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1、高一英语上册期中检测考试题82010学年第一学期期中联考高一年级英语测试卷I.听力部分(20分)。第一节 (5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How does Paul make a living?A. By repairing cars. B. By making cars. C. By selling cars.2. Whats the mans trouble?A. He has caught a bad cold.B. H

2、e often coughs.C. He cant sleep well.3. How does the woman contact(联络) her friends?A. By letter. B. By telephone. C. By e-mail.4. When should the man check in?A. At 8:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 9:00.5. What does the man imply(暗示)?A. The daytime is too long.B. He is very tired.C. He feels lonely.第二节 (15分)

3、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话或独白读二遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. What does the man plan to do this Saturday morning?A. Get up late. B. Cut some wood. C. Take a walk.7. What did people say about the wolf(狼)?A. It k

4、illed a lot of small animals.B. It was attracted by the food left by people.C. It killed little children.8. What do we know about the woman?A. She may not understand what others said.B. She is telling a lie to the man.C. She often tells jokes to people.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Which subject is suitable to

5、 start a conversation according to the woman?A. Bars. B. Weather. C. Public affairs(事务).10. Why does Mark look unhappy?A. Because he is worried about his English.B. Because he is not a member of the club yet.C. Because he is worried about the coming exam.11. What does the woman suggest the man do?A.

6、 Go to hotels. B. Join a club. C. Find a partner.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12.Where didnt the man go?A. Edinburgh. B. St. Andrews. C. Highlands.13. How is the life in Scotland?A. Hard. B. Not so hurry-up. C. Busy.14. How many people went to Scotland with the man?A. 1. B. 2. C. 3.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What do

7、we know about the man?A. He hopes to become a painter some day.B. He isnt very familiar(熟悉) with painting.C. He doesnt like the course at all.16. Who is Lucy Green?A. The painter Desiree.B. The professor of the course.C. The womans friend.17. Where was probably the woman last night?A. At home. B. At

8、 professor Browns. C. At an exhibition.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. Why are many roads closed in the north?A. Because of heavy rain. B. Because of strong winds.C. Because of fallen stones from mountains.19. Where have fifty houses been flooded(淹没)?A. In the south. B. In the north. C. In the east.20. What h

9、appened in the west?A. Many boats were missing.B. Four people died in a river.C. Two villages were under water.II. 单项填空 (15分)。21. -I will go to Hainan Island tomorrow morning. -_.A. Good luck B. Congratulations C. Im sorry to hear that D. Have a good trip22. -Do you know the places of interest in Be

10、ijing? -Yes, this is the third time that I _ this great city.A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. had visited23. I like to take part in _ activities while she prefers to enjoy TV programmes _.A. indoor; outdoor B. indoors; outdoorsC. outdoor; indoors D. outdoors; indoor24. Having failed the exam,

11、the little boy _ go home and face his father.A. dares not to B. dare not C. dare not to D. dares not25. Listen carefully and _ what the speaker says, please.A. write down B. set down C. put down D. A, B and C26. The number of people who speak English _ large, and a large number of people _ native sp

12、eakers.A. are; are B. is; are C. is; is D. are; is27. China Daily is _ a newspaper. It helps to improve our English.A. more than B. no more than C. not more than D. no more28. Almost everybody present felt unhappy _ what he had said.A. as B. because C. because of D. since29. He has been studying Ger

13、man for five years and speaks _ German.A. fluent B. fluently C. smooth D. smoothly30. Every minute _ spoken English.A. was made use of to practiseB. was made use of practisingC. was made use to practiseD. was made use to practising31. They had a pleasant chat _ a cup of tea.A. for B. with C. during

14、D. over32. Was it last week _ we sold our old car to Mexican?A. when B. that C. which D. what33. With a good _ of both Chinese and computer, she had an advantage over others.A. request B. program C. command D. impression(印象)34-I hear you will leave for Beijing tomorrow. Who _ you off at the airport?

