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1、C+期末复习程序分析C+期末复习(程序分析题) 一、程序改错题 1、指出下面程序段中的错误,并说明出错原因。 class A int a,b; public : A(int aa,int bb) a=aa;b=bb; ; void main() A x(2,3),y(4); 答:Ax(2,3),y(4); 语句出错,因为没有单参数的构造函数 ( 或者 y(4) 少写了一个参数 ) 。2、指出并改正下面利用类模板的对象定义中的错误。 template class Tany T x,y; public: Tany(T a,T b)x=a,y=b; T sum( )return x+y; ; voi

2、d main() Tany (int) obj(10,100); 答:Tany(int) obj(10,100); 出错,应为 Tany obj(10,100); 语句。 3、 指出下面程序段中的错误,并说明出错原因。 class one private: int a; public: void func(two&); ; class two private: int b; friend void one:func(two&); ; void one:func(two& r) a=r.b; 答:void func(two&); 出错, two 尚未声明 (应在 class one 前加声明语句

3、 class two ; ) 。 4、指出下面程序段中的错误,并说明出错原因。 include class A public: void fun( )cout endl; ; class B public:void fun( )cout endl; void gun( )cout b.gun endl; ; class C:public A,public B private:int b; public:void gun( ) cout c.gun endl; void hun( ) fun( ); ; 答:void hun()fun(); 出错, C : fun() 有

4、二义性。5、指出下面程序段中的错误,并说明出错原因。 class Location int X,Y=20; protected: int zeroX,zeroY; int SetZero(int ZeroX,int ZeroY); private: int length,height; public: float radius; void init(int initX,int initY); int GetX( ); int GetY( ); ;答:int X,Y=20; 出错,不能采用这种方式初始化。6、下面的程序类 B 的定义中有一处错误,请用下横线标出错误所在行并说明错误原因。 # in

5、clude # include class A public: A(const char *nm)strcpy(name,nm); private: char name80; ; class B:public A public: B(const char *nm):A(nm) void PrintName( )const; ; void B:PrintName( )const cout name: nameendl; /错误,name为私有成员 void main( ) B b1( wang li ); b1.PrintName( ); 7、用下横线标出下面程序 main 函数中的错误所在行,

6、并说明错误原因。 # include class Location private: int X,Y; public: void init(int initX,int initY); int sumXY( ); ; void Location:init(int initX,int initY) X=initX; Y=initY; int Location:sumXY( ) return X+Y; void main( ) Location A1; int x,y; A1.init(5,3); x=A1.X;y=A1.Y; coutx+y A1.sumXY( )endl; /错误 8、下面的程序

7、有一处错误,请用下横线标出错误所在行并改正错误。# include class Test public: static int x; ; int x=20; / 对类的静态成员初始化错误 void main ( ) coutTest:x; 9、指出下面的程序中的两处错误,并改正class Exampublic: Exam(int y=10) data=y; int getdata() const return +data; /错误常成员函数不能修改对象/修改方法:删除关键字const static int getcount() coutdata; / 错误静态成员函数不能直接访问非静态成员/修

8、改方法:删除cout这一行 return +count ; private: int data; static int count; ;10、指出下面的程序中的错误,并改正 char *string; string=new char free(string);/用new动态分配的内存不能用free函数来释放/修改方法:用delete运算符来释放11、指出下面的程序中的错误#include #include class Person public: Person(char* pN) cout Constructing pN endl; pName=new charstrlen(pN)+1; if

9、(pName!=0) strcpy(pName,pN); Person() cout Destructing pName endl; pName0=0; delete pName; protected: char* pName;void main() Person p1(Randy); Person p2=p1; /即Person p2(p1);/对同一个空间的两次释放,修改方法:增加一个复制构造函数Person:Person(Person& p) pName=new charstrlen(p.pName)+1; strcpy(pName,p.pName);五、写出下面程序的执行结果 1、#

10、include class A int * a; public: A (int x) a = new int(x); cout*a = *aendl; delete a; ; void main() A x(3), *p; p = new A (5); delete p; 输出为:*a=3*a=52、# include template void f (T &x, Q &y) if (sizeof (T) sizeof (Q) x = (T)y; else y = (Q)x; void main() double d; int i; d = 9999; i = 88; f(d,i); cout

11、 d= d i= i endl; d = 88; i = 9999; f(i,d); cout d= d i= i endl; 输出为: d=88 i=88d=9999,i=99993、# include class base public: virtual int func () return 0; ; class derived: public base public: int func() return 100; ; void main() derived d; base & b = d; cout b.func() endl; cout b.base:func() endl; 输出为:

12、 100 04、# include class Test private: static int val; int a; public: static int func(); static void sfunc(Test &r); ; int Test:val = 20; int Test:func() val += val; return val; void Test:sfunc(Test &r) r.a = 25; cout Result3 = r.aendl; void main() cout Result1 = Test:func() endl; Test a; cout Result

