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高中英语 Unit 1《friendship》教案13 新人教版必修1.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 1friendship教案13 新人教版必修1高一Unit 1 FriendshipI. Teaching Goals: 1. Topics for speaking practice : friends and friendship; interpersonal relationshhip 2. Vocabulary: words and phrases such as add(up), point, upset, ignore, calm(down) etc. 3. Function: attitudes agreement & disagreement certain

2、ty4.Grammar: Direct Speech and Indirect SpeechII. Teaching Time: 6 periodsPeriod 1-2: Speaking ( Warming Up &Speaking & Pre-reading )Period 3: Reading ( Reading Comprehending )Period 4-5: Language points ( Expression of important words and structures in the passage. )Period 6-7: Grammar ( Discoverin

3、g useful structures )Period 8: Using Language (Reading, listening and writing )Period 9: Reading (Some Reading skills)Period 10: Revision ( Summing up doing consolidating Exx in paper )*Lesson 1-2 warming up &speaking &pre-readingI. Teaching Aims.1. Learning the following: words: upset, ignore, loos

4、e, cheat, vet phrase: calm down, have got to, be concerned about2. Learn the bckground of the reading passageII. Focus. To describe friends according to the given qualities . To learn to solve problems that may occur between friends.Task 1 课前练习1. 根据所给词首字母及中文释义写出各单词的完整形式:1) l_ (松的;松开的) 2) s_(手提箱)3) c

5、_(窗帘) 4 ) d_(黄昏) 5) c_(平静的)6) u_(不安的)7) c_(使担忧; 涉及) 8) i_(忽视) 9) t_( 雷声 )10) s_(调查)11) s_ ( 定居) 12)g_(感激的)2. 根据提示写出所给单词的另一形式:1) dust (adj. ) 2) agree (antonym反义词) 3) outdoor (adv. ) 4) Jew (adj.) 5) lone (n. ) 6) Germany (adj. ) 7) entire (adv. ) 8) dust (adj. )9) exact (adv. ) 10) like (antonym反义词)

6、答案1. 1) loose 2) suitcase 3) curtain 4) dusk 5) calm 6) upset 7) concern 8) ignore 9) thunder10) survey 11)settle 12) grateful2. 1) dusty 2) disagree 3) outdoors 4) Jewish 5) loneliness6) Geman 7) entirely 8) dusty 9) exactly 10) dislike Task 2 预演热身 Step 1 . Lead-in: Do you have friends? Why do we n

7、eed friends? Is friendship imporatnat in our life? What qualities should a good friend have? honest, friendly, helpful, kind, brave, open-minded, generous, patient, good-tempered, trustworthy, careful, full of love, caring, responsible, interesting, easygoing, warm-hearted, selfless, intelligent, de

8、dicatedThink what is friendshipF faithful / friendly/ fair R reliable / respectful / responsibleI interestingE everlasting / eternal /equal / encouragingN nice D different / devotedS sharing / sincereH helpful / honestI incredible / independentP polite / patient / punctualTranslate the following pro

9、verbs about friend and friendship: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Friends are like wine; the older, the better. When you meet your friend, your face shines you have found gold. A friend to all is a friend to none. The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer. The best mirror is an old frie

10、nd.The qualities of a person who cannot be a friend of others easily :selfish, tricky, dishonest, bad-tempered, mean, impatient, narrow-minded, noisy, lazy, gossipyStep 2 完成教材Warming Up 中的问卷调查,根据教材第8页最下端各选项分值合计自己的得分,然后在下列英文小结中填入符合自己实际的数字或符合语境的单词: The scoring sheet on Page 8 shows the most possible p

11、oints you can get is _. After up my score I got _ points. Im quite pleased with that because it shows in general (总体上) Im pretty good to my friends. The lowest score I got is for Question 5, because I thought letting my friend look at my paper in an exam was what I should do. Now I have come to real

12、ize that would only do harm to him or her in the long run(从长远看来). My friend Liu Li looks because she got only 8 points. I am about her and Ive decided to invite her to my dog with me after school with the hope of her down. The scoring sheet on Page 8 shows the most possible points you can get is 15

13、. After adding up my score I got _ points. Im quite pleased with that because it shows in general Im pretty good to my friends. The lowest score I got is for Question 5, because I thought letting my friend look at my paper in an exam was what I should do. Now I have come to realize that would only d

14、o harm to him or her in the long run. My friend Liu Li looks upset because she got only 8 points. I am concerned about her and Ive decided to invite her to walk my dog with me after school with the hope of calming her down. Task 3 Speaking www.china- x!N_l$e(GwYou promised your friend last Tuesday t

