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A Speech at the Wedding 婚礼致词.docx

1、A Speech at the Wedding 婚礼致词A Speech at the Wedding 婚礼致词第一篇:a Speech at the wedding 婚礼致词dear honorable guests, good morning. now spring coming, a couple, bride and bridegroom, like a spring emissary is standing happily before us with the wedding music playing on. the bridegroom is procure carl rober

2、t, from new york city, the world-known city just opposite the pacific ocean beyond us, who is teaching in our department now. mr. carl robert is over one point seven eight metre high, much taller than a chinese gentleman of one point seven metre high and the bride is miss tang ling, also from our de

3、partment, who is working hard for the doctorate in new york. she may not be a most beautiful girl, i may say, but she is much more beautiful than the charming ones from taojiang, china. today, they are getting married each other and beginning the new marriage life between a chinese girl and american

4、 gentleman. god shapes the bridegroom handsome and the bride beauty. they are an affectionate couple. now it is raining, which resembles their love that can undertake any storm. every guest present is so pious that they give the couple a devout pray silently. the aged are praying for the couple, say

5、ing that carl robert and tang ling should love and respect each other and live together until old age, while the middle-aged are still praying for the couple, saying that the couple will take adventure and work hard at lessons for gaining great occupations in future. we are of the same age who are a

6、ll praying for the couple live a happy, sweet and pleasant life forever. i just now received a hot line telephone from hainan island saying that the avalokitesvara (or guanying) shows so her kindness of heart to the couple that a lovely fat baby is convoyed on the way to our college by through train

7、 no. 666, he will be with us at 8:08 on 8th december. the couple feel so immeasurably joy and happy that they select “golden tong” hotel which makes a good omen to treat every guest and thank every guest and god for their kindness. however i may say please excuse us if you do not receive good servic

8、e and treatment. now attention, please, the couple are going to bow their thanks respectively and wholeheartedly to all here. now the first bow low is for god, for motherland and for parents bringing up and their kindness. a second bow low is for close friends and relatives, for workmates and classm

9、ates presenting and profound sentiments of kindness. now come the time, the third bow low, the bride and bridegroom are hand in hand, standing opposite, and making a solemn pledge of love of each other. what a happy occasion we have. and now it is time for us to have mellow wine and delicious dishes

10、 on the tables. i would like to suggest that everyone of us take up the cups and also i would like to propose a toast for the lover getting married finally, for every guest having a happy new year and smoothness in everything in the coming day forever. lets drink to our heart content! bottom up!各位嘉宾

11、:你们好!春天来了,一对春天的使者,踏着婚礼进行曲正含情脉脉立在大家面前。新郎是carl robert教授,来自大西洋彼岸的世界名城纽约,身高1米78有余,比中国堂堂五尺的男儿还高,现任教于我校外语系。新娘是我系的唐玲小姐,不是西施,但胜似我国的桃江美女,现正在纽约大学攻读博士。今天,就是他们各牵红线的一头走到了一起,开始了”中西合璧的二人转”。造物主作美,赐给他们郎才女貌,并恩恩爱爱,还有一个象征着他们的爱情不怕任何天涯海角考验的风雨天。来宾们虔诚地默默祝福。老一辈在祈祷:carl robert和唐玲互敬互爱,白头偕老;中年人在祈盼:小夫妻要勇闯、苦学,明天挑大梁;同龄人齐祝愿:阿哥阿妹永远


13、眷属,也为所有的嘉宾新年开心、顺心,干杯!第二篇:a Speech at the graduation ceremonya Speech at the graduation ceremonyladies and gentlemen, good, i feel great honored to achieve such a great precious opportunity to give the graduation Speech here. when i recall the past four years, thanks and appreciation ar

14、e springing up in my heart. i clearly understand that whatever i speak out cant pay back the love from my teachers, my classmates and the other people who helped me. so i just want to express my thanks to all of you.thank you, my respected and beloved teachers. it is those dedicated teaching stuff t

15、hat supported me and made it possible for me to get achievements in this special period of my life. i still remember the days when professors taught us specialized knowledge, the days when we discussed the problems, and the days when we communicated with each other. so do my thanks to you!thank you,

16、 my dear classmates. it is you who spend the four-year time with me and share my happiness and sorrow. i still remember the days when we studied together, the days when we went out of college to relax and play games, and the days when we struggled for our dreams. so do my thanks to you!four years is

17、 not too long. its you who let my college life more pleasant and meaningful. i promise no matter how many years later, i will always keep the happy memories between us. i promise no matter what problems i face in the future, i will make every effort to study further. and i promise i will try my best

