in order in public in silence in space in surprise in the day in the distance in the end in the middle of in the

20、 street in the sun in the tree in time in town in trouble of course on duty on foot on one hand on the other hand on ones way to on the left on the other side of on the radio on the right on time on top of out of sight out of work to ones joy to ones surprise to this day with a smile 介词和动词的搭配 look a

21、fter laugh at shout at look at smile at look for leave for wait for ask for send for go in for look like hear from learn from do well in believe in arrive in/at turn into hear of think of die of go on depend on call on speak to talk to point to belong to listen to get to write to help with begin wit

22、h meet with fill with deal with do with be covered with be filled with be made of be made in be made from介词和形容词的搭配 be worried about be good at be good for be bad for be late for be ready for be sorry for be different from be interested in become interested in be weak in be tired of be afraid of be s

23、ure of be full of be angry with be busy with 介词后多数情况下接动名词 紧接在介词后的动词必须用动名词形式:He left without paying his bill他没有付账就走了。I apologize for not writing before 我此前未能写信,谨表歉意。 She insisted on paying for herself 她坚持要付她自己的那一份钱。Before signing the contract,read the small print在签署合约以前,请详读小号字印出的内容。名词+介词+动名词结构 还请注意某些

24、名词+介词+动名词结构:Theres no point in taking your car if you cant park如果那里不能停放车子的话,你开车去就没多大意思了。Whats the point of taking your car if you cant park? 如果无处停放车子,你开车去还有什么意思呢?Is there any chancelikelihood of his changing his mind? 他有可能改变主意吗?Have you any objection to changing your working hours?你反不反对改变你的工作时间?I am

25、 in favor of giving everyone a day off我赞同给大家放一天假。 介词有时接动词原形 介词后面必须带动词的动名词形式,这一规则的唯一例外是except和but(介词)。在它们后面带动词原形:I could do nothing except agree我除了同意,没有别的办法。He did nothing but complain他只是抱怨,什么也不做。介词有时接不定式 但是如果but用做连词,即如果它引导从句,它的后面就可直接跟完整的不定式或动名词:Being idle sometimes is agreeable,but being idle all the time might become monotonous有时清闲无事是令人惬意的,但总是闲呆着就可能变得单调乏味了。To be idle sometimes is agreeable,but to be idle all the time might become monotonous有时清闲无事是令人惬意的,但总是闲呆着就可能变得单调乏味了。

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