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人教版必修二Unit 4language points学案.docx

1、人教版必修二Unit 4 language points学案Unit 4 History and traditions language points学案【核心词汇短语】1His hometown doesnt allow_other_buildings_to_be more noticeable than the historic buildings. (教材P38)他的家乡不允许其他建筑比这座历史建筑更引人注目。归纳拓展(1)allow . to do . 允许做(2)allow for sb./sth. 考虑到;估计到;把计算在内 (3)allow of sth. 容许;使有可能You

2、never allow personal problems to affect your performance.绝不要让个人问题影响你的表现。The children are not_allowed_to_watch violent TV programmes.儿童不准收看含暴力内容的电视节目。How much must we allow_for the shrink?要留多少缩水长度?The facts allow_of only one explanation.这些事实只可能有一种解释。 2announce vt. 宣布;通知;声称(教材P42)归纳拓展(1)announce sth.

3、to sb. announce to sb. sth. 向某人宣布/通知某事announce (to sb.) that . (向某人)宣布;通知(某人)It is announced that . 据宣布(that引导主语从句)(2)announcement n. (一项)公告,布告,通告;(指行动)宣布,宣告make an announcement 发布通告The teacher announced_to_us_the_experiment_result at the beginning of the first class.第一节课开始的时候,老师就向我们宣布了实验结果。We are p

4、leased to announce_that all five candidates were successful.我们高兴地宣布,五位候选人全都当选了。It_is_announced_that the sports meet will be held next Tuesday.据宣布,运动会将在下周二举行。I will make_an_announcement to remind them that they should check their belongings.我会发布通告提醒他们检查他们的携带物品。名师点津announce后不能跟双宾语,即不能用 announce sb. st

5、h.,而要用 announce sth. to sb.。后面不能接双宾语的动词还有 suggest, explain, report, express等。 3approach n. 方法;途径;接近vt. 接近;接洽;着手处理vi. 靠近(教材P42)归纳拓展(1)be approaching 临近,靠近with sth. approaching 在临近的时候 (2)(an) approach to 接近;近似;(做某事)的方法/途径at the approach of 在快到的时候Absorbed in painting, John didnt notice evening approach

6、ing.由于专心绘画,约翰没有注意到夜幕正在降临。The best approach_to building up your body is to do exercise every day.增强体质的最佳方法就是每天做运动。With_the_Spring_Festival_approaching,_the experts suggestion that tickets be booked online is of vital practice.随着春节的临近,专家们网上订票的建议具有重要的实践意义。Many birds fly south at_the_approach_of winter.

7、冬天来临之际,许多鸟都向南飞。 4belong vi. 应在(某处);适应(教材P40)归纳拓展(1)belong to “属于”,不能用于进行时态和被动语态。belong to a club/group/organization是俱乐部/团体/组织的成员(2)belongings n. 财产,所有物The students feel that they belong_to a particular group.学生们感觉他们属于某一特定群体。(2017全国卷)Papercutting has a history of over 1,500 years, which belongs_to tr

8、aditional art in China.剪纸有1,500多年的历史,属于中国传统艺术。She packed a few of her belongings in a bag and left.她把她的几件东西装进包里便离开了。 5break away (from sb./sth.) 脱离;背叛;逃脱(教材P40)归纳拓展break down (机器等)出故障,损坏;分解;崩溃;情绪失控break in 闯入,破门而入;打断,插嘴break into 破门而入;闯入break off 折断;中断break out (战争、火灾等)突然发生;爆发break up 分解;打碎;破裂,分手The

9、 robber broke_away_from the prison.抢劫犯从监狱逃脱了。He broke_off in the middle of a sentence.他一句话说了一半就不说了。 6charge n. 收费;指控;主管vt. 收费;控告;充电(教材P42)归纳拓展(1)take charge of 接管/负责in charge of 负责/主管in the charge of 受的管理free of charge 免费(2)charge sb. (sth.) for sth. 为某物向某人收取费用charge sb. with (doing) sth. 控告某人(做)某事S

10、oon he will take_charge_of the department.他很快会来接管这个部门。There is a heated discussion on whether museums should charge_for admission or not.人们就博物馆是否应该收入场费有激烈的争论。The man who had taken_charge_of the company was_charged_with taking drugs.这个公司的负责人被指控吸毒。 7chief adj. 最重要的;最高级别的n. (公司或机构的)首领;酋长(教材P40)归纳拓展chie

