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1、人教版英语七年级下写作复习Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from? 你们学校在调查学生笔友的情况,请先填写下面的表格,然后根据表格内容写一段话,介绍一下你的笔友。要求:60-70词。NameAgeNationalityLanguageFamilyHobby参考范文:I have a pen pal. Her name is Mary. She is 14 years old. Shes from Canada. She speaks English. She likes math, but she doesnt like chemistry because she th

2、inks its too difficult. Her favorite food is noodles, but she doesnt like porridge. She enjoys playing tennis, but she doesnt enjoy playing volleyball. She likes to go to school. There are five people in her family. They are her father, her mother, her sister, her brother and her. She has a happy fa

3、mily.根据下面所提供的信息,写一篇50-60词的短文,介绍你的笔友。姓名:Bill 年龄:12岁 国籍:美国 父亲:医生 母亲:教师爱好:养宠物狗 最喜欢的食物:汉堡包I have a pen pal. His name is Bill . he is 12 years old. Hes from America and he speaks English.His father is a doctor and his mather is a teacher.He wants to be an actor. he likes math, but he doesnt like English

4、because he thinks its too difficult. His favorite food is hambergers, but he doesnt like dumplings. His favorite animal is a dog, but he doesnt like cats Can you tell me about your pen friend? Unit 2 Wheres the post office? 写作You are Charlie. Your pen pal Jack is coming to Beijing by air recently. H

5、e is going to visit you. He wrote a letter and asked you how to get to your home. Please answer his letter and e-mail him. (You can draw a map) (50-80 words)参考范文:Dear Jack, I know you are arriving recently. Let me tell you the way to my house. From the airport you can take a taxi to the west gate of

6、 Beijing University. Across from Beijing University is Weixiuyuan. My house is on the 2nd floor in Building No. 5 of Weixiuyuan. If you still have problems, please call me at 62335768. Welcome to my house.Have a nice trip!Yours,Charlie根据以下提示写一段短文。(不少于60words)假设你邀请你的朋友Lucy 来你家玩,但你很忙不能亲自去接她。请你给她写一封邮件告

7、诉她该怎么到你家。要求包括以下要点。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。1 从机场出来即可乘坐出租车。2 经过花园酒店(Garden Hotel)3 向左拐,然后沿着Bridge Street 走, 你可以看见一个超市,超市对面有一家餐馆,餐馆旁边是邮局,我家就在邮局后面,是一座带花园的小房子。Dear Lucy, Im sorry I cant meet you at the airport. Let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. When you pass Garden Hotel, please

8、turn left and go down Bridge Street, you can see a supermarket. Across from the supermarket is a restaurant. Next to the restaurant is a post office. My house is behind the post office. Its a small house with a beautiful garden. I hope you will have a good trip. Yours NancyUnit 3 Why do you like koa

9、las? 写作以my favorite animal为题描述你最喜欢的动物,文章必须回答以下问题(60-80词):Whats your favorite animal?What does it eat?What do you do for it?Do you often take it for a walk? My Favorite AnimalMy favorite animal is a dog. I like her best because she is cute and she can help me. I name her BoBo. I got it as a birthday

10、gift from my friend. She is very lovely. When I want something, I will say BoBo, she often goes to get it for me. She likes eating meat. I often go to the supermarket to buy some meat for her. And I often take her for a walk on weekends. Do you like her?七年级下册第四单元写作指导 1. 写作任务(1)我们的校园广播站School News栏目需

11、要招聘一名记者来负责用英语写作校园里的新闻,有关校园广播站的应聘要求请自己拟定。联系电话:1864556656,电子邮箱:chuanyus. (2)你对这个记者的工作很有兴趣,想申请这个职位,因此你要写一封求职信,向招聘者介绍你的基本情况。Wanted: Are you good at English? Do you like to write English articles? Do you want to write the stories of our school for us? Are you interested (3) in talking with others? If you

12、r answer is Yes, then you can come and work for us as an English reporter. Please call School News at 1864556656 or write to us at chuanyus. Dear Sir, I am a student in Class Two, Grade Seven. My name is Yu Ying. Now I am 13 years old. I want to be an English reporter because my English is very good

13、. In my free time I often watch (4) English news on TV and read many English articles. And I am interested in talking with my classmates in English. My e-mail address is yuyings. Yours,Yu Ying(3)假如你长大后想从事某种职业,请将你的想法写成一篇不少于40词的短文,题目自拟。指导:介绍自己、说自己喜欢掌握工作特征、最后说想从事的职业Unit 5 Im watching TV. 同步写作(1)假如你是Jen

14、ny或Bob,你现在正在英国学习,你给你的朋友寄了三张照片,下面的表格中记录了这三张照片的情景,请根据表格中所提供的信息给你的朋友写信详细描述一下这三张照片。信的开头已给出。weatheractivities (what you are doing)placephoto 1beautiful and sunnyplay beach volleyball with friends (you)beachphoto 2rain heavily outsideread books (you), do homework (one of your class mates)libraryphoto 3win

15、dy and humidlisten to the teacher, learn to speak English (all the students in your class)classroomSample:Dear friend, Now Im studying in the United Kingdom. Here are some of my photos. In the 1st photo, I am playing beach volleyball with friends on the beach. Its very beautiful and sunny. In the 2n