15、-My brother.A. sees B. saw C. is seeing D. has seen35. His _ look suggested he wouldnt change his mind.A. determined B. determining C. to determine D. determine.III.完形填空(20分)。Having said goodbye to his parents, Alvin, with his wife and one-year-old son, set off back home. Still_36_ , Alvin and Clare

16、 talked and laughed happily. And even little Alax _37_ from time to time. The family were _38_ their trip.But about three hours later things began to _39_ . It was starting to snow. Alvin _40_ up the car, hoping to arrive home before dark. But it was too dangerous to drive fast now. Because it was s

17、nowing more and more heavily. So Alvin had to _41_ down. The snow on the _42_ was getting deeper and deeper until it was hard to _43_ on it. Their car slipped(滑落) off the way and got _44_ in the deep snow and the engine refused to start again.“The snow doesnt seem to _45_. Shall we stay in the car w

18、aiting to be frozen to death or walk ahead through the snow?” Alvin asked. Clare said she _46_ to walk. So they got out of the car with their son and began walking. But _47_ was to come. Soon they lost their way and had to walk _48_ on and on.Night came. They were not afraid of the dark. But they _4

19、9_ that poor Alax would die of cold. However, their faith to keep Alax _50_ filled them with courage, warmth and strength. They _51_ and rested in turn and then continued their walk. They had _52_ falls but each time true love encouraged them to rise to their feet again.One, two, three, seven days p

20、assed. On the eighth day, help at last came from Alvins _53_ , the police and local people. But the young _54_ had to have their feet cut off because of the bad frostbites(冻伤). _55_ , there was nothing seriously wrong with little Alax! 36. A. excited B. sorry C. worried D. anxious(急切的)37. A. cried B

21、. laughed C. smiled D. coughed38. A. taking B. having C. enjoying D. starting39. A. take place B. change C. come D. finish40. A. climbed B. turned C. took D. sped(加速)41. A. get B. slow C. go D. look42. A. land B. highway C. fields D. car43. A. walk B. depend C. stay D. wait 44. A. stuck (陷入) B. move

22、d C. prepared D. covered45. A. fall B end C. continue D. melt(融化)46. A. liked B. prepared C.decided D. wished47. A. better B. something C. nothing D. worse48. A. hopelessly B. alone C. aimlessly D. pleasantly49. A. thought B. feared C. expected D. were sure50. A. happy B. silent C. alive D. dead51.

23、A. slept B. walked C. watched D. ate52. A. a few B. several C. terrible D. countless(无数的)53. A. friends B. parents C. neighbours D. brothers54. A. husband B. wife C. couple(夫妇) D. baby55. A. Therefore B. Finally C. Then D. LuckilyIV.阅读理解 (30分)。A Ron loved basketball. One afternoon on his way to a ba

24、sketball game, he was walking and dreaming about playing college basketball the following year. As Ron was walking to the game, a car hit him so hard that he was thrown three feet into the air. Ron woke up in a hospital room. When he learned that both his legs were broken., he realized his college b

25、asketball dreams were over. Ron did what the doctors told him, but his progress was slow. When he left the hospital, Ron was sent to a health centre for physical treatment. A week later he arrived there, he met Sunny. Sunny was a coach. His legs were paralysed( 瘫痪的) from a skiing accident. Even thou

26、gh he couldnt move his legs, Sunny coached a basketball team called the Suns. Everyone on the team played from a wheelchair. Sunny invited Ron to join in the game. Ron played badly, but for the first time since the accident, he stopped feeling sorry for himself. After becoming a part of the Suns, Ro

27、n improved quickly. Basketball was like medicine for him. And whenever Ron became depressed or angry, Sunny was there to encourage him and help him. The day before Ron left the centre, he had dinner with Sunny. He asked Sunny how he managed to be so generous and cheerful, even with his paralysis. Su

28、nny smiled and said, “ Its really quite simple. When you keep your face to the sun, the shadows(阴影) fall behind.” 56. What happened to Ron on his way to a basketball game?A. A car hit him.B. He met his coach.C. His doctor called him.D. He fell down and cut his foot.57. The underlined word “depressed

29、” mean _ in Chinese.A. 懒惰的 B. 好奇的 C. 沮丧地 D. 激动的58. What is the most important thing we can learn from the story?A. Basketball can teach people about life.B. Keep smiling when you face difficulties.C. Life is more difficult for the paralysed.D. Skiing is more dangerous than basketball.BWhen an earthq

30、uake hit a small town, many houses fell down. After the earthquake, all the newspapers reported many stories about some of the families who were in trouble.One Sunday, when I was reading a newspaper, a special picture touched me. It gave the clothing sizes of each family member. I thought that this

31、would be a good chance to teach my children to help those who were less lucky than themselves. I said to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and three-year-old Meghan, “We have so much, and these poor people now have nothing. Well share what we have with them.”I filled a box with foods and clothes. While I was doing this, I encouraged the boys to choose their toys and donate some of their less favourite things. Meghan watched quietly as the boys took out their old toys and games and put them together. T

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