11、f engineer/judge 总工程师/审判长Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官Students are the chief parts of evaluation on teaching effect.学生是教学效果评价的最重要的主体。Chief Buthelezi was a brave Indian chief.布特莱齐酋长是一位勇敢的印第安酋长。 8Confucius n. 孔子(教材P38)归纳拓展Temple of Confucius 孔庙; 夫子庙Kong Family Mansion 孔府Ce

12、metery of Confucius 孔林Confucius Institute 孔子学院(非营利性公益机构)Confucius culture 孔子文化Confucius philosophy 孔子哲学Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages.孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。The_Confucius_Temple is located 400 meters to the southwest of Yonghegong Station.孔庙位于永和宫站西南400米处。 9crowd n. 人群;一群

13、人;民众vt. 挤满;使拥挤(教材P46)归纳拓展(1)a crowd of/crowds of 成群的;一群the crowd 群众;老百姓;凡夫俗子(2)crowd around/round . 聚集在周围;聚拢crowd . into/onto . 把装满(或塞满)crowd into/onto . 大批涌入(狭小的空间) There were crowds_of people waiting to get in.有成群的人在等着进去。He prefers to be one of the_crowd.他宁愿做个凡夫俗子。We all crowded_around the stove t

14、o keep warm.我们都挤在炉边取暖。Guests were_crowded_into the few remaining rooms.客人们被塞进了剩下的几个房间。 10defence n. 防御;保卫(教材P40)归纳拓展(1)defence against sth. 防御物;防务;防御能力in defence of 保护;为辩护(2)defend v. 防御;保护;保卫defend . against/from . 保护免受伤害The immune system is our main defence_against disease.免疫系统是我们抵御疾病的主要屏障。Mr Gree

15、n stood up in_defence_of the little boy.格林先生站起来为这个小男孩辩护。Our forefathers built this wall to defend_themselves_from invasion.我们的祖先修筑这道城墙是为了保护他们不受侵略。 11eager adj. 热切的;渴望的(教材P43)归纳拓展(1)be eager for . 急于得到be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事be eager for sb. to do sth. 渴望某人做某事be eager that . 热切希望(从句的谓语动词用“should动词原形

16、”,should可以省略)(2)eagerly adv. 热切地(3)eagerness n. 渴望;热切with eagerness 热切地Those fans are_eager_for a glimpse of the famous film star.那些粉丝们渴望看那位著名影星一眼。Many students are_eager_to_find a good way to have their written English improved in a short period.许多学生渴望找到一个能在短期内提高英语写作水平的好方法。Tom was_eager_for_you_to_

17、come to the party.汤姆殷切期盼你来参加晚会。These children are_eager_that their parents come home earlier.这些孩子很希望他们的父母能早点回家。We eagerly look forward to working with you.我们热切地盼望与您合作。 12evidence n. 证据;证明(教材P40)归纳拓展(1)There is some evidence that . 有证据证明(2)evident adj. 明显的It is evident that . 很明显 (3)evidently adv. 明显

18、地,显然There_is_a_lot_of_evidence_that stress is partly responsible for disease.有很多证据证明压力是致病的部分原因。It_was_evident_that she had once been a beauty.很明显她曾是个美人。Evidently,_he has not made up his mind yet.显然他还没有拿定主意。 13fascinating adj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的(教材P41)归纳拓展(1)fascinate v. 深深吸引;迷住(2)fascinated adj. 入迷的;极感兴趣的Ma

19、dagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to.马达加斯加是我去过的最迷人的地方。It was a question that had_fascinated him since he was a boy.这是他自幼就着迷的问题。Im fascinated by the beauty of Lijiang and Dali.我被丽江和大理的美景迷住了。 14generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;丰富的(教材P42)归纳拓展(1)be generous to sb. 对某人慷慨/大方be generous with sth

20、. 在上面很慷慨/大方It is generous of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事真是宽宏大量/真大方。(2)generosity n. 慷慨;大方;宽宏大量(3)generously adv. 慷慨地;大方地The old woman was_always_generous_to the poor boy.那位老太太对这个可怜的男孩一直很大方。He was_generous_with his time, for which I was grateful.他那么慷慨花费自己的时间,对此我很感激。I shall never forget the generosity shown

