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英语听力入门book3 教学大纲.docx

1、英语听力入门book3 教学大纲英语听力课程教学大纲一、课程说明: 英语听力课是英语专业技能训练课程之一,属于英语技能的单项训练课程。英语听 力技能的训练不仅有助于其它单项技能的训练,扩大学生英语专业和相关专业知识面,同时也是学生学习英语国家文化知识的窗口。英语听力课是一门培养英语交际能力、全面提高学生英语水平的重要基础课程。二、教学目的及要求: 本课程通过多种形式的听力训练,帮助学生初步克服听力障碍,听懂英语国家人士在一般社交场合的交谈和相当于中等难度的听力材料,理解大意、抓住主要论点或情节,能根据所听材料进行推理和分析、领会说话人的态度、感情和真实意图,并用英语简要地做笔记。在基础阶段结束

2、时,学生应能听懂“美国之音”(正常速度)和“英国广播公司”国际新闻的主要内容。英语听力教学的目的和要求按级划分,每学期为一级。 入学要求:听懂教师的课堂用语以及对课文内容所作的解释;听懂他人以较慢的语速谈论日常生活;听懂基本没有生词、题材熟悉、难度略低于高三所学课文的语段,理解正确率达到70%。二级要求:听懂英语国家人士所作的难度不超过所学语言知识的讲座,掌握中心大意,理解主要内容,并能辨别说话人的态度和语气。听懂VOA慢速新闻广播和文化节目,抓住主要内容。能在15分钟内听写根据已学知识编写而成或选用的录音材料(词数150个左右,念四遍,语速为每分钟100个单词),错误率不超过10%。 四级要

3、求:听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话;听懂中等难度(如TOEFL中的短文)的听力材料,理解大意,领会说话人的态度、感情和真实意图。听懂VOA正常速度和BBC新闻节目的主要内容。能大体辨别各种英语变体(如美国英语、英国英语、澳大利亚英语);能在15分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的词数为200个左右、语速为每分钟120个单词的录音材料,错误率不超过8%。三、教学重点及难点: 教学重点:1)容易混淆的音素、单词、单句;2)归纳中心大意、理解主要内容、把握关键细节等综合理解和判断能力;3)英语新闻广播和文化节目;4)培养文化敏感性。 教学难点: 英语新闻听力理解。四、与其它课程的关系:

4、英语听力课是一门英语专业技能课程。本课程的学习除了培养学生听的技能,还有助于扩大他们的词汇量,拓宽知识面,同时也能促进学生说、读、和写等综合能力的提高。五、本学期学时与学分: 学时:36学时学分:2学分六、教学内容 见附件: “Step by Step” Book3 (第三册) Unit 1 World News: Up in Space本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II News reports3. Part III Chinas space and aeronautics industry4. Part IV Mir-Russias space

5、 glory本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Identifying numbers, time, dates,etc. 2. Recognizing place names: names of countries, names of capitals, names of cities and regions 3. Recognizing organization names: abbreviation, acronym, or in full form4. Identifying wh- words in the news lead5. Summarizing ne

6、ws items6. Enlarging scientific background knowledge本单元教学重点及难点:1. Identifying wh- words in the news lead2. Summarizing news items Unit 2 World News:International Relations本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II News reports3. Part III speeches4. Part IV Language study and language appreciation本单元教学

7、目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Identifying numbers, time, dates,etc. 2. Recognizing place names: names of countries, names of capitals, of cities and regions 3. Recognizing organization names: abbreviation, acronym, or in full form4. Identifying wh- words in the news lead5. Summarizing news items6. Organi

8、zing facts 7. Enlarging political background knowledge本单元教学重点及难点:1. Identifying wh- words in the news lead2. Summarizing news items3. Organizing facts Unit 3 World News:Economic Developments本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II News reports3. Part III China and WTO4. Part IV UN business conferenc

9、e本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Identifying radio station signals 2. Identifying abbreviations: names of organizations 3. Identifying wh- words in the news lead 4. Identifying numbers read in different ways 5. Identifying acronyms: names of organizations 6. Summarizing news items 7. Organizing fact 8

10、. Selecting major points9. Speed and accuracy in writing down the news10. Enlarging economic background knowledge本单元教学重点及难点: 1. Identifying wh- words in the news lead 2. Identifying numbers read in different ways 3. Identifying acronyms: names of organizations 4 Summarizing news items 5. Organizing

11、fact 6. Speed and accuracy in writing down the newsUnit 4 World News:Earth and Environment 本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II News reports3. Part III City recycling4. Part IV Language study and language appreciation本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Identifying abbreviations: names of organizations

12、 2. Identifying wh- words in the news lead 3 Identifying numbers and dates 4. Summarizing news items 5. Organizing facts and ordering them6. Speed and accuracy in writing down the news7. Enlarging environmental background knowledge本单元教学重点及难点: 1. Summarizing news items 2. Organizing facts and orderin