13、2 = a.func()endl; Test:sfunc(a); 输出为: Result1 =40 Result2=80Result3=255、#include template class Tclass private: T x,y; public: Tclass(T a,T b):x(a)y=b; Tclass(T a)y=(T)0,x=a; void pr( ) char c; c=(y=(T)0 ? +:-); cout x c (T)0? y:-y) iendl; ; void main( ) Tclass a(10.5,-5.8); ); Tclass b(10); b

14、.pr( ); 输出为: 10.5-4.8i 10+0i6、#include class test public: test() cout 调用构造函数endl; ;void f(int i) static test x; cout iendl; void main() f(10); f(20);输出为: 调用构造函数 10207、include void main( ) int *a; int *&p=a; int b=10; p=&b; cout*a; 输出为:108、 include template Tf(T*a,T*b,int n) Ts=(T)0; for(int i=0;in;i

15、+) s+=a i *b i ; return s; void main() double c 5 =1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4,5.5,d 5 =10.0,100.0,1000.0; coutf(c,d,5)endl; 输出为:3531 9、#include void main() for(int i=0;i4;i+) coutendlsetfill( )setw(4-i) 0 setfill(#)setw(i+i)0?0: ); 输出为: 0 0#0 0#0 0#0 10、运行下面的程序,写出当输入 25 , 60 时的输出结果。 #include class goods privat

16、e: static int totalWeight; int weight; public: goods(int w) weight=w; totalWeight+=w; goods(goods& gd) weight=gd.weight; totalWeight+=weight; goods() totalWeight-=weight; int getwg() return weight; static int getTotal() return totalWeight; ; int goods:totalWeight=0; void main() int w; cout The initi

17、al weight of goods:goods:getTotal()w; / 输入 25 goods g1(w); cinw; / 输入 60 goods g2(w); cout The total weight of goods: goods:getTotal()endl; 输出为: The initial weight of goods:0 The total weight of goods:8511、# include class A public: virtual void print( )cout This is class A printing. endl; ; class B:

18、public A public: void print( ) ; class C:public B public: void print( )cout This is class C printing. endl; ; void show(A&a) a.print( ); void main( ) A a; B b; C c; show(a); show(b); show(c); 输出为: This is class A printing. This is class C printing.12、# include class A public: A( )a=0; A(int i)a=i; v

19、oid Print( )couta , ; int Geta( )return a; private: int a; ; class B:public A public: B( )b=0; B(int i,int j,int k); void Print( ); private: int b; A aa; ; B:B(int i,int j,int k):A(i),aa(j)b=k; void B:Print( ) A:Print( ); coutb , aa.Geta( )endl; void main( ) B bb2; bb0=B(1,2,5); bb1=B(3,4,7); for(in

20、t i=0;i2;i+) bbi.Print( ); 输出为: 1, 5, 2 3, 7, 413、#include class Test private: static int val; int a; public: static int func( ); void sfunc(Test &r); ; int Test:val=200; int Test:func( ) return val+; void Test:sfunc(Test &r) r.a=125; cout Result3= r.aendl; void main( ) cout Result1= Test:func( )end

21、l; Test a; cout Result2= a.func( )endl; a.sfunc(a); 输出为: Result1 =200 Result2=201Result3=12514、# include class Location int X,Y; public: void init(int=0,int=0); void valueX(int val)X=val; int valueX( )return X; void valueY(int val)Y=val; int valueY( )return Y; ; void Location:init(int initX,int init

22、Y) X=initX; Y=initY; void main( ) Location A,B; A.init( ); coutA.valueX( ) A.valueY( )endl; A.valueX(5); coutA.valueX( ) A.valueY( )endl; B.init(6,2); B.valueY(4); coutB.valueX( ) B.valueY( )endl; 输出为: 0 0506 415、#include class A public: A( ) virtual void func( )coutDestructor A endl; A( ) func(); ;

23、 class B:public A public: B( ) void func()coutDestructor B endl; B( ) func(); ; void main( ) B b; A&a=b; 输出为:Destructor B Destructor A16、 include class My Class public: int number; void set(int i); ; int number=3; void MyClass:set (int i) number=i; void main() MyClass my1; int number=10; my1.set(5);

24、 coutmy1.numberend1; my1.set(number); coutmy1.numberendl; my1.set(:number); coutmy1.number; 输出为:5 10 3 17、#include class AAA int A,B; public: AAA(int i,int j) A=i,B=j; coutCn; AAA()coutDn; void print( ) coutA,Bprint(); a2-print(); delete a1; delete a2; 输出为:CC1,25,6 DD 18、#include class b1 public: b1(int x) coutxAn; b1() coutBn; ; class b2 public: b2(int x) coutxCn; b2() coutDn; ; class AAA:public b2,public b1 public:

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