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1、1012网考英语B语法词汇词组、搭配1. Professor Smith promised to look B. over my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense.2. Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses A. in between 3. As the bus came round the corner, it ran _ A. into a big tree by the roadside.

2、4. On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several D. clients a day. 5. What is the train C. fare to Birmingham?6. Its cold outside, you d better C. put on your coat.7. The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians _ C. expense _ 8. Tom, what did you do with m

3、y documents? I have never seen such a _ B. mess _ and disorder!9. If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _ A. change _ in her diet.10. You should not _ C. kill your time like that, Bob.You have to finish your school work tonight.11. I dont know the park, but its _ A. said to be quite beautiful.1

4、2. On formal _ D. occasions _ people pay more attention to manners.13. Mike is better than Peter _ B. at swimming.14. When shall we meet again? D. Make it any day you like. Its all the same to me.15. The atmosphere_C. consists of certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.16. D. Watch her

5、and then try to copy what she does.17. Will you A. do me a favor, please?18. Its a bad A. behavior for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.19. Its a good idea. But whos going to A. carry out the plan? -I think John and Peter will. 20. The window was broken. Try to A. find

6、out who has broken it.21. Before the final examination, some students have shown C. signs of tension. They even havetrouble in sleeping.22. As it was going to rain, she was A. hurried to leave as soon as possible.23. The young actor who had been thought highly of _B turned our to be a great disappoi

7、ntment.24. C. Besides these honors he received a sum of money.25. The computer system A. broke down suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.26. How much has the company A. brought in this year?27. The Chinese women volleyball players B are highly thought of both in and out of

8、 China.28. How often do you D hear fromyour brother?29. Professor, would you slow down a bit, please? I cant _A. keep up with _ you 30. There have been many _C. ups and downsin their marriage, but they still love each other.31. Measles _D. takes _ a long time to get over.32. How much did you _ D. pa

9、y for _all these things?33. I didnt know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _ C. occurred to me.34. I wont make the _ B. same _ mistake next time.35. If we could learn English in the same _B. way , it would not seem so difficult.36. I saw that she was in a difficulty with all those parcels, so I

10、offered my _ A. service _37. He is not a child _D. any more _.38. He A. insisted on finding a taxi for me, even though I told him I lived nearby.39. Weve missed the last bus, Im afraid we have no _ B. choice _ but to take a taxi.40. We are next-door _D. neighbors _.41. In _C_ general the northerners

11、 have a particular liking for dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.42. They were the only men who received votes _ B. besides _ me.43. The old houses are being pulled down to A. make room for a new office block.44. The baby is hungry, but there is _A little _ milk in the bottle.45. His w

12、ords are _ A. few _ but the meaning is deep46. The boy is unhappy at the new school. He has _ A. few _ friends there.47. Would you like a bag of rice? Yes. I have B_ little rice at home.48. It is said that B. quite a few boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others pr

13、efer basketball. 49. Dont worry. Theres still _B a little _ time to go.50. Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have C. a large amountof fat.51. They have done A_ too much work these days. 52. “Can you speak French ?” “Yes, but _C. not much _ .”53. England is an island country. A. Itits consists of th

14、ree principal islands, and _climate is generally mild.54. The bicycle you saw isnt _D. hisher It belongs to _55. Janes cap is red. But _ C. His _ is blue.56. I made the cake by C. myself . Help yourself, Tom. Thanks, Jane.57. Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs _D_ a third da

15、y.58. The red flower goes from one to C another in the class.59. Shanghai is really a fascinating city and weve decided to stay for A another two weeks.60. She has two best friends. D Neither of them is in the country.61. I had to buy D all these books because I dont know which one was the best.62.

