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1、unit8人教新目标八年级上 Unit 8 测试题总分:100分I.从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共10分)( )1.-Did you go to the countryside yesterday?-_. I went to the park.A.Yes, I do B.No, I dont C.Yes, I did D.No, I didnt( )2.-How about your visit to the City Zoo, David?-There arent _ tigers, but there are _ cute pandas.A.some; any B

2、.some; some C.any; any D.any; some( )3.-I heard that you your favourite actor jet Li last week.-Yeah, and I was so _ to get his autograph.A.saw; angry B.met; sadC.met; lucky; quiet( )4.Going for a drive on weekends sounds really _ Can I go with you?A.boring B.interesting C.bored D.interest

3、ed( )5.-How was your day off on the beach?-Very good. We had fun _. All of us had a great time in the camp.A.walk C.walking D.camping( )6.He didnt finish the work in the middle of the month, but he finished the work _ the end of the first half early May the beginning( )

4、7.Tony _ an MP4 in the flower show. He was surprised to get the prize.A.had B.took C.won D.bought( )8.-What did Tom do last Friday night?-He did nothing. He just _ on the street.A.ran after a dog B.played football C.hung out D.went shopping( )9.-Did you do anything _ after you finished your homework

5、?-I wrote a letter to my pen pal and then went to the post office.A.interesting B.important C.boring D.else( )10.-What did you do last night, Li Lei?-I _ some news about the football match on TV.A.heard B.listened D.watchedII.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)People didnt travel (旅游) as often as today in China

6、. In the past, 11 people could travel of noliday to other countries. But more and more Chinese people travel round the world 12. They become richer (更富裕的) and have enough 13 for travel. Special planes for tourists make the travel less expensive than ever before. Not all people travel for the same 14

7、. Most people enjoy visiting countries that are 15 their own countries. They also like to 16 new friends and eat new food.Travel makes a lot of 17 in Chinese peoples lives. People 18 new hotels and restaurants and train (培训) guides to show interesting places to 19.Lots of tourists visit China every

8、year, especially (特别是) this year.Are you 20 to travel round the world? OK! Lets go.( )11.A.a few B.few C.manyD.some( ) )13.A.moneyB.clothesC.placesD.countries( ) )15.A.different fromB.bigger than C.smaller D.the same as( )16.A.visitB.lea

9、veC.find ) B.troubleC.changesD.accidents( ) B.buyC.finishD.sell( )19.A.boys B.shoppersC.girls D.visitors( )20.A.surprised B.ready C.bored D.excitedIII.阅读理解 按要求完成文后各题。(每小题2分,共20分)AAn old man and his wife walked slowly (缓慢地) into a fast food restaurant one cold winter evenin

10、g. They took a table near the back wall.They bought one hamburger, some chips and Coke, The man cut the hamburger, in half and made the chips into two piles(堆). Then he placed half of the food in front of his wife.When the man began to eat his hamburger and his chips, his wife sat there watching him

11、 and took turns to drink. A young man came over and said that he wanted to buy another meal for them. But they refused and said that they got used to sharing everything.Then the young man asked the wife, “But why arent you eating? You said that you share everything. What are you waiting for?”She ans

12、wered, “The teeth.”根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。( )21.What kind of restaurant did the man and woman go to?A.An expensive restaurant. B.A new restaurant C.A fast food restaurantD.A small restaurant.( )22.What did they buy?A.One hamburger, Coke and chips.B.One ice cream, one hamburger and chips C.One sandwich, Coke

13、and chips.D.Orange juice, one hamburger and chips.( )23.What do you think of the man and the woman?A.They were rich.B.They were poor. C.They didnt like eating hamburgers. D.They walked like young people.( )24.What does the word “refused” mean in Chinese?A.接受 B.赞同 C.理睬 D.拒绝( )25.What does the last se

14、ntence mean?A.The woman had teeth.B.They shared had bad teeth.C.The woman just liked watching her husband eating.D.The woman waited for the man to buy teeth for her. BSeals are sea animals. They eat sea fish and other small animals in the sea. Seals bodies are long and round. They have round heads l

15、ike dogs. They can only crawl (爬行) on the ground while they are swimming in the water on the back feet. Their ears become very small and they can be free to switch(开闭) when they are swimming.Seals usually weigh 20 to 30 kilos. Their skin is usually blue and grey. They live all over the world, even i

