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1、初中英语课堂常用口语集锦初中英语课堂常用口语集锦Any more?Put up your hands.You,please.Stand up,please.Sit down,please.Give me your answer.Very good.Boys and girls.Lets read the words together.Quickly and loudly.1.cood morning boys and your book to page your hands please.4.follow me/read after me.5.sp

2、ell ( teacher t-e-a-c-h-e-r teacher)6.check your answer.7.Do you have any questions? me your homework/picture.9.let me see your exercise books now10.speak louder and repeat.11.look at the blackboard.12.I say words,and you spell it.13.look at me do action,and you guess it.14.together.15.triangl

3、eone two begin.Assessment:very good!Ecactly,completelycorrect;youreright;goodanswer;wonderful;excellent.sorry,i dont think youre right.I dont think 1课前用语一.准备活动1. 请大家进来坐好。Everyone, please come in and sit down.2. 我想先讲个小故事。Id like to start with a short story.3. 我要检验一下大家的背景知识。Im going to check yo

4、ur background knowledge.4. 请为上课做好准备。Please get everything ready for class.5. 快点,马上就要上课了。Hurry up. Its nearly for class.6. 你最好快一点儿。Youd better get a move on.7. 请回到座位。Go back to your seat, please.8. 大家准备好了么?Are you ready to begin?9. 我将等你们安静下来,好么?Ill wait for you to be quiet. OK?10. 请保持安静,马上就要上课了。Be qu

5、iet, please. Class will soon begin.11. 还有几分钟开始上课?How many minutes are there to go ?12. 正好打铃呢,你刚好赶上。There goes the bell, youre just in time.13. 各位坐好。Get seated, everyone.14.请坐好。Sit straight, please.二.开始上课1. 我们开始上课好吗?Shall we begin todays lesson ?2. 书归正传,咱们开始上课吧。Time to get to the point.3. 现在,咱们开始学习新课

6、。Now, lets start todays lesson.4. 上课时间到了。Its time for class.5. 让我们开始上课。Lets start our class.6. 我们学习新的一课。Lets begin a new lesson.7. 快点,我们开始上课。Hurry up, so that we can stet the lesson.8. 铃声响了,让我们上课。The bell is ringing, lets have a class.9. 铃声已经响过了,请保持安静。The bell has already gone, keep silence please.1

7、0. 现在咱们上课吧。Now, lets get down to work.11. 咱们上课了,请安下心来。Settle down now and lets start.12. 我想大家现在准备好开始了。I think we are ready to start now.13. 大家准备好上课了吗?Is everyone ready to start the lesson ?14. 好了,可以开始新课了吗?Alright, can we start now?15.请举手。Put your hands up.16.请到前面来。Come to the front.17.请看黑板。Look at t

8、he blackboard.18.请注意。Attention, please.三日常问候1. 很高兴见到你们。Glad to meet you.2. 我真的很高兴见到你们大家。 Im really happy to meet you all.3. 你们很快就会适应一切的。Youll soon get used to everything.4. 同学们早上好。Good morning, class.5. 各位早上好。Good morning, everybody.6. 孩子们,你们好。Hi, children. / Hi, kids.7. 你们今天好吗?How are you today ?8.

9、 你们或许有点紧张,因为一切都是全新的。You might be a little nervous because everything is new to you.9. 我希望你们在这里过得开心。I hope youll spend a great time here today.10. 你们好吗?How have you been ?11. 你们都充满了活力。You are full of energy.12. 非常高兴我们又见面了。Its really good to see you again.四课堂考勤1. 咱们看一下是否大家都到齐了。Lets see if everyone is

10、here.2. 咱们核对一下出席情况吧。Lets check the attendance.3. 当听到自己的名字,请举手。 When you hear your name, please raise your hand.4. 当我叫到你的名字时请回答。Please answer when I call your names.5. 下面我点名。Im going to call the row. / call your names.6. 下面我将检查签到。Now, Ill check the register.7. 共有多少人在班级里?How many students are there in

11、 our class ?8. 每个人都到齐了么?Is everyone / everybody /here present ?9. 出席多少人?How many students are present ?10. 有人缺席吗?Is anyone / anybody away / not here ?11. 今天谁没来学校?Who is missing today ?12. 今天谁没在学校?Who isnt at school today ?13. 谁缺席了?Whos absent / away / not here ?14.我们来点名。Lets check the attendance.五缺席

12、记录1. 咱们看看是否有人缺席。Lets see if anyone is missing.2. 没人缺席吗?No one is absent ?3. 今天有人没来吗?Is anybody absent today ?4. 我看见有两个座位空着。I see two empty seats.5. 他 / 她在哪?Where is he / she ?6. 有人知道莉莉在哪吗?Does anyone know where Lily is ?7. 你知道他怎么了吗?Whats the matter with him ? Do you Know ?8. 谁知道汤姆去哪了?Can anyone tell

13、 me where Tom has gone ?9. 谁知道她什么时候回来?Who knows when she will be back ?10. 艾米今天怎么了?Whats wrong with Amy today ?11. 谁知道玛丽在哪儿?Has anybody got an idea where Mary is ?12. 他 / 她请假了吗?Has he / she asked for a leave ?13. 尽量不要缺课。Try not to miss school.六迟到记录1. 请解释一下迟到的原因。Please give your reason for being late

14、.2. 我们五分钟前就上课了。We started the class five minutes ago.3. 这次你有什么借口?What excuse will you make up this time?4. 下次早点来。Come earlier next time.5. 回到座位上,不要再迟到了。Go back to your seat, dont be late any more.6. 下次不要再发生这样的事情。Dont let it happen again.7. 如果再迟到,就按旷课处理。Ill count you as cutting class, if youre late a