15、hat you would go on a picnic with him/her on Saturday. On Friday night you are offered one ticket to the “Backstreet Boys” concert on Saturday. But there are no more tickets and this is your favorite band.Will you go to the concert or the picnic? Why?Give the following expressions to the students as

16、 a guide.I think so. I dont think so. I agree. I dont agree. Thats correct.Thats exactly my opinion.Youre quite right. I dont think you are right. I quite agree with you. Im afraid I dont agree/disagree with you.Of course not. Im afraid not.Get the students to have a discussion and to report the res

17、ult of their discussion and then gives a brief sum-up of the discussion. Task 4课文背景知识Some explanations to the text: 1. This text contains two parts. One part is one page of Annes diary, the other one is the background knowledge about Anne and her diary. 2. Read the following and try to understand it

18、 clearly.Background knowledge:In 1933, the Jewish population of Europe stood at over nine million. Many European Jews lived in countries that Nazi Germany would occupy or influence. By 1945, nearly two out of every three European Jews had been killed as part of the Final Solution, which was the Nazi

19、 policy to murder all the Jews of Europe.Recent research, by Professor Yisrael Gutman and Dr. Robert Rozett in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, estimates the Jewish deaths at 5.595.86 million, and a study headed by Dr. Wolfgang Benz presents a range from 5.296 million.“A thousand years will pass a

20、nd the guilt of Germany will not be erased.” Oct 16, 1946 Hans Frank (Governor of occupied Poland, convicted as a major Nazi war criminal in 1945)课上如有剩余时间,快速阅读课文ANNES BEST FRIEND,掌握大意。 课外作业:1、复习所学生词和短语。 2、继续阅读课文,在疑难处作出标记。*Lesson 3 ReadingI. Teaching Aims.1. get information about Annes personal exper

21、ience and opinion about friendship.2. exchange their ideas about Annes diary.II. Teaching importancesGet the students to learn different reading skills.Teaching difficultiesGet the students to learn different reading skills for different reading purposes.课前预习练习阅读课文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将答案填入题前的括号内。( )

22、1. Annes family had been in their hiding place for _before they were discovered.A. only one year B. over two yearsC. at least three years D. about a year and a half( )2. Ann chose the diary as her best friend mostly because _.A. she could write down a series of facts in it. B. she hated being laughe

23、d by other people .C. she could share everything including feelings and thoughts with it. D. the diary could help her from being caught by Nazis.( )3. Anne said that she had grown so crazy about nature because _.A. she had been outdoors for long.B. she had always been interested in nature.C. her par

24、ents told her a lot of interesting things about nature.D. she was no longer able to go outside for a long time.( )4. The real reason why Anne didnt dare to open the window is that _.A. the moon was too bright. B. it was raining and cold outside.C. she was afraid of dark night. D. her family might be

25、 discovered and caught by Nazis.( )5. We can know that the family were caught by Nazis in _.A. about June 1945 B. about February 1945.C. about December 1944. D. about November 1944.语篇理解1-5 BCDDB Task 1 RevisionHave a dictation Task 2 Reading & Understanding the Text ANNES BEST FRIENDStep 1: Skimming

26、1. Read the first part of the reading section and answer these questions:Who was Annes best friend? When did the story happen?2.Read it again and fill in the form below:The place of the story The heroines(女主人公)full name Her best friend The length of time her family hid away The time they started to

27、hide Answers: 1. Her diaryKitty 2. During World War II. Netherlands Anne Frank her diaryKitty over two years July 19443. Read the passage and finish Comprehending Exercise 1 on Page 3 of your textbook.Step 2: Read the passage again and finish Comprehending Exercise 2 on Page 3 of your textbook. Writ

28、e your answers to the questions below:1. _(within 5 words)2. _ ( within 10 words)3. _ ( within 15 words)4._ ( within 15 words)Answers:1. Nearly 25 months. 2. She felt nothing special about it. / She paid little attention to it. She didnt find anything interesting about it. 3. Because she hadnt been

29、able to be outdoors for over 2 years. 4. Because she believed nature is one thing that must be experienced. / Because you can only enjoy nature by experiencing it. / Because you cannot possibly enjoy nature without actually living with it.疑难破解: 1. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be out

30、doors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 本句的主干是I wonder if(主语+谓语+宾语从句), if引导的宾语从句中是一个强调句型:it is + 被强调成分 + that。(have) to do with意为与有关。全句意为:我不知道这是否因为我长久无法出门的缘故,才变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。2. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.3. The dark, rainy evening, the wi

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