16、n the cold water of the polar areas(两极地区). Seals mostly. Live in the sea; sometimes they go to the beach for a rest. As The number of the seals is becoming smaller and smaller, people are doing something help them.Seals in the Ocean Park swim and play with water every day. They look really lovely an

17、d play with water every day. They look really lovely fun to watch them crawl. They always make tourists give loud laughter.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )26.What do seals look like?A.Short and round. B.Long and thin. C.Long and round D.Short and thin.( )27.What color is a seals skin?A.Blue B.Grey C.White D.Blue a

18、nd grey.( )28.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.The weight of a seal is between 20 kilos and 30 kilos.B.The ears of a seal cant switch when it is swimming.C.Seals can be seen all over the world even in the North Pole and South Pole.D.Seals are being protected because they

19、 are becoming fewer and fewer.( )29.Why do seals always make people happy?A.Because they seem strong and fat.B.Because they are good at swimming and climbing.C.Because they look lovely and they are clever to play with balls.D.Because they are becoming fewer and fewer.( )30.Which is the best title fo

20、r the passage?A.What seals are like.B.Seals. C.How seals swim. D.Why seals are popular.IV.词汇。(每小题1分,共10分)a)根据句意和首字母提示填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。31.Many friends gave me lots of nice g_on my twelfth birthday.32.You should take an u_with you. Look!There are a lot of clouds in the sky.33.I hear your son got the firs

21、t place in the c_.34.I cant hear you. Will you please say the number a_.35.-What do you want to be in the f_.-A teacher.b)从方框中选择合适的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。Visitor, lucky, have fun, take photos, sleep late 36.-Why were you late for school?-Because I _ this morning.37.-Do you often with your friends i

22、n the park on weekends?-Yes, and we always play football there.38._, the boy was out of danger after he was in the building for 120 hours.39.More and more foreign come to China every year.40.-Did you _ when you visited the Windows to the World in Shenzhen?V.按要求完成句子。(每小题2分,共10分)41.She stays in the ho

23、use and watches DVDs. (用yesterday作时间状语改写句子)She _ in the house and _ DVDs yesterday.42.Were there many foreign players in Beijing? (作出肯定回答)Yes, _.43.My family went to the countryside and had a picnic last Sunday. (就划线部分提问)Your family _ last Sunday?44.They saw some clever seals at the aquarium. (改为否定句

24、)They _ Clever seals at the aquqrum.45.We had a great time on that small island last Sunday. (同义句转换)We on that small is land last Sunday. VI.根据对话内容用合适的单词填空,补全对话。(每小题2分,共10分)A: Where did your class go on last school trip?B: We (46) to the beach.A: To the beach? What did you do there?B: Some of us wen

25、t swimming and others walked on the beach.A: That (47) great. I would like to go there some day.B: And what did your class do (48) the school trip?A: We went hiking in the mountain.B: Go hiking? I know it s an exciting sport.(49) was your school trip?A: Well, we felt tired, but we (50) a lot of fun.

26、B: Great! I hope I can join you next time.VII.书面表达.(共10分)10月19日是一个晴朗的星期天。假设你们班参观了海洋公园。根据下面表格的内容写一篇60词左右的日记。可适当发挥。What to do Visit the Ocean Park In the morning 1.See a dolphin show2.Watch sharks. In the afternoon 3.Take some photos.4.Buy some souvenirs. 参考答案 I.1-5 DDCBD 6-10 ACCDD II.11-15 BDACA 16-

27、20 DCADBIII.21-25 CABDB 26-30 CDBCB IV.One possible 32.umbrella petition 34.again 35.future 36.slept 37.have fun 38.Luckily 39.visitors 40.take photos V.One possible version:41.stayed; watched 42.there were 43.What did; do 44.didnt see any 45.enjoyed ourselvesVI.One possible version

28、:46.went 47.sounds 48.for 49.How 70.hadVII.One possible version:Sunday October 19 SunnyToday our class visited the Ocean park in our city. In the morning, we first saw a wonderful dolphin show. The dolphins were really clever and cute, Then, we watched some sharks. After that, we had our lunch there. In the afternoon. We hung out in the park. Some of us took photos Others bought some souvenirs in the gift shop. Finally, we went home. All of us enjoyed ourselves there.

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