16、Neither John A nor his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.63. The policeman needs to see C either your ID card or your drivers license.64. My parents are teachers. They _C both _teach English.65. Can you come on Friday or Saturday? Im afraid D_ neither day is possible

17、.66. The girl is B something of a film star.67. Its time to tidy your room, Harry! See the tidy room, Mum!C.Everythingis where it should be.68. I couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary A anywhere _69. Professor Johnson comes from either Oxford or MIT, I cant remember _C which _70. We came finall

18、y C_ to the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.71. He asked the waiter C_ for the bill.72. He helped me _A with my homework.73. He is interested _B in _football, but not good at it.74. Tom is so talkative. Im sure youll soon get tired _A of _ him.75. She took a shortcut _D across

19、_the fields.76. This kind of material expands C with the temperature increasing.77. Harry, who had failed in the final exam, had a great worry A on his mind.78. Janes dress is similar in design _C to _ her sisters.79. Fish cant live B_ without water.80. Whats the weather forecast A for tomorrow?81.

20、Theres lots of fruit D on the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree.82. He is an excellent teacher, who always teaches B through _ example.83. We are well provided A with food and clothing.84. We offered him our congratulations _B on his passing the college entrance exams.85. The train is going _

21、B through the tunnel quickly.86. I am not used to speaking A in public.87. A_ Before the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.88. I cant find the key _A to _ the door. Maybe I lost it.89. A man should not be judged always _A by what he says.90. The young seedlings remained al

22、ive _C beneath the protecting snow.91. They have learned about B hundreds of English words _in recent years.92. A Several million people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day.93. Nancy is D an eighteen-year-old girl.94. He looked quite healthy though he was B in his seventies 95.

23、D The; in girl dressed _ black is her sister Rose.96. The policeman gave the thief a blow in C the stomach.97. He is fond of playing _C the; / piano while his brother is interested in listening to _ music.98. I earn 10 dollars C an a hour as _ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.99. The car accident ha

24、ppened at D the; the crossroad a few meters away from _ bank.100. Wouldnt it be A a; / wonderful world if all nations lived in _ peace with one anothe 101. Although he did not know London well, he made his way C. easily enough to the airport.102. The top of the Great Wall is C. wide enough for five

25、horses to go side by side.103. What will you buy for your boyfriends birthday?I want to buy a B. small black leather wallet for him.104. Uncle Jim sent him a D. new red sports bicycle as a birthday present.105. Is the library C. open; closed now? No, it is _.106. What we have done is far from A. sat

26、isfactory107. Its C. clear that he was wrong.108. How can he be B. that stupid?109. This overcoat costB too much Whats more, they are much too small for me.110. Its B. rude to interrupt the others while they are talking.111. The soup smells A. good . Would you like some?112. The sports meeting was p

27、ut off till the next week D. because of rain.113. Mr. John was busy, B. therefore he could not come.114. She is not only my classmates, B. but also my good friend.115. Please hurry up, C. or well be late.116. What is his mother like? D. She is tall and thin .117. _ B. What is your girl friend like?

28、She is very kind and good-looking.118. C. Who is she ? She is our history teacher.119. _ D. What _ is the population of Paris?120. _A. What is the temperature today?121. The young lady coming over to us _ A. must be _our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! 122. The machine doesnt work

29、well, so something C. must have been wrong.123. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I _ C. must have dropped it when I was on the bus.124. Children under 12 years of age in that country A. must be under adult supervision when in a public library.125. How A. can you say that you really understand the w

30、hole story if you have covered only part of the article?126. He didnt pass the final examination. He C. ought to have prepared for it.127. When the railway is completed, we D. will be able to get to town much easily. 128. You B. will have tobuy some reference books when you go to college.129. We go

31、to the cinema B. once a week.130. It is a teachers job to make sure that everyone of his students_ C. feels confident in preparing for the future.131. I thought that honest B. wasthe best policy.132. Mary told me that she D. had gone to the supermarket before coming home.133. Listen! Who_ A. is singing _ in the next room? The voice is so beautiful134. -Write to me when you get home. -Ok, I _ C. will .135. He _ C. wrote to me last week.136. At that time, she B. was on a journey with her friend.137. A long time ago, I _ C. lived in London for three years.

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