16、d photo, it rains heavily outside. One of my classmates is doing homework, while Im reading books in the library. In the last photo, its windy and humid, all the students in my class are listening to the teacher in the classroom.Yours,JennyUnit 6假如现在你的家乡是冬季,天气怎么样?人们在这样的天气里都在做什么?请根据提示语写一篇介绍家乡天气的短文,50

17、词左右。(参考书上B3b)提示语:winter, windy and cold, wear coats and scarfs, in the park, singing, dancing, playing soccer, taking photos, have a good timeUnit 7 What does he look like? 同步写作(1)人民教育出版社Smith夫妇的孩子Alex已经一个星期没有回家了,她的父母很为他着急。请你根据表格中Alex的个人资料,为他们写一则寻人启事。(要求:60-70词)NameAlexAge14Appearancetall, medium bu

18、ild, short hair, big eyes, a small nose, a big mouth, wearing glassesClotheswhite shirt, blue pants, black shoesTelephone6022615Sample: We are looking for a boy. His name is Alex. He is fourteen years old. He is tall with short hair. He is of medium build with big eyes, a small nose and a big mouth.

19、 He wears glasses and a white shirt, blue pants and black shoes. If you see the boy, please call 6022615.Unit 7 What does he look like? 同步写作(2)人民教育出版社请你描述某位明星的形象并谈谈自己的看法。Sample: Again, Lily Young has a new look. One month ago, she had long blonde hair and wore beautiful long dresses. She looked like

20、 a princess. But now, she has short black curly hair, and wears T-shirts and jeans. With those cool sunglasses, she looks like a handsome boy! I love her new image so much and Ive decided to have a new look just like hers.Unit 8 Id like some noodle. 同步写作(1)人民教育出版社Tom的饺子馆要在唐人街开张营业了,请你为Tom的饺子馆设计一份海报。(

21、字数:6070词)KFCTelephone: 62550011Address: 28 Bridge StreetOpen: 9: 00 am 11: 00 pmFood: fried chicken French fries hamburgers porridgeDrink: Coke, coffee, mike, juiceDessert: ice creamSoup: vegetable soup Sample:Toms Dumpling HouseToms Dumpling House has all kinds of dumplings. We have pork, chicken,

22、beef, seafood and vegetable dumplings. Everything is delicious, nutritious and cheap. Come and try our dumplings!Work hours: 9: 00 am 10: 00 pmAddress: 115 Long Street, Blue TownTel: 432-7517Unit 8 Id like some noodle. 同步写作(2)人民教育出版社下面是Long Life Noodle House的菜单,请根据菜单写一则广告。Long Life Noodle HouseLunch

23、eon Special(from 11: 30 am to 3: 30 pm)1. Lo Mein(捞面)with beef or chicken 5 yuan 2. Lo Mein with shrimp(虾)5 yuan 3. Noodles with bean paste & minced meat sauce(炸酱面)3.5 yuanAPPETIZER(开胃小菜)Egg rolls(青卷)3.5 yuanFried chicken wings(炸鸡翅)3.5 yuanSOUP: Egg drop(蛋花).1 yuanVegetable 1.5 yuanSample:Long Life

24、Noodle House Tel: 21286543 At the Long Life Noodle House, we have some great specials for lunch! Special 1 has beef or chicken for just RMB 5. Special 2 has shrimp for only RMB 5, too! Special 3 is with bean paste and minced meat sauce, and its just RMB 3.5! For appetizer, we have Egg Roll for RMB 3

25、.5, and Fried Chicken Wings for RMB 3.5. For soup, we have Egg Drop Soup for RMB 1 and Vegetable Soup for RMB 1.5. Come and enjoy your lunch Today!Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? 同步写作(1)人民教育出版社你最难忘的一次旅游经历是在哪里?请为你学校的校刊写一篇文章,介绍你这次旅游经历,以下问题供参考。(要求:6070词)What did you do on that vacation?How was th

26、e weather?How was the food?How were the people there?How did you feel?Why was it meaningful or interesting?Sample:My sister and I traveled to Zhangjiajie on my summer vacation two years ago. We climbed Tianzishan - the highest mountain in Zhangjiajie. The mountain is 1, 262 meters high. It took us a

27、 whole day. We felt very tired about half way to the top. I wanted to give up. Some people went past us and cheered us, Come on. The top is near. We walked up, but very slowly. After five hours we were at the top. How exited we were to see the wonderful sight!Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? 同步

28、写作(2)人民教育出版社请你根据所给信息写一篇短文。NamePlaceTimeWeatherFoodActivitiesMariaLondonlast yearcool, cloudyhamburger, fried fish, pizza, chickenvisit a friend, go shopping, go to the moviesSample: Maria went to London on vacation last year. The weather was cool and cloudy. Maria visited a friend in London, and the

29、y had great fun going shopping together. Maria bought a lot of things. During her stay, she went to the movies. There were quite a few new movies on show. Most of them were really fun. Maria also tried some different kinds of foods there. She thought the hamburger, fried fish and pizza were quite de

30、licious. But she didnt like the chicken at all. In a word, it was a good vacation for Maria - the beautiful city, the pleasant weather, the delicious food, the fun movies and the friendly people there.Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation? 同步写作(3)人民教育出版社Sentence 1 Today, my uncle and I went to Central Park. It was a beautiful sunny day. We walked around and fed the pigeons. In the afternoon we went to the Guggenheim Museum. It was amazing. In the evening we went to a really expensive restaurant, but it was really crowded and the food was awful.Senten

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