21、by Chinese people.我永远也不会忘记中国人的慷慨大方。 15greet vt. 问候;迎接(教材P44)归纳拓展(1)greet sb. with 以迎接/接待某人be greeted with/by 受到的对待/接待(2)greeting n. 问候;招呼;迎接;致意(2019全国卷)We were first greeted_with the barking by a pack of dogs, seven to be exact.首先迎接我们的是一群狗的吠叫,确切地说是七只。She greeted us with a smile.她微笑着向我们打招呼。As I appro

22、ached, she gave me a nod of greeting.我走近时,她对我点头致意。 16individual adj. 单独的;个别的n. 个人(教材P39)归纳拓展(1)individual resume 个人简介; 个人简历individual account 个人账户individual character 独特性;个性;个性人物(2)individually adv. 单独地;个别地Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talent

23、ed individuals.大多数人认为组建一支优秀的团队的最好方法是聚集一群最有才华的人。The competition is open to both teams and individuals.团队和个人均可参加比赛。You can open one individual_account.你可以开一个个人账户。Wed better go in a group, not individually.我们最好集体去,不要单个儿去。 17keep your eyes open (for) 留心;留意(教材P41)归纳拓展keep的常见短语keep back 阻止;隐瞒;抑制keep away

24、(from) 避开,远离keep . in mind 记住keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系keep off 不接近;远离keep on doing sth. 继续做某事keep up 继续,使维持较高水平keep up with 跟上;与保持联系 Keep_your_eyes_open_for a boy in a red cap and sweater.你要留心注意一个戴红帽子,穿红运动衫的小男孩。She shook her head and started to walk on. He kept_up_with her.她摇了摇头开始往前走。他跟了上去。The

25、local police had warned visitors to keep_off the beach at night.当地警方告诫游客不要在夜间去海滩。If you dont keep_away_from the dog, you may be bitten.如果你不避开那只狗,你可能会被咬伤。 18legal adj. 法律的;合法的(教材P40)归纳拓展(1)legal action 法律行动legal advice 法律咨询/建议legal battle 官司;法律纠纷legal defence 法律辩护legal department 法务部legal documents 法

26、律文件legal expert 法律专家legal guardian 法定监护人(2)illegal adj. 不合法的;非法的;违法的(3)legally adv. 合法地;法定地Gambling is legal in some countries.在某些国家里赌博是合法的。Its illegal to drive through a red light.开车闯红灯是违章行为。The school is legally responsible for your childs safety.学校对你的孩子负有法律上的安全责任。 19ocean n. 大海;海洋(教材P44)归纳拓展an oc

27、ean of . 众多;大量a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟;九牛一毛 The_Atlantic_Ocean separates America from Europe.大西洋把美洲和欧洲分隔开来。The ship was found after drifting on_the_ocean for six months.那条船在海上漂流了6个月后被找到了。What I am trying to do may be just a_drop_in_the_ocean.我努力做的事情可能只是沧海一粟。 20surround vt. 围绕;包围(教材P40)归纳拓展(1)surroun

28、d . with . 以包围be surrounded by/with 被包围(2)surrounding adj. 周围的(3)surroundings n. 环境;周围的事物The building was surrounded_with police.那栋房子被警察包围了。To some people, happiness is_being_surrounded_by/with family and friends.对于有些人来说,幸福就是被家人和朋友包围着。He likes to surround_himself_with amusing people.他喜欢让自己的身边都是有趣的人。

29、Living in beautiful and comfortable surroundings,_we feel very happy.生活在优美舒适的环境里,我们感到很幸福。 【核心句型】1as well as 同(一样也);和;还(教材P40)归纳拓展(1)A as well as B作主语时,谓语动词的单复数随A的人称和数的变化而变化。(2)as well as可以用来连接两个相同的成分,强调的重点在前面,不在后面。(3)may/might as well 最好;还是为好;不妨Amy, as_well_as her brothers, was given a warm welcome

30、when returning to the village last week.艾米,还有她的哥哥们,上周回到村子的时候受到了热烈欢迎。The weather is so bad that we might_as_well stay at home.天气太糟了,我们最好待在家里。 2As one of Confucius descendants,Xiao Kongs name is recorded in the family tree.(教材P38)作为孔子的后代之一,小孔的名字被记载在家谱上。剖析本句中as为介词,意为“作为”。归纳拓展as作为连词引导从句的用法:(1)引导时间状语从句,意为“当时,随着”。

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