15、gain.8. 下次请按时来。Try to be on time next time.9. 好吧,我们开始上课了。Thats all right, and we can start.10. 我们没有多余的时间了。We have no time to lose.七询问值日生1. 今天谁值日?Whos on duty today ?2. 到谁了?Whose turn is it ?3. 今天早上谁值日?Whos on duty today ?4. 今天是几号?Whats the date today ?5. 今天星期几? What day is it today ?6. 现在几点?What tim

16、e is it ?7. 今天天气怎么样?Whats the weather like today? / Hows the weather today ?8. 今天很热,是吗?Its very hot, isnt it ?9. 外面天气怎么样?Whats it like outside ?10. 今天谁做值日报告?Who will give us a daily report today?八、关照新生1你是新来的吗?Are you new?2你是新生吗?Are you a new pupil?3你刚来这个班,是吗?You have just come to this class,havent y

17、ou?4你从哪里来?Where do you come from ?5你叫什么名字?Whats your name?Your name, please.6你喜欢我们学校吗?Do you like our school?7欢迎你来我们班.Welcome to our class8让我把你介绍给同学。Let me introduce you to the class.9你能介绍你自己吗?Will you introduce yourself?10你觉得我们班怎么样?How do you think of our class?九.问候病愈同学1你现在感觉如何?How are you feeling

18、now?2你今天感觉好多了吗?Do you feel better today?3今天你怎么样? How are you all today?4怎么了? Whats the matter?5上节课你走了,是吗? You were away last lesson,werent you?6这几天你缺席了,是吗?Youve been absent for days,havent you?7上周你缺课了,是吗?You were absent from class last week,werent you?8你感冒了吗?Did you catch a cold?9最好问问同学所学的知识。Youd be

19、tter ask your classmate what weve learned10下课后找我,好吗?Come and see me after the lesson,OK?11. 我们希望你能感觉好些。We hope that youll feel better soon.Part 2 课堂用语一.进度确认1. 我们上次学到哪里了? Where are we at ? / Where are we up to ?2. 上次课我们学到哪儿了?Where did we leave off?3. 我们学了多少了?How far have we gone ?4我们上一课学到哪儿了? Where d

20、id we stop?5. 我们今天应该从哪开始?Where do we have to start from today?6. 我们学到哪一页了?Which page are we on ?7. 我们学到第20页了。Were on page 20.8. 今天我们要开始学习新课。Today, were going to start a new lesson.9. 我们完成听力部分的学习了吗?Did we finish the listening section ?10.上次课我们学完了第15页。We finished page 15 last time.11.请翻到第10页。Open your

21、 books to page10.12.请翻到下一页。Turn to the next page.13.我们来复习上节课的内容。Lets review the last lesson.14.上节课我们做什么了?What did we do last time?二、授课安排1. 把教材拿出来,并翻到第10页。Take out your books and open them at page 15.2这些是本学期要学习的课程,分为必修课和选修课。These are the courses we are going to take this term. There are compulsory co

22、urses and optional courses3本课程所分配的时间是每周4学时。The time allotted for the course is four periods a week.4以下是本节课的安排:首先复习上堂课学习的内容,然后学习生词和课文,最后做一些替换练习。The class will be conducted in this way:first we shall review what we learned last time,thenthe new words and the text,and finally we will do some substituti

23、on drills5今天我们学新课,首先读生词和短语,然后逐一讲解。We will take up a new lesson todayI am going to read some new words and expressions firstand then explain them one by one6今天我们要完成两个任务:先通过问答来复习第六单元,然后进行快速阅读。We will finish two tasks todayWe will review Unit Six by questions,and answers and thenwe will do fast reading

24、。7这节课主要学对话。学完后,请回答我的问题。In this class,most of the time will be devoted to dialoguesAfter that,answer my questions8第一节课做句型练习,第二节课我们做笔头练习。In the first period,we will practice pattern drills and in the second period we will do some written exercises9今天我们上复习课。首先我将短文读三遍,然后你们用自己的语言复述。We will do a revision

25、lesson today. I will read a short passage three times first,and then youwill retell it in your own words10. 我们今天要做的第一件事是,我想让你们通读一遍文章,然后针对文章提出一些问题。完成后,我们将继续做练习。For the first thing todayId like you to read through the passageAfter that 1 will ask you some questions on itWhen we have done that,well go

26、on to the exercise三.授课顺序1. 咱们确定以下先后次序吧, Lets decide the turns.2首先,让我们复习一下。First, lets do some review.3我们先复习上次讲的内容。First we shall review what we did last time.4首先,我们进行发音练习。To begin with,well do some drills in pronunciation5. 现在你们应该在做最后一道题了。You should be working on the last question by now.6. 首先,让我们来听

27、对话。First,1ets 1isten to the dialogue7. 接下来,我想让你们按照这些单词不同的词性把它们重新排列。Next,1 would like you to rearrange these words according to their different parts of speech8. 接下来,我想请你们做练习。For the next thing,1 want you to do exercise9. 做完每个部分,你们可以检查答案。After each part, you can check the answers.10. 最后,但也是很重要的一件工作,我

28、们要听一个广播。Last but not the least,we have a radio program to listen to11. 最后,就下周的考试简单地说几句。Finally,1 want to say something briefly about next weeks test四、检查作业1. 检查作业的时间到了。Time to check homework.2. 请把你们的作业给我看看。Please show me your homework.3. 请把作业放在我的桌子上。Please put your homework on my desk.4. 你们完成作业了吗? Have you all finished your homework?5你们练习本交上了吗? Have you all finished your homework?6你们必须按时交作业。You must hand in your work on time7请把读本收上来放好。Collect the readers in and put them away8把作业传到第一排来。Pass your homework t

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