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1、季课程外研版高一英语构词法合成词和词的转化教案精品教育docdoc2019年秋季课程外研版高一英语第17讲:构词法合成词和词的转化一、课程介绍 知识点 1. 合成词的种类 2. 词的转化 教学重点 1. 合成词常见的五种类型 2. 动词名词的转化 教学难点 1. 合成名词的单复数,合成形容词的句法功能 2. 词性改变型转化二、要点回顾 .知识回顾1 形容词作表语、定语、补语2 副词作状语3 倍数表达法4 定冠词的使用方法5 零冠词的使用方法.活用句型 翻译下列句子1.这个杯子里的咖啡是那个杯子里的五倍。 _.2.我们发现这个问题很难。 _.3.那儿我遇到一个老外,这个老外帮了我不少忙。 _.4

2、.他又惊又喜站起来领奖.? _.【答案】1. There is five times as much coffee in this glass as in that one. 2. We found the problem very difficult.3. There I met a foreigner and the foreigner helped me a great deal.4. He stood up and accepted the prize, surprised and happy?三、知识精要 语法知识列表【语法点二】合成词合成词是由两个或两个以上的词合成的一个新词【语法

3、点一】转化词 转化词就是词形不变, 由一个词类转化成另一个词类的词四、要点讲练【要点1】合成词的用法 1. 合成名词,如: workforce, haircut, postman, X-ray, mailbox, landowner, farmland, handstand, handshake, coastline, gunfire, short-wave, gentleman, newcomer, tightrope, best-seller, mainland, freeway, second-hand, midday, front-runner, pickpocket扒手, break

4、water防波堤, runway, sit-downer静坐罢工者, breakthrough突破, runaround借口, runaway逃亡, sell-out售完, handout传单, breakdown衰落 2.合成形容词,如: worldwide, nationwide, duty-free, snow-white, world-famous, lifelong, English-speaking, noise-killing, hand-made, peace-loving, horse-drawn, fun-loving, ready-made现成的, good-lookin

5、g, easy-going, low-lying地势低洼的, well-known, hard-working, well-informed消息灵通的, widespread, ill-formed, first-rate, second-hand, worthwhile, everyday, middle-aged, warm-blooded, good-tempered, bare-footed 3.合成代词,如: himself, herself, themselves, something, someone, anything, nobody 4.合成动词,如: overthrow,

6、output, input, uphold, uplift, downgrade, sleep-walk, typewrite, brainwash, handpick精选, daydream, whitewash, deep-freeze 5.合成副词,如: meanwhile, midway, everywhere, somewhere, anyway, otherwise, sometime, beforehand, onshore, inside, offhand, headfirst头朝下地, daylong【例题】 Do you like to accept _idea in mo

7、dern society? A. outdate B. update C. up-to-date D. out-of-date【解析】 考查合成词作定语。up-to-date现代的,新式的。out-of-date过时的。Outdate,update均为动词,不合题意。【答案】C【即学即用】1. 用break up 的正确形式填空 He has _ with his girlfriend after a fierce quarrel After the_ of his team, he is always in low spirit.【答案】broken up breakup2. 用every

8、day和 everyday翻译下列句子 学习英语是他每天的功课。 他每天都在学习英语。【答案】 Learning English is his everyday homework He learns English every day. 【知识拓展】every day每天,副词everyday每天的,形容词【要点2】转化词即不改变词形,仅通过词性改变与否来使单词具有新的意义和作用的单词。(一)词性不变型aboutadv.大约,几乎;在附近(转到)相反方向;反方向的armn.手臂n.武器balln.球n.舞会bandn.带子,镶边波段乐队bankn.银行n.河岸(堤)blockn.街区n.木块,

9、石块boxn.盒子n.拳击daten.日期,日子约会枣fann.扇子,迷,狂热者,爱好者firevt.点燃放枪解雇(二)词性改变型addressn.地址vt.演讲,说话barn.条,棒n.酒吧n.一根(条、快)vt.禁止,阻挡n.(Bar)律师业bear n.熊v.忍受v.生(孩子)fineadj.美好的精细的;精微的n.罚款,罚金fairadj.美丽的(头发)金黄的公平的(天气)晴朗的n.集市,展览会liveadj.活的,生动的实况转播的vi,vt活着;生存【例题】In recent years many foreign companies has been _smoothly in Chi

10、na.A. run B. jumped C. walked D. climbed【解析】近些年,很多外国公司在中国经营得很顺利。Run动词意为“经营”,其他选项没有相关引申义【答案】A【即学即用】Yaoming is a 7-_, 5-inchinternational basketball player.A. meter B. kilometer C. foot D. centimeter 【答案】C 【链接高考】(2019 天津卷)While she was in Paris, she developed a _ for fine artAway Brelation Ctaste D. h

11、abit (2019 天津卷) - parents and children should communicate more to _the gap between them so that they can understand each other more.A. open B. narrow C. widen D. leave 【答案】 C 当他在巴黎的时候,他对良好的艺术品有了品味。Taste:品尝,尝起来,品味,味道 B 父母和孩子们应该多沟通来弥补他们之间的代沟以便双方都能互相理解得更多。Narrow常用作形容词,窄的。这里为动词“使变窄”五、双基达标1. 词转化练习 arm_ c

12、an_ count_ flood_【答案】 胳膊,武器,用武器装备 能,罐子 数,是重要的 洪水,大量而来2. 翻译句子The President gave an address to the nation over the radio_For businessmen what counted was money._【答案】总统通过广播向全国进行演讲 对于商人来说金钱最重要3. 单项选择1end A终点 B结局 C终止At last,the war ended with the Englishmen winningThe Frenchmen had only controlled one pr

13、ovince of Canada Which one is the correct meaning of the word “end”?_ 2enter A进入 B加入 C开始 D报名 Have you entered yourself for the sports meet to be held next week? Which one is the correct meaning of the word “enter”?_ 3equal A相当的 B比得上 C等于 Nothing can equal the pleasure of drinking a cold drink on a cold summer day Which one is the correct meaning of the word “equal”?_ 4.even A有规律的 B平坦的 C甚至 D公平的 Everything is evenly arranged at present Dont be too worried Which one is the correct meaning of the

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