13、g them3. Speed and accuracy in writing down the newsUnit 5 Health and Medicine本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II Frankenstein food or food to feed the world3. Part III Medical emergency4. Part IV Doctors on the Internet 本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Identifying abbreviations: names of organiza

14、tions 2. Identifying wh- words in the news lead 3 Identifying numbers and dates 4. Summarizing news items 5. Organizing facts and ordering them6. Outlining the news item7. Speed and accuracy in writing down the news8. Enlarging health and medicinel background knowledge本单元教学重点及难点: 1. Summarizing news

15、 items 2. Organizing facts and ordering them and outlining the news3. Speed and accuracy in writing down the news Unit 6 Science and Technology本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II Latest breakthroughs in technology3. Part III Nobel prize winners in physics and chemistry4. Part IV Language study

16、and language appreciation本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 2. Identifying abbreviations: names of organizations, countries. 2. Identifying wh- words in the news lead 3 Identifying numbers and dates 4. Summarizing news items 5. Organizing facts and ordering them6. Outlining the news item7. Speed and accurac

17、y in writing down the news8. Enlarging scientific and technological background knowledge本单元教学重点及难点: 1. Summarizing news items 2. Organizing facts and ordering them and outlining the news3. Speed and accuracy in writing down the news Unit 7 Communications (1)本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II T

18、he internet3. Part III Digital McLuhan4. Part IV Beware hackers!本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Spot dictation 2. Understanding the main ideas of conversations or interviews3. Selecting specific details4. Identifying numbers, dates and time 5. Organizing facts and ordering them6. Outlining the convers

19、ation heard本单元教学重点及难点: 1. Selecting specific details 2. Organizing facts and ordering them3. Outlining the conversation heard Unit 8 Communications (2)本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II Experience with telephone3. Part III The fortune of the phone4. Part IV Language study and language apprecia

20、tion本单元教学目的及要求:本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Spot dictation 2. Understanding the main ideas of conversations or interviews3. Selecting specific details4. Identifying numbers, dates and time 5. Organizing facts and ordering them6. Outlining 本单元教学重点及难点: 1. Selecting specific details 2. Organizing fact

21、s and ordering them 3. Outlining the conversation heard Unit 9 Architecture本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II Eco-conscious construction3. Part III Tomorrows hous4. Part IV Housing problem本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Spot dictation 2. Understanding the subjunctive mood 3. Selecting specific d

22、etails4. Identifying numbers, dates and time 5. Paraphrasing6. Identifying major points 7. Organizing facts and ordering them 8. Speed and accuracy in writing down the passage 9. Drawing inferences: feelings and attitudes本单元教学重点及难点: 1. Drawing inferences: feelings and attitudes 2. Organizing facts a

23、nd ordering them 3. Speed and accuracy in writing down the passage Unit 10 Tourism本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II Tourism in Europe 3. Part III Pole to Pole 20004. Part IV Language study and language appreciation本单元教学目的及要求:本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Spot dictation 2. Understanding the ma

24、in ideas3. Selecting specific details4. Identifying numbers, dates and time 6. Identifying major points 7. Organizing facts and ordering them 8. Speed and accuracy in writing down the answers本单元教学重点及难点:1. Identifying numbers, dates and time 2. Identifying major points 3. Organizing facts and orderin

25、g them 4. Speed and accuracy in writing down the answers Unit 11 Transportation (1)本单元主要教学内容:1. Part I Warming up2. Part II Cross the channel3. Part III Concorde: past and future4. Part IV Southwest本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Spot dictation 2. Understanding the main ideas3. Selecting specific deta

26、ils4. Identifying numbers, dates and time 6. Identifying major points 7. Organizing facts and ordering them 8. Speed and accuracy in writing down the answers 9. Drawing inferences: feelings and attitudes towards transportations本单元教学重点及难点:1. Identifying numbers and time 2. Identifying major points 3.

27、 Organizing facts and ordering them 4. Speed and accuracy in writing down the answers Unit 12 Transportation (2)本单元主要教学内容:5. Part I Warming up6. Part II Parking in Tokyo7. Part III The new trends of automobiles8. Part IV Language study and language appreciation本单元教学目的及要求:Training Focus: 1. Spot dict

28、ation 2. Understanding the main ideas3. Selecting specific details4. Identifying numbers, dates and time 6. Identifying major points 7. Organizing facts and ordering them 8. Speed and accuracy in writing down the answers 9. Drawing inferences: feelings and attitudes towards transportations本单元教学重点及难点:1. Identifying numbers and time 2. Identifying major points3. Organizing facts and ordering them 4. Speed and accuracy in writing down the answers

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