18、 to make a big difference to our society.thats all. thanks for your listening.第三篇:视听说4Speech a Speech at the graduation partya Speech at the graduation partyhello,, i feel so excited and happy to have Speech know,the reason why i m so excited is that we will be home where mak

19、es us far away from homework 20 days after. two years ago, i was so happy to have the chance to have classes with you all and have such a funny teacher.i have a lot to say now.first, i want to express my thanks to my teacher and classmates. i have learned a lot from you, such as my partner wangfei ,

20、he let me know it is an interesting thing to share opinion and experience on this state.and,he asks me to watch 进击的巨人,its a very funny comic by the way. i will remember our friendship forever. i am sure it will be more and more valuable as time goes by.second, i will tell you about the fruit of two

21、years hard work. i got along well with my partners. we have helped each other. weve had a lot of fun together.third, i want to talk about my dreams. 6 months before ,i change my subject and now im learning literature, i have made up my mind to try my best to become a edit. i hope i can make more and

22、 more people see the beauty and fun of this world in the future.finally, i wish you success in the future. looking ahead, i will keep on studying knowledge and never give up. i think it is also important for us to remember the past, live in the present, and dream about the future. so from the bottom

23、 of my heart, i thank you all.i will miss you all. thanks a lot.第四篇:大话西游the wedding婚礼chapter 1:site:the wedding婚礼characters:牛魔王 、至尊宝、紫霞、小妖旁白: the story begins with a wedding. the bull king is going to have a concubine.牛:today is my wedding. i am going to have a concubine. ha ha ha ?.妖:concubine? dos

24、e your wife agree to it?牛:oh! she is not lovely anymore. shes right now at the flame mountain. she can do nothing about it!(至尊宝从后台走入人群中)牛:let me introduce my brother to you! my bro!come here! this is my brother.牛:(牛深情地转向紫霞)zixia, listen to me. i think i ve fallen in love with you once i know you. i

25、want to show my sincerity. so i request you to marry me in front of my bros. this pandoras box is my gift to you. i hope you would say yes.妖:i object!牛:what?妖:zixia has a means to test her lover. if you can pass it, i will shout up!至:whats this? really?妖:this test is that she would marry the guy who

26、 can make her magic sword go out of the scabbard.(剑从至的怀中落下)妖:magic sword?牛:let me do this!(紫跑出,拾剑)紫:its not true! its just a joke. it is still meaningless even if you can put it out! (紫跑下)妖:king, iron fan princess has come.牛:aaa?(牛惊慌地跑下)旁白: the monkey king leaves the front hall, running to back gard

27、enchapter 2site: bull kings back garden牛魔王的后花园characters: 至尊宝、紫霞 (至跑过来,突然看到紫独自坐在台阶上,于是走过来)至:why are you hiding here?(紫抽剑,指向至。两人定格,至走出来,独白)至:at this time, the blade is really close to me, 0.01 cm i think. but after a short period of time, 0.01 second i think, the owner of the sword will fall for me w

28、hole-heartedly. because ive decided to tell lies, ive told many lies in my life, but i think it is the most wonderful lie!紫:ill kill you if you come closer!至:you should kill me! kill me! id found my best love, but i didnt treasure her. i left regretful after that. its the ultimate pain in the world.

29、 just cut my throat, please dont hesitate! if god can give me a chance, i will tell her there words. “i love you”. if god wants to give a time limit, ill say this love will last 10 thousand years!(紫长叹,抛剑,拾剑,抱剑)紫:what can you tell your wife?至:i have to tell her the truth. so i must get the pandoras b

30、ox back. then go back with you and explain everything. but i hate myself that i cant get the box back. i ?紫:i help you!至:no, its dangerous!紫:you dont want to?至:i do! but ?紫:i trust you! ill get the pandoras box back tonight. wait for me here at midnight.(猪喊)至:let me do something to my boss first. se

31、e you tonight.(依依不舍)旁白: the night chapter 3site: dungeon地牢characters: 至尊宝、猪八戒、沙僧、唐僧猪和沙:master, master (两人同时悄声说)猪:we come to save you.沙:we come to bring you out.唐:i wont go.猪和沙:stay here? why?唐:therere full of obstacles in the way of getting scriptures. this is because were not united enough. so we l

32、et the devils do bad to us. thats fine. this prison has no difference with the outside world, to me; the outside world is just a bigger prison. you go out first. i have something to tell him.(猪和沙下)唐:you come in and have a sit!至:to be honest, im not your disciple. i dont want to be your disciple. master i know youre a good guy. please let me go!唐:do you know “dong , dong, dong ?”?至:what is “dong, dong, dong”?唐:“dong, dong, dong ?” is ? (唐唱only you)至:stop. stop. i cant take this anymore